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The Suggestion Compilation Thread - Regularly updated!


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The ability to personalize the ship is great. But I'd like that to go even further.


I was kind of hoping for more functionality in the ship though I admit I don't have any other suggestions off the top of my head.


I was hoping the ship would feel similar to Mass Effect 2, where you could do things in different rooms. Maybe add a music player, an appearance customizer, etc. Of course this would all be within reason of SWTOR.


My biggest want is a built in AI for the ship like EDI in Mass Effect 2. An AI that could communicate with you in the ship or when you're out on the mission. Giving you updates and such.


Just throwing those ideas out there.

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Better companion AI is really needed, also why do they have to stare at the player 100% of the time?


Being able to actually sit on chairs in cantinas/ships etc


Mini-games (gambling)


More republic vs empire interaction, especially on neutral planets like Nar Shadaa


Being able to mod the armour slot on epic armor to customize looks, currenty everyone of the same class looks the same at end-game.

Edited by NasherUK
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1- I Myself have some issues with FPS performance but i found out that disabling V-Sync will run the game smoothly on high settings.


2-Ddd more MMO aspects into the game, its all about friends a guilds playing together for god sake;


a) Chat bubbles are a must have! if you speak with me in-game, i will be probably paying to much attention to the center of the screen, where the action is, and not to top left corner or on whatever the chat panel may be.


b) Add a "looking for group" system will provide easy access to Flash points (that's the hole reason they exist, so we can do them with a group)


c) i still have the feeling that there are no players around me. Don't get me wrong, i love the environments and the views on the game, it is so star wars, but it looks like i'm walking forever before i actually encounter a player.


3 - Please add the option to move/drag windows. Imagine having 4 folders open on Windows 7 and not being able to move them around.. come on!

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Great thread, thanks for keeping it up.

I will attempt to update this thread frequently and prioratize major needed updates. I will base need on the number of people asking for specifc changes.

It's pretty much all been said somewhere in the thread, but want to do what I can to give my issues "priority". ;)


#1 - Login queues

Login queues need to stop. Like right now. I've been playing this game since pre-release, so nearly a month now. I was unfortunate enough to choose one of the most heavily populated servers on the list. In all that time of queuing up to play though, I have NEVER found an area that is overcrowded. Not one. Not even close. Even the fleet at the kiosks has never caused more than the slightest bit of lag. So why am I still sometimes waiting over an hour to log in? I mean, sometimes I queue up even when I don't want to play because by the time I'd be allowed to log in, who knows? I think I read that you have more subscribers than WoW right now... if it's a hardware issue then you should be able to afford new hardware. If it's simply a population control issue for the size of the game you've developed then you need to either loosen the chains a bit to see what happens or put in a server transfer option. If server transfer is the way you want to go then it needs to be set up 'yesterday' because seriously... shaking my head.


#2 - UI

- Allow UI to be scaled so that your hotbars group members and quests don't take up half of your screen. I feel so claustrophobic sometimes with this UI that it's like I'm playing original EQ. Maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but it seriously takes up so much room! Scaling of individual sections of the UI would be fantastic (shrink hotbars and quests but not the mini map etc.), but I'd take a straight percentage slider for the whole thing over nothing.

- Allow more than 2 windows to be open at once without closing stuff, and for god sakes allow us to drag those windows around!!

- Camera needs to zoom out MUCH farther. I can't tell you how many times I've died to players in open world that stand about 10 feet away from me and start shooting when I'm already fighting 3 or 4 mobs? You don't see the extra blaster fire and you can't see them even though they are almost close enough to stab... Which leads into:

- Combat log in chat with colour options for player attacks vs NPC attacks.



#3 - Galactic market kiosk

- Allow searching by item name without the filters

- Right click item from inventory when market search window is open should search for that item automatically

- Put in a category for companion gifts, there's too much stuff already under Misc.

- Allow searching by skill level for crew skill related things. Searching for schematics, crafting mission items etc is a pain because they are all level 1 items but have minimum skill levels to use. Searching 47 pages to see if one of the items you want is there sucks.

- The Usable By filter doesn't work... selecting anything but All returns 0 results

- The separate cross faction marketplace on Nar Shaddaa is an amazing idea, but it's got next to nothing on it. Even on the swiftsure server that market is practically empty. I'd hate to see how little stuff is on a less populated server. This isn't necessarily the game's fault... but it might be more used if there were other kiosks like that connected to this network on other planets too? I dunno...

- Remember how much I sell stuff for. When I sell a bunch of the same thing, auto-populate buyout and duration with whatever I put it up for last time. If I want to change it I will, but I don't want to have to track stuff in an excel spreadsheet. Then it feels like work.

- Allow longer durations please


#4 - Ship

- Is there any reason I can't search the galactic market from my ship? We have the internet and e-Bay here on earth. I can shop from anywhere I have an internet connection. SWTOR is set in a technologically advanced setting with interplanetary holocalls and space travel. Having to disembark my ship to visit a kiosk in order to see what's being sold on a virtual market doesn't add up. I could see it if this was a bazaar type setting with vendors holding stuff that you had to wade through, but it's not...

- The intergalactic postal service has got to be the most hardworking and efficient crew in the galaxy. They also have to have some kind of access to my personal schedule because any item mailed to me is available on arrival at any mailbox in the galaxy I choose to visit. With this type of system in place already, it boggles the mind to think why they are unable to also just deliver said items to my ship...

- I can quick travel to any hub on a planet that I've already visited. It stands to reason that I should also be able to quick travel to my ship, does it not? Using quick travel to get to the front of a space port, and then having to still walk through the spaceport and my personal hanger bay every time I want to leave a planet so that I can fly across the galaxy to check up on the galactic market at that special kiosk seems like it's un-necessary.



#5 - General

- Item stacking should be automatic. Buying 10 stacks of 10 of the same item from the galactic market shouldn't result in having 10 stacks of 10 in my inventory... if a like item is already there then it should combine without my intervention. Same for ship cargo hold.

- More dark/lightside gear please. Relics are great and all, but I'd really like to see more than some low level heavy boots and gloves only usable by sith. I worked hard for my darkside level and I'd like to wear something that actually reflects the true level of my snipery evilness.

- Dying of gear. I'm vain about my characters. I have a set look that I try to achieve with them during gameplay. Low level gear is fine if it's ugly, but once I find something that works I often end up sticking with it long past it's usefulness because I just don't find anything else that quite fits what I am trying to do. Dyes would fix that somewhat, because any new piece of gear could be made to fit into my wardrobe better.

- Ranged weapons all seem to have the same range. This is dumb. Please change it. Sniper rifles need to be able to shoot farther than a stinking blaster otherwise what is the point...


#6 - PVP

- Warzone queueing for specific warzones. If I have to play another game of freaking huttball I am going to shoot myself in the face. Not that it's a bad game, but it's all that ever comes up and it's my least favorite of the 3.

- More warzones. I'd especially love to see 2 base CTF and another control point map that's a little bit more spread out with more variable terrain.


Do all this and I'll be a happy camper.

Thanks :)

Edited by Khayoss
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1- make all seats in 'your' ship sittable





2- let any player who is in your ship have the option to have the perspective of your space battle, even if theres nothing for them to do right now.






3- if someone who was a moment ago 'eligable' to be ina group convo when you turn in the mission final but if you pull out they suddenly ''arent eligable'', then why have groups at all. why not make the game completley solo. this is not right. i couldnt get any group point because a freind of mine who did a loooong mission with me- suddenly is ''not eligable''. uh..yeah he was. i just saw him in the convo. and if i choose to pull out and redo what im not hapy with - he/they/whoever, should never suddenly become ''not eligable for this conversation''. please fix this. : )





4- tell us what you think of these suggestions. we like to hear what you think just as you do from us.





5- make the entire ship customizable. if anyone dosnt know how to do this, put a ship editor program in the game with destkop-uploadable features and we'll do it ourselves. gonna keep reminding you. ; [)

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Simply put the Warhammer RVR system on Ilum. Two bases with NPC bosses. Destructible doors. Siege equipment/vehicles, influence gear and rewards.

- Captureing a base should provide pvp commendations, loot bags, gear and general incentives.


Warhammers RVR system was terrible, why attempt to copy something that didnt work the first time.


World PvP:


- More World pvp lakes and objectives!

- More rewards from world pvp and objectives.

- Additional buffs for control of world pvp objectives.

- World pvp should award tokens and valour on kills.

- Players in world pvp lakes should drop items or commendations.


Huge problem with this, Is World pvp simply will not work in this game. Infact it has never worked in any faction based game (no it did not work in DAOC despite what your jaded/faded memories of how you think DAOC was. And it sure as hell did not work in warhammer)


As it stands right now there is a massive population inbalance towards imperial on the majority of servers.


This would result lake just being abandoned by the republic, short of maybe 3am ninja flipping. As a result the imperials would also abandon the area due to the lack of action. This was also the case in warhammer aswell a DAOC on alot of servers.


The only effective way of correcting ilums pvp area is just to instance it into large scale warzone similar to vanilla wow's alterac valley. (befor it was revamped into a dumbed down speedrun).



This is why alot of game developers have dropped the concept world pvp completely in a faction based game. It is not worth the development costs for something that will be abandoned or rarely used to its full potential.The only time i have ever seen world pvp work is in a factionless system.


And befor you bring up any type of bolstering system to correct faction inbalance, i would also like to point out that no bolstering system has ever sucessfully corrected the issue.




Sorry but your DAOC 2.0 will not exist/survive on todays market just accept this fact, if you want "world pvp" go play eve.

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Suggestion for HP dependent abilities:

Currently, an ability that can't be used until the target is 20% (example) or lower will remain "grayed out", or not fully "lit", until obviously the target is 20% and the GCD is not active.

Due to the way ability queue systems work, the ability should go from "grayed out" to "lit" if the GCD is currently in motion, so we know that the target has reached 20% DURING our latest GCD and we can queue our next HP dependent ability.


Juggernaut Guard:

1.) This is pretty much a tank spell. And more than not, it will be cast on a healer. In this situation, a healer shouldn't be near the tank, due to AoE spells/cleaves/whatever. This gameplay strategy negates the 15 yard radius of Guard entirely, making it basically useless unless under very particular circumstance. An upgrade to 30 yards would suffice.


2.) Guard, while cast on a companion while solo'ing, will disappear and need to be recast each and every time you mount/dismount. This is an unnecessary delay in which rages ensues. This fix would also help with open-world flashpoints, such as Colicoid War Games.



Another seemingly neutral time sink, causing a mild fit of rage when you JUST miss it, and it's a huge elevator that takes 30-45 seconds to cycle. How about Group Phasing elements for elevators, so that they are always at the position you need them, and 7 seconds after someone has walked on them, they move.


Gearset Quickchange(WoW's Equipment Manager)

Big need for this. If you implement dual spec, you absolutely MUST incorporate a way for us to save & swap gearsets easily. If you happen to implement an addon API, you can entrust the addon Dev's to take care of this for you, as it will be absolutely requested the very minute you patch in Dual Spec.

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#1 Add medium and heavy sets back to the social gear vendors.


#2 Add a fast travel point to player ships


#3 Add rewards to pvp in Outlaws den. Such as player token drops or quest rewards for killing players. Additional daily quest could be added to an npc positioned next to the GTN in the zone. With the removal of the high level crafting nodes there really isn't anything that draws players into the area anymore.


#4 Add daily bonus series quest such as those for level 50's on Belsavis to other planets such as Voss, Nar Shaddar, Tatooine, ext. Draws players back to some of the lower level planets for added variety. When you only have 2 open endgame planets you play on outside of warzones and flash points they can get fairly tiring fairly quickly.


#5 Add a dye system


#6 Add more guild features like guild emblems or standards that show on gear. As a feature to invite guild members to group from the guild window would be nice.

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I disagree with a few of the points in the community wishlist.


-Advanced class switching - Your advanced class is almost like your actual class. Switching back and forth between classes which often have entirely different roles and skill-sets seems a little strange to me. Maybe allow 1 switch (or maybe like 1 per month), but don't make it like dual-speccing where you can switch back and forth freely.


-Cross server dungeon finder - I really dislike this because of how easy it makes it to simply be anonymous. If you let someone into your group and they run around pulling mobs or ninja-looting or just be idiots in general, you can kick them and go into general chat and say something like "Need new DPS for X instance because SO AND SO is a jerk and just ninja-looted some gear that they can't even wear". Sure, this wouldn't make a big difference right away, but over time, if people keep on saying how bad of a person this guy is, eventually nobody will allow him in their group, and he'll have no choice but to re-roll and not be a douche.

Now imagine if we had a cross-server random dungeon finder. This jerk that just messed up the dungeon for the 3 other people could simply re-queue, find another group in 5 minutes, and go and cause problems for them with no repercussions. Another problem with the random LFG queue is that quite a few people will queue as either healer or tank for faster queues, then simply DPS and force somebody else to fill their roll if the kick-cooldown wasn't ready. And don't say that this is just speculation, because it happened to me AT LEAST 10 times in WoW.


Now don't get me wrong, I think that the current LFG system definitely needs an overhaul (it's borderline-useless right now), but I really think that we should keep PvE content within the server. I think that they should make it like the LFG system that WoW had before the dungeon-finder. A list of people who specified what instance they wanted to do, and what role they were.


That's all right now. I originally just wanted to post to bump this thread because it's awesome, but I wanted to express my views on a couple topics. Other than that, good job consolidating all of the QQ threads into a helpful and constructive list of possible improvements :D

Edited by TheDragonsBalls
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I'd really like a higher resolution item preview window. Right now, everything looks terrible when I preview it because it's so low-rez.


I'd also like to be able to preview the model of a piece of gear. Something like they have in Skyrim's inventory system, where you can click on an item and spin the model around and zoom in on it. This mostly applies to weapons- since I mostly use oranges and keep my mods up-to-date, the only reason I would roll on an orange weapon drop is if it looks cooler than what I have equipped. The only way for me to tell that right now is to roll for and win the item.


This would also apply to some other things like speeders, however. I hate that I have to poke around the web to figure out which speeder I want to buy.


EDIT: Oh, and please please please bring back some form of web-based guild management. Our guild has people across a bunch of time zones, and coordinating an invite for their alts can be an annoying pain. Alternatively, I'd love to be able to extend guild invites via in-game mail.

Edited by el_pinko_grande
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Oh, and another thing: I know this is probably a long shot, but I would love a CoH-style sidekick/exemplar system. I'd like to be able to help out my lowbie friends without either a) having an alt that happens to be within a level or two of them or b) screwing up their experience gains because I'm so much higher level than they are.
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Great Post

There needs to be a drive to get world PvP going on a large scale as it would compliment the star wars feel of large battles. All ideas mentioned im sure will be implemented as they are sound and logical approaches to making the game better. This is the kind of community people will be interested in as it is helpful and not negative like most.:D

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Argh, another another thing, and after this I'm done:


A lot of people have suggested WaR-style public quests, and I agree that these would be cool. What I'd like in addition to this would be cross-faction public quests on certain neutral planets. I wouldn't want many of them- maybe like 5% of the total public quests. But it would please my Care Bear soul immensely to have occasional areas of cooperation with the opposing faction.

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I am sure many of these have been mentioned but I did not feel like going through over 20 pages of responses to see what was posted.


I said this in STO and I will say it here. You need a non/semi-combat merchant class to enhance the economy. Also the story line could emphasize trading and bartering over combat to achieve story objectives. This would provide an alternative to the combat classes. Allow merchants to specialize in two of the six crafting skills, and allow the the opportunity to RE more efficiently by spending skill points on it. This would allow them to be able to create more specialized gear and vary the gear that is available in the game as not everyone will spend skill points exactly the same. It is evident that story telling in this game was done very well. You could even create their advanced classes to be a merchant or a pirate, where a pirate would also develop combat skills since they will probably take stuff by force. This could be a very fun class to play.


Space should get a facelift to a more open and team freindly environment. Missions and stories can be developed that involve space activity very much like on the ground. Some classes like smugglers may get more space missions as running blockades is part of what they do. Simply it should be more like SWG's Jump to Lightspeed, without the total neglect. I do not care if it is instanced, but it would be nice to have missions and bring people aboard to man ship stations for PVE and PVP combat. More ship variety would be nice and this can be executed by the merchants. Give them the ability to craft ships and RE their schematics to create variations on the standard ship classes.

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I understand that this hand is an Mmorpg, but I stress the urgence of having a ranked pvp system somewhat similar to arena in wow. It seems to be that the game encourages large group pvp, (8 person teams) and maybe even higher in the future.


What about the smallgroups of friends that want to have their skills tested in let's say a 3v3 or 4v4 (arena like) system. I think it will add a huge benefit to the pvp on this game.

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Would like to add, a legit "Green" shade of lightsaber crystal. In the designing of the lightside trailer, green was perfect, even better thank Kotor. Then beta comes out and green is just like "*** is this? lemonlime green? ". I also feel that Guardian should have another lightsaber form, maybe Makashi or Nimen.


Would feel more like Jedi if we had forms ment for certain situations like...idk fighting a Sith? Soresu, Shien and Shi-cho are pretty much defense against blaster fire. When a Guardians bigger role is to fight sith. Have a feeling I'm not alone in this, and I don't mean just for a guardian to be fair hand another form to warrior so on.



Also heard someone said Purple is a endgame pvp crystal for "Empire" when purple is suppose to be neutral?

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