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Everything posted by Nema_K

  1. I think forcing people into factions was a bad idea to begin with. I'm sure smugglers, troopers, bounty hunters, and agents existed on both sides. Let them start neutral and pick a faction. That way you won't have people complaining that BH has cooler graphics then a trooper. (Mirror classes would have to be changed around in order for this work) Jedi and Sith would have to start with their respective faction, but their LS/DS meter hits a certain level, they could have the option to defect to the other faction. Of course, its late to implement anything like this now.
  2. HAHAHAHA, that's genius! My legacy name is Expatriated. I wanted exiled, but that was taken. I use legacy title. If I could have done "the exile", I would use legacy surname. Alas, no spaces are allowed in your legacy name :/
  3. I've run into similar stuff too, but its not that that person made a choice to stay the default class, but that they were too stupid and didn't know how to pick an advanced class.
  4. Those are all retarded. I'd avoid anything with "Dark, Light, Jedi, Sith, Council, etc." On my server, I'm in a guild called "Lion's Den". It's a pretty bad *** name. I don't think anyone would mind if you use that name (Granted if its not already taken)
  5. YES. I really hope Bioware takes a look at this suggestion.
  6. I'd like to see A LOT more companion convos available. Like 3-5 topics to discuss in-between every planet, kinda the way it was with KOTOR I and II.
  7. There was also Count Dooku in the new trilogy...
  8. I'd also like if there were neutral classes that could join either faction. I'm pretty sure the Republic used bounty hunters, and the Empire used smugglers. Classes that can go to either faction would be pretty interesting. In terms of classes like Jedi and Sith, it should be a little harder. Maybe once you get to a certain dark/light level, you activate a new quest line that allows you to switch factions.
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