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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Suggestion Compilation Thread - Regularly updated!


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Ok, so I'm adding some stuff here; I'm not going through 900+ posts to see if it's been mentioned.


WZ starting before 8v8 has been reached is ridiculous. I'm not talking about the exploit of getting 12+ people in the game. I'm talking about an actual 8v8 match that starts 5v8, 6v8. Absolutely stupid.


When I queue and get thrown into a game that started 5v8 with no deserters; and there is a 3cap or 2 doors down, 3 scores already it's pointless to keep playing.


Matches should not start until 8 individual people on each side have clicked "join warzone" ATM the countdown starts for the match as soon as the first person clicks join; and min of 5people on each side have queued STUPID!!


Deserter debuff needs to be put in. I'm sick and tired of seeing people leave after getting 2 capped, or 1 door blown after 1min. This penalty needs to be harsh, but it needs to be implemented with disconnect protection. When the game crashes in a WZ you should not be given the debuff.


If I solo queue, and a match pops it should say, "X amount of players have left this game, do you still want to join?" This way we have a clue that we're not wasting time or getting into a BS unbalanced screwed up match.


Voidstar Door Exploit needs to be fixed!!


WZ wins need to start counting. I've had 27 WZ wins not count in the month of February; we're only 9 days in. This is totally unacceptable.

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Give us a Freelancer type experience with space combat.



SWTOR is completely capable of implementing it because SWTOR has the infrastructure for missions and dialog.


The idea to move freely in the Star Wars universe rather than just point and click travel would be astronomical in replay and immersion.


THATS IT! THATS THE GAME I thought space combat should be like!



Plus PvP space battles....



I would actually win at something

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Give us a Freelancer type experience with space combat.



SWTOR is completely capable of implementing it because SWTOR has the infrastructure for missions and dialog.


The idea to move freely in the Star Wars universe rather than just point and click travel would be astronomical in replay and immersion.



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Cry a little more. If you dont like it dont play


so it is perfect no suggestions needed? why do you say things like this it is a suggestion forum if you don;t like it go cry and don't come to the forums, because people here are here to make suggestions.....

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The highest level I've gotten a character is 21, but so far, there are a few things I've seen that could stand to be changed.


Just for the record, I personally like the way that space battles are done. When I first read about them, hearing other people say it, I thought that it was like an Atari game.


Though, and this could be a personal thing, I'm having trouble with (I believe it's) Cartel, because instead of circling around to attack the thing with the mission objective on it, I'm led to circle randomly at various points and just attack random fighters for bonus points I never get because I can't complete the actual mission.





-Appropriate mob levels for the quest

When I rolled my first character about mid-January, the mobs were typically all "normal" level, and questing was fun and still challenging as I learned my way around.

A week later, I rolled another character in the same starting zone, and suddenly, the area was filled with "strong" mobs with only a few scattered "normal" mobs.

I can understand this sort of lineup for storyline quests or group areas, but for normal quests that wouldn't normally require grouping, it's tedious and annoying to constantly encounter "strong" mobs.

If I'm on a "normal" quest, I expect "normal" mobs. If I'm doing a group quest, I expect "strong" and "elite" mobs.

It makes questing take even longer as well, and since we don't get a lot of xp for killing mobs, it's even more frustrating to turn the corner and see a "normal" mob hanging out with a "strong" mob...or worse.

Fix: Please bring mobs back to their appropriate strength level for the quest type.


-More experience points from mobs

I love how this game isn't a grinding game, and is instead, quest heavy (which is another reason why I'm so frustrated with the above suggestion).

However, the majority of experience points comes from turning in a quest, and I rarely find my characters leveling up by completing bonus objectives (killing mobs along the way) or other mobs I run into.

I often try to sneak around mobs since I don't see the point of fighting them when I have to kill 45 or so of them for a bonus objective, and they don't grant that much experience points, anyway.

Fix: Please have mobs give more experience points; especially "strongs" and "elites".


-Class-specific drops

I was playing on my Sith Inquisitor to get a relic from a cave (one of the first quests upon arrival). After a lengthy battle with an elite (though I am thankful he didn't have minions with him), he dropped a blue piece of equipment: An augment that neither I nor my companion can use.

I wouldn't have minded this as much if it weren't for the fact that this was a Sith Inquisitor ONLY phase.

This isn't the first time something like this has happened, either. Last time it happened, I received a piece of light armor with my Bounty Hunter on a Bounty Hunter only phase.

Drops in class-specific phases should match what that class can wear.

Fix: Please fix it so that the appropriate gear drops in class-specific areas.



Quest rewards are severely lacking at times. There are times when I'll turn in a quest that I just spent the better part of an hour on, only to get experience points and a small amount of affection points.

Other times, I'll be offered a reward of a piece of equipment that might increase one major stat, but it decreases the other major stat for my class. Sure, that makes my choice easy, as I select the commendation medal whenever that happens, but I'd like to be able to upgrade my armor if given that as a quest reward.

Fix: Please give credits or commendations on quests that normally doesn't grant anything else, and please adjust the stats of armor/weapon rewards so that it's an upgrade from what I'm currently wearing, and doesn't downgrade a stat.



If I open up the map, I should be able to see an indication of who has a quest for me in that area; it shouldn't be that I have to walk near them to have the icon appear on my overall map (I'm not talking about the mini-map).

When I rolled my very first character (a Jedi Knight on Tython, I missed a couple quests because I went off the path to get to an area, and didn't know there were quest givers there since they didn't show up on my map).

Fix: Please adjust it so that the quest icon shows up on the area map, not just on the mini-map and above their heads when I get close enough to see them.


-Attacking mob groups

I find it increasingly annoying in playing a melee character class when I kill the mob in front of me and target the next one, then have to pause and manually walk over to the mob to hit it. It wastes time, and I take damage in the time it takes me to realize that I'm literally one step too far away to hit the mob.

Fix: Allow it so that, when you click on a mob and press an attack hotkey, the character automatically moves within range of that mob.



Those are my thoughts/suggestions for now.

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The highest level I've gotten a character is 21, but so far, there are a few things I've seen that could stand to be changed.


Just for the record, I personally like the way that space battles are done. When I first read about them, hearing other people say it, I thought that it was like an Atari game.


Though, and this could be a personal thing, I'm having trouble with (I believe it's) Cartel, because instead of circling around to attack the thing with the mission objective on it, I'm led to circle randomly at various points and just attack random fighters for bonus points I never get because I can't complete the actual mission.





-Appropriate mob levels for the quest

When I rolled my first character about mid-January, the mobs were typically all "normal" level, and questing was fun and still challenging as I learned my way around.

A week later, I rolled another character in the same starting zone, and suddenly, the area was filled with "strong" mobs with only a few scattered "normal" mobs.

I can understand this sort of lineup for storyline quests or group areas, but for normal quests that wouldn't normally require grouping, it's tedious and annoying to constantly encounter "strong" mobs.

If I'm on a "normal" quest, I expect "normal" mobs. If I'm doing a group quest, I expect "strong" and "elite" mobs.

It makes questing take even longer as well, and since we don't get a lot of xp for killing mobs, it's even more frustrating to turn the corner and see a "normal" mob hanging out with a "strong" mob...or worse.

Fix: Please bring mobs back to their appropriate strength level for the quest type.


-More experience points from mobs

I love how this game isn't a grinding game, and is instead, quest heavy (which is another reason why I'm so frustrated with the above suggestion).

However, the majority of experience points comes from turning in a quest, and I rarely find my characters leveling up by completing bonus objectives (killing mobs along the way) or other mobs I run into.

I often try to sneak around mobs since I don't see the point of fighting them when I have to kill 45 or so of them for a bonus objective, and they don't grant that much experience points, anyway.

Fix: Please have mobs give more experience points; especially "strongs" and "elites".


-Class-specific drops

I was playing on my Sith Inquisitor to get a relic from a cave (one of the first quests upon arrival). After a lengthy battle with an elite (though I am thankful he didn't have minions with him), he dropped a blue piece of equipment: An augment that neither I nor my companion can use.

I wouldn't have minded this as much if it weren't for the fact that this was a Sith Inquisitor ONLY phase.

This isn't the first time something like this has happened, either. Last time it happened, I received a piece of light armor with my Bounty Hunter on a Bounty Hunter only phase.

Drops in class-specific phases should match what that class can wear.

Fix: Please fix it so that the appropriate gear drops in class-specific areas.



Quest rewards are severely lacking at times. There are times when I'll turn in a quest that I just spent the better part of an hour on, only to get experience points and a small amount of affection points.

Other times, I'll be offered a reward of a piece of equipment that might increase one major stat, but it decreases the other major stat for my class. Sure, that makes my choice easy, as I select the commendation medal whenever that happens, but I'd like to be able to upgrade my armor if given that as a quest reward.

Fix: Please give credits or commendations on quests that normally doesn't grant anything else, and please adjust the stats of armor/weapon rewards so that it's an upgrade from what I'm currently wearing, and doesn't downgrade a stat.



If I open up the map, I should be able to see an indication of who has a quest for me in that area; it shouldn't be that I have to walk near them to have the icon appear on my overall map (I'm not talking about the mini-map).

When I rolled my very first character (a Jedi Knight on Tython, I missed a couple quests because I went off the path to get to an area, and didn't know there were quest givers there since they didn't show up on my map).

Fix: Please adjust it so that the quest icon shows up on the area map, not just on the mini-map and above their heads when I get close enough to see them.


-Attacking mob groups

I find it increasingly annoying in playing a melee character class when I kill the mob in front of me and target the next one, then have to pause and manually walk over to the mob to hit it. It wastes time, and I take damage in the time it takes me to realize that I'm literally one step too far away to hit the mob.

Fix: Allow it so that, when you click on a mob and press an attack hotkey, the character automatically moves within range of that mob.



Those are my thoughts/suggestions for now.


Seriously when was the last space battle game you played ASTEROIDS? I am assuming you never played X-Wing or TIE Fighter? or Freelancer? so you like fighters flying in front of you waiting to get shot? please? oh and you like playing an MMO but be in soace all by yourself? that makes total sense... play a subscription to play in space on some ride that feels like a bad universal studios trip...

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Gathering Ability;

being able to scavenge whilst in battle



deceased robots/scavengable corpses - to not rot in 5 seconds, allow a 5 minute rot system as unable to scavenge corpses quick enough in 5 seconds


a crawl button


to be able to have the item compare holding cursor over an ite to work for the companion like with my main character


in the smuggler quest, the storyline shows rishas father coming out of cryofreezing, but he can see straight away.....?? star wars lore states when you come straight out of cryofreezing you are temporarily blind, rather than seeing his daughter...

:when she speaks he could say "is that you risha....?"


companion actually spawning when coming off mounts


fix the light side gaining bug, i have been stuck on 5750 since tattooine 4 planets ago (finally unstuck but am about 2-3k behind where i should be.....


Cybertechs - can make ship items like armour and weapons, but cannot reverse engineer....?


WHY have crewskills, if you can just go and buy the item at a vendor?

please allow for customer/different/better items in teh speeder, ship, droid, mod items.....

for instance a quantum/rechargeable torpedo/missile launcher, every XX amount of time the launcher charges up plasma torpedos to fire, rather than having to buy more missiles.... mroe difficult and expensive to make in the begining but over the long term will save credits as never having to buy torpedos again, levels 2 4 6 and 8 progressively get stronger, and with more powerful generators missiles recharge quicker.... so essentially if you have lvel 10 on all comonents of a ship it will make you stronger faster and more deadly.....


WHY have only one crew/crafting skill being able to be done at one time when you can buy all items at a vendor


WHY with the storyline of acquiring the prototype emp cannon on hoth, with the multiple copies, why can a smuggler not call his ship up to recover one of the cannons, one for the local resistance - bug eyed white guys and blue skinned elephant midgets on hoth, each get one then the republic send in ships to recover the other ones, plus being given the option to choose to stay and fight the whole imperial army and defend the base to acquire the cannon as a light side descision...?;

light side - destroy all cannons

light side - secure 3 of the cannons for yourself and resistance and the remainder to the republic and choose to defend the base

dark side - attempt to hold the base on your own in an effort to keep the cannons....






The Suggestion Compilation Thread




Top 5 Community Requests:

- Precedents in other MMO's


Immediate Changes Video:




Please provide constructive feedback regarding changes you would like in SWTOR.


1. Performance Improvements/Optimization. Ability Delay. Increased player caps. SWTOR should be able to handle more than 80 players on Ilum before sharding!

- World of Warcraft can comfortably handle 80 v 80 matches in Tol Barad and 120 v 120 on Wintergrasp. - Has no Sharding

- Warhammer Online comfortably handled 200 v 200 or more players in RVR lakes. - Has no Sharding

2. Additional Warzones and Additional Warzone Sizes (16v16 24v24 48v48)

- World of Warcraft provides a spectrum of Battleground sizes, many players are used to these. They provide a variety of different pvp environments and experiences.

3. Guild System Improvements: Increase guild size to 1000 and provide industry standard community support!

- World of Warcraft Guild System provides a variety of perks and benefits for being part of the guild.

- Warhammer Online provided some of the best guild perks, achievements and guild heraldry.

4. Expansion of the PvP Lake System

- We were promised 11 PvP Lakes, we would like to see progress made on improving game stability and furthering the initial promised content.

5. Guild Capital Ships!

- Mentions of community ships (major guild community/resource gathering projects and social hubs) have been made on the forums. We would love to see some more progress in this area.


- Continue providing new Flashpoints and Operations content (Excellent so far).


Updated: Feb 7th

- UPDATE - Post Patch 1.1 many suggestions have been implemented. I will now organize suggestions by implemented/unimplemented.


I will attempt to update this thread frequently and prioratize major needed updates. I will base need on the number of people asking for specifc changes.


At the request of our gaming community I have been asked to provide feedback to Bioware discussing improvements to the game that they feel are most critical.


The general reaction to SWTOR has been extremely positive. However, in order to keep the interest of players and to continue to provide a vastly superior alternative to games such as World of Warcraft Bioware must do what it can to listen to the concerns and suggestions of their player base. If Bioware keeps the faith with the communities that populate it we will continue to recommend SWTOR and the subscriber base will grow.


We are looking for a good faith effort to communicate and implement the changes that are discussed here. Most are simple fixes that will increase the enjoyment and interest of players in continue to build on their characters, communities and make a truly long term investment in SWTOR and its possible expansions.


We are looking for community feedback that is intelligent, thoughtful and expresses the areas in which SWTOR could improve and expand to provide additional enjoyment and long term play value.


Please post your ideas below and I will list your ideas here! Thank you.


Feedback will be organized into the following categories:


Game Performance:



Guild System

Space Combat


Community Wishlist




- Ability Delay - Being addressed

- Sharding/Zone player caps. One of the major concerns discussed is the low player cap/faction imbalance issues.




Many Ilum Issues have been addressed since patch 1.1


Additional Fixes Required on Ilum


- PERFORMANCE! Ilum has been capped to approximately 80-100 players per shard. This is far below even Tol Barad in World of Warcraft (Maximum 160 players). We believe this is due to game performance concerns.



- Do not re-invent the wheel. Simply put the Warhammer RVR system on Ilum. Two bases with NPC bosses. Destructible doors. Siege equipment/vehicles, influence gear and rewards.

- Captureing a base should provide pvp commendations, loot bags, gear and general incentives.

- Additional Concerns: Sharding on Ilum due to client performance issues in groups larger than 80 players.

- Additional optimization of client and engine performance to support more players is critical!

- Faction Imbalance: Most servers are enormously Republic Dominated, there must be incentives for more players to roll Republic or Bolster/Tenacity Buffs for under-dog factions.


In order to provide the Warhammer/DAOC open world experience, or at least provide a Wintergrasp Tol Barad level of pvp the Ilum system must be re-worked.


Currently the pvp end game has been limited to three warzones which players grind for commendations and gear. However, the world pvp Ilum end game remains unfinished.


Mercenary Commendations:


- We were told that Mercenary commendations would be awarded from participating in open world pvp areas. Currently, with the chests and resources removed from Ilum and Outlaws den there is no way to recieve mercenary commendations besides warzone commendation conversion. This is a major oversite.

- Commendations must be rewarded from open world pvp.

- Taking Battlefieled objectives and Bases all should provide Mercenary commendations.


Battlefield Objectives:





General Changes/Optimization:


- Optimization. Ilum has technical issues due to its high polygon count. Any significant number of players present tend to severely reduce frame rates. (Memory leaks)

- Overhaul. Implement the Warhammer system for RvR. Currently players are simply capturing points and moving on to complete their daily and weekly quests. There is very little pvp.

- Republic and Sith bases should be changed to defensible "keeps" that provide incentives for players to attack, and to defend. Once again please consider the Warhammer RvR lake system.

- Pilotable siege vehicles in Ilum. (Anti base vehicles for walls or door destruction).

- Siege system for bases. Currently there is no incentive to defend bases or real strategy to do so.

- New base design in Ilum. Currently people simply hit objectives and move on. No incentive to defend or hold points. Possibly consider the keep system from Warhammer Online. (Defense bonus quests based on kills for holding objectives)

- Lock points after capture for a period of time to concentrate pvp around vulnerable objectives. (Provide rewards for defense)




- ALLOW FOR EXPERTISE ON MODS! This is our number one complaint in the game at this time. There is a brilliant customization/mod gear system in SWTOR. Why not allow it for pvp gear as well?

- Allow Expertise mods to be purchased with tokens. Allow players to stat/customize their pvp gear!




- Ability to queue up for specific warzones.

- Additional warzones.

- Larger player caps 12 v 12, 16 v 16 + etc.

- Queuing as premades.

- Bracket pvp for warzones.

- 50's ranked play for warzones.

- Ranking system for match making in ranked warzones.


World PvP:


- More World pvp lakes and objectives!

- More rewards from world pvp and objectives.

- Additional buffs for control of world pvp objectives.

- World pvp should award tokens and valour on kills.

- Players in world pvp lakes should drop items or commendations.


- Multiple Bases per side on PvP planets. You fight to control these.

- Put in a relic system where if you control certain bases it allows you to somehow seize the planets relic that provides bonuses to your side.

- Add in a Realm Point system that gives rewards that further player development and not the gear treadmill. This means you earn points for killing other players and capturing bases. Then you spend these points on new abilities.

- Allow guilds to claim outposts on planets. Upgrade the defenses, etc.





- PUT RESOURCE NODES BACK ON ILUM/OUTLAWS DEN! If there is an issue with low level players farming high level nodes put a level restriction on Ilum (40+)

- Optimization. Ilum has tremendous technical issues due to its high polygon count. Any significant number of players present tend to severely reduce frame rates. (Memory leaks)

- Overhaul. Implement the Warhammer system for RvR. Currently players are simply capturing points and moving on to complete their daily and weekly quests. There is very little pvp.

- Republic and Sith bases should be changed to defensible "keeps" that provide incentives for players to attack, and to defend. Once again please consider the Warhammer RvR lake system.

- Pilotable siege vehicles in Ilum. (Anti base vehicles for walls or door destruction).

- Siege system for bases. Currently there is no incentive to defend bases or real strategy to do so.

- New base design in Ilum. Currently people simply hit objectives and move on. No incentive to defend or hold points. Possibly consider the keep system from Warhammer Online. (Defense bonus quests based on kills for holding objectives)

- Lock points after capture for a period of time to concentrate pvp around vulnerable objectives. (Provide rewards for defense)


Character Customization:


- Greater degree of customization for characters at creation (additional body sizes, hair styles, eye styles and colors, features and extras)




- Training Dumbies!

- Combat Log!

- Add a /random roll feature!

- Public Questing! Currently there are a few group quests throughout the world. Add more! Public question is an excellent way to encourage groups of 4 or more players in the world to take on objectives and assist each other with achieving rewards.

- Additional Flashpoints (these are in the works)




- Allow both 8 and 16/24 man versions of operations! 8 player pve is not "epic" it plays out much more like an instance and lacks the sense of group challenge and complexity.

- Mounting in All Flashpoints/Operations

- Again, it is kinda tedious having to run a long distance after wiping especially if you can't mount. Why do some Phases allow it and others don't? Why can you mount in Boarding Party but not Foundry? It makes NOOOOOOOOOOO sense. Even from a realistic point, who would ever allow speeders inside a capital ship over a base? Are there mount restrictive "shields" or "beacons"? Tedious is not fun... Tedious is tedious. Which is bad, by the way.


Guild and Community Changes


- More interest and incentives for Guilds. This has already been a widely discussed topic, but it bears a little reinforcement. Guilds should be more than extended friends lists. They should have goals, advantages, interests, and unique content to advocate getting into them and interacting with others in the game.

- Guild Leveling

- Guild Perks

- Guild Hall (guild capital ship) This idea easily receives the most positive feedback from our community. Players are highly interested in a guild wide resource drive to construct and upgrade a guild capital ship/guild hall.

- Guild colors and insignia.

- Increase guild cap to at least 1000.

- Alliance system for coordination between guilds, Alliance chat channel.

- Guild Versus Guild Capital Ship Battles (Massive Warzone Boarding Action).




- More usable chairs

- Level of detail scaling (ability to control the draw distance for effects).


Personal Ships

- Interior color/exterior ship color has got to be pretty easy to skin. Having 4/5 color palettes would be great, even if it doesn’t translate to actual space combat. For instance Black exterior/red interior. Green/tan, Silver/black. Gold/Silver. White/Black. I hate my freighters colors. Use the Companion customization as a guide to ship colors.


Scaling issues:


- Corellia underwent a graphical overhaul prior to launch. In this overhaul many capital ships were added to the environment. However they were added in at under 1/8th their size! It is a major oversite in a game that otherwise takes such painstaking steps to ensure that the scale and scope of the environments is realistic. To see super massive capital ships simply tacked on to the side of buildings when they are supposedly several hundred meters long is immersion breaking.


Future projects for expansions.


Space combat expansion


- Ship customization. For example, changing the red color of the Defender like you can change your T7-01 companion color/look.


- The ability to name your ship.


- Interactive multiplayer games aboard ships and in cantinas with remote play (think chess, checkers, dice, etc. UO had this years ago.) You can play aboard your ship and link up with an opponent sitting aboard another ship.


- Class-based space missions (cargo runs for smugglers, VIP escorts for troopers, etc.)


- Docking and taking off from guild capital ships (may already be in the pipeline.)


- Multiplayer space missions with free roam (with boundaries similar to Battlefield games where you have to turn around if getting too far away from the campaign or you'll exit the mission for example.)


- PvP dogfights (pretty much requires free roam.)


- Large-scale multiplayer fleet battles (disabling ships, docking/boarding, and taking over enemies' capital ships too on foot afterward.)


For the large-scale multiplayer battles and dogfights, think of features from X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, Battlefront, and Battlefield 2142 (titan maps.) Imagine manning guns on your faction's capital ship to shoot down enemy players in incoming transports and their ships or boarding a transport to dock with the enemy's capital ship, getting out on foot, and hijacking it. Or getting into your ship to fight enemy players in space around the capital ships.


- Additional Collector's Edition Items/Perks Provide more than a Light Armor mod set, provide medium and heavy versions as well!




Community Wish list Community submissions:



Guild System Improvements:


- Alliance Guild System - One thing that is annoying is having to have a big guild to raid and PVP. Some people are "Pro" while people like me are just "casual". Likewise, there are so many different people out there that like to do different things at different times. So I would propose an Alliance system, where possibly you could pool the different Guildies into one common area to ask for help. This would allow people to have their own guild, and not have to be apart of the big ones. This could be as easy as your LFG system, but for the Alliance Guilds, or maybe even go to a common chat channel. Remember, you kind of had this during the Guild Start up before launch.


- Guild Web Based interface - Which I think would work a lot like the Armory for WoW. Some where that you could set Guild Events, manipulate the Guild the same way you can do in the game. You could even have a mini forum there which would negate the need for any outside websites. Something to foster more Guild support than just having your names on a list in the game itself.


- Work Orders - Maybe have a crafting area, where you could place orders for mats or even gear itself. Along with a progression system, fulfilling these orders would award more guild exp.


- Guild Titles - Special titles granted to certain guildies based on their progress. A Guild Leader title, an Officer Title, and possibly others that the Guild Master could grant to their guildies. I would assume they would be rare, and would unlock based on guild progression. If you leave the guild, I assume you would also lose the title, less you have people creating guilds and dropping them just for the Guild Master title.


- Frontier zones.


- Player/guild facilities, outposts, bases, hubs in frontier zones.


- Relic System!


- Guild ships, or guild halls.


-Player housing or customizable interiors (furniture, interior color, move things around) of player ships.


-Different ship models players can buy.


-Exterior mods that actually change the appearance of the ship.


- A casino on Nar Shaddaa, speaks for itself really but a place where players can gamble credits.


- A pod racing track on Tattoine (not sure if this fits in with the timeline) - players can bet on Pod Racers or even take part (though you would have to make the races random or people may work out how to fix the outcome) could have Pod Racing upgrades.


- Being able to compare companion loot when looking at the companion page and when looking at an item. This worked in Beta, not sure why it was removed.


- Cross server dungeon finder.


- Cross server warzones.


- Advanced class switching.


- Dual spec.


- Improve fps performance in warzones which is terrible on some machines for no apparent reason


- Fix the various animation bugs and mirror class imbalances (due to animations most of the time)


- Combat log and possibly a recount function.


- GUILD BANK, the dev team should be fired for this one.


- Group finder, either cross server or not but it needs one either way.


- Fast transport to instance (flashpoint/heroic). THere should be a shuttle pickup that the group can initiate to get them all to the instance they are grouped for.


- Grace period on instance loot. Too many times due to game issues or not paying attention, loot get distributed wrong or someone decides they need an item they didnt need on.


- Competitive cantina mini-games


- More variety in moddable gear


- Galactic Market Additions - Ability to search without selecting all of the functions, just as ability to search JUST by typing the name of an item.


- Extending the limit on Warzone Commendations to 2000 - 4000 (why 1000?)

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Seriously when was the last space battle game you played ASTEROIDS? I am assuming you never played X-Wing or TIE Fighter? or Freelancer? so you like fighters flying in front of you waiting to get shot? please? oh and you like playing an MMO but be in soace all by yourself? that makes total sense... play a subscription to play in space on some ride that feels like a bad universal studios trip...


If you're paying to "play in space", you're playing the wrong game.


Yes, I have played old space battle games, which is why I like how it was done in SWTOR; It's old school in a new age game system, and brings up fond memories. The current space battle system makes perfect sense for a minigame.


Yes, maybe it would be interesting to have certain missions where you team up with other players instead of the random other ships that sometimes accompany you, but for the most part, you're meant to be acting alone.


Aside from that Cartel mission, I didn't feel there was anything about it worth mentioning as a suggestion to be fixed over the things that I did mention.


My suggestion priorities lie in the main aspects of the game, not the minigames.

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First: I love SWTOR. In my opinion, the detail, lore and game play are amazingly fun. Having said that, I want to compile a list of little things that could take some of the small annoyances away.


1. Camera look behind binding key.


I am stunned at how much of an annoyance not having this is. In other games, I can bind a key to flip the camera to look directly behind me. This is very useful in combat or even socially when you are running with a group and want to visually see where your partner is.


2. Open up fast travel in Hangars


Having to run all the way out of the instance in Coruscant and Taris is a major grind. I assume that this is some sort of tech limitation but I hope that someone could figure out a way to get us to the main areas more quickly once we exit our ships.


3. More guild functionality.


I am sure that this will come but I sure would like to see Guilds become more important in the game than they are right now. Guild Perks, Guild Cargo Holds and a more robust guild interface would help motivate people to join guilds.


4. Ship customization.


The ships are awesome and I really enjoy space combat but it would be nice to have some quests lines that would allow us to customize the interior of our ships.



Would love for others to add on to this thread and have the Devs comment on the viability of some of these wants.


That said, if you choose to post on here railing on how bad the game is and that you are ready to cancel if.... Save your energy. Put that in your own thread someplace else.



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Rearrange the order of entering/exiting ship and associated cinematics.


I've had missions to talk to characters on my ship (or if you just want to put items into your cargo bay); you have to click on your door to enter, wait for and watch the departure cinematic, then enter your ship and take care of business. To return to the planet is just as bad; click on the door to exit, wait for and watch the landing cinematic, then exit your ship.


It would be better to be able to just enter & exit your ship. Have the cinematics run consecutively - departure, travel, arrival, landing - AFTER you have selected a destination from the galactic map.[/size]

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Account-wide ignore lists.


I don't understand why every MMO makes you ignore people one character at a time, on each of your alts.


In game avatars don't bother me. The people that drive them do. I want to ignore the people who are being rude or abusive, not their individual characters.


Lastly, any MMO that is rated T for Teen and allows minors to play in an online environment presents a serious security flaw when all an online predator needs to do to circumvent an ignore is to roll another character.

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Trion worked their asses off to balance things. I quit it only because I had nothing left to do in the game for pvp as i had everything i could possibly get.


This game the pvp is broken and is not getting fixed whatsoever... I mean still not getting credit for wins..... why is that so hard to fix?


The gear we get (as a sorc healer) for battlemaster is awful (Honestly champion gear in many slots is still more desirable).


Resolve Bar is broken so so bad.


Guard makes us healers indestructable.


Burst damage from some classes (sentinel/marauder) is insane compared to every other class.


Matchmaking is god awful. Its fun when you get a full team of battlemasters to stomp fresh 50's but it aint so fun being on the suck team.


Once you are battlemaster. Do 2 dailies. No reason to keep playing if you like the pvp since you wont accomplish anything but titles.


in all honesty if u blow your pvp break free skill you should get at least 1 second of immunity after since resolve is screwed and wont stop stuns from many sources.


Some classes are inherently way better in huttball. (JUGG)


Expertise makes pvp so uninviting for new people.


I am sure im missing something but thats off the top of my head....

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1. In-game voice chat client, most other mmorpgs that i have played have this implemented, including Free to plays, its just something that many expect to have. Especially when this game is waay to click intensive to talk while fighting.


2. More character models and higher versatility in character creation, one of the reasons star wars is so immersive is because of the many types of aliens in the universe, i hope there are plans in the future to have more interesting models, and be able to have more than just a few options in the character creation screen.


3. Leveling a character takes far too little time, Its too easy to level a character to level 50 and the lack of real end game content seems to stymie alot of players, either add more end game content with harder bosses and make the drops rarer, giving ppl the reason to continue running these indefinately, or make it harder to hit 50. you cant just put pvp in a game and say "there is your end game" especially if u dont have the classes balanced for pvp.


4. account shared banking, i would love to be able to get into the cargo hold of my other characters ships, even if its only a small part of the hold designated for such a purpose.


5. Huge raids, i wanna see 24 or 36man content, just for fun maybe even have it be a threat that would be a threat to both the empire and republic, make each send a strike team and they must work together in order to defeat the ancient infinate empire robo takeover factory.... hey dont laugh i dont get paid to think of good names.


6. more group content, possibly a single story for each faction that can allow a full group to progress together thru an epic storyline, maybe even offering a class specific epic reward for completion....

Edited by Wookieluva
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I would also add for Guilds, a LFG type tool, even if that is what we have now, but just between your guild and your alliances.


It would also be cool to some how add the Guild in with your Legacy, where your characters are connected via the Legacy system, it would show what guild they are apart of. Possibly even adding something which shows that you created a guild on your character in the legacy system as well.

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I never really was into star wars that much, but I will admit it. I was one of those people who got sucked into the SWTOR hype. "man, i cant wait for swtor!!!", yeh i was one of those guys. I missed SWG, and everyone raved about how amazing that game was (pre-combat patch), so I thought maybe i would be part of something amazing here, like... a pioneering game that pushed the boundaries of the MMORPG genre. I have played KOToR, hunted, fallout and mass effect, so I had a certain expectation of this game. I expected SWTOR to be of the same quality as these other games.


I was very, very disappointed.


I don't really know how to say this without sounding like an offensive jackarse or a troll, but seriously... this game BLOWS. it blows HARD.


i will start with the good aspects of the game. the BEST aspect, was the voice acting: it was absolutely spot on! and i found myself engrossed in every quest i went on, wanted to listen to every word said (which is odd, because in other games i tend to just skip passed all the quest text). 10/10 on this one, truly amazing stuff.


space missions: i know opinion is divided on this one, but personally I like this 'on rails' system, since it makes more sense because you have lots of crew members and so somebody is steering the ship while you control the weapons / tactical movement systems.


now for the bad:


the graphics engine is really bad. I feel like I'm playing city of heroes again, I mean... it was a great game like 10 years ago (one of my favourite super hero games) but we're in 2012 now... we have graphically stunning mmorpgs like Aion, TERA, RIFT and GW2, and now we have this game which honestly, looks like a pile of carp compared to those games.


and then we have the end-game operations. they are an ABSOLUTE MESS. when i raid with my guild, we are constantly hoping (praying!?) that the boss we are fighting does not bug out and wipe us. every single day i am seeing more and more bugs in the game, and bugs in boss encounters. i know this is a freshly released game, but there are just SOOO MANY bugs that it honestly feels like the game is in alpha test or something


ontop of that the UI is absolute garbage. it is not customizable at all, not scalable, and we can't move UI elements around at all, and bioware have the audacity to try and 'impress' us all with their announcement that they intend to give us UI scaling in a future patch?! NICE JOB, GUYS! you gave us something that should have been in the freakin' game at LAUNCH

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How to increase cantina traffic and useabilty


I will do my best at writing please forgive my english not first language


I had this idea yesterday when I was in a cantina on Tatooine. I used to play Guild Wars and they had this option where you could view live pvp and guild vs guild I tough this was brilliant. Not only I could see some of the top pvpers battling each other but I could also learn from them and it made me a lot better at it. Since SWTOR will be introducing pvp ranking system why not let people watch the top fighters, it will be no different then watching any sports on TV and we could introduce a betting system would be an excellent credit sink.


The way they can introduce it can be a terminal in cantinas across the galaxy therefore increasing cantina traffic and giving cantinas a purpose I think this would be an excellent option.


Betting on matches could be as simple as placing bets until match start once it starts betting is over. The way this can work would be you select to bet for a team if someone is interested selects your bet then bet is now locked in place until the end.


It`s just a few ideas to increase game immersion.


Thanks for reading.

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I see this is the Suggestion Compilation Thread so I will input all suggestions I've had so far into here in a clear and concise manner. Not all of these are popular suggestions, some are plain out hated, but if looked at from the point of view of the games best interest and not personal gain, I think I can be agreed with on most or all points.


1. Increase success chances of Reverse Engineering. Make it a competitive tradeskill. Right now its far to easy for Artificers, Armstech and Cybertech to get their end game recipes purples while Synthweaving and Armormech fall drastically behind. Chances should be vastly improved, or a new system should be implemented where every RE increases an RE experience bar by a random percentage. When this bar is full, one of the unknown recipes would be learned. You could take it a step further and specifiy what recipe you would like learned, as that would make much more sense, but it wouldn't be necessary. On the reason why it would make more sense, if you were to take something apart and try to think of a way to make it better for you (lets say your a tank) you wouldn't be looking for ways to increase your presence or surge, you'd likely be focusing on defense or shield rating.


2. A veteran reward system should be implemented. I know a legacy system is in the works, but thats based upon gameplay. Extra rewards should be unlocked for dedicated subscribers. You could either go with a monthly reward program closer to the City of games, a 3 month reward program like sony games or a yearly reward program like cryptic games.


3. More character slots should be added. There are 16 different classes available, eight for each side. If I want to experience all aspects of the game, I will be having at least 16 characters. Since the current limit is eight per server, that means I can only experience half the classes. Furthermore if I just roll on another server, it then splits my legacy exp between two legacys, thus being a detriment of the system. In conclusion the only ways to fix this is to increase character slots to 16 or to have your legacy go cross server, with the character probably having to pick a new name on the new server but still sharing the same xp pool.


4. Improve the bug reporting feature. Your company asks for so much detailed information when submitting bug reports that I can't remember what you need. The bug report screen doesn't tell us anything either, we just get responses from the CSR's asking for more information. If you need that information, please have it in the empty form so we know what to put, or have a form we can fill out with blank entries. You could always do what other companies do and have the client take a snapshot of that information and automatically submit it with bug reports and save everyone time and misunderstandings.


5. Add a way so we can link our crafting professions in the trade channel or to guild. With so many different recipes from reverse engineering and from world drops, it would be nice if we could link our professions so people can see what we can make.


6. Improve the auction house interface. Sometimes I go to the auctionhouse and I just want to find the best priced best stated boots but you know what? I end up having to search through every piece of Heavy Armor there is, I can't sort by slot.


7. Stop the companions from returning and interupting whatever it is I'm doing. There have been times i've been in the middle of a long and detailed bug report just to have the window closed because my companion brought back some crystals for me. This also happens at the auction house, when i'm crafting, when I'm slotting my gear, etc.


8. Implement a way so I can see if the recipe I'm looking at is already in my known schematics. I'm trying to flesh out my schematic list, but I can't look at my schematics and the auction house at the same time because if I open my schematics first, clicking the auctionhouse closes schematics and opens the auctionhouse and my inventory. If I open the Auctionhouse first it opens the auctionhouse and my inventory, I can then close the inventory and open my tradeskill window, but if I try and click on synthweaving it then closes the auctionhouse. Its a stupid system, I should just be able to open the auction house and I should be able to just open synthweaving.


9. Warfronts should have a deserter debuff. People join and leave right away, either because its Huttball or because they don't like the team they're in. They then keep rejoining trying to get on the winning team, or another maptype. People who quit a match should be unable to join another match for a minimum of 15 minutes though I would prefer 30 minutes to ensure that this kind of behavior is stopped.


10. On the topic of warzones, only half the people ever vote for MVP. Either make the leave warzone button not clickable until someone votes (or theres noone left to vote for) or remove the MVP system completely.


11. Revamp the objectives section of the scoring screen. Right now its flat out stupid, excuse my language, that when I score in huttball it doesn't count for objective points. Scoring points in huttball IS the objective of that map! Also, placing bombs in voidstar, extending the bridge, all of those actions and more do not contribute to objectives but by definition are objectives themselves. Please remedy this.


12. Just like people have been farming Valor, people are farming social points. Social points should only be a reward to players doing relevant content. I understand some players want to help lower level players and thats fine. Make the system reward social points as long as one of the participants in the group is relevent to the quest, meaning at least one person needs the quest to be green or higher for the group to get social points. It is not intended for four level 50's to run normal black talon over and over again to powerlevel their social. If they want to do hardmodes or other green flashpoints thats awesome! But to take advantage of a no risk scenario for personal gains? That isn't fair to the players who do use the system as intended.


13. Please implement a threat meter system, preferably a small UI window with dynamic bars next to each players name, therefore you can see who is coming up in threat and people can hold back on dps, healers can use their detaunts or tanks can make sure they throw more threat out. I believe this can only enhance the experience.


14. On that topic I would like to see a damage meter. The system could be optional, something you would have to toggle on so others can see your info, but it could be very informational, allowing you to assess your strategies and vary your rotations with detailed educated information.


15. Change the nodes in ilum from quests to a fancy objective box like in warzones. The quests often fill up your questlog and they don't go away if you head to warzones or use fleetpass or quick travel to leave the pvp area. Moreover they don't really need to be quests because we don't get any rewards. Just have a small ui window with the names of each node and have it color coded. It would be much easier to read that having 5 quests spam the side of my screen saying imperial base republic controlled republic base imperial controlled etc.


16. Change the plantary comendations or allow us to drop them and remove them from our inventory. Even if we have 0 it takes up space in the currency tab and its hard to locate the tokens that are actually relevant to me. You could make the tokens that you have 0 of disappear, you could put all the planet ones in their own collapsable category or you could combine all the planet ones into a single token that you could use for any planet, the rewards aren't that great anyways, so if someone wants to save up, let them.


17. Allow us to hide our companions headslot just like our headslot items can be hidden. It reminds me that they are an actual person and not just a moving suit of armor.


18. Add a premium server with premium features. Charge $30-$40 a month, offer live events and unique items. It would be like the legends server from Everquest 1, it lasted four years and was a very amazing server to play on.


19. Revamp the preorder crystal so we can have it for more than a couple levels. Make it sold from the current vendor and have it equivilant at least to artificers green crystals but keep them endurance only. Therefore it wouldn't be stealing marketshare from artificers because they can craft blues and purples.


20. Last but not least, don't give in to pressure from your customers ever, don't listen to their threats. Please don't go back on implementing same gender romance options, and don't implement a toggle therefore implying its offensive to hide it from players that don't want to see it. Don't allow us to ever respec our advanced classes to the completely opposite one, they are distinct classes and I don't want someone leveling to 50 as a sorcerer because its easier then all of a sudden they're an assassin, it just wouldn't be fair or right. Keep the advanced classes serperate, give us our same gender romance options, and bring on all other content your planning and don't compromise your vision because some people don't like it.

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Cancelled my subscription today.


The reason I'm writing here is in the hope the game can improve, I'm willing to come back if it does.


- I hit level 50 and don't really have the desire to start levelling alts.

- Flashpoints take way too long to find a group for.

- PvP is pretty dead on my server, and doesn't come close to the competitive multiplayer other games have on offer (games without subscription fees!).

- Daily quests become redundant once you've done them for a week or so, and are incredibly generic anyway.

- The interface, balancing, space combat and travel/exploring are below my expectations.



I enjoyed WoW but it got old. I came to SWTOR expecting (with my guild) to have a similar, improved, experience but the last two months have been a let down. I'm never going back to WoW, but sadly I'm not staying here either.



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