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Full key bind customization. For example allowing the mouse keys to be keypress modifiers, instead of using Ctrl or Alt or Shift


Remove all the hard coded key bindings.


Allowing Left Cntrl and Right Cntrl, or Left Alt and Right Alt, or Left/Right Shift.


The way it is right now it is hard wired to use a standard keyboard layout and does not allow customization to alternate keyboards.



I use a Steelseries Merc http://steelseries.com/us/products/keyboards/steelseries-merc?gclid=CMTQsJLCoK0CFQXd4Aodu30OoA used to be called Ideazon Merc gaming keyboard and SW:TORs current key binding does not easily adapt to the Merc


I also have this keyboard and so far i have easy access to about 20 keybinds:



E, F, Q,

Shift+E, shift+space, shift+Q, shift+F, shift+G, shift+B, shift+Z

shift+mousebutton3, shift+mousebutton4, shift+mousebutton5


Tbh i don't know why you'd need any more.

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Two suggestions.


1. Global hotkeys that are mapped to software such as VLC media player are overridden by Star Wars when the game has focus. Whilst this is very acceptable for keys already used by Star Wars, when a key is not used (or even recognized) by the game as input, it shouldn't take full control over that particular key. This would allow me to use my Pause/Play key to use VLC and other software in the background, if I wish to do so.


2. Now I'm not a 100% certain on this, but from what I've seen this is the case. It appears that "mobs" attack the player regardless of their alignment. Whilst this is okay in general, if an imperial enters a republic world it seems odd that he/she isn't attacked by the republic forces, both in and out of town. Whilst clearly it shouldn't be possible to kill Mission NPCs, I don't see a reason for guards being unable to attack this sith.

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I read through the first post, but didn't see anything about high resolution textures. Maybe I missed it... My #1 complaint is that when I get nice armor I can't zoom in on my character to examine it without being faced with a blurry mess. So, my suggestion:


- Add high resolution texture option to the graphics settings panel.

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It would be nice if the quest mission text on the right would change from orange to green when the misson is finished. when the list gets long .. I find myself struggling to find text that starts with "Return to ..." for the turn ins. an easy change, but one that would make the game better.
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More playable race:


1) Flesh Raiders - aka Hammer head shark race

2) Mystics - aka the blue man group in Voss

3) Jawas - aka the little man smuggler I will smack everything I see in my way in Tattooine

and etc.


And more character customization (s)

Edited by pangwl
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- PUT RESOURCE NODES BACK ON ILUM/OUTLAWS DEN! If there is an issue with low level players farming high level nodes put a level restriction on Ilum (40+)


Umm you do know there is datacron matrix shards that low levels need on Ilum to make there cubes right?


So this Idea isn't gonna work.....

Edited by Kittypryde
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make helmets and hoods stack like in Beta. I want a hood over my helmet. I am pretty sure there is not one single person who thinks "No way...helmets look WAY better without the hood." Everything looks better with a hood and as a sith more sinister. I am sith I am sinister. Give me my hooded helmet back.
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make helmets and hoods stack like in Beta. I want a hood over my helmet. I am pretty sure there is not one single person who thinks "No way...helmets look WAY better without the hood." Everything looks better with a hood and as a sith more sinister. I am sith I am sinister. Give me my hooded helmet back.



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Copy pasta as you closed my other thread..


So, as the title says, We're soon having Diablo 3 on our hands, and THAT my friends is SWTORS biggest nightmare..


Why you say?..


Well, Diablo 3 will sell to quiet a big number of people, It's popularity from the WoW community as am i, will be buying this game no matter what Blizzard announces, it could be montly plan, noone would care anyway..


Now we have a big problem here at SWTOR, comparing it with WoW, we have a really great Story mode in SWTOR, and the graphics is a-ok (No AA, No AF, laggy Graphics Engine) And some of these settings can be forced, doing so might give you horrific FPS, not counting Graphical bugs etc, and im running a pretty hardcore build of a PC.


There's so little functions in this game, it DOESN'T have support for Addons (They have promised that in the future), and no Automated LFG tool like in WoW...


The LFG Tool is soo important, that many of you "pro" people forget the reason for it to begin with, it's ment to EASE the way of finding others to play with (This is an MMORPG) and makes it easier to find replacements when others leave the group..


Instead of spamming the General chat with pointless spamm of LFG LFG LFG LFG, or making a custom made channel for LFG is no point when it takes you so long to get a group, and to see it go down when you have no Damage Meters to compare who's actually doing what, and who's doing something and nothing.


My conclusion is that Bioware should focus on an priority list like this:


1. Major Bugfixes

2. Addons and Automated LFG tool, Vote Kick menu.

3. Balancing of classes and speccs

4. Content

5. Double checking of patch implementation to minimize awful patches before intergrating (Do have in mind that this process needs to be much much faster than it is today, if hiring coders to do this, so be it, for the life of this game)


Now that is the s*** list of the year, I will not subscribe untill i see atleast the Automated LFG tool implemented, sorry BioWare..


Now, flame on.

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I wish the game had:


Dressing room for weapons.


Zoom-in dressing room for character customisations so I can see what the customisation does to their face and hair and piercings and so on.


Hide Headgear option for companions.


A way to mute the ship droid.


More trousers in light and medium armor. I don't like robes.

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1. Dual Talent Spec

- This is just a given. There are enough level 50 players now, to make this worth it. It is a pain to have to respec for loads of money just to be effective in both PvE and PvP with the three talent trees. Just require players to finish their last Class Quest and then open it. Done and done.


2. Modify Stuns and Knock-Backs in PvP (in one or more of the following ways)

2a. Reduce duration of Stuns/Roots

2b. Extend all Cooldowns for Stuns, Roots and Knocks in PvP only

2c. Boost Resolve bar (1 Knockback/Stun = 100% resolve, not 3~)

- When did it become a great idea to allow other players to "remove" control over your own character? Seriously, there are plenty of Player versus Player games that don't have a single stun, root or knockback/knockdown. If you insist on players having instant abilities that do these things, nerf it. Duration, Cooldown or Resolve. Pick your poison. That is all Warzones have come to... "Stun, root or knockback that guy!"


3. Change PvP Champion/Battlemaster Items to Tokens

- Oh! It is bad enough that the pieces remotely drop... it's worse when you get three of the same kind in a row. Not to mention, when you have the pieces you need and you get more of the same. Just convert the "individual items" into "tokens". Give the tokens a higher drop rate but require "multiple tokens" per item on exchange. Common sense, not cynical.


4. Update Ilum PvP area (no win trading)

- Yeah, it is stupid easy to get bags this way but enough is enough. If it is meant to be an Open World PvP area, do something about it. Not to mention, if no one on the apposing side is in the area... it is simply impossible to get 5 "Help the Efforts".


5. Remove "Bind on Pickup" tags on items created from ALL Professions (example, Biochem flasks and implants)

- Okay, the game is about to be 1 month old (from official launch). Time to allow Professions to finally grow. This is a summary from a BioWare announcement, "There will be rare patterns on each server, which will have a 'limited' total number." Yet, you make it so the items created are mostly Bind on Pickup. I have seen tons of Biochem implants and flasks that produce Bind on Pick up items. Get the training wheels off. Not everyone needs or wants to be a Biochem to get 2 Character Items and 1 Buff Flasks. It doesn't play well into your, "No one will miss out [too much] by taking a Crew Skill over another."


6. Un-Nerf Slicing

- I played three Beta weekends. I have seen more then enough nerfs of Slicing. The previous one, made it pointless to take. Why did you, "Effectively make Slicing rewards equivalent to all other Professions?" When you could have, "Effectively make All Other Profession rewards equivalent to Slicing?" It seems you have effectively said, "All Profession rewards suck, so Slicing sucks now too." It blows my mind. Credits go only so far in the game. How can Slicing produce the credits to buy the expensive items other Professions sell? Now, everyone suffers. Few have the creds to buy what others can't put a high enough price on. Way to make the market even worse by killing the cash flow.


7. Expertise and Defense Reduce Critical/Critical Bonus Damage

- Right now, there is nothing that reduces the chance to take critical damage or the bonus from the same. In PvP, Operatives/Smugglers (I understand their "survivability" claim) can knock players down and hit for 3k+ before you can regain control over your own character. The point of Expertise gear is to aid in PvP but not just 10% max reduce of total damage. You get hit for a 4k crit, you only reduce 400. How about, a reduction in the amount of bonus damage and the reduction of criticals period? It is bad enough that healing is already reduced by a significant percentage. It is time to reduce damage. Defense in PvE is the same bust. Yes, it reduces the chance to be hit... why not reducing the damage? Most Champions/Bosses/Strong mobs reduce armor, so there goes any chance of reducing damage.

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Being able to compare companion loot when looking at the companion page and when looking at an item. This worked in Beta, not sure why it was removed.

This still works, but you have to opt in to it on Preferences.


I would really like it if they'd make Companion Gifts stackable. Sometimes you want to save a certain type until you get the NPC who loves them, but are stuck with each one taking up a slot in your cargo hold in the meantime.

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Seriously, sending things from character to character gets old fast. Give us a cargo hold or bank that all characters on each server (or overall) can access. This shouldn't be very hard to add as pretty much everything is in place, all you would have to do is add a tab to the existing cargo hold.
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You should definitely add a UI section as there is a lot of work that could be done there

- at least unloack frames

- option to hide avatars

- add target of target

- allow minimize or hide menu bar up top. I know what my player name is thanks. Don't need it written out at the top of my screen

- auto-ignore quest completions from crew skills. At least allow this for when in a WZ, FP or Op

- allow tracking or untracking in groups by planet or quest type (i.e. allow me to uncheck a whole planet at once and check the soace missions quests all at once when I go from from world questing to doing space missions


You should also mark off the things that are implemented now. Especially with patch 1.1 coming and changing some things.

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1. Please do not copy anymore thing from wow.

Almost all of us play wow and get bored so we want something new and refreshing - that's why we are here. Skill , Talent, Daily , Hardmode , warzone , raid , commendation - it's like playing wow endgame ...


2. More customize / race differences / casting animation / melee animation / ... make each race unique , more meaningful why I choose to play this race (not racial skill). Now it's like there are 2 races (human and tentacle man with different body size and skin color -__- )


3. better Galactic Trade Network ... Why all heavy armor pieces are in the same categories?. It looks funny and annoying when I want to find upgrade for only hands slot.

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Some more things I would like to see for more atmosphere and making the world feel more alive:


1) Day/Night cycles on planets. They don't have to match on all planets, they are different systems afte all. I know this isn't very important but I like it.


2) More interaction with the NPCs on the planet. Too many are just there to be seen, you can't click on them and get a "Buzz off I am busy" reply.


3) Make more NPCs that move around the cities. The majority just stand around doing nothing. There are some here and there that move or run and get shot, but not much. It is almost like playing in a painting instead of a movie.


I like this idea a lot, giving attention to the worlds. I would like to see some weather and maybe its affects added in too.

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Feel free to add

1) Combat system sucks everything should have its own cool down

2) No heals for every proffesion- Look at jedi sage ffs.... they are the tanks not vanguards

3) have to look at things to shoot them- BS remove it... melee is OP

4) Skill system sucks.... Pretty much everyone has the same skill....stretch it out more add more skills to be obtained by skill system not just +1% enhancements

5) Glitchy

6)graphics suck

7)Similar to WoW

8) Crafting system sucks- Add resorurces with qualitys

9)Reverse engineering sucks

10) Mounts suck

11) traveling sucks)

12) pets suck

13_ companions suck

14) Non diversity in armors

15) Non diversity in weapons

16) no diversity in classes FFS Make a jedi class and a sith class.... then add 1 class to each side

17) I did the same thing from level 1-50... Go here... kill these things then go here and kill these.

Shut these targets here, here, here, and here

Collect this <insert ridicoulos item here> 30 times

Kill this boss and move to next planet

18) pvp sucks - boring... need more open world

19) no housing system..... Even RUNESCAPE has a customizable housing system

19) space sucks

20)Broken skills, classes, zones, dialoges



Pros aka (only reason i MIGHT resubscribe)


1) Only Starwars MMORPG *out right now

2) Can't get any worse



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Here is mine from a recent post that will get drowned out:


On fixing Ilum,


1) World PVP Needs to be Easy to Access


Having played world PVP in almost every game in which it was accessible I can firmly say that what generates true world PVP is ease of access. What this game need is a boarding pass (possibly un-lockable from quests/fights on Ilum) that would automatically transport a player to their factions base.




This would help because the more barriers between accessing world PVP, the fewer players will engage in it for pure fun. Currently, players only go to Ilum to do their daily. I do not believe that is the intent of the developers. If players were able to transport to their base easily (not running through three loading screens and a lot of down time- to ship, to world, to dock, to ground, to flight path, to map locations) will make more players come to Ilum purely for fun.



2) Implement Open Grouping On Ilum


The other deterrent for players to join open PVP on Ilum is a feeling that they will be left alone and easily killed. This makes Ilum a perfect place to do mandatory open grouping - a la Rift/Warhammer. When players transport themselves to their faction's base they will automatically be put in a ops group with players on their team.




Open grouping would allow players of each faction to see where their team is, and to feel engaged in the fighting on Ilum without worrying that they will just wander the icy area alone until they get ganked. I think we all know that the vast majority of servers are going to see an empty Ilum very soon, and open grouping will have a very positive effect on making it fun and easy to enter.





Basil, Grand Master Zym

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Ok here i go...




Why have a major part of the game that is not working?

At first i reported all the bugged codex entries i came across to the dev team, but in the end there was SO MANY of em that i just stopped bothering considering i got no working communication with them devs anyway...

Make it work or just remove it?




1. Another funny thing i've come across is the insane difficulty to gain affection with companions Female to Female (cant speak for Male to male lol), in reality same gender romances or similar should be possible and so should be put into the game.


Example is being a female inquisitor trying to gain affection with Ashara Zavros, the affection gains almost feels bugged and might be, most likely due to that 2 characters of the same gender in this game atm cannot even truly like each other and nevermind have some sorta love for each other may it be a friendly one or a more romance'ish one.(Again cannot speak for similar Female to Female companion relationships but will check that out)


2. Companions are a big part of the game, but should there really not be more to it than that companion affection only affects crewskills efficiency?

Why should such a major part of the game be so restricted, its like its put into focus but still not so...

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