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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Game Update 4.0 Class Changes: Jedi Knight + Sith Warrior


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More changes no one asked for and none of the changes anyone asked for. I was a fool to think EA would fix Watchman and the Knight/Warrior utilities.


Business as usual for EA. Least amount of effort for the most amount of profit


Oh well. I'll play the story then be done with this abomination.


P.S. if you ever think this xpac will have good changes just remember that Sages/Sorcs are getting phase walk. No, I'm not kidding.


PW for sorcs is joke, they can force barrier get healed threw it and heal them selves if they get PW my assassin wants Force barrier

Assassin has 1 get out of **** ability which is PW and Sorcs get 2? + they can heal them selves? I really dont think combat plays this game let alone understand what they are doing.

Edited by Kyuuu
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Why I liked warrior and in extension jugs:


Force Charge, nice gap closer and it's just fun to do, now everyone will have something like it, fine by me I guess.


Intercede, underused skill that has very interesting applications, unique for jugs until now (wait for PT changes).


Sonic wall, AoE taunt puts a small protective barrier on people in range, out of the choices we had in the immortal tree this one was one of the better ones.

Now it is superseded by PT's Sonic Rebounder, reflecting damage and negating ALL of it. Sonic wall pales in comparison with its 2-3k damage barrier, it's a joke.


So after all the involuntary giving away of our unique stuff, we get Mad Dash. Our own version of operative roll. Useful for running uncontrollably in a straight line. Best applications are probably for running away rather than running through the boss (there's a reason sniper engineering is often not the best choice).

But wait, we get 100% defense while doing so, whoop-dee-fricking-doo, having already higher defense chance than most, and a cooldown that already gives this ability, I don't see this being particularly useful. Especially considering most important damage nowadays is internal/elemental. Defense has become one of the least useful stats.

It's not particularly going to increase your time on target, unless the enemy just happens to be at exactly 20m range, and more oft than not there wouldn't even be any use for it that can't be accomplished in a better way by force charge. More like Mad Derp amirite?


Furthermore, it has been made a point to remove most required stationary abilities from other classes, because they're just *****. An example being Depredating Volts changed to being able to being used while moving, so they can more easily get their defensive bonuses.

What do we get now? Defensive bonuses while channeling stationary ravage which does ***** damage and threat. Great! Increasing the Defense stat, Great! Right guys? Yeah.



How about you guys Mad Derp back to the drawing board, stop smoking crack while having your head in your own *** and give it more than 2 seconds of thought? Preferably getting inspiration from elsewhere rather than just mimicking abilities of other classes. That'd be great.

I'll give you guys a hint: How about a utility or just making it baseline enabling one to use force charge at melee range? Giving us an ability to somewhat cheese most PITA mechanics nowadays with the likes of hydraulic override or force shroud?

Unstoppable is already similar other than the fact it can only be used from range and uses a CGD in comparison.

OMG, I guess I can just Mad Derp away and then force charge in amirite? No.

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Why I liked warrior and in extension jugs:


Force Charge, nice gap closer and it's just fun to do, now everyone will have something like it, fine by me I guess.


Intercede, underused skill that has very interesting applications, unique for jugs until now (wait for PT changes).


Sonic wall, AoE taunt puts a small protective barrier on people in range, out of the choices we had in the immortal tree this one was one of the better ones.

Now it is superseded by PT's Sonic Rebounder, reflecting damage and negating ALL of it. Sonic wall pales in comparison with its 2-3k damage barrier, it's a joke.


So after all the involuntary giving away of our unique stuff, we get Mad Dash. Our own version of operative roll. Useful for running uncontrollably in a straight line. Best applications are probably for running away rather than running through the boss (there's a reason sniper engineering is often not the best choice).

But wait, we get 100% defense while doing so, whoop-dee-fricking-doo, having already higher defense chance than most, and a cooldown that already gives this ability, I don't see this being particularly useful. Especially considering most important damage nowadays is internal/elemental. Defense has become one of the least useful stats.

It's not particularly going to increase your time on target, unless the enemy just happens to be at exactly 20m range, and more oft than not there wouldn't even be any use for it that can't be accomplished in a better way by force charge. More like Mad Derp amirite?


Furthermore, it has been made a point to remove most required stationary abilities from other classes, because they're just *****. An example being Depredating Volts changed to being able to being used while moving, so they can more easily get their defensive bonuses.

What do we get now? Defensive bonuses while channeling stationary ravage which does ***** damage and threat. Great! Increasing the Defense stat, Great! Right guys? Yeah.



How about you guys Mad Derp back to the drawing board, stop smoking crack while having your head in your own *** and give it more than 2 seconds of thought? Preferably getting inspiration from elsewhere rather than just mimicking abilities of other classes. That'd be great.

I'll give you guys a hint: How about a utility or just making it baseline enabling one to use force charge at melee range? Giving us an ability to somewhat cheese most PITA mechanics nowadays with the likes of hydraulic override or force shroud?

Unstoppable is already similar other than the fact it can only be used from range and uses a CGD in comparison.

OMG, I guess I can just Mad Derp away and then force charge in amirite? No.


How about you re-write that post in a constructive and civil manner? No need for the pointless insults to get your point across.

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How about you re-write that post in a constructive and civil manner? No need for the pointless insults to get your point across.


Why? What have they done to deserve it? We've told them for years what we need and all they've done is give us nerfs, the middle finger, and "deal with it".

Edited by Bugattiboy
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P.S. if you ever think this xpac will have good changes just remember that Sages/Sorcs are getting phase walk. No, I'm not kidding.

Don't forget moving God Bubble. Teleporting Force-using space hamster need all the mobility and survivability they can get. Maybe that's why Consular/Inquisitor changes are last...

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More changes no one asked for and none of the changes anyone asked for. I was a fool to think EA would fix Watchman and the Knight/Warrior utilities.


Business as usual for EA. Least amount of effort for the most amount of profit


Oh well. I'll play the story then be done with this abomination.


I'm sadly with you there.


I don't want to call it quits but carnage spec marauder using StarParse in end game raids my dps just sucks compared to the ranged dps to the point it feels like I'm letting the raid down. I can even see whats causing it as im forced away from the target and therefore can't build resource and only have a couple of attacks with a range more than 4 meters.


Most end game raid bosses have me chasing the boss or having to pull away for extended periods of time because of the mechanics. Which are so numerous that listing them is pretty much every Ravenger or Temple of Sacrifice boss. Nothing is being done to address that and I really don't see how a mad dash for 20m every 45 seconds will change that. Its so incredibly frustrating that each time we raid to be forced off target or chasing the target and even when on target to seem to have such limited options, vicious throw is a staple and that requires the target to be under 30% health or a proc which hardly makes it an ability that should be in my rotation.


While in PvP I play a sorc healer it is so much easier to (and thus more likely I will) heal ranged dps as they allow me to keep a good distance, less likely to be focus fired and in general do more damage and more useful in the PvP match. Last thing I really want to be doing is closing to 30m of the enemy so I can heal that marauder who is forced to in among them, when i can sit back behind the ranged group and keep at least a 40m distance between me and people who will focus gank me when they realise I'm a healer.


Now I would hate to knock anyone and I am sure there are some sent combat and marauder carnage players up in arms and positive they are the best dps in their raid group. Get a parsec style program (its no longer working) and check to see your damage against well played dps from the other classes. I know it feels like you are working hard keeping close, getting attacks in the gore window, maximizing berserk doing everything you can to stay on target and avoid all the damage that is being dropped often as circles on the floor. It may surprise you to find that compared to someone with a 30+ meter range that doesn't need to focus on chasing the target and just focuses on rotation you dps isn't as great as you would think all the effort you are putting in would warrant. It can be a little sobering and worse as a pure dps class make you wonder if for the good of the raid group your spot shouldn't be filled by someone with a different class.


And come 4.0 when all ops are rehashed as level 65 requiring everyone pull their weight, little to nothing is being done to address the problems of a class that needs to spend the vast majority of the fight within 4 meters and unlike any other class has to build resource through basic attacks so time off target doesn't even afford an opportunity to regen their combat resource as every other class does.

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Why? What have they done to deserve it? We've told them for years what we need and all they've done is give us nerfs, the middle finger, and "deal with it".


Because there's never any reason to act childish and immature when trying to make a point and being taken seriously.


Be civil and polite.

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How about you re-write that post in a constructive and civil manner? No need for the pointless insults to get your point across.


What insults? I merely made an observation based on the information presented. I consider Mad Dash an insult though, does that count?

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Telling them to mad derp back to the drawing board and stop smoking crack while having their heads up their own *** is an insult.


That is not an insult, but an expression. I will translate for you.


Go back to the drawing board and stop being so out-of-touch with reality and being so oblivious.

Otherwise known as that more colorful expression.


Now, how about we go back on-topic rather than nitpicking on a, in some eyes, less than socially accepted expression. Because it might hurt someone's feels on the internet.

Edited by Ichikai
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Why are there still active stances/cylinders/whatever in the game period? Just make them a passive buff that applies when you pick the Discipline.


One less thing for bads to worry about and eliminates issues like skank tanking.


I agree but it is what it is.

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That is not an insult, but an expression. I will translate for you.


Go back to the drawing board and stop being so out-of-touch with reality and being so oblivious.

Otherwise known as that more colorful expression.


Now, how about we go back on-topic rather than nitpicking on a, in some eyes, less than socially accepted expression. Because it might hurt someone's feels on the internet.


Then why not write it as such? There's zero need to be hostile when you can express your dislike for something way better?


Here I'll help you out so you avoid this mistake in the future.


"Why not re-think the design of this ability for something else? I feel it might be better received if you do so." See? Not hard.


Why am I not surprised?


About what?

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For the love of god... STOP Taking invincible away from me every expansion! Taking abilities we have now away and moving them to higher levels is stupid and I really wish you'd stop doing this with every expansion. Keep utility points and powers where they are and just don't grant more utility points if you don't want us to have more and give us something else at 65 if you really want that to special for some reason. Edited by Noyjitat
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Taking abilities we have now away and moving them to higher levels is stupid and I really wish you'd stop doing this with every expansion. Keep utility points and powers where they are and just don't grant more utility points if you don't want us to have more and give us something else at 65 if you really want that to special for some reason.


Quoted for Truth :)


You take away abilities/utilities to use them on your new exp? Whats wrong with making brand new abilities/utilities?


Surprised you aren't making skills cost again, or rewriting skills and abilities again.

Edited by Krikos
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and to make them more difficult to kite.


Great. :rolleyes: Lets wait for sorc vs merc changes...



I can't tell you how disappointing this is. One of the main reasons for moving to Disciplines was to avoid having so many key powers come later and later in a character's career because of level cap increases. And what do you do? The very next time you do a level cap increase, you push everything back. Especially annoying is that everyone when they log in in 4.0 will have lost a utility choice that they had the day before.


If you don't want inflation, then just don't give a choice at 65. Or make it some weak passive that we get.





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Then why not write it as such? There's zero need to be hostile when you can express your dislike for something way better?


Here I'll help you out so you avoid this mistake in the future.


"Why not re-think the design of this ability for something else? I feel it might be better received if you do so." See? Not hard.


Because they won't listen to either, and because I don't want to.

What mistake? Who decides what is a mistake and what isn't? Is this a test? Am I failing it? OH NOES.

I'll tell you what there's zero need for; Mad Dash.

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Hmm the changes seem normal (not good/not too bad) but I'm not so happy that we won't be getting more utility points or abilities, instead we will loses what we already have. :( This seems like a bad design idea. In truth this just makes the entire new levels complete pointless. It’s not horrible but maybe they should have skipped the level increase early this year or simple not increase the level in the new expansion.


For the future I suggested that they add new abilities even passive ones or non-combat abilities so we feel like we’re getting something and not like we’re getting something taken away. They could just have not given the new abilities, of course that make the point of leveling up sort of pointless. I know it is a moot point now as they won't have time to make changes with the expansion due to the short time before it comes out.


This is why I think it important to keep open communication throughout the development process with the players. As others have said all combat changes should be put on test center for a month before they hit live, so players can test for problems and give feedback.

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I have a need for it.

Because, as earlier stated, you want it for the lolz.


If you want lolz for your trollz, switch to PT, get transpose, jump in fire, transpose with friend, friend dies in a fire.


If for the lolz is your argument, i fear the combat team is in worse shape than I thought it was.

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Because, as earlier stated, you want it for the lolz.


If you want lolz for your trollz, switch to PT, get transpose, jump in fire, transpose with friend, friend dies in a fire.


If for the lolz is your argument, i fear the combat team is in worse shape than I thought it was.


Because Fun can't be a reason, right?

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Because Fun can't be a reason, right?


It can't be the ONLY reason. Or they could just give us an ability that looks cool and feels fun, but does **** dps and makes you take 200% damage and kills you afterwards, but as long as it's fun, it's ok, right?

Edited by Ichikai
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