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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Any plan to deal with email gold spam?


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Since I sell every "non-trash" item I collect in game, when I check my mail I just click the box which highlights all of the items and do a mass collection. Sadly, I end up taking the 1 credit from these tools. Hopefully that won't come back to byte me when it's purge time.
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I don't understand why they don't have credits available to purchase in the Cartel Market. Bioware wins because they going to make real world cash for in-game currency. The players who buy packs for the chance of getting a rare unlock win to sell on GTN win because they don't have to go a roundabout way of earning in-game money. Finally the idiots who are currently buying credits from credit farmers win because they don't have to worry about their credit card information hitting the dark web or however that works I not too familair about it but someone from Bioware said Organized crime involved so that's my best guess. Take the information and sell it on sites where you can see other credit hack information only here the victim actually gave the information away for in-game currency which based on the offers I get in my inbox is nothing. I make more in an hour selling mats than is offered by the spammers.
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I get 2-3 goldseller spams a day per toon in my email. Rather than delete or ignore, I decided to report it as spam so BW can see what is going on. 3 weeks now and all the spam tickets have been ignored.


Spam tickets? I've been reporting them as harassment for weeks now. ('gold' spammers really irritated me in chat - and I was happy that Bioware purged them - but it feels as if they are now personally approaching me by polluting my mailboxes, and I certainly don't want that ).

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I get 2-3 goldseller spams a day per toon in my email. Rather than delete or ignore, I decided to report it as spam so BW can see what is going on. 3 weeks now and all the spam tickets have been ignored.


Probably not ignored. Just because you (and I, and others) continue to get these messages it doesn;t mean that Bioware is ignoring the reports.


They are probably gathering information. They want to know not just the disposable accounts that spam the mails and messages, but the major accounts that hold the money.


When they make their move, like they did before, they want to hurt the credit sellers.

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I get 2-3 goldseller spams a day per toon in my email. Rather than delete or ignore, I decided to report it as spam so BW can see what is going on. 3 weeks now and all the spam tickets have been ignored.


You understand that people who send these mail probably do:


1. create account (behind some proxy)

2. click referal link to get 7 days sub

3. get money

4. send mails

5. delete/abandon account


There is not much BW can do against these. But i bet they are gather informations from them, and try to locate the main accounts and their users and hit them there. If they would have to respond on each of the money mails people report it would only slows them down.

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I get 2-3 goldseller spams a day per toon in my email. Rather than delete or ignore, I decided to report it as spam so BW can see what is going on. 3 weeks now and all the spam tickets have been ignored.


Do you mean ignored in the sense that you are getting spammail from the same username still after 3 weeks? I somehow doubt that.

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You understand that people who send these mail probably do:


1. create account (behind some proxy)

2. click referal link to get 7 days sub


New accounts don't get the free week though do they? That's only for prior subscribers?


Personally, I suspect that by the time we receive the spam mail, the character that has sent it has already been deleted.

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I don't understand why they don't have credits available to purchase in the Cartel Market.


Because that would add vast amounts of credits into the game from nowhere, and lead to even more rampant inflation than we already have.


As it stands at the moment, buying an item off the Cartel Market for real money and selling it on the GTN for credits only transfers credits from one person to another (and deletes 6% of them in the process). Those credits were still earned in-game by someone.


One of the main problems with MMO economies is that money is constantly added to the game (kill a mob, money magically appears, finish a quest, money magically appears), which is why they have credit sinks to try to remove them again. But with a lot of the credit sinks in SWTOR now removed, and the remaining ones being so small they're insignificant anyway, that 6% the GTN eats is pretty much all that's left.


Take that away and replace it with hundreds of millions being added instead, and we'll be in the state where no-one could afford to buy anything without buying 10+ million off the Cartel Market first.

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And to stay on-topic for the thread, I posted a suggestion in the Suggestion area that we have an option to only receive mail from the system, guildmates and friends, and I've seen several others since, but they never seem to gather much support.
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I always keep the 1 credit, but report them as spam regardless. I figure if I get a million spam messages, then I'll have a million credits. Maybe I'll buy a Deco for my stronghold. I'll call it my "I ain't never gonna give you no stinkin' tre-fiddy, ya stupid spammers" deco. It'll be the shiniest deco ever!


It does get really annoying getting the same spam message on all of my toons too. I used to look forward to checking my mail. Now I'm like "I bet it's spam-mail!"


I don't understand why they don't just ban all of China. Problem: Solved.

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I don't understand why they don't just ban all of China. Problem: Solved.


Probably because the offenders are not located in China. :rolleyes: Welcome to 2015.


What you say?! -----> If you were to research even a little bit.. you would discover that almost all of these spam accounts are operating in the local region where the servers reside. In North America for example.. most RMTs are operating out of Canada these days.. and they subcontract to players all over the place to gather data and credits for spamming/selling. Which is not to say they have good English skills by any means.. many appear to be immigrants with the usual language challenges. Canada has relaxed immigration rules for nations that are part of the Commonwealth (in the case of China.... that would be Hong Kong, even though it continues to be slowly absorbed by China).

Edited by Andryah
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An even better solution, no sub, no mail out. no exceptions.


Would not stop them. They will simply adapt and move forward in some other manner.


Honestly.. the nuisance factor of the RMTs is pretty low these days. So clearly Bioware continues to work to remove them. But they continue to adapt and will persist for as long as players purchase their services. To expect zero incidence of RMT spam is unrealistic for any MMO.... except ones that are so unpopular there is little actual business to be had.

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And to stay on-topic for the thread, I posted a suggestion in the Suggestion area that we have an option to only receive mail from the system, guildmates and friends, and I've seen several others since, but they never seem to gather much support.


What I don't like about that is I've mailed people who sell things the GTN asking if they are willing to trade decorations or other high value items in exchange for what they are selling on the GTN or I've mailed someone if I want to know where they got a specific piece of year from but they logged off before I could whisper them.


So there are some benefits of mailing someone who is not a guildie or friend in game.

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