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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ilum takes bad design to new level, it's clear Bioware didn't learn from Warhammer.


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I agree with all of you, but how do you fix the problem with server balancing? There generally is a larger empire population. If you make it so holding the nodes is more beneficial how does the republic ever get to hold them all? Allot of people don't like how Ilum turned out but what is a good solution when some servers are 2-1 empire or worse? DAOC worked because 2 of the 3 factions could team up on the stronger one, we don't have that here. Buffing the faction that doesn't have any nodes might work, perhaps for every day that one side has not capped all the nodes buff them more and more in that one zone until they can overpower the oppositions greater numbers. Any one have any other constructive ideas? Crying isn't helping BW do anything.


P.S. If I spelled something wrong, don't care.

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Every game that tried attacking based rewards has ended up having to implement measures against abuse afaik. That cataclysm pvp island in wow for example, for a while it was traded back and forth since that was the best way to gain rewards.


People will take the shortest route to gear progress, if that includes not pvping in a pvpzone that is what will happen.

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I will clarify for the less enlightened, Warhammer was Mythic (whom was purchased by EA a couple years back) Bioware had nothing to do with warhammer at release ... zero none.


Now some of that team may be on the Bioware team now due to the two companies joining together (at a point when warhammer was beyond saving). The point behind this is if your going to call someone out on a faulty design know *** your talking about pls.

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TB is some of the most fun PVP in any MMO ever. What was your problem with it? Sure, on launch it was way too easy to defend but they patched that within a couple of weeks and it's been absolutely perfectly balanced and amazingly fun ever since.


I would say the only problem with TB is that it's a 40 vs 40 battleground so it's very difficult to get in since it only runs ever 2 or 3 hours and the rewards are so awesome that everyone wants in.


I agree fully. Before patch, TB was pointless. Afterwards, I had RARELY been in one that wasn't a pitched battle during the entire arena.

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Well i became 41 today and though well lets check ilum out.


Hmmmm kinda empty aint it...


I already read a few things about it last week that it was empty and even today i did not go there thinking i would get to see alot of people. It takes time for people to get to 50 and start thinking about stuff like mass pvp.


But i honestly dont know how much republic stands against the empire on my server but i would say less since i tend to end up against the same people in the warzone's.

Played eve for 5 years but we cant really compare the gameplay on eve to any mmo like this since fighting over certain parts can take days.


However played aion for 1 and half years aswell, granted there are some terrible flaws in the system but there are definitely some things that if done correctly would be awesome. Maybe looking at the mmo fps genre aswel could give the devs some ideas, look at planetside or even globel agenda. Some of those aspects would certainly help any game that has pvp implanted.


Anyway I know the game is just out and mmo simply tend to start quite empty so far i do enjoy myself however i had the same problem on aion aswell. I simply dont run much instance's the only thing i found myself doing was roaming the map looking for a fight with other players.

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Well, one could say, why not pvp for the sake of pvping? And see the daily quest as a nice adition. But we all know that does not work in todays times, so besides that...;)


Its allways the same. Such objective based systems only work (or work better at least) if the incentive lies in defending objectives, not attacking them.


Why not raid for the sake of killing? WHO NEEDS QUEST XP, the story is the reward! :rolleyes:


We need rewards for defense, and for individual kills (merc comms/valor/etc.) to encourage actual fighting and not merry-go-round trading. It spices things up and gives a reason for conflict.

Edited by Ancen
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It is an unfinnished game. They pushed out, what feels like a beta and yes they will be very likely loosing my sub as result. I hope it changes tho.


Eh, I wouldn't go that far. For a new MMO it's pretty solid.

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