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Please don't dumb the game down.


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I read that companions would not be needing gear in the future. They would automatically follow the players level.

So gear would just be used to make them look like you want.


This scares me, cause it looks a lot like what Blizzard did to WoW.


Like the hunter: I loved playing hunter in vanilla WoW.

You tamed a pet and the pet had skills, but in order to teach your pet better skills you had to tame higher level pets that had those skills, learn them from the pet and then teach them to your pet.

You also had to stock up on arrows, choose the right arrow for the right job.

If you didn't treat your pet well, it would start to dislike you up until it simply left you.

It wasn't easy, but it was fun! Also: The difference between a hunter who learned to play the class and put effort into honing their ammo and pet, and a hunter who "mashed random buttons" was enormous.

But they made the game easier and easier. Now, pets are automatically loyal, they get all skills, they have the same stats, bows magically always have arrows and so on and so forth.

Now the difference between players isn't that big anymore, because so much that were depending on the players skill and efforts are now automatic. Class nearly plays itself, to be honest...


Please don't keep going down this path, Bioware. Please don't reduce the options to do good or bad decisions as a player. Don't make the game easier because some players whine about something being "too hard".

Let them rise to the challenge and be proud of the struggle instead of carrying them forward.


Let the game reward skill and effort, rather than smoothing out any differences between the casual and the dedicated player.

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apparently giving players choices in which companions they play with, not being forced to choose one companion over another because of role or story and THEN having that companion without any gear making it virtually useless for the story is dumbing it down?


how exactly are we 'dumbing it down"? Story quest gives choice of gear (and ONLY one piece for one of 4 companions) so you are forced to choose a piece of gear for companion 1-4 (usually pick companion playing with currently). So for a dozen levels and half a dozen quests you get gear for 1 companion then suddenly forced to use another companion who hasn't had any gear (since starter planet potentially) and is worthelss and you find that "dumbing it down"?


I put companion in empty shells for a specific look, so now i'm forced to purchases mods at the cost of my own and i'm now an idiot for not wanting to spend coms on a companion when I can use better ones?


how exactly are all these things dumbing down the game? Its a game not like its Axis and Alies and requires a billion lines of errata on rules and mechanics nor a phd to play it.

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LOL OP to late

way way way to late


We were BEGGING EA not to dumb game down since closed beta and every move they have ever done has dumbed game down


Asking them to stop now is just way to late to game and unrealistic.


Just have to accept this will be the easiest MMORPG ever made and accept it for what it is

Or move on.


Took me a long time to just accept that this game is not designed to challenge or demand strategy/tactics


It is what it is and its all it will ever be.


If you look at upcoming changes announced, most of them really are to pacify the "Make it dumber" crowd


No customizable stats on companions is clearly done to pacify those that whined and complained some people companions were more powerful then their own. Because those people got the gear and augs for companions.


The removal of main stats into one single stat isnt exactly making game easier (as ultimately will have no effect on character ability) but it certainly done to dumb down the game design so even the most dense can understand what stats means.


Not that Aim, Cunning, Str, Will was all that hard to figure out

but some still struggled understanding it


Less individual stats makes it easier to grasp/comprehend

And thats why it was done


As I said, it is what it is.


EA has fully embraced the dumbed down game crowd now and is focused completely on easy mode single player game play and story.


Long as the story strong I suspect most ultimately will not mind as those looking for challenges have long since found alternative game titles to fill that need.


If the stories come up short though,

I dont hold out allot of hope for SWTOR

Really have put all their eggs in one basket now


So now we wait and see how it plays out

Edited by Kalfear
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If you use "skill and effort" to play an MMO, you are doing it wrong.

More like "you're playing the wrong MMO". SWTOR is ultra casualized in tons of aspects. Most group quest bosses are simple tank and spank and require no tactics at all. Feat tree were extremely limited and streamligned and it recently just went worse with the new system that forbid the sometime fun hybrid build for a system that basically give you the cookie cutter build with you having extremely few control over what you want to customize, except for a handful of passive perk with limited impact (but that allows you to orient a bit your build toward some PVE combat style, or PVP)


We also recently the will of EA/Bioware to push that "noob friendly" aspect as much as they can : Offering a way to solo instance is good, killing all challenge by adding a god-like droïd by default that does everything for you is dumb and dull. Even when you remove it, it stay quite a breeze to go through.


It's a choice. I mean, I'm sure there's plenty of people that just want to follow the story in easy mode with a minimum effort and that's fine. Good on them, they found the right MMO. I don't like that because I like a bit challenge but that's the way they decided to go and that's not a new scandal: We know that SWTOR is very forgiving, easy, and that the skill requirement is super low. It's not a scoop. We play for tons of reason: The universe, the friends, whatever, some for the PVP, some for the housing system... But definitely not for the challenge during leveling.


So yeah, while I agree with OP, I can't say it's surprising.

Edited by Jaedelyia
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It's a choice. I mean, I'm sure there's plenty of people that just want to follow the story in easy mode with a minimum effort and that's fine. Good on them, they found the right MMO. I don't like that because I like a bit challenge

It's a computer adventure game, like all MMOs. You sit in front of your computer and press buttons, like all MMOs.


If you want a game with challenged, I suggest a game like bridge.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Work Smarter not Harder. Having to grind out sets of gear for companions isn't smart, its tedious. There is nothing smart about tedium. They are making the game smarter by removing pointless busy work.


Oh, how I LOVE this community! For some reason, it's people like you who obviously did their homework that I just enjoy in the gaming community.

Yes, smarter is better! Warframe (a game that, despite sucking at the shooting, I enjoy doing stealth in it whenever possible) is a game that is surprisingly easy with friends, but just deep enough to keep you engaged. For example, you can get pets in the game, and, if you don't take care of them, they will die. Also, changing mod orders on weapons can change the weapon drastically in fundamentals. Polarity is a system that forces you to think smart about how you place mods on weapons. The game even as platforming puzzles to work through. Approachable, but far from simple.


Watching Extra Credit's video on

, Making the game less complex doesn't mean it is easier. Super Meat Boy is a superb example of this, since the controls are extremely simple, but the game kicks you in the delicate area every chance it gets.


Yes, SWTOR is getting less complex, but depth is what we should be concerned with. Certain classes have deep mechanics that, although not necessary to play the class, can significantly boost your level of play. However, if they remove the gear requirement, they at least need to give Companions complex behaviors, i.e. moving out of the big red/blue/green circle that means death! You know, the one thing players don't move away from? You'd be surprised how many times I've lost my companion because of this, and I tend to die immediately after. Even more, make the Companions on par with the players, or, perhaps, better than some of the player's I've encountered in queue. Makes me not want to run group content...

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I'm OK with "dumbing it down." I play this game for fun. It sounds like some play as a bit of a hobby or something to take a bit of pride in. I suppose it would be a good compromise if we could switch on a "hard mode" or "hobbyists mode" so that you could do those things and the rest of us can just be like..."cool beans!" :)
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<<they at least need to give Companions complex behaviors, i.e. moving out of the big red/blue/green circle that means death! >>


or at least make companions not run off the end of the elevators to their death in the cadem. flashpoint !


wiley coyote, you did it again...

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