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The Official "We want more PVP" Thread #MOREPVP


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Feel free to leave your own warzone suggestions, or suggestions for world pvp, but most importantly make sure to show your support in wanting more PVP in SWTOR. Use #MOREPVP so we can get a trend going.


So, I watched the live stream yesterday, and I was very excited about the companions and story and everything else, however, I have yet to hear about any PVP improvements. I get it was about companions that time, and I'm grateful for any news but I think pvp for the most part has been forgotten about, and this thread is just reminding the devs that we are still here and we still love to PVP!




A new an easy WZ type you can have is 2v2 on the arena. It would probably take a day to impliment if you copy and paste your 4v4 coding, and just change the 4s to 2s.


PVP/PVE Experience: A survival mode challenge. This is similar to the collicoid war games flash point where you have a team of 4 on each side, trying to survive powerful opponents. If the both survive, which should be difficult, theere is a tie breaker in which 1 person from each team is randomly selected to fight someone from the other team.


Assault on Alderaan: Final battle between Thul and Organa. To win, the players must defeat their commanders. It's a race to kill them. They can devote everyone to killting them or some to stopping the other's assault.





Feel free to leave your own warzone suggestions, or suggestions for world pvp, but most importantly make sure to show your support in wanting more PVP in SWTOR.

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Yea, It would be cool if they changed the Colicoid War Game Flashpoint to be a Hybrid Flashpoint/Warzone. You do all of the regular Flashpoint, then you have a PvEvP last boss fight, that would be friggin awesome! The first one to kill the bosses AND the other team wins!


A Kill the Commander mode would be fun too. Though, the game would need to be coded specifically to avoid getting Healers as commanders, because then the matches would take like 5 eons because healers can heal themselves for rediculous numbers to keep themselves alive.


2v2 Arenas would be nice also.

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I definitely would like more PvP. More maps and bigger scale, perhaps just in size of the map if more players is not possible; but I would completely disagree with expanding PvP with anything smaller than the 4s that have already had a negative impact on PvP.
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I definitely would like more PvP. More maps and bigger scale, perhaps just in size of the map if more players is not possible; but I would completely disagree with expanding PvP with anything smaller than the 4s that have already had a negative impact on PvP.


With the changes coming to combat, bigger maps would most certainly help. Because it is going to be a nightmare! Any kind of remaining balance will be heading straight out of the window.

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I'm sure this has been brought up before, and I'm sure there are reasons for it, but why do we not have a new class yet? This game has been out a while.


I would love to have a new class to try out for pvp. I know there is a lot of symmetry right now with how everything works, but a new base class, with two new sub specs would be awesome. It's kind of strange that that hasn't happened (coding issues aside).

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I would love to see a new map for PvP (Especially a new 8v8 Map or the return of 8v8 ranked? <3) but I doubt we'll actually see a new 8v8 map anytime soon, besides my best hopes and wishes, cause it took EAware almost 2 years to get all the kinks out of Ancient Hypergates. As for arenas, I never really enjoyed them and didn't enjoy them especially when they took out my 8v8 ranked for them but I wouldn't mind seeing a new map especially on whatever-the-new-4.0 planet is.


Seriously though, bring back 8v8 ranked and let me choose between 4v4 and 8v8. I miss my kickball in 8v8 days ):


EDIT: 2s wouldn't work with how current class balance is. A lot of people would just que healer and tank and make the match take forever and then even if we put a short time limit on the warzone. I doubt people will bother even staying in the warzone long enough to wave at the enemy team.

Edited by JargoFett
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I'm sure this has been brought up before, and I'm sure there are reasons for it, but why do we not have a new class yet? This game has been out a while.


I would love to have a new class to try out for pvp. I know there is a lot of symmetry right now with how everything works, but a new base class, with two new sub specs would be awesome. It's kind of strange that that hasn't happened (coding issues aside).


We don't have a new class yet because of the extra writing it would take

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We don't have a new class yet because of the extra writing it would take


This is a pretty weak excuse IMO. They could have just made a third advanced class for someone. Even more so with free 60s + reboot with KOTFE.

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I saw this idea in another thread but I wanted to bump it because I liked it the more I thought about it


Have an escort mission that would work similar to Voidstar in that there is a chance to be on offense and defense for both sides. On defense you'd have to protect some sort of vehicle moving from one end of the map to the other, while the offense's objective would be to destroy the vehicle before it reached the end. Whether failed or not, the offense and defense would switch. If both vehicles reached the end, tiebreakers related to kills (or whatever Bioware uses for tiebreakers in Voidstar) would determine the winner. If both sides couldn't escort the full distance, the winner would go to the side with the vehicle's traveled-distance being the tiebreaker.


I can see this being cool on different terrains, too. Some terrains could favor ranged attacks while others would favor melee.

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Outlaw's Den should be a warzone map, its left to rot there. It shouldnt be hard to make it one when that area was designed for pvp. Minimum effort.. There are so many instances that could be rehashed for pvp and BW loves rehashing. With 12xxp and upcoming instant lvl 60 all the plantery content will be even more unused. MORE MAPS. DM. ANYTHING
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Actually if they made a class like a deathknight you know start at 60 (like the dk at 55) it wouldn't take any extra writing except for the class itself.


Yeh, that's a good idea... especially since the new expansion is kind of starting over and giving a new 60. They should definitely do something like that.


I just feel like this game has been out long enough for another base class to be introduced.

Edited by lavatsunami
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