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Everyone complains about Qsyncing , What about Q-Dodging , Its Freaking Real on Harb.


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Can people not be salty ****s . Like seriously I can never ever get any decent healer games sometimes. Everyone is one and done when they lose on their healer.


Great Example , the Q-Dodging of Kick-bot on his sorc is pretty gosh darn unreal , I'm not going to name names but jesus christ , like half of the sorcs on Harb just log off after 1 game against him. Better yet some log off when he logs on.



You can make the argument that Higher rated players will probably get grouped up with Higher rated players . But here are the facts at least on The Harbinger. There are 50ish or Less Tier 1 Players Imperial Players With Tier 1 . None of these players ever log on all at the same time.


There are 10-11 People who have hit Tier 1 Queing as healers and about 7-8 people who have hit Tier 1 Queing on Tanks. Which means that there are only about 30ish 'Highly' rated DPS , Most of which don't log on often because they got their Tier 1.




Can I also Put this Out there.


I like how Bioware made it such that pretty much every random PvEr/Rper who grinds can the season rewards and people STILL Complain about ELO and Ranked Rewards , GET OVER YOURSELF. A Chipmunk who can click the que button and earn medals by using a 6k Damage/Heal ability will get Tier 1 Rewards eventually.


This is NOT Earning Your Season Rewards. -http://imgur.com/Rbpevl5


It just means you have a ton of free time and qued up for solo ranked

Edited by tunnelhottie
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Every day, I find reason to despise arenas and ranked more and more. Just brings out the worst in people in attitude and gaming the system. Group should exist at most and YOLOs should just burn in the hell it has created for itself.


Just get rid of it and turn regs into making with a hidden rating save for the top 5 of each AC.

Edited by Technohic
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Every day, I find reason to despise arenas and ranked more and more. Just brings out the worst in people in attitude and gaming the system. Group should exist at most and YOLOs should just burn in the hell it has created for itself.


If Group was the Only Option I'm pretty sure there will be way more group ranked wintraders.

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Bioware is to blame.


Why would you have a system that ranks people globally among all servers and not have a que whereas you can play against everyone from all servers.


What kind of retard thought of that?


Pretty much all problems with the exception of balance would be addressed by cross server/cross faction ques.


It would also stop some of the servers from dying as well, but no bioware thinks the answer is more story content, that is what the game needs,

Edited by DirtyDiggler
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Well that should be easier to track than people just dodging Qs or trolling pugs.


Honestly though , what they need to implement is a Record History in the Leaderboards section where you can check who was against who for every game the person has played. It would make it so much easier to report wintraders with evidence of Q-syncing etc.

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The mess that is ranked pvp in this game has depressed me.


I took a break from SMITE to come back to this game, reason I took a break from SMITE was that ranked was stressing me out because of how elo works and how at high levels you lose way more elo per loss then you gain per win, so baddies ruin your life in SMITE.




This game has the same stupid elo system and is just god awful bad in terms of ranked.

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Bioware is to blame.


Why would you have a system that ranks people globally among all servers and not have a que whereas you can play against everyone from all servers.


What kind of retard thought of that?


Pretty much all problems with the exception of balance would be addressed by cross server/cross faction ques.


It would also stop some of the servers from dying as well, but no bioware thinks the answer is more story content, that is what the game needs,


The same people who thought no new raid in the new launch expansion is a great idea.

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Bioware is to blame.


I for one am really rather sick of hearing this pathetically lame excuse.


Bioware like any company makes mistakes, no game is perfect, I myself have been very vocal about things i think they have dropped the ball on... BUT, that does not force anyone to take advantage of the system, they do that by choice.


Noone forces anyone to re-roll FOTM, noone makes people Q Sync, noone makes people sit on fleet near the PVP terminal sitting on a mount that they called hideous when it was introduced but hey it looks good on their e-peen.


If a person chooses to use an exploit, that's their choice. If a player tries to manipulate the system to their advantage, that again is their decision. If a person chooses to q-sync, its an admission they cant earn it legit due to lack of skill. If they q-dodge its an admission that they have no stones. Trolling ranked for credits its basically prostitution of ones character. ALL of these things exist, but blaming Bioware for them is like blaming the beer bottle for your waistline.


There's these funny things called accountability and responsibility, look them up, learn them, live them, love them, and stop blaming other people for your own failures of character.

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I for one am really rather sick of hearing this pathetically lame excuse.


Bioware like any company makes mistakes, no game is perfect, I myself have been very vocal about things i think they have dropped the ball on... BUT, that does not force anyone to take advantage of the system, they do that by choice.


Noone forces anyone to re-roll FOTM, noone makes people Q Sync, noone makes people sit on fleet near the PVP terminal sitting on a mount that they called hideous when it was introduced but hey it looks good on their e-peen.


If a person chooses to use an exploit, that's their choice. If a player tries to manipulate the system to their advantage, that again is their decision. If a person chooses to q-sync, its an admission they cant earn it legit due to lack of skill. If they q-dodge its an admission that they have no stones. Trolling ranked for credits its basically prostitution of ones character. ALL of these things exist, but blaming Bioware for them is like blaming the beer bottle for your waistline.


There's these funny things called accountability and responsibility, look them up, learn them, live them, love them, and stop blaming other people for your own failures of character.


The problem is, it takes away meaning from rating. Just about everyone who really participates in ranked, does it because they want something that matters. The fact that people will game the system any way they can is what makes it absolutely pointless to have ranked in the first place since that meaning goes right out the window.


Personally; I don't know how a lot of people can stand it. I don't let myself commit fully to a competitive environment because I have in the past and I obsessed over it. It became too much like a job to where I focused on what the best builds was and "practicing" constantly if I wasn't competing and I lost all sense of fun in a video game I used to love doing that. Had in the middle of taht, I had to get teamed up with some random who was even slightly not up to snuff, or found others gaming the system to get ahead, I would have blown a gasket. It's just not healthy to worry about all this crap.

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The problem is, it takes away meaning from rating. Just about everyone who really participates in ranked, does it because they want something that matters. The fact that people will game the system any way they can is what makes it absolutely pointless to have ranked in the first place since that meaning goes right out the window.


Personally; I don't know how a lot of people can stand it. I don't let myself commit fully to a competitive environment because I have in the past and I obsessed over it. It became too much like a job to where I focused on what the best builds was and "practicing" constantly if I wasn't competing and I lost all sense of fun in a video game I used to love doing that. Had in the middle of taht, I had to get teamed up with some random who was even slightly not up to snuff, or found others gaming the system to get ahead, I would have blown a gasket. It's just not healthy to worry about all this crap.


The fact that you can get 500 rating and get tier 1 rewards shows how much rating matters this season.

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It's old news.


The current Rating system is difficult to accurately implement within the contexts of *this* game's meta and population.


Unfortunately, Many people only que up for fluff rewards, not for the joy of deathmatch pvp.


There's apparently a large amount of people that have developed an artform of manipulating the Solo-que.


Pathetic Example....I've just transferred legacy gear to an alt and hit my desired tier in one afternoon of gameplay, where as my main would take about 100 games to achieve the same result, due to bad ELO rng on the first ten games.


Group ranked will never be popular because of all of the above, but if grouped ranked was the only option, people would smarten up.


The developers need to adjust the ratings and rewards system. Check my sig for the link that thousands of people would love to see implemented.

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It's old news.


The current Rating system is difficult to accurately implement within the contexts of *this* game's meta and population.


Unfortunately, Many people only que up for fluff rewards, not for the joy of deathmatch pvp.


There's apparently a large amount of people that have developed an artform of manipulating the Solo-que.


Pathetic Example....I've just transferred legacy gear to an alt and hit my desired tier in one afternoon of gameplay, where as my main would take about 100 games to achieve the same result, due to bad ELO rng on the first ten games.


Group ranked will never be popular because of all of the above, but if grouped ranked was the only option, people would smarten up.


The developers need to adjust the ratings and rewards system. Check my sig for the link that thousands of people would love to see implemented.




Refer to This Thread about RNG in Solo ranked , 1000+ games played on 1 marauder , 200 games played on 1 marauder . Same Person , Same gear . Different Results.


This thread is mainly talking about the Q-dodging one and done people.

Edited by tunnelhottie
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The problem is, it takes away meaning from rating. Just about everyone who really participates in ranked, does it because they want something that matters. The fact that people will game the system any way they can is what makes it absolutely pointless to have ranked in the first place since that meaning goes right out the window.


Personally; I don't know how a lot of people can stand it. I don't let myself commit fully to a competitive environment because I have in the past and I obsessed over it. It became too much like a job to where I focused on what the best builds was and "practicing" constantly if I wasn't competing and I lost all sense of fun in a video game I used to love doing that. Had in the middle of taht, I had to get teamed up with some random who was even slightly not up to snuff, or found others gaming the system to get ahead, I would have blown a gasket. It's just not healthy to worry about all this crap.


I am not arguing any of that, only that is is not "Bioware's fault" that people choose to take advantage. People do what they do but their own choice, noone forces a person to be a douche.

Just as they choose to be rude, or troll, or downright ugly to other people, that's a choice they make, not something that is forced on them. Blaming someone else for any of that is childish, ridiculous, and utterly cowardly.

Edited by Floplag
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I am not arguing any of that, only that is is not "Bioware's fault" that people choose to take advantage. People do what they do but their own choice, noone forces a person to be a douche.

Just as they choose to be rude, or troll, or downright ugly to other people, that's a choice they make, not something that is forced on them. Blaming someone else for any of that is childish, ridiculous, and utterly cowardly.


I made this thread mainly because I am sick of People losing one game on their healer and logging off. Its not a Bioware issue.

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I made this thread mainly because I am sick of People losing one game on their healer and logging off. Its not a Bioware issue.


Agreed, but that's what someone else's reply was, and i thought it was laughable to suggest.


This game has so many people that have forged their ratings that any threat to them is unacceptable. Its pretty simple really, those who do as you say know they aren't good enough but wont risk not being able to throw their "rating" in someone else's face, as it is has any meaning whatsoever in this game at this point .


Good players in any game don't have to tell anyone their rating, we all know they are good regardless. Far too many players with rating far higher than they deserve.

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The fact that you can get 500 rating and get tier 1 rewards shows how much rating matters this season.


As if rating was ever legit when classes have never been able to queue on equal terms.


The only way it could work with poorly balanced classes is to ignore winrate, focus on game contribution and finally add a modifier which DID look at class winrate and use that to compensate those who solo queued with less able classes so the top 5% of Snipers would be the same rating as the top 5% of Powertechs for example.


You'd still lose more in a worse class but doing well for the class would be as rewarding as any other.

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As if rating was ever legit when classes have never been able to queue on equal terms.


The only way it could work with poorly balanced classes is to ignore winrate, focus on game contribution and finally add a modifier which DID look at class winrate and use that to compensate those who solo queued with less able classes so the top 5% of Snipers would be the same rating as the top 5% of Powertechs for example.


You'd still lose more in a worse class but doing well for the class would be as rewarding as any other.


Whoever is FOTM wins , Look at the previous seasons , and this season.


Top 2 Rated Sorcs are Healers . Previous seasons Operative Healers are FOTM. Now the Top 2 Operatives are concealment. PT Tanks are FOTM . Most of the 2k Rated PTs tank.

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Refer to This Thread about RNG in Solo ranked , 1000+ games played on 1 marauder , 200 games played on 1 marauder . Same Person , Same gear . Different Results.


This thread is mainly talking about the Q-dodging one and done people.




yeah I know, that's a lot of arsetime, haha


It still doesn't change the fact that a lot of the current problems with ranked are a direct result of our ratings and rewards system, which is also a result of the cultured mentality of the masses playing the game because of it. Additionally, this "dodging a failed sync-que and retaining your rating bug" will get fixed soon enough.


My proposed system is 1000 times better, and would stifle all trolling and dodging attempts. It's plain to see, right under your nose.

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