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The Suggestion Compilation Thread - Regularly updated!


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The Suggestion Compilation Thread:

Here are the major changed required:



- Do not re-invent the wheel. Simply put the Warhammer RVR system on Ilum. Two bases with NPC bosses. Destructible doors. Siege equipment/vehicles, influence gear and rewards.

- Captureing a base should provide pvp commendations, loot bags, gear and general incentives.




Wish list Wall of crazy ideas!


- Frontier zones.

- Player/guild facilities, outposts, bases, hubs in frontier zones.

- Relic System!



Please do not put the Warhammer RvR system in place. Ick. Put the DAOC system in. They are not the same. Think more about the wishlist. Here is what is required:



1. Multiple Bases per side on PvP planets. You fight to control these.

2. Put in a relic system where if you control certain bases it allows you to somehow seize the planets relic that provides bonuses to your side.

3. Add in a Realm Point system that gives rewards that further player development and not the gear treadmill. This means you earn points for killing other players and capturing bases. Then you spend these points on new abilities.

4. Allow guilds to claim outposts on planets. Upgrade the defenses, etc.

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- not just cantina music tho in reference to installing a jukebox player in the ship. any music you -upload- into it as well




- a streaming function where you can text the internet address of the streaming station you want and the option to share that station with others asking them first of course if they want to like sending an invite




- fully customizable ships




- ..something else besides just robes for sorcerers, mabey a half robe or long side sashes, but robes are not always fun looking to wear




- more lightsaber attacks for sorcerers




- the black sith acolytle uniform with that awsome helmet from the second kotar game..or first. you can see it right on the cover of knights of the old republis the sith lords. that guy whos crouching with the red lightsaber while the lady in the white robe who is about to attack him from above. and above them both is darth nihilus's expanded mask. that acolytle uniform-but make it a good piece of (modable) armor that upper levels can use




- speed up text deleting as it is eXTREMLEY annoying to delete something accidently put in there so slow



- adding patches when everyone ISNT REALLY PLAYING like from 4-5 in the morning instead of 1-3 which is when people are stil active. or better yet finding a way to update without shutting the whole system down, and im telling anyone who wants to know for a fact that there are games that do this. idc if wow doesnt as swtor isnt wow..



- poh's(player owned houses)




- this one is a BIG problem. when this little tiiiny message by the allys portrait comes up and you hover over it to see that ''such and such wants to talk to you aboard your ship'', if you dont make it to a cantina in time or your ship, or try teleporting to the nearest location to run to the ship- that thing, dissapears. this has happened to me all but once where i made it to the cantina. this is not, fair. i want to be able to talk to my ally. i want to make it to the ship, and when i get there and that little message by the portrait is GONE..guess what.-you cant talk to your ally in that fashion until that message pops up again. if you even make it.


- ..if your out in the wild, way out i mean,like i usually am, and you cant make it to your ship in some mysterious invisible time limit- that shouldnt mean you shouldnt be able to talk to your ally if you teleport or not. it is beyond words, of just how infuriating this is when it happens. please fix this somtime soon


- when you look up the information for the piece of armors spec, all the allys weaknesses and strengths,and not just your main characters should come up because its incredibly sloooow and leeengthy to do this each and every time with each piece of equipment




- option to add more ai's as your allys such as darth lachris



- wookie, yoda, trandoshan, ewok, bith, droid, and that pig race with that hard name to remember who are seen in jaba the hutts palace as a selectable species



- building ships and robots from scrap(including the one-man + astromech craft) where the players you invite- and your own class shouls be allowed instead of this ''other plain ghost'' thing where they mysteriously arent allowed to see you and you not see them while your in the same hanger- can sit in a room in a gunner seat, and shoot alonside you in space missions, as well as any allys you set to do that



- that said, 'beaming up' option of any player from a planet your near within the ship, onto your ship if they are grouped with you instead of having to do this loooong wallk down to the planet, to the hangar.. to the door...grrooooaan... to have them come onto your vessel



- being able to add piercings, tatoos wigs and things onto your allys




- giving that healing robot the ability to attack at some point, whether its an update or a super rare piece of equipment so he can blast and not just heal heal heal.. boring.



- mass ship battles that any number of players can take part in that rival and match those seen in battlefront 1 & 2

Edited by ekosdarid
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it happened AGAIN. that little thing by the portrait came up. i teleported. *facepalmwithcementblock* and it was gone. gooone. now i have to wait for it to reapear way out in the wild when im not near the ship to reach it before that thing dissapears.
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Gambling should be front and center in any star wars game. We need some mini games like pazaak etc.


Chat bubbles would be another improvement. The game seems empty and silent which makes it feel weird because u can't see what people are saying


Guild wars


Player bounty system

Edited by Whistlezipper
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Make Khem Val Romancable




I will Quit my Sith inquisitor and make a bounty hunter


That is my Plea


Make Khemmy Poo Romancable thanks



That's gross man...its a creature...if creatures get romance options before same genders do the world is in a dark place....

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Add this to your list as I remember reading about this on their old forums.


They stated that the gear that players can make would be better then ones obtained by missions and such.


I have yet to see a SINGLE item I can make thats even CLOSE to being AS good as the ones you can simply get from the pvp vendor. Every single PVP vendor item is better then all the items that I can make. Pretty sad and pointless to be a crafter.

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I've seen this on here a few times already, but I'm going to say my part anyway. There needs to be preferences/hotkeys profiles like in Warhammer Online. I play a lot of alts and I also change my hotkeys drastically from the defaults. So, it becomes quite bothersome when I have to manually change my hotkeys every time I roll a new character, when I could just import the hotkey profile from my last character instead. Considering that Bioware basically absorbed Mythic, this shouldn't be tough to pull off.
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- Ability to sprint from level 1. It seems like a really pointless and artifical restriction otherwise.


- The map needs a rehaul. It needs to be bigger, for one, and the map icons clearer.


- Ability to expand hotbars out beyond just 2 bars.


- Ability to tint your UI whatever colors you wish or at least a wide selection of colors.


- Ability to resize your UI.


- Multiplayer space combat. Quite a broad and vague suggestion perhaps, but this is Star Wars and as such something like this should be a large and fun part of the game.


- The world feels like its on rails. More often then not I feel I'm playing a linear theme-park then feeling immersed into a world. A day/night cycle, more general ambience, wildlife etc is needed. Open space exploration I feel is necessary too to reduce this feeling, perhaps similar to Mass Effect. Please work towards making this game's gameplay feel like Star Wars, not a sci-fi clone of "That Other MMO."


- Barber. Self explanatory. Also, more hairstyles and faces are always welcome.


- Ability to reset your Advanced Class.


- *Anything* else to differeniate this game's end-game from "That Other MMO." I believe this is extremely important for this game's longetivity. Maybe there's only so many ways to keep people subscribed at end-game, but being Star Wars, I think this game can potentially add fresh angles.


- The talent trees need an overhaul. It's very boring that most talents are merely stat boosters and do not do very much to define your character. "That Other MMO" has moved past this and has tried to make talents more meaningful choices that really individualize your character. This game needs to keep up and consider that too.

Edited by spacepuppy
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The ability to keybind ANY key regardless of keyboard layout. UK layout and several other Euro layouts cannot bind certain keys including the key above TAB and to the left of 1 (Tilde key).


Change sprint to a passive ability. People always have it on anyway so i dont see the need for it to be a toggle.


More action bars, certainly 1 extra at the bottom.

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Since I can't seem to find the feedback forum anymore;


Could the weapon effects match the color crystal of the weapon please?


Simple example:

Trooper 'Full Auto' matches the crystal color.


Trooper 'Hail of Bolts' does not and just defaults to yellow as does a number of other attacks.


Would it be possible please to follow the same setup as 'Full Auto'?


Also, the X-15 Combat Projector model is double barreled.

It would be nice if it either looked like it was using both barrels or at least wasn't so slanted to the right side barrel that it looks like it's ignoring the left.

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The ability to keybind ANY key regardless of keyboard layout. UK layout and several other Euro layouts cannot bind certain keys including the key above TAB and to the left of 1 (Tilde key).


I've asked in-game and out, for this request, since beta. They keep saying NO and that: "It's for the benefit of most players".

Edited by mriswith
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Every class needs to be able to hide on a pvp server. tanks with heavy armor should walk slower in hide. It have to be implemented! Now if you cant hide you can never do an ambush or anything! As a BH they see you coming from miles away


All classes should have a sprintbutton wich you can use in pvp for a couple of seconds! if you not implement that. Let the sprint speed be the same in combat! The game feels so slow now!


Add CC immunities for like 30 sec! if you have been stunned you get a immunity for 30 sec for a stun. same with all other CCs to make the game more fluid! Its a horrible experiance now!

Edited by Aseroth
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Adding possibility to add notes to the friends list.

A lot of times you will meet some cool people in a PUG and then forget what their spec/playing style is.


P.S. Yes, I'm keeping this on a bit of paper now, which tends to get lost/illegible. Alt-tabbing into notepad or something just takes too much time if you use the full-screen mode.

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Here are my list of suggestions:

(some may be doubles, sorry about those)


Hood Toggle


Let players choose to wear a hood. No animation needed (though that would be cool), just a single toggle like the head slot in the preferences menu.


Player Ship


- Take off/landing animations are in the wrong place. Just because I enter my ship, doesn`t mean I leave the planet. Maybe I just want to equip companions, talk to them, etc. (annoyed me in Mass Effect 2 as well. Kotor style would be great)


- Add more functions to the ships, so we can actually feel like it is our home. Maybe add a mail terminal?


Space Combat


- Integrate it more into the game. have the players fly and fight in their story. For example right before boarding missions in the story line. I really missed some space action there.


UI and GTN


- I would be repeating everyone else. Both need to be changed a big amount. Customization, moveable windows, more then 2 windows open in the same size

- Search options, Weapon previews, Armor previews (don`t display the head slot in preview if it is disabled, as it changes the armor look (hood), etc.


Linearity and Leveling


- Leveling is CRAZY FAST. Needs to be a lot slower. A LOT SLOWER!

- This is just a crazy idea, (well not crazy as I expected this, but a huge amount of work to change, therefore just a sidenote as it will probably never make it in game) but when BW said choices have impact, I belived them. I honestly thought that I can start as a sith, but if I am light side, my story would chance, I wouldnt kill jedi and republic troops, but rather join them. The game is VERY linear. No matter what you do, you will do the exact same things as everyone else.

- More story quests, less world quests. Rolling alts is boring. There are not many story quests, and repeating the same world quests is not very good. Also, with the quick leveling in place, you can just skip lots, and You end up high level in a very short time. Going through the story must be slower.


Some Misc thoughts:


- no world instances. Feels lonely enough.

- Target nearest: should work when a dead target is selected. Also, should not select dead targets.

- Camera pivot - the ability to turn it off. Sometimes I don`t even know where I am in combat.

- Chat bubbles

- head slot toggle for companions as well

- Color code in the crafting lists. orange should be orange, not blue. Would be nice if the crafting lists could be better organized.

- Not sure if it`s planned or not, but ingame Legacy "homepages" would be cool. A place where you can write about your legacy background, have fanfics maybe, anything that enforces RP.

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