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Disappointed with LiveStream


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The technical issue was no problem, it happens. But, the only new thing i learned is that all companions can fulfill all 3 roles, and that they won't have items with stats to equip, just visual changes now.


Besides that, in total, there was maybe 3-5 minutes of uninterrupted and continuous game-play shown (without pausing and talking about the choices, talking to chat, etc).


We already knew Lana Beniko was going to be a companion. Oh and we saw T7 and Kira. That's it. That was the big first reveal.


I am only disappointed because my love for this game is extremely big. But I have never in my entire life seen an up-coming content, dlc, or expansion lacking this much information to its customers. The expansion is releasing in less than a month, and if my friend asked me right now what it will be about, i could maybe talk to him for a minute or two.


If you don't feel this way, I honestly envy you. This is not a good feeling. I don't want it. But all we are seeing is stuff like Zakuul Knight armor, Dropship, etc on the cartel market. People don't even know what a damn Zakuul knight is. We don't know anything.


Help us Obi-Wan. You're our only hope.:rak_frown:

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Eric said he knew there was alot more questions and would answer some more on the forums.


Then why bother with a live stream. 8000 people just wasted an hour and twenty minutes of their lives, and learned information you can fit in bullet points. If you're going to share information then just post it on the front page of your product. This is insane.

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Another disappointing "reveal" by BioWare.


Eric and company need to watch a Blizzard or ArenaNet press conference. You can tell us about systems and show us things without spoiling story.


You could have explained the raid and pvp gear with the Mastery and Crit/Surge changes. You could have shown how we get non-story companions back. Fans don't care about your story hype, they care about the technical parts.

Edited by SirUrza
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The technical issue was no problem, it happens. But, the only new thing i learned is that all companions can fulfill all 3 roles, and that they won't have items with stats to equip, just visual changes now.


Besides that, in total, there was maybe 3-5 minutes of uninterrupted and continuous game-play shown (without pausing and talking about the choices, talking to chat, etc).


We already knew Lana Beniko was going to be a companion. Oh and we saw T7 and Kira. That's it. That was the big first reveal.


I am only disappointed because my love for this game is extremely big. But I have never in my entire life seen an up-coming content, dlc, or expansion lacking this much information to its customers. The expansion is releasing in less than a month, and if my friend asked me right now what it will be about, i could maybe talk to him for a minute or two.


If you don't feel this way, I honestly envy you. This is not a good feeling. I don't want it. But all we are seeing is stuff like Zakuul Knight armor, Dropship, etc on the cartel market. People don't even know what a damn Zakuul knight is. We don't know anything.


Help us Obi-Wan. You're our only hope.:rak_frown:


i'm assuming you missed the part where you saw hk-55

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Absolutely nothing was answered. Why don't they just write a blog post outlining how all things related to companions will work? Including a list of who is back and in what capacity. Be as detailed as possible. Slap a spoiler warning on it and then just finally tell us something we didn't already know.


Then do one for crafting too.

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Or a certain Darth on a ship at the end of the stream...
Again, did not miss Darth marr in that 4 second part either.


Once again: just like Lana, we have seen him being in the expansion already. This is not new. Am I speaking Huttese here?


Screw it, im out. Speak about the livestream if you like, or not, or whateever. Peace.

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2 months, not less than a month.


But as I've said before, existing subscribers are not the people Bioware is aiming the KotFE at. You're already subbing now when there isn't an expansion, so why wouldn't you still be subbing when there is one for free in 2 months? They've got you hooked and know it.


They are trying to rope in people who don't play SWTOR but play Mass Effect and Dragon Age. And that, they just say a lot of plattitudes and story and outlander

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You guys seem to be missing the biggest piece, no matter what happens in the KotFE story our old companions will still be usable outside of KotFE missions, for me this was a huge win and was all i needed to hear ... if they had simply scrapped the old companions I was most likely going to cancel my sub.
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Then why bother with a live stream. 8000 people just wasted an hour and twenty minutes of their lives, and learned information you can fit in bullet points. If you're going to share information then just post it on the front page of your product. This is insane.

Some of us enjoyed watching the videos/gameplay. Seeing a bit of what BW was talking about when they said this would be a return to 'cinematic storytelling' was pretty cool.

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Another disappointing "reveal" by BioWare.


Eric and company need to watch a Blizzard or ArenaNet press conference. You can tell us about systems and show us things without spoiling story.

There are WoW players saying right now "Blizzard could learn something from EA on how to do these things."

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Oh and we saw T7 and Kira. That's it. That was the big first reveal.


Except we kinda knew about them before this stream: http://press.ea.com/products/p1340/star-wars-the-old-republic -> Documents -> Screenshot 9: http://press.ea.com/artwork/2015/08/na-1-20150805123638/fbdbe6e6b8a9ff61/swtor_kotfe_screenshot_09.jpg . Those screenshots have been out for almost a month now.

Edited by MFollin
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see this is what i find funny, everyone who know this stuff already looking at datamined or leaked information..so that when they DO give out stuff they complain "we already knew that"? don't complain about lack of information if you've already peeked at the end of the book.


I'm confused on who the first reveal of a returning character (not necessarily companion) was. Was it T7 & Kira? We already knew Lana & Marr from other items previously posted by Bioware on this website.


If it was T7 & Kira, yes, i'm very happy to hear a voiced scene from Kira.


But I really wasn't expecting this reveal to be class specific. I was expecting a storyline character such as maybe Theron or Satele or something like Mako showing up on a Trooper demo.

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The stream basically confirmed that... certain reddit folk were 100% right .


That alone was worth it.


and everyone who raid those posts, are now comlaining nothing was ever learned because they already read the story.


how can someone look at spoilers and then complain that early sneak peaks don't contain new information.


boggles the mind, and wonder why they don't like people talking about that kind of stuff and delete that kind of information. shocker

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Post signed. Anyone here who plays another large MMO about internet spaceships knows what community interaction actually looks like. This was just a 10 minute circle jerk with bad audio and frozen screens.


Todays Summary:


Companions will come back.

Any gear you put time and effort into making them stronger is obsolete.

They will release the story in little chunks so that everyone won't finish it on a weekend and unsub for several months.

They made costly cinematics instead of end game raid content.

Everything that has been collecting dust on the shelf is a nono to even think of mentioning.

They did a great job.

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and everyone who raid those posts, are now comlaining nothing was ever learned because they already read the story.


how can someone look at spoilers and then complain that early sneak peaks don't contain new information.


boggles the mind, and wonder why they don't like people talking about that kind of stuff and delete that kind of information. shocker


^^ Yep.


But people need to conflate and create reasons to complain and whine. It is, afteral, l.. an MMO forum. :)

Edited by Andryah
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