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Quality of life changes for mara


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Hello, I got forum access for a bit so just wanted to throw this up here..... may be read, may not be, at least I tried XD.


Building fury with health regen is currently a tier 3 utility. Why in the world is it not baseline is beyond me. I mean a sub can just build up fury then respec for free and get a more useful utility like 6 sec undying (PVE and OPS point of view of course). This creates a short window though which is a nuissance.


Why is there a timer on berserk? AP PT energy burst stacks dont have any timer on them, and u can just build 4 stacks for free without having to spend a utility point (see above, guess they should do the same for merc dps, very similar mechanics). This is not game breaking. But berserk falling off when u dont want it to out of combat (in combat should probably never happen anyway) having to recharge etc its just annoying, this is a small quality of life change and a little goes a long way IMO.


Vicious throw CD. Why in heavens is the cd not divisble by a gcd? Get it down to 9 secs already (with zero alac). It gimps fury so much by only being able to use it once during execute phase per rotation section, just beacuse of that 1 second difference.... Tiny thing not game breaking but so much would feel so much better already. Remember little goes a long way. How hard can it be to replace a 10 with a 9?!


This may be just limited to me, but the primary reason I dont play ani at all (yes better reason than the spec being in shambles) is the sound animation on use of annihilate. Call me crazy but that viscous shout back when there were successful procs, was simply amazing. AP PT and IO merc get a laugh even though the proc is guaranteed. Thats cool, why dont we have it. Quality of life change to at least make the spec more enjoyable.


Defensives forms, tier 1 utility. This is a perk that if u do not take ur either dummy parsing or ur dumb. It is such an important aspect of how marauder plays in combat that it is in fact an essential perk and hence should be a baseline passive at some early level.


Combat movement speed: a lot of classes can get 15% extra combat movement speed just from a utility perk, regardless of discipline. Imo it should be baseline for melee given how much they, especially maras, need to move in general to stay on target. Also PT gets it in tier 1 so why not at least combine it with something in our tier 1 section? But passive would be best.



Thats what I could think of right now and has been bugging me for quite some time.


Thanks for reading if u did! Maybe devs too (*in my dreams heh*)

Edited by Benirons
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Good post. You've got some constructive thoughts.


I think that while we all must endure the developer's shortcomings, there actually are some some really cool abilities in our arsenals.


Cheers to a good read, and I'll share some ideas when I stumble upon them.

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Hello, I got forum access for a bit so just wanted to throw this up here..... may be read, may not be, at least I tried XD.


Building fury with health regen is currently a tier 3 utility. Why in the world is it not baseline is beyond me. I mean a sub can just build up fury then respec for free and get a more useful utility like 6 sec undying (PVE and OPS point of view of course). This creates a short window though which is a nuissance.


Why is there a timer on berserk? AP PT energy burst stacks dont have any timer on them, and u can just build 4 stacks for free without having to spend a utility point (see above, guess they should do the same for merc dps, very similar mechanics). This is not game breaking. But berserk falling off when u dont want it to out of combat (in combat should probably never happen anyway) having to recharge etc its just annoying, this is a small quality of life change and a little goes a long way IMO.


Vicious throw CD. Why in heavens is the cd not divisble by a gcd? Get it down to 9 secs already (with zero alac). It gimps fury so much by only being able to use it once during execute phase per rotation section, just beacuse of that 1 second difference.... Tiny thing not game breaking but so much would feel so much better already. Remember little goes a long way. How hard can it be to replace a 10 with a 9?!


This may be just limited to me, but the primary reason I dont play ani at all (yes better reason than the spec being in shambles) is the sound animation on use of annihilate. Call me crazy but that viscous shout back when there were successful procs, was simply amazing. AP PT and IO merc get a laugh even though the proc is guaranteed. Thats cool, why dont we have it. Quality of life change to at least make the spec more enjoyable.


Defensives forms, tier 1 utility. This is a perk that if u do not take ur either dummy parsing or ur dumb. It is such an important aspect of how marauder plays in combat that it is in fact an essential perk and hence should be a baseline passive at some early level.


Combat movement speed: a lot of classes can get 15% extra combat movement speed just from a utility perk, regardless of discipline. Imo it should be baseline for melee given how much they, especially maras, need to move in general to stay on target. Also PT gets it in tier 1 so why not at least combine it with something in our tier 1 section? But passive would be best.



Thats what I could think of right now and has been bugging me for quite some time.


Thanks for reading if u did! Maybe devs too (*in my dreams heh*)


You make excellent points, there is only 1 problem: we already told about all of these problems to devs and they dont give a **** (ok, not about anni proc laugh :) )

We want Brooding as baseline for so long. Devs said something idiotic, i dont remember, i simply cant imagine how would it be OP. VC CD is indeed stupid, devs dont care. Btw Anni CDs: Rupture 6s, Annihilate 6s, TST 18s, Ravage 18s, Force Leap+Deadly Saber 12s, all can be divided by 6, FORCE REND 15s (dots have duration not CD in the list ofc). I want the laugh of Anni proc back, not for laugh itself but because it would mean we got 2.10 Anni back and got rid of the **** we have now. Defensive forms should have been baseline, devs took it away instead and gave us Brazen. They say maras would be OP if we got the Fury generation part without utility. :rak_02::rak_02: Combat movement speed: we have 15% bonus on Phantom, this makes us the only class in game who has its movement speed increase in tier 2, not tier 1. Devs say there is nothing wrong.

I'll laugh so much if what I saw is true and while we get a 20m dash, sorcs will be able to run with Force Barrier and get Phase Walk. Devs never read class forums, they proved this about 1000 times when PTSes were up.

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Yes, all excellent points and all of them have been brought up MANY times. Especially the Defensive Forms aka Stoic/Brazen one. Do you wanna see BWs response? It will make you cry.


While the Fury/Centering generation applied by Defensive Forms (and the new Brazen/Stoic) improves the DPS and defensive output of Marauders/Sentinels who are being actively attacked, it does nothing for those who are avoiding damage or attention and allowing their team/companions to draw the target’s ire. Due to this fact, we are leaving this Fury/Centering generation skill as a player choice and not moving it to a class-baseline passive.

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Yes, all excellent points and all of them have been brought up MANY times. Especially the Defensive Forms aka Stoic/Brazen one. Do you wanna see BWs response? It will make you cry.


Lmao!! Gues they never heard of raid wide dmg and the such XD, no wonder we r getting ops slowly.

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Yeah, there is literally no way EVER in ANY endgame content, no matter if PvE or PvP to avoid damage completely. This was the stupidest excuse I've heard in my entire life.


Idk, H2F and Slippery n Shady were pretty bad at the time, though fitting now. I certainly think it's ridiculous that everything that every spec took in all areas of content in the game became utilities instead of passives like most every other class got. Probably 1/3 of our utilities were basically passives pre 3.0, more than half of them came from Carnage. Without looking, as best as I can remember only 3 came from Rage (Autosnare, better UR and longer lasting CoP) and 2 from Annihilation (Camo speed + duration buff and Blood Ward). Literally everything else in trees was either bottom tree (available to all, more often than not taken by all) or was Carnage exclusive. Seems really lame to me.

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nice, although you forgot that sentinel has the 2 highest cds in the game (blade ward + guarded by the force) for a total of freaking 6 minutes (guardian has like 6 minutes by summing up all their cds, for example).


then there is the problem with anihi rotation being stupid and ugly and way too slow (0 initial burst, which is very important) on pvp.


then there are the root problems/being kited problems. Root breakers, each, consume a freaking heroic utility...


The defensive utilities on heroic tier feel mandatory in some scenarios (like 4v4 dps) but since the cooldown is so huge, it can be really bad in matches with healers... in other words, yes, you are right, we need like a free utility point; turn one or 2 of the must have defensive utilities into a passive.


i'm talking mostly ranked here, as it is what matters more, or what should matter more, in 8v8 you could use a completely different setup for utilities ofc.

Edited by James_Mcturney
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