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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please don't require group content in class stories?


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Hi there. I have been leveling a Consular Shadow through story missions alone, as I'm mostly playing for the story (and role playing).


I am on Ilum and currently at the stage of the story where I have to complete the Flashpoint: The Battle of Ilum.


Why must I participate in group content for what should be largely a solo endeavor?


Particularly a flashpoint that few people seem interested in doing? I've been LFG for days without a single bite. :mad:

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Hi there. I have been leveling a Consular Shadow through story missions alone, as I'm mostly playing for the story (and role playing).


I am on Ilum and currently at the stage of the story where I have to complete the Flashpoint: The Battle of Ilum.


Why must I participate in group content for what should be largely a solo endeavor?


Particularly a flashpoint that few people seem interested in doing? I've been LFG for days without a single bite. :mad:


You don't actually HAVE to do the flashpoint on ilum.

Edited by Anaesha
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Yeah, it can be hard to find a group for that these days! In KOTFE, they're actually going to make a solo mode for the most important story flashpoints, including this and The False Emperor.


Usually if I can't find a guildy to run me through or a group to do it, I'd just do Makeb first and when I'm 55 with Rishi gear, just solo it. It might put a dink in your immersion, but it's probably your best bet. ;)

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Hi there. I have been leveling a Consular Shadow through story missions alone, as I'm mostly playing for the story (and role playing).


I am on Ilum and currently at the stage of the story where I have to complete the Flashpoint: The Battle of Ilum.


Why must I participate in group content for what should be largely a solo endeavor?


Particularly a flashpoint that few people seem interested in doing? I've been LFG for days without a single bite. :mad:


yes sorry they added MMO elements to your solo RPG story. The end flashpoints are optional and spoilers there ARE flashpoints that are required for the story but DP have a solo option those particular flashpoints are easily soloed once you hit 55 especially the story versions. They are also in group find and shouldn't be overly hard to group for them (especially when they are part of conquest this week).


They will be making most story critical flashpoints with a solo option. But asking to NOT have any MMO elements is just poor IMO.

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I completely agree. I've had trouble finding groups for Ilum under Seige and the Seeker Droid and Macrobinoculars missions, which made it feel really awkward for trying to get immersed into the story.


If the final boss fight of KotFE is a battle with Arcann or something, I want to engage him in an epic personal lightsaber duel. I don't want to have to ask for 3 other Outlanders, some of whom are very likely to be alternate versions of myself or eachother, to join just for a final part of a story that I had been doing by myself up until that point. It would make each person less personally involved, I think.

Edited by OldVengeance
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yes sorry they added MMO elements to your solo RPG story. The end flashpoints are optional and spoilers there ARE flashpoints that are required for the story but DP have a solo option those particular flashpoints are easily soloed once you hit 55 especially the story versions. They are also in group find and shouldn't be overly hard to group for them (especially when they are part of conquest this week).


They will be making most story critical flashpoints with a solo option. But asking to NOT have any MMO elements is just poor IMO.


I think this post basically covers it. It's mildly annoying for now, but it's being changed soon and it's not hard to find a group in the meantime.

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If the final boss fight of KotFE is a battle with Arcann or something, I want to engage him in an epic personal lightsaber duel. I don't want to have to ask for 3 other Outlanders, some of whom are very likely to be alternate versions of myself or eachother, to join just for a final part of a story that I had been doing by myself up until that point. It would make each person less personally involved, I think.


That's the mistake they made with the grand finale on Oricon; in consequence, a lot of people don't do it, as it requires an Operation to finish the planetary story. It's largely in response to the negative reaction to that, that all the flashpoint and story content in Shadow of Revan has a solo mode. I imagine they'll stick with that model for the next expansion too.

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Particularly a flashpoint that few people seem interested in doing? I've been LFG for days without a single bite. :mad:


Most Flashpoints are having a solo mode added when the expansion launches, and as they've said that in the first run there is no new group content, you'll be safe on that score.


I remember queuing for three days for False Emperor, then I added hard-mode to the queue, and I was away within a couple of minutes, so that could be worth a try.


EDIT: In addition, that isn't class content. Class content ends on Corellia, Ilum has faction content, Imp and Pub that both culminate with False Emperor. Oricon and Makeb are similar, and from then on its the one story for all.

Edited by Gonalius
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I completely agree. I've had trouble finding groups for Ilum under Seige and the Seeker Droid and Macrobinoculars missions, which made it feel really awkward for trying to get immersed into the story.


If the final boss fight of KotFE is a battle with Arcann or something, I want to engage him in an epic personal lightsaber duel. I don't want to have to ask for 3 other Outlanders, some of whom are very likely to be alternate versions of myself or eachother, to join just for a final part of a story that I had been doing by myself up until that point. It would make each person less personally involved, I think.


100 percent agree


It's becoming harder and harder to find groups and personally i really wish we could group up with our companions as a team to do group content.


Can only hope as swtor gets even smaller that they will eventually do something like it and not some op follow robot lol.

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Battle of Ilum and False Emperor were able to be solod at level 50 in Tionese gear.


Now, even at level 50, you have access to gear heads and shoulders above Tionese quality, and even in HM, they are faceroll easy.




OP, level up your character on Makeb and then come back to do these flashpoints on your own ;)

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OP, level up your character on Makeb and then come back to do these flashpoints on your own ;)



I'm leveling through story.


We were told that we would be able to level solo through our story, but that seems to not be the case here, is it?

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ilum =/= class story. Skip it for now, do Makeb (which still gives you 12 xp) and do ilum at a later date or something.

Also once you get there, dont bother making a thread about oricon and how you need 8 people to finish 'the story'

Edited by Faardor
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Stop apologizing for poor design.


A storyline that starts with solo play should end with solo play. Period.


To have somebody solo their way through Ilum, only to make them group up to see the conclusion, is bad design. Inexplicably bad considering all the Flashpoint storylines in the 1-50 game are self-contained. They already knew better, and they mucked it up anyway.

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Stop apologizing for poor design.


A storyline that starts with solo play should end with solo play. Period.


To have somebody solo their way through Ilum, only to make them group up to see the conclusion, is bad design. Inexplicably bad considering all the Flashpoint storylines in the 1-50 game are self-contained. They already knew better, and they mucked it up anyway.


Yeah. How dare a MMO have group content. The nerve.


Battle of Ilum and False Emperor are not part of the class story, they were the start of endgame progression at launch. Besides, they're getting solo modes in 4.0. This is a non issue.


Besides, their storymodes were soloable in Tionese gear back at launch, and they've only gotten easier since then. Basically, if your gear is 116 or higher, you should have no trouble soloing those, even at 50.

Edited by Andrellma
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Yeah. How dare a MMO have group content. The nerve.



hehhe gotta admit that sarcastic reply is EXACTLY what I thought as well reading OP


But thats todays gamers sadly


they want it all on easy mode and think MMORPGs should be solo play games.


PS: For OP


If you just level to 60 (ultra easy to do solo. Really mind numbingly easy to do solo)

buy 192 gear with elite coms (also easy to do solo (but faster if you pug tacticals)

you can solo all those ilum flashpoints, even on hard mode setting


So dont worry

SWTOR might be called a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE RPG, but grouping is completely optional.

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Yeah. How dare a MMO have group content. The nerve.


Battle of Ilum and False Emperor are not part of the class story, they were the start of endgame progression at launch. Besides, they're getting solo modes in 4.0. This is a non issue.


1. If you want to play an MMO, play a real MMO. This game is a joke as an MMO. It launched five years behind the curve and will never catch up. The solo experience is the only worthwhile aspect.


2. It doesn't matter. The story starts solo, it should end solo. It doesn't matter if it's a class quest or not. The Jedi Prisoner storyline, for instance, starts with the Taral V flashpoint and ends with the Maelstrom Prison flashpoint. It doesn't start on Alderaan during the solo quests. The whole story from start to end takes place in a group environment.


3. That they're changing it is good. That you can eventually solo them makes it not a huge deal anyway. But the fact remains that it's a situation that never should have happened to begin with.

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I'm leveling through story.

So level up on Belsavis. Do the side missions. It's still the story, and more importantly, it happens before Malgus declares the establishement of the New Empire. So you don't need to worry about chronology either.


We were told that we would be able to level solo through our story, but that seems to not be the case here, is it?

You were told this in 2014 before SoR release and you actually got the solo versions of the SoR flashpoints.


Ilum is from 2012. Back then they tried to encourage people to do group content and socialize. You don't understand that Ilum is old and came before all the talk about "everything can be done solo"? Bioware didn't lie. In 2012, and even before SWTOR was released, they were talking about soloing "your personal story/saga" by which they obviously meant the CLASS story. It's just that a few parts of the old story require a group to finish.


I hope quests like the Ilum flashpoints will be redone in 4.0, so people like you can do them solo on a required level and we won't see threads like this anymore.

Edited by PavSalco
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1. If you want to play an MMO, play a real MMO. This game is a joke as an MMO. It launched five years behind the curve and will never catch up. The solo experience is the only worthwhile aspect.


2. It doesn't matter. The story starts solo, it should end solo. It doesn't matter if it's a class quest or not. The Jedi Prisoner storyline, for instance, starts with the Taral V flashpoint and ends with the Maelstrom Prison flashpoint. It doesn't start on Alderaan during the solo quests. The whole story from start to end takes place in a group environment.


3. That they're changing it is good. That you can eventually solo them makes it not a huge deal anyway. But the fact remains that it's a situation that never should have happened to begin with.


Actually, the story doesn't start solo. The Malgus questline stretches over almost every flashpoint, and if you pay attention, especially after his reveal, you can catch on to what he was really doing that whole time. If anything, the single player questline on Ilum is more of an interlude leading up to his reveal, not the start of his story.

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Actually, the story doesn't start solo. The Malgus questline stretches over almost every flashpoint, and if you pay attention, especially after his reveal, you can catch on to what he was really doing that whole time. If anything, the single player questline on Ilum is more of an interlude leading up to his reveal, not the start of his story.


Fair point for the Imp side.


On the Republic side, Malgus appears once at the end of Maelstrom Prison.

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