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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"Blade Dance" Name On Par With "Jedi Wizard" Before Launch - Please Consider Changing


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Changing the name of Master Strike to "Blade Dance" is almost as bad as naming the Sage class Jedi Wizard.


Please considering using a different name.


Sith Warriors use... Ravage. And Jedi Knights... Blade Dance. :(

Edited by arunav
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What exactly is so wrong with "Master Strike" that they feel the need to change it after all this time?


And why is it more important to BioWare to change the name of one ability--which has no impact on game play and serves no purpose other than someone on the team's personal taste--when bugs that have been in the game since launch haven't been fixed yet? I think they should consider getting their priorities straight. Maybe they should also stop having in-game bug reports automatically forwarded into the trash bin while they're at it.

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What exactly is so wrong with "Master Strike" that they feel the need to change it after all this time?


Perhaps you didn't read the part where they said, " The Jedi Knight’s Master Strike ability has been renamed “Blade Dance” because Soresu Form reduces the Focus gained by “Strike” abilities (Strike, Sundering Strike, and Warding Strike), but Master Strike does not generate or cost Focus – so its name is out of place with the conventions of the rest of the class."


Personally I'm indifferent to the name change and it seems to me like people are just flipping out because change is scary. If it makes the naming conventions more logical, ok.

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Perhaps you didn't read the part where they said, " The Jedi Knight’s Master Strike ability has been renamed “Blade Dance” because Soresu Form reduces the Focus gained by “Strike” abilities (Strike, Sundering Strike, and Warding Strike), but Master Strike does not generate or cost Focus – so its name is out of place with the conventions of the rest of the class."


Personally I'm indifferent to the name change and it seems to me like people are just flipping out because change is scary. If it makes the naming conventions more logical, ok.


To be honest, the forums had gone at least 5 minutes without someone raging about something.

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Perhaps you didn't read the part where they said, " The Jedi Knight’s Master Strike ability has been renamed “Blade Dance” because Soresu Form reduces the Focus gained by “Strike” abilities (Strike, Sundering Strike, and Warding Strike), but Master Strike does not generate or cost Focus – so its name is out of place with the conventions of the rest of the class."


Personally I'm indifferent to the name change and it seems to me like people are just flipping out because change is scary. If it makes the naming conventions more logical, ok.


People are irked because it's a really silly name and an utterly pointless change.

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I agree with the OP. Blade Dance demeans us more than Pub Mirrors already are. You could spend 2 minutes with a thesaurus and come up with something better.





Blade Mastery, Sweep Away, Extinguish, Trample, Overrun, Overwhelm, Total Devastation, Retribution, Exorcise, Rebuke, Retribution... Thesaurus.com


Ballet of Blades, Blade Plie, Tango of Terror (SW), Salsa of Sabers, Contemporary Interpretive Blade Performance, or Saber Swing are also likeminded alternatives.

Edited by TitusOfTides
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I agree.


Perhaps this thread should go in a constructive direction by suggesting replacement names?


For those of us who troll on /r/swtor, I launched a topic just for that purpose (much easier to downvote nonconstructive comments into hiding).


But I think it might be worthwhile to do something like that here on forums as well

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Please keep Master Strike. Why do you have to change my favorite abilities? First Force Storm and Force Quake get their duration reduced and now you're planning to change the name of my favorite Jedi Knight ability to something that terrible? goddammit! :(:mad: Edited by ShenLongKazama
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For those of us who troll on /r/swtor, I launched a topic just for that purpose (much easier to downvote nonconstructive comments into hiding).


But I think it might be worthwhile to do something like that here on forums as well


Good for you!


If the people you are targeting with this already troll on Reddit, you wouldn't need to post it here, would you?

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Please keep Master Strike. Why do you have to change my favorite abilities? First Force Storm and Force Quake get their duration reduced and now you're planning to change the name of my favorite Jedi Knight ability to something that terrible? goddammit! :(:mad:


Good, good...let the hate flow through you.

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Personally I'm indifferent to the name change and it seems to me like people are just flipping out because change is scary. If it makes the naming conventions more logical, ok.


Pretty much.


I don't really care either way. I'm used to calling it Master Strike by now, but switching that to Blade Dance doesn't really grind my gears.


There is literally a thousand things you could discuss about this article. What do you think about the new utilities? What do you think about the new Sentinel/Marauder abilities? Do you think it will help their overall state in PvP? I could go on. Yet the thing people went for is: "I don't like that, change it!".


Yeah, a forum that has some useful discussions. That'd be great. :rak_01:

Edited by Alssaran
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As I've said before, I don't mind this name at all. I don't think it's amazing, mind you, but it's no sillier than Master Strike and I actually prefer it to Master Strike. At least with Blade Dance you can argue that it implies multiple hits, something Master Strike doesn't do, on top of the aforementioned conflicts with the class' naming conventions.


I wouldn't be opposed to them changing it to something new, or even keeping Master Strike (I prefer Blade Dance but not by so much that I'd be bothered by them not actually using it), but let's not pretend that Master Strike was any less silly.

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Personally I kinda like it from a RP perspective. Puts me in mind of of my favorite series of books. Fights between Drizzt and Artemis where always equated to a dance, and that's how I pictured their fight scenes while reading. Plus, to me, that's how a master would truly fight, as opposed to the hack and slash of a beginner. Just my 2c on a positive spin.
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