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Which EU server has the highest GSF population?


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On the server I used to play on, it took me about 30 minutes to enter a match at peak hours, and it wasn't even a full match. Whereas about a year ago I could queue and get matches almost constantly, I asked about GSF, and apparently people only queued for it once every hour. I'd really rather not only do one match an hour, nor -have- to join a guild to get a decent amount of matches.


If no EU server is ideal, I -can- roll US, it's just with the timezones thing it'd be more difficult.

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I don't play a lot recently. The last time I played was before the patch that randomly unequips components so I don't know if that patch affected queues.


Before that patch T3-M4 (German, PvE) usually had 1-2 games running at any given time during the afternoon and evening.

Edit: Waiting time is usually at maximum when there's only one game open and you have to wait for it to end, so the people in there queue again - so around 10-15 minutes if you're unlucke. Usually, if you queue as soon as a game finished you'll get an invite within the minute.

Edited by Danalon
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What server are you on currently? From my experience, the red eclipse gets the most GSF pops of the EU servers, but the quality of play isn't nearly as good as T3-M4, Progenitor, or TOFN.


Prog atm, where it was mentioned that GSF matches are -hourly-, which I basically cannot stand.

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I haven't played on other servers than The red eclipse so I can't really judge how it's on other servers and this is just my personal opinion.


Pops are quite fast here usually around 2-3 games going on during "prime time", but matches are often unbalanced. Not many premades around and when they are they unbalance games even more since premade vs premade matches are not that common. Most premades don't use voice chats even when they are available for them. Rep side is still dominant, but imps have improved a bit. Still for those who enjoy challange imp side is a safer bet. Lots of new inexperienced players trying gsf out which often can make average skill level feel a bit low.

GSF channel is dead most of the time. It has never been really advertised so many of new pilots don't know of it. GSF community is quite friendly and I have never had any problems with anyone, but I don't take things too seriously/personaly in first place. There is 3-4 guilds that have probably gathered most of the more dedicated pilots.

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