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I know Legacy stuff isn't really in yet but...


Another idea I had was companion surnames. Since I can romance a companion to the point where she is calling me husband and discussing kids....I should be able to change her last name. Well at least have it match my own.

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Suggestion from me,


Have companions share combat awareness with party members. I group with my wife and she will still be in combat (with my sage healing her) while my Trandoshan will calmly walk back to me and relax. Would love him to help her out too.

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i have some suggestions for possibilities ingame,think what you may and they may exist or not already but here they are. i hope these are all taken into actual consideration and then reality, for everyone to enjoy.


- an ingame music streamer-streams channels from whichever channel server code you copy and paste into it) also able to utilize youtube playlists, as well as the option to share your streaming with other players via music player invite which allows them to save the channel if they want to their own mp3 streamer. uploading your own mp3s too.






- poh's-player owned houses-places designated for players -for a high credit fee - to but their own plot of land(planet with enough money paid?..) they can customize with pre rendered bits and pieces of colors/backgrounds/ and upgradable star wars house hold items. you could invite freinds over for house partys, create a mystery house full of traps for them to explore etc.






- text deleting is too slow- if deleting text could be faster thatd be great.






- cheat codes - not really ''cheats'' but secret codes players can find in hard to find places in odd ways to unlock things like armor when worn that make yourself invisible(or near invis) make your head big, or give you the option to turn your force lightening different colors.






- much-much-MUCH more hair-do selections. there were not many available that are that good.





- twileks ability to wear hoods. let em do it again already.





- being able to customize your ship and everything in it to the last detail - changing around chairs, tables, beds colors themes and the outside-inside look of your ship to the size of the ship to the direction aside from the captains seat area of where the rooms are (all costing credits) should be available. as well as a whole skill and market for ship furnishings. the hammoks placed in the main room to make your character climb in to sleep would look good. and-if this isnt available already- many instances where you are borded and have to fight it out with pirates, enemys, ghosts/ghouls from ''empty'' ships and accidents while flying that you and your allys have to repair to survive as well as assigning allys to anywhere in the ship you want especially in the gunner cockpits when you need to shoot. cloaking mods, ship mimicking mods, small sith and jedi organic force ships(the kind from the later star wars novels that alema rar finds from the forbidden planet i forget the name of right now that was formerly a owned by the sith and so only responded to darksiders, this ship name ship by alema was mentioned in the story to be one of the only surviving ships of many that used to exist around this era in the game- where are they)







- misccalanious stuff - sun glass shades, robot arm/leg/head/hand's option either for looks or for customization of your character, a second dark acolyte robe but for high levels from the second kotar game. that suit was awsome, why isnt it available. being able to have your ship robot as an ally for combat and etc, more allys for that matter, hanging picture frames of paintings from ingame or snaps youve taken while playing and images from your desktop in those frames, picture it- your face, hanging in gigantic portrait from the cockpit area wall.







- theme parks- dont say these dont exist in a galaxy far far away. theres races, they get stressed-they have their own kinds of diSNeylands.






- familys - however tacky it might sound to some, there have been suggestions of being able to have a 'farther' relationship in the game that goes to having a 'wife/husband/kids, all ai of






-invite option to invite (theoretically)as many players as you want onto your ship whether in combat or just chilling out. that brings up the question of being able to add stuff like playable pinball machines that mach out in two or three person at-a-time games which have never even been made in real life far as i know.




-building robots from parts and TOTAL SCRAP - what is stopping players from being able to build their own robots(mabey not allys, or cheap allys that bust alot at any rate) that walk/roll around the ships interior, on assignment or just for asthetic. use your intelligence. they wouldnt be able to do everything. brings up the issue of creating inner-ship body guard double lightsaber wielding guards for when you are 'boarded', that you can customize the lightsabers of and such.





- ingame stap customizations - whether its being able to change the shape/color of a stap or giving it the option to sprout robot walker legs instead of just cruising, the stap should have customizations.




- mass battlefield missions/servers - where you are in one side of an army of players, and theres another side across from you, however much the distance. at the signal from the general, everyone lined up in rows charges forward to smash into the other side. mages cast massive spells from force-fueled war machines, ships players pilot in the field bomb the daylights out of the enemy, and whichever side if left standing wins.( star wars battlefield inspired)





- building and piloting one man/or +ally craft you can launch from your ship to fight in space or in things like what was mentioned above, like darth vader built his customized ship. also brings the issue into question of player-built drone mech ships, radio controlled craft you pilot from within the ship to attack, landing your craft in a larger enemy ship for looting and combat/or freindly landing in another players docking bay.






- more options than just taking snaps for the ingame camera- a zoom in, non picture-taking function for the ingame camera that came with the stap color crystal and the rest to look like a pair of binoculars far away using the mouse roll button like you do normally when you want to zoom in and out of your character, just in the easy-to-see binocular perspective, and of course i dont mean 'completley non picture taking' but zooming in until your ready to snap a photo.






-tri sabers and light whips - i saw it only briefly a long while ago in one of those video competitions dedicated to star wars where the double bladed lightsaber had a third handle and blade extending straight from the main handle. lightwhips too please.







-ability to wear medium/heavy armor- when you reach a veyr far level, if your character cant use this type of armor, they gain the ability to wear it







- manual gun function - if your a trooper, or anyone with a peticular gun.. could the auto blast have a manual option so you have to actually hold down the trigger(mouse) to shoot the target. makes it way more realistic especially for the shell-type guns.






-exploring beyond the outer rim via ship- please make this happen.





- mini droid options - the mini droid you get with the stap and all that... needs more options than just to briefly float and tickle whatever your target is. its a droid, it can link to machines and do things for you or fight however weakly the damage is, its lame how it barely does anything. at the very least it should by your side if you summon it. perhaps it could act like a remote camera and you control it, making it travel however long the distance while your character stands where you summoned it, fog map not changing though.





- robbers when youve been away from your ship- upon returning to your ship, you should be able catch robber ai via traps who have snuck into your ship in a scenario where you can sell them as slaves for credits to the highest bidder, and etc.




-outside space battles in a space suit- at times it should be required whether for you or an lly/droid to fix the ship from the outside/access an enemy ship from the outside and youd do it in a space suit- sometimes, having to fight enemys in zero G.





'------------------------I know Legacy stuff isn't really in yet but...----------------------------------'


Another idea I had was companion surnames. Since I can romance a companion to the point where she is calling me husband and discussing kids....I should be able to change her last name. Well at least have it match my own.



^supports. id like to be able to change my companions name whoever he/she is to any name i choose. itd be funner than everyone having the same generalizational name were stuck with now.

Edited by ekosdarid
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couple things not mentioned in your first post.


Removing the 30% debuff healers get in pvp.


Remove the afk timer or fix it so it does not start count before you leave loading screen.


Place a timer on the gate to enter pvp its real annoying having to numlock into the wall since there is no timer.

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  • Fix AFK. Only certain things, such as moving/jumping/REing, count as being active. I can be chatting, crafting, etc... and get marked AFK because I haven't moved.
  • Fix the quantity shown as able to be made when crafting. I have items that show zero, when I have plenty of mats.
  • Fix crew skills. I frequently have a fourth mission skill showing, usually after logging in a character who had that mission skill
  • Items in the mail don't show their stats properly until you actually remove them from the mail.



Enhancements/New Features:


  • More hair color choices (trivial, I know, but I want a purple mohawk!).
  • Show me how much it's going to cost when I buy a quantity of something (really sucks when my math skills fail me and I spend 20K instead of 2K!).
  • Give Synthweaving light armor recipes from 16-20. I have them for medium and heavy, why not light?
  • Make marking targets a skill, not an item. Don't make me use up a bag slot for this.
  • Make the items I can see on the world map check boxes instead of radio buttons. Maybe I want to see crew trainers AND vendors at the same time.
  • Neutral GMK. Give me a place where my republic character can sell the imp-only gear, recipes, etc... and vice versa.



Ones already mentioned that I really want to see:


  • Fully customizable UI (or at least the ability to move/resize frames and have more than two open at a time)
  • LFG system
  • Dual spec
  • Target of target and skill forwarding.
  • Add members to my friends list when they're offline and see them across all my characters.
  • [Text] Searchable GMK
  • The ability to cycle through the previous people I've received tells from when replying.
  • If I'm in combat or already have two frames open when my companion returns, put the items/messages in pending.

Edited by arlequinn_cfl
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I have a suggestion:


I want to be able to open my character sheet and view my equipped items (and most importantly the mods equipped on those items) while I am searching on the GTN.


I apologize if there is a way to do this and I dont know how. If there isn't, then I think this needs to be added. I should be able to have my char sheet open while I search the GTN to see what mods to buy for my armor or weapons. (If this can be done, please let me know)


Sorry if this has already been posted, I tried to scan the thread but didn't see it.

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[*]Make the items I can see on the world map check boxes instead of radio buttons. Maybe I want to see crew trainers AND vendors at the same time.


Big +1 for me on this. I want to see taxis and trainers and several things on my map at once. They should all be able to be toggled on or off.

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I haven't read the entire thread so forgive me if I overlap some:



- Being able to see target of target is huge

- Some sort of visual notification of a proc or when an ability can be used (like power auras)


- Team based space combat where each person in the party takes a specific role (PVE and PVP related):


* Pilot

* Gunner(s)

* Engines and Shields

* Repairs and Weapons Restocking


- Along with space combat should be space combat experience points or commendations that can be used to purchase upgrades for a ship or for items that help you with your "role" such as, "+ 5 Repair" or "+4 Weapons Restocking" on an implant.

- Once more people join and it can be justified - Cross server Warzones and Bracket them please.

- Address the amount of time it takes to drop combat sometimes. I can run halfway across a warzone and not be fighting anyone and still be unable to stealth on my Imperial Agent.

- Gear manager to swap gear around for different scenarios

- Duel Talent

- Being able to place a bounty on a players head and credits be sent to your character upon getting the killing blow on the bounty. Along with this would be special bounty hunter tools that could help you capture your target. Maybe on PVE servers if you had a bounty on your head you could be killed just the once in a 48 - 72 - ?? hour time frame, even if you aren't flagged.


This type of thing could be done with multiple types of toons. Would greatly enhance what you feel your "role" is at end game. For instance, you could have a black market smuggling ring where Imperial players can request items from the Republic side, but only a high level smuggler can get it. Or vice versa. Maybe a smuggler only black market trading network? Etc, Etc.

Edited by OneWordSpoken
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I have read through the majority of this thread. forgive me if i repeat something already stated, i tried to ensure that isn't the case:




8 man (operation) queing for hutball. to go along with a (ladder) or ranking system for hutball. this could be only for players to purchase a team charter. however, having organized hutball teams would be awesome.


i am kind of surprised this hasn't been brought up.

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Allow costume tabs so that people can have a unique look. DISPLAY different gear than they are wearing so that users can maintain their desired uniqueness. Some of the high level gear looks ridiculous in spite of its overwhelming superiority. Many RP'ers, and just plain straight game players are going to feel the sting when they get a gaudy hat instead of their cherished eye patch. Another MMO does this, and it is GREAT for RP and personal style.


Persistent facial moods: Happy, Sad, Angry, Solemn, Smirky/Mischievous, Calm Another MMO does this, and it is great for RP, and personal style.


Commands that change the emote. In certain instances it might be fun for a person to use this command: /point pushes the button, but frowns when nothing happens. The outward expression in my case would be: Xeth pushes the button, but frowns when nothing happens. - Another MMO does this, and it too is great for RP, and personal style.


Interactive world items: It should be a fundamental role in ANY MMO to allow people to click on a bar stool, a couch, a drinking fountain, a shotglass, etc. Make it so that it requires a double-click so that people do not mistakenly use the item when trying to talk to their companion, or do something else.


Remove the "Sits down" notification when someone sits down. If anyone cares, and is engaging with a person, they can see them sit down.


Chat bubbles option: Again, and important tool for immersion, RP, and general gameplay. I would bet any amount of credits that more people would prefer to have this option available than not. And if it is an option, it will please a lot more people.


Hair Stylists: People like to change their look from time to time. The option to do so is always welcome. Even the ability to change their skin tone would be good. Often times what people do while creating their characters do not look as planned in the outside world, and they are too light, or too dark.


Emote suggestions:


/Lean (Leans up against a nearby wall)










Mutual participating emotes:


Dancing, slow dancing, hugging, kissing, handshaking are good.


Transitional emotes are also good. Most people are seated when they drink. Sitting, and drinking, sitting and laughing, sitting and eating, pointing, etc. Are great for enhancing immersion. SWTOR is on the way to becoming the greatest MMO ever made, and implementing these ideas will go a long way to raising the bar. It's tremendously fun as-is, but as with everything, polish, and finishing touches mean a lot. There are still quite a few bugs to iron out.




Levels of intoxication. (Not that I do this a lot, but other games have it)


Customizable interface by moving windows where the user wants them.


It won't be long before people will start asking for their storyline to be more involved and consequential. If someone has a high degree of dark side points they should get a fearsome reputation, and make npc's react cautiously when the player walks near them. Conversely, someone who's made a lot of light side choices also gets a reputation, and might elicit a bow, or a kind wave every 5 or 10 minutes walking past a specific NPC, or quest giver.




Great game, even greater potential. I'm in it for the long haul. I hope you devs give this some consideration. I know these are good ingredients for a passionate fan base.



I know, this is a huge wish-list, but this game stands to reign supreme if they can take the time to add these things


Fair winds,



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The loading time...

- For me and everyone i have asked the loading times are massive. And if you tab out. +2 Min of waiting(running widowed)


The laggyness...

- Everything has this wierd feel to it. Chat in particular.


The messed up UI options...

- Can't move the UI, really?


The massive running amounts...

- This game has aimed more for the rpg part of mmorpg, but even singleplayer rpg's has 0 CD fast travel.

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Don't remember seeing this one so...


A third (or more) action bar on the bottom; two simply isn't enough, paging is not a solution and neither are the left/right action bars.


I can't recall any MMO limiting me to less than three action bars on the bottom- something important to me as I bind #, Alt + # and Shift + #. Love the game... adding additional action bar(s) would go a long way in making the experience smoother.

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I love a lot of these ideas ive seen since my last post that id like to see implemented a couple are:


Bounties on peoples heads you pay a certain amount for someone to be marked pvp Everywhere when you kill you get bounty Awesome idea!!


Ingame music system i said something about having the cantina jukebox the hub for this using the tokens to change the music having it sync with pandora or youtube would be too expensive but having multiple genres to choose from and a diff genre play while your walking around is realistic.


Party space combat.


PVP space combat.


i really like those ideas and as always ship customization would be awesome im not saying an in game SIMS edition but something of that nature.

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UI customization yes


I don't want 3rd party addon's or things like recount, combat parsers after the fact are okay.


Love the idea of having a suggestion forum that you can only post once an hour.


Love the idea of pvp space combat and more space combat missions or added into class stories.

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There's a lot of ground breaking done so far in this game, but even greater potential. This game stands to be the absolute KING of MMO's without any real peer. I've lost all FAITH in developers, but I do TRUST these guys to take our suggestions seriously. Faith is blind, trust is earned. They've put a good product forward, and these MMO games require a LOT of work. I don't care if they borrow ideas from other MMO's, if they work well, they should be the standard features.


Still having fun, and still subscribing.

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Is there any possibility of getting this thread sticky i keep seeing all these diff individual suggestion forums consolidating it would be more efficient. Plus all the ideas would be in one place easier for you easier for us. Win/Win. So why not right!


In the words of Arnold:


Just do it. Do it NOW!

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