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The Suggestion Compilation Thread - Regularly updated!


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A lot of idea that are great most arent only on the last few pages but id like to see a buff and debuff filter i noticed on my sorcerer that there isnt a diff icon from my debuffs and another sorcerer debuffs also the buffs and debuff grow toward one another mixing in the mid being able to set what is show and where it's placed would be great.
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I will state some things I would like to see, these are likely already stated by others, but I think the more people pointing something out, the more likely it is to be considered.


1) GTN Search. I would like the ability to, if I want to find one, specific thing, to look for it. For example, I want a Yellow Saber on my Jedi Knight. I cannot just search for Yellow Critical Crystal..I have to go through all the mods on the market. This hurts both me(by making it harder to find what I want), but also the Crafters who are trying to sell such things on the GTN(by making it harder to find what they are selling).


2) Having the option to choose if your hoods are up or down. I put all that effort into tweaking my character's face, why do I, if I play a Jedi, have to always have the hood up?


3) More customization options in Chargen. I do like the Body Types, but would like to see something more like an "advanced chargen" option, where you can take all the options for a spot and use them, and have some sort of sliding scale for the body type for people who want to make even more fine tuned adjustments(like, female body type 4, but with a smaller bust-line, and slightly broader shoulders). Also, a colour wheel type setup for hair and eye colour for the races that have a huge range of said colours.


4) Ability to reskin the look of my ships. Maybe I am not a fan of the red on the Jedi ships, maybe I want different colours or maybe even marking son my Sith ships..These should, as much as anything else, represent the player's choices, even if they are just vanity items.


5) More colours of lightsaber crystals then just red, blue, green, yellow that are craftable. These should, of course, not be majorly easy to get, and should be something that feels like an achievement to get, but they should be available. Especially since this is before the Thought Bomb on Ruusan, and saber Crystals are supposed to be any colour of the rainbow.


6) Greatsabers for Sith Warrior: Juggernaut and Jedi Knight: Guardian Mechanically, make them a separate type of saber, but have them do more damage(they are wielded 2 handed, after all). I will admit: not having this option made me play Marauder and Sentinel.


7) Shoto for Sith Warrior: Marauder, and Jedi Knight: Sentinel. These would be an off-hand saber only, and would give a bonus to deflection and do slightly less damage, since they are a defensive-type saber.

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I'm just sayin...


I'm level 41 and we're supposedly about to go "capture the emperor." Here, I've fought with now four companions, bled with them, died with them, healed them, had great times, we've traveled the galaxy, the five of us. I know them all well, and for whatever reason, I've only traveled with one of them at a time...


I understand that is game mechanics, but this is where the story is messed up.


I'm about to go "capture the emperor" (I know at level 41 there's no chance this will succeed, I'm going to get my butt kicked but whatever), I've docked at his super-secret hideout. This is it, this is for all the marbles. This ENDS THE WAR!!


And I go have a discussion with my companions about which one will accompany me?






That's poor storytelling on someone's part. Better to not even have had this cutscreen conversation than to suggest I'd be so stupid as to not insist ALL OF THEM are coming with me on this very important task.


I'm just sayin'...

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Enable using mounts in all space stations and space ports.


It's not clear why the player has to run through all the areas he sees 10 times per day at snails pace...No added game immersion, no limitation from story/combat point of view, no limiting factors, really...

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Create massive, 3D planets - each planet to be the size of a WOW continent or even larger to be better than WOW. 3D means you can explore every bit of the planet and you could in theory fly over it and land anywhere, all the structures are real objects not backdrops


Create multiple levelling zones on the planets - so that they get a mixture of all player levels


Create a couple of capital cities or a neutral super city on those planets


Create hard to get, crafted or drops or both, flying vehicles. Make it so there are loads of types each with their own specs depending on the rarity - just like gear.


Remove the hangars and all the running in and out and those loading screens.


Create a story where the Sith attack and PULVERISE Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa. May the force be with them.


Add all UI addons and customisation, macros and sequences.


Make sure that sequences are intelligent so if "Shadow Strike" is next in turn, and instead of using the macro I click on another button for "Shadow Strike", the sequence should recognise this and move on to the next ability.


Combat log. Built in threat meters. Maybe also DPS and healing meters.


LFG across servers. Especially good for quiet servers.


Once a week free server migration tool.


Guild server migration tool.


Dynamic world events a la GW2.


Side quests and dungeons achievements leading to rewards , eg land mounts or flying mounts.


Guild perks and achievements, but easier than in WOW so even a small guild (5-10 playing members) can actually reach the top.


Make sure the Sith attack and completely destroy Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa. I am repeating this to make sure.


[if we were a research company we would be getting paid for these suggestions]

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Add target forwarding option (target of target). This means that implied target would have to be added as well. This ability allows you to use your spells/abilities through the target (your companion or group member).

Extremely helpful for healers and in groups and raids.


I think this is the most missed option for me at this moment.


This is an absolute for this game due to its companion focus. EQ2 has this and it makes things so much more friendly. I was actually surprised to not see something as such when I was playing the operative. Being that the class has reactive damage abilities to which spawn healing abilities, it was a nightmare to be able to heal anyone efficiently. Doing multiple party and companion healing even with a Sorcerer is counter productive at times.


I am not looking for a "one button" solution, but being able to configure, switch damage and healing targets with companions in the loop needs to be far more flexible and streamlined. Being a good player should not be contingent on how well someone can work around limitations in the UI, it should be focused on the combat and use of abilities.

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Ilum is one sided have the targets go to neutral with either target able to be capture after maybe 10 min of having one side dominate. i have to befriend a republic guy to get my daily and weekly's done befriend him meaning no kill so he will capture targets so i can get mine done i pretty sure thats not how you wanted that to play out is it?
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full customization options for all the speeder and stap-like vehicles including beam lights from the headlights you can turn on and off, a streaming radio and options to color them in any way. also a foldout small backseat your ally or one player can sit on at a time only the driver can allow them into/kick off at any time.
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This may seem a very small thing, but to me it's a bit of polish that would really be nice for the RP community. Chairs. I have only recently started on this game but have been active in RP on a certain other MMO for a long time, and immersion is crucial to building a community.

If it was possible to sit on chairs, even if only in certain areas, it would be nice, and would feel like a corner hadnt been cut when programming. The chairs are all there, but it seems players cant use them properly.

I am fully aware how ridiculous this must sound to non-rp-ers but there it is.

I see that chairs are on the agenda, so please consider this a supportive view of that item.

This game has great potential for the RP community, it would be a shame if it were missed.

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This is a great thread, some many good ideas!


Not sure if this fits in with the game but I'd like to see some social places that provide some excited -


- A casino on Nar Shaddaa, speaks for itself really but a place where players can gamble credits.


- A pod racing track on Tattoine (not sure if this fits in with the timeline) - players can bet on Pod Racers or even take part (though you would have to make the races random or people may work out how to fix the outcome) could have Pod Racing upgrades.


- Being able to compare companion loot when looking at the companion page and when looking at an item. This worked in Beta, not sure why it was removed.

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1)Cross server dungeon finder.


2)Cross server warzones.


3)Ac switching.


4)Dual spec.


5)Improve fps performance in warzones which is terrible on some machines for no apparent reason


6)Fix the various animation bugs and mirror class imbalances (due to animations most of the time)


7)Combat log and possibly a recount function.


Everything else is either fine or can wait.

Edited by AzKnc
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I don't know who the guy is compiling this data but he seems way too focused on PvP and little things.


There are four basic modern MMO features missing from this game.


1. GUILD BANK, the dev team should be fired for this one.

2. Group finder, either cross server or not but it needs one either way.

3. Fast transport to instance (flashpoint/heroic). THere should be a shuttle pickup that the group can initiate to get them all to the instance they are grouped for.

4. Grace period on instance loot. Too many times due to game issues or not paying attention, loot get distributed wrong or someone decides they need an item they didnt need on.


I mean I could give a crap about expertise on mods, lets get the game up to basic modern MMO standards then fix the small stuff.

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As a sniper, I have the options set to "auto target closest enemy". I can't afford to slow down dps after each shot to see if the foe dies. Sometimes there is a delay on the server recognizing the foe is dead.


I am sick of firing at the last mob in a pull only to have the system recognize it is dead after I have cue'd the shot. My next shot goes off and pulls the next mob in another pull before my group is ready. We need to regen and heal up.


Can you please add a preference to "auto target closest enemy that is already aggro'd". that way I can still keep spraying death on the stuff we are fighting without the annoyance of some stray mob just barely in range bringing death to my group.



P.S. We desperately need a guildbank.


Also I would love to see guildbank for the legacy thagt is accessable only by your account characters. Since only you can touch the legacy bank, you could allow bound items to be deposited and passed among the same account. I could give alts my hand-me-downs. Of course unique items would be unable to be withdrawn if the character has one already.

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I don't ever want to see a cross server lfg. But a server lfg that you can que up as a role desired ala pick tank if you want to tank would be nice. If not that then a server lfg channel and individual planet lfg channels would be nice. I don't spend much time on the Fleet station to pick up all the people who want to do instances, so currently I have to drop what i'm doing just to head all the way back to hope someone is lfg.


pvp space combat arena would be nice. We got the parts, why not test them against opponents in massive fleet battles?

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maybe if you do not use it then you will not see it? let others choose for themselves.


Cross server just encourages zerg rushes and people being jerks. Which then makes people cry the flashpoints are to hard and then it just goes down hill from there. I noticed a distinct rise in people just being silent in runs, being jerks, or just overall not being fun after WoW brought out the lfg cross server tool.


If there is no chance of reprisal by not being able to find groups, then why be nice? Limiting the lfg to a single server means that people are held responsible for their actions as that toon. Meaning if Kosa the Powertech is a jerk all the time no one will invite him in that server. Whereas if Kosa is put into a random pug from random servers the chance of a repeat encounter is much slimmer, and thus Kosa can be as much a jerk as he wants. Right now ther servers are populated enough you don't need a cross server lfg, if that changes there probably is more of a problem then difficulty in getting that flashpoint done.

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i don't remember where but if i remember correctly a developer said that custom gears where removed from endgame to not let the people grind the first boss of a raid and striping the boots to get the upgrades for all our gear.

i was thinking that it could be possible to have gear specific mods at level 50 (chest armoring, chest mod, chest enhancement, foot armoring, ecc.), that would not permit to grind the first boss of a raid/flashpoint/low cost pvp gear to upgrade all the custom gear but it will permit us to continue using the custom gear that we want.

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If someone types in "LFG something" in general chat then they automically get flagged in the LFG tool. The text "something" following their LFG comment gets added as the mission they are looking to group for.


This will persuade more players to actually use the tool, instead of ignoring it completely.

Edited by Slightlycampana
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Cross server just encourages zerg rushes and people being jerks.


No people being jerks encourages people being jerks cross server has nothing to do with it. Cross server would make lfg a lot faster than not. Besides not everyone is gonna want to do the same flashpoint and doing a specific flashpoint at lower lvls would be nearly impossible.

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Don't know if it's already been posted or not, but I would personally like to see an option (that is default off and players have to go turn it on), that will let us skip all the npc dialogue on non-class quest chains (so you still have to see your class quest dialogue and spacebar through them if you don't want to see it, but with other npcs that just give you quests to do you get them instantly). There could even be variables such as if the quest has otions for light side/dark side points or companion gains then you have to do them, these are things that could be discussed by BW.


the other one relates to quest giver marks over their head, make them bigger, or brighter or make it so it really stands out. Adding to this, make it so that the quest marker for npcs differentiate between a normal quest and a heroic quest.


These 2 changes would help a lot

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