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They havent sticky'd it cause they are adding a suggestion forum this week!


And I hope they do get things sorted out i'm gonna keep checking in to see if they do but better be fast D3 and GW2 are coming out soon and if it isnt fixed by then people wil forget about SWTOR.


I'm like Seamaf had early access didnt play too much the mouse movement bug was killing me but it got fixed. I had high expectations and hoped it would be awesome it was till lvl 30 ish i have a lvl 50, 32, 36, 28, 25. and some teens. LVL 30 is when all the quests had a back and forth back and forth feel to it. End game wasn't appealing groups too hard to get together pvp had premade lvl 50's to get stuck as the only 50 on a team against all lvl 50's not fun. and if you keep re-queueing you keep getting the same exact team. Not fun. I got to the point where i just dont want to log on. Which is the least amount of time an MMO has had to make me feel that way.


Essential stuff is needed and fast i think they got about another 30 days to make or break this game.


LFD tool (auto grouper take WOW's it works)

UI Customization

More end Content (Ach, Mounts, Titles, Pets, Pazaak, something to do lvl 50 is soo freaking boring)(the daily's arent worth doing at least the pve one's effort>rewards)

fix the lvling 30+

take some of these suggestions and run with it.


I like the suggestions for the mini games pod racing, pazaak, even guitar hero idea. Fix it and fast you only got about 34 odd days to do it too. Thats when peoples 2nd month runs out and the 60 day play time card people got for christmas run out.

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Major complaint I have has to do with the Roleplaying aspect and gear. More specifically, While playing my char, Sith War, I made decisions based on what I would maybe to do in RL as a SW. By doing so, some people were killed, some survived and as a result I was pretty neutral and a little light side. Which is fine, that is just for me. What did I get for it? Two empty, EXTREMELY useful, equipment slots, IE relics. I am level 43 and have 2 big fat empty slots. Please give something to us neutrals.


Neutrals are getting their vendors soon, it's been stated before from the devs but no actual date has been given that I can remember right off the bat.


As for my list of personal suggestion.


Improvements and suggestions:


1) Mega High priority! More variety in moddable armour appearances. Actual appearances and NOT palette swaps! Right now there's maybe 4-5 different styles that aren't palette swaps per class/armour type that can be obtained in the game without grinding pvp/raids. This is a major issue for me as the currently available armour appearances that are moddable are extremely disappointing (all but 1-2 styles for BH looks like some Boba fetish, and the ones that are different are the newbie armours). Everyone's running around with the exact same look with a slight colour difference, no wonder BioWare took out "matching to chest" option because there's nothing there in the appearance variety department so we're getting padded with palette swaps. Fix this, asap! I know you guys have more talent than this and I've seen your walls of armour concepts, you're holding out on us, this is not a good start.:jawa_mad:


2) Unlock the customization options on the character creator, enough is enough, this is a MMO, not a MOBA game where we can only make preapproved looking characters. Locking face types with eye shapes and cheekbone positioning is annoying, but more annoying to deal with cosmetic options tied to eyebrows and other facial blemishes so we have to pick all or nothing. This is not freedom of choice, but a forced take-it-or-leave-it character creator.


3) Add Togruta/Cathar as playable races, they're ingame already as npcs in large enough quantity (in some cases more varied than the Twileks you see in the game too).


4) PvP...The issue isn't just based on levels alone, butt rather valor rank and expertise as well. Although separating the 50s might seem like an easy fix to satisfy the masses it's not exactly going to do much in the long run. Continue to observe PvP but keep in mind that level alone isn't a factor, player skill level is the bigger issue, and grouping them appropriately is going to solve more problems than just placating the lowbies.


5) Better LFG system...Perhaps something similar to the GTM where you can go through a list of Flashpoints you'd like to do and check them off and people can look through the list of people interested and invite people who want to do the same flashpoints/ops. Heroics are more localized so that will require a more expanded version of the current /who menu, considering how you can't really manipulate the frames (or I haven't found it yet) people can't really see who's looking for what unless they're spamming the chat.


6) Republic Worlds overhaul. The early republic worlds are mostly poorly designed, shared bonus objectives that spawn regularly and takes 5-10mins to respawn is ineffective compared to the interactive object that summons the final stage mob system on the empire worlds. The quest lines on Taris(republic) Chasing History is also another pointless backtracking running all over the place kind of quest with quick spawn refresh rate in the area meaning you'll be clearing trash that aren't worth any exp there and back and there again. There's a lot of running back and forth on republic worlds compared to the more streamlined empire worlds, this need to be looked at, as I personally get fed up with the republic worlds more easily and go back to the empire instead.


7) More minigames, seeing podracing, pazzak, even sabaac(sp?) would give endgame players something to do between the grind. Imagine using your speeder or purchase a moddable podracer and fill it with engine upgrades and weapons and have players just race it out. It's already been done on The Clone Wars Adventures so it's a doable mini game.


8) More variety in flashpoint/group content. This is a kind of an "out there" suggestion, doing it might take a lot of work and it may or may not be great.

I'm thinking of some sort of constant warzone, not factions pvp but just a warzone, where players could que up to join or start off in group/ops. But there is simply a ton of enemies, different objectives to take and variety of "bosses" to take down using environment objects as well as player skills. People can spawn in to this instance in different places and might even get to pilot a walker/bomber depending on the warzone's progression or something along those lines. All in all it'll be a a massive battle for anyone who's in the level range to participate, at anytime. Rewards will of course be based on participation but also objectives completed since one joined so no one's completely left out.

This is just an additional thing to think about, mainly because of what I saw in some suggestions and how it reminded me of the end of "Signs of War" trailer where everyone's running blasting things on a chaotic battlefield with lots of different potential weapons/vehicles.


9) Inventory/Cargo hold sorting.

When you're putting an item (crafting)into the cargo hold, it really should stack with the same kind that's already there.

Some sort of sorting would be nice, consumables, equipment, junk, gifts, etc.

An "Sell All Junk" option when you're at a vendor is also nice.


10) Ship droid mute/restraining option. The empire one is completely and utterly annoyingly enough for me to not travel anywhere by ship...


11) Hide Companion Head Slot option. You've done it for players, just put a tiny symbol next to their head slot in the character sheet to toggle it on or off for companions too. Sucks to have conversations where their battle-useful helmet hides all the companion's facial animation work.

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What they should do is take a page out of thier own book with what they did in Mass Effect 2.


Make my decisions DIRECTLY affect the companions IE: In Mass Effect 2 if you raced to end game you would find your ship wasn't up to par with the cutscene battle and your companions suffered the ultimate price.


I actually went back and replayed pretty much half of Mass Effect 2 because of it.


Make us actually give a rat's a** about the companions.


Right now I couldn't give a s*** about Doc outside of the fact sometimes only sometimes, if i don't want to die solo I use him in a battle the other times who cares give me Kira


Forcing us to use one companion for a class quest blows hard, and is not the same, if only for the fact you go through 40plus levels using one and only one companion to find out


"oh oops you can't use this one anymore now it's this one, which is one you've never even bothered with, have fun"

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1) Mixed faction Huttball: i.e. a mix of imps and reps on the SAME TEAM


2) More Huttball arena's (my friends and I all love it!)




The reason for #1 is that it will provide warzones that will be immune to a factional PvP imbalance which is inevitable. By imbalance I simply mean that one team will start winning far more than half of the warzone rounds, and that this will cause more and more people to go join that faction making things even worse. This has been observed in many MMO's in the past.

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Please make is so that effects shown on a player are more visible via the Operations frame. I come from an MMO where I can easily see debuffs on a player without having to target them, and it makes a world of difference. Also, target of target :-)
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Territorial Control Faction versus Faction, by BobTheTeepo


I stumbled upon a thread that suggested territorial control, and I got to think on how it could work, so here's how I think it could be implemented. (I'll make a TL;DR down below)


Each day a certain planet that is contested (so no Coruscant/Tython/Ord Mantell/Korriban/Nal Hutta/Drommund Kaas), becomes a different kind of contested ground (For example, even though Hoth has contested areas, add a new area to Hoth) where a certain part of that planet becomes a battle for control over it.


So like, on wednesday at 5 PM (for EVERYONE, 5pm in Europe, not 5pm in America) Tatooine becomes the contested battleground. All players are given notice that Tatooine is opening up for a major battle and are directed to where to go on Tatooine to get to it. They fight (for say, control of a central objective, like an objective or something), one defends (whoever owned it last) one attacks (whoever does not own it).


After say, 2-3 hours the event ends, whoever won gets a FACTION WIDE bonus. Now say, 7 planets become true warzones (Hoth, Corellia, Tatooine, Belsavis, Balmorra, Alderaan, and Taris). So each day at 5PM-8PM people battle for a bonus that affects everyone in the faction. Let's say the bonus is 5% extra damage in PvE, if Empire owns 3 planets and Republic owns 4 then the empire gets 15% extra PvE damage and the Republic gets 20%. Also perhaps good Valor EXP for each player kill?


Now, let's say Empire outnumbers republic 2-1 on a server, the battleground on each planet would have to be regulated. So like, the Empire CAN outnumber the republic, but only up to a certain amount (say 10 people), everyone who wants in joins a queue. So every time the republic gains one more person, everyone is moved up in the Empire queue by 1. This will also help to get people to roll republic.



Every day at a certain time (my suggestion 5-8PM in Europe AND America separately), certain areas created by Bioware can open up for faction v faction PvP. To ensure balance, one side cannot outnumber another side by more than 10, if one side does, the people who haven't already joined on that side must join a queue (that moves up as the other side gains players).


The planets Hoth, Corellia, Tatooine, Belsavis, Balmorra, Alderaan, and Taris would each have their own contested grounds. Each one would open up once a week (all 7, so once a day we'd have the PvP). For every planet your side controls, you get 5% PvE damage boost (or something similar), as well as Valor EXP being boosted for all people participating. Whoever had it last defends whatever objective Bioware makes, whoever didn't have it has to attack.


In conclusion, I'd like to say that although this would take a LOT of time to implement, it could give the game a life of it's own. It would make a LOT of endgamers stick around, and PvPers I'm sure would be thrilled.


That's my opinion on how it could be made anyway, thanks for reading.


-Credits to MarkusAtticus for the base idea, I just expounded upon it.

Edited by BobTheTeepo
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Territorial Control Faction versus Faction, by BobTheTeepo


I stumbled upon a thread that suggested territorial control, and I got to think on how it could work, so here's how I think it could be implemented. (I'll make a TL;DR down below)


Each day a certain planet that is contested (so no Coruscant/Tython/Ord Mantell/Korriban/Nal Hutta/Drommund Kaas), becomes a different kind of contested ground (For example, even though Hoth has contested areas, add a new area to Hoth) where a certain part of that planet becomes a battle for control over it.


So like, on wednesday at 5 PM (for EVERYONE, 5pm in Europe, not 5pm in America) Tatooine becomes the contested battleground. All players are given notice that Tatooine is opening up for a major battle and are directed to where to go on Tatooine to get to it. They fight (for say, control of a central objective, like an objective or something), one defends (whoever owned it last) one attacks (whoever does not own it).


After say, 2-3 hours the event ends, whoever won gets a FACTION WIDE bonus. Now say, 7 planets become true warzones (Hoth, Corellia, Tatooine, Belsavis, Balmorra, Alderaan, and Taris). So each day at 5PM-8PM people battle for a bonus that affects everyone in the faction. Let's say the bonus is 5% extra damage in PvE, if Empire owns 3 planets and Republic owns 4 then the empire gets 15% extra PvE damage and the Republic gets 20%. Also perhaps good Valor EXP for each player kill?


Now, let's say Empire outnumbers republic 2-1 on a server, the battleground on each planet would have to be regulated. So like, the Empire CAN outnumber the republic, but only up to a certain amount (say 10 people), everyone who wants in joins a queue. So every time the republic gains one more person, everyone is moved up in the Empire queue by 1. This will also help to get people to roll republic.



Every day at a certain time (my suggestion 5-8PM in Europe AND America separately), certain areas created by Bioware can open up for faction v faction PvP. To ensure balance, one side cannot outnumber another side by more than 10, if one side does, the people who haven't already joined on that side must join a queue (that moves up as the other side gains players).


The planets Hoth, Corellia, Tatooine, Belsavis, Balmorra, Alderaan, and Taris would each have their own contested grounds. Each one would open up once a week (all 7, so once a day we'd have the PvP). For every planet your side controls, you get 5% PvE damage boost (or something similar), as well as Valor EXP being boosted for all people participating. Whoever had it last defends whatever objective Bioware makes, whoever didn't have it has to attack.


In conclusion, I'd like to say that although this would take a LOT of time to implement, it could give the game a life of it's own. It would make a LOT of endgamers stick around, and PvPers I'm sure would be thrilled.


That's my opinion on how it could be made anyway, thanks for reading.


-Credits to MarkusAtticus for the base idea, I just expounded upon it.


THIS^^^^^^^^^^!!!! Best idea I have ever heard.

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(1) Have the mail "Compose" window drop the cursor into the Recipient field automatically.


(2) Fix the "sticky" tooltip when you mouse over a restricted area forcefield area.


(3) Please give us a customizable UI. We should be able to resize windows and have more than 2 open at a time.


(4) Customizable hotkeys for all 4 quickbars. And let us move the hotbars.

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This is just a very small "wish", but how about after picking up Sprint at level 14, have it default to always on unless we manually shut it off? If not, then please make it persist through death or zoning without having to re-toggle it every time.


Oh, and a beauty salon would be nice.. I'd love to change my characters' hairstyle and color, maybe even makeup, every so often. :)

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rewrite the text phrases for conversation choices to much more accurately represent what will be said if you click it.


Driving my buddy and I NUTS having to constantly restart conversations. It really bothers me when my character says something so far removed from what I wanted him to say, I hit escape and start over constantly =(

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On another forum post someone suggested starting planets based on races instead of classes. I think this would be a much better idea. Would add variety and allow for a more individualized feel to each character, ie a Chiss BH has a bit of a different story on their home planet than an IA would. This would also allow the current starting planets to be used as the second stage to advance the class stories and perhaps allowing the tweaking of some existing planets level ranges.


Seeing as the storylines are based around class this would either require unique stories for every race for every class or a massive repitition of content created on multiple planets.


In short either way, it would be a LOT of dev time for little appreciable gain. I would be strongly oppossed to this suggestion because almost everything else should be a higher priority.


I have a suggestion to make, regarding city planets...


I really hate the fact that when you look down the edge of a tall building on Nar Shadaa, instead of seeing busy streets, vehicles, bazaar stalls and the like, you see this placeholder texture that looks like spaceship armor, with a few antennae slapped on.


It doesn't look one bit like a city, more like a glorified space station.


My suggestion is to actually expand on city planets by replacing these placeholders with actual content... Max level areas aimed at soloers, free-for-all PvP back alleys, heroic raid zones for group players... All open world.


As it stands... City planets are a massive waste of polygons. They really need a revamp, and adding content to those empty areas would be a great start.


I would love to see vastly taller skyscrapers. Kaas city for example, looks like it could be built today (almost), when on Coruscant we see buildings towering several thousand metres (over 6k in some cases). Imagine how imposing the Imperial Palace would be if it was simply 3 x as high as it is now.

Edited by Aram_Darksun
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As I read through the updated OP, I can't help but wonder how some of these things weren't implemented in beta. Specifically, Guild banks and Customizable UI. I would be hard pressed to believe that BW didn't receive tons of feedback regarding lack of hotkey space, let alone tons of raging about not being able to move around windows. Really disappointing for a game that was in development that long.


My official requests, which are far from uncommon: Customizable UI and High Resolution graphics that are commonly seen in Beta footage as well as BW promotional videos. I can wait on character balance and many of the other items.

Edited by Malist
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Well subscription time is around the corner. Now the enjoyment of seeing how many people take a leave of absence here over the massive issues with the game that are being ignored. Cant get High Textures (resorts to medium) Chat bugs, Guild Tab is always 0 people online when its got many on, ****** Auction House Layout, Inability to move windows, horrendous LAG, horrible response times. I mean this game is EASILY 3 months away from public release. EA forced it out too early. Bugs that are STILL ingame have been there since closed beta. I for one will not be resubbing next week until the game is fixed up. Features that are out in other games that are a common thing should be included in launch, not as a teaser paid patch. Were getting screwed because this magical bug that no one seems to know of on the PTR has pushed back the patch until likely after they collect your $$ for the next month. Sorry, we should be getting the patch free along with another month or two of service. The game is so buggy they must have had some illiterate kids QA this thing.
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Class missions should not have Gold Elites at the end of them. They should be regular Elites with a couple of henchmen. Either that or nerf the gold Elites. I've been trying to complete Shadow Fist (kill Gold Elite) for the past half hour, and died about 20 times. I've tried all my companions and used all my CDs etc. So, I can't progress the story line.


It's a real shame. I thought this game was really great, but this is just ridiculous!




Do some PvP:D

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well subscription time is around the corner. Now the enjoyment of seeing how many people take a leave of absence here over the massive issues with the game that are being ignored. Cant get high textures (resorts to medium) chat bugs, guild tab is always 0 people online when its got many on, ****** auction house layout, inability to move windows, horrendous lag, horrible response times. I mean this game is easily 3 months away from public release. Ea forced it out too early. Bugs that are still ingame have been there since closed beta. I for one will not be resubbing next week until the game is fixed up. Features that are out in other games that are a common thing should be included in launch, not as a teaser paid patch. Were getting screwed because this magical bug that no one seems to know of on the ptr has pushed back the patch until likely after they collect your $$ for the next month. Sorry, we should be getting the patch free along with another month or two of service. The game is so buggy they must have had some illiterate kids qa this thing.


amen !!!!!!

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Sry if it's already been mentioned, but I'd like to suggest a few things / support some ideas.


-PvP space combat?


-Allowing for crew skill lv based rewards at end of space combat missions? Could have an option like "search debris" costing X cred for various rewards.


-Some sort of pause option for space combat. It is very hard to type and be social while in space combat. Some option to allow for a pause to type to friends or a party or even in general chat to build a community in the space sectors.


*Bug: I've noticed a bug where clicking on a separate chat tab during space combat automatically drags it out into a separate field.


-Added variation. Space is infinite, but the missions are few and repetitive. Even spawning ships at different locations or adding enemies, obstacles, or other goals (and rewards to go with them) based on previous success.


-Space cruise mode? Allow for free flying through space and looking at pretty systems in a cool environment and our new favorite UI. There could also be options for jumping into hyperspace to different fields to gather or complete different crew skill missions.


What do you think?

Edited by BushidoFett
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#1 Reduce revive cooldown to max 5 min. in class mission instances.I don't mind 10 min in open world


#2 increase jk/sw performance level 30-40 by:



#3 Replace Cyborg with a proper species and make cyborg customizations available for all races instead.


#4 Introduce species/races relevant abilities or buffs. Species should have some sort of distinction from each other don't you think.

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Show some love for us folks running the game across three monitors at high resolutions (6000x1080 for example). Currently it jams the left and right quickslot bars on the far left and right monitors which only makes them useful spots for hotkeyed abilites, but then you lose the ability to check cooldowns efficiently. Also, the minimap is on the far right screen for both PvE and PvP which makes them not very useful.


To me a quick solution to this would be to either allow the player to pick their monitor configuration when choosing resoluton (i.e. 3x1 monitors @ 6000x1080 res or 1x1 monitors @ 1920x1080 res) and then have a toggle for confining the UI to the middle screen or not, or the other option would be to allow the player to select the "playable" area of the screen and all the UI elements will stay within that zone, while the rest of the graphics display correctly across all the screens.


I can provide screenshots of how my setup looks if it would help any of the devs out, though as I understand there are some devs that play at these resolutions.

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Some more things I would like to see for more atmosphere and making the world feel more alive:


1) Day/Night cycles on planets. They don't have to match on all planets, they are different systems afte all. I know this isn't very important but I like it.


2) More interaction with the NPCs on the planet. Too many are just there to be seen, you can't click on them and get a "Buzz off I am busy" reply.


3) Make more NPCs that move around the cities. The majority just stand around doing nothing. There are some here and there that move or run and get shot, but not much. It is almost like playing in a painting instead of a movie.

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