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Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event ending very soon.


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For anyone wondering, not following SWTOR Twitter, or have forgotten the end date,




Nar Shaddaa nightlife ends 25th. - I imagine at the daily/weekly reset.

So if you have any certificates left to spend, or want one last spin of the wheel, then clock's ticking.....


If you already knew, then accept my apology, please move along, there's nothing to see here.....These aren't the droids you are looking for etc.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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I wasn't going to comment on the quality on the



cut/paste of last year's :rolleyes:



event, just a reminder that if one has certificates to spend or coins still in their inventories, they have <day left to spend them, is all.

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I thought the vendors remained in place even once the event finishes?

Not that there is anything on them I particularly want.

I just wanted the achievements - managed to get the rarest thing to happen at least 5-6 times (machine explosion) but no rancor for me!

Put quite enough credits in - so I'll just miss out on that one.

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I just decided to blow 40m to get everything knowing my luck i would've been at the event from day 1 to last day and still not get the rancor, but the good part is i managed to sell 2 of those rare revan statues the first ones for 15m each right after so I got most of it back right away. Edited by Theeko
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I thought the vendors remained in place even once the event finishes?


Yeah, I had checked on them at some point after it ended last year and the prize vendor was still hanging around waiting to exchange things for your gold certificates. But yeah, point being that the time is running out to collect more certificates / keep trying for a rancor.


Anyway... I also haven't actually gotten around to hitting the Nightlife slots this year. Got the achievements and a rancor and a few copies of the speeder that you have to win and one copy of the speeder that you have to buy and at least one copy each of all of the other prizes that you buy plus some extra certificates leftover when the event ran last year.


I haven't even run around getting free spins on any of my characters from the mission pickup on fleet yet for this year's casino event.

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If it wasn't for the announcement of KOTFE, I would have participated in the Nightlife event this year.


Last year, I simply couldn't afford it. I felt wealthy if I had a million credits lol.


After 3.0, I started crafting. I have around 60M now and at one point had a quarter billion before I spent it on vanity stuff. But because 4.0 was announced so soon after 3.0, I felt compelled to get my Infinite Army of Crafting Alts ready for 4.0 instead of checking out the casinos.


I hope that releasing the steady chapters of KotFE content over time gives 4.0 more of a shelf life than 3.0 had. I'd like to do the event, but I simply didn't have the time to do it this year because the expansion was announced so soon after the last.

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Last year, I simply couldn't afford it. I felt wealthy if I had a million credits lol.


I wasn't exactly "poor" like that (but I was nowhere near "rich" either compared to the massive fortunes that some players have at their disposal) but I just practiced moderation and made a habit out of running dailies consistently while the event was running last year. (Before and since last year's event, it's generally unusual if I make any particular dailies run more often than once every other month or so, but during the event I was actually going through a bunch of them daily.) My personal rule that I tried to stick to was to never throw more than half of my dailies income at the casino. That way I was always pulling in money instead of losing money. I knew it was going to be around for a few months so I was in no hurry to get the rancor on day one or anything like that. And before the event was over I did eventually manage to get a rancor, and I came out of it with more credits than I'd started with.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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I wasn't exactly "poor" like that (but I was nowhere near "rich" either compared to the massive fortunes that some players have at their disposal) but I just practiced moderation and made a habit out of running dailies consistently while the event was running last year. (Before and since last year's event, it's generally unusual if I make any particular dailies run more often than once every other month or so, but during the event I was actually going through a bunch of them daily.) My personal rule that I tried to stick to was to never throw more than half of my dailies income at the casino. That way I was always pulling in money instead of losing money. I knew it was going to be around for a few months so I was in no hurry to get the rancor on day one or anything like that. And before the event was over I did eventually manage to get a rancor, and I came out of it with more credits than I'd started with.


Last year I PVPed almost exclusively. We all know how well PVP in this game pays the bills (or more accurately, doesn't pay).


When conquests came out, I took up crafting because my guild is very small, then figured out how to make credits from such crafting...yes it is every bit as soul crushing as dailies but the income is also several times higher, and the guild benefits too.


My post wasn't a "how do I make credits for nightlife" whine post. If anything it was a complaint that the expansion was announced so soon after the last one that I felt I had no game time available to enjoy the nightlife event even when I had the credits to throw at it, because I was so busy prepping alts for the expansion (55-Ziost adds up when you have multiple dozens of toons lol).


In fact, getting told "lol save your credits" in response to a post specifically saying I had 60M right this moment was quite patronizing.

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Didn't even visit the casino this year, because they didn't add anything new.


This in a nutshell.


If i'm going to go brain dead clicking a machine, at least create new and interesting rewards. Even better add new games that don't make me go brain dead, variety is the spice of life and all that :p

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Nar Shaddaa nightlife ends 26th. - I imagine at the daily/weekly reset.

So if you have any certificates left to spend, or want one last spin of the wheel, then clock's ticking.....



Events page says it ends on the 25th, not the 26th. That's today, in less than an hour, in fact.



It's not much of an event, in my opinion. Didn't even bother this time. Slot machines are as boring as hell in real life - what makes you think I'd want to play them in a video game?


But for those that like them it really ought to simply be a permanent feature on Nar Shaddaa, not an event that goes away. You mean to tell me the Hutts only open their casinos for a couple of months of the year?

Edited by PLynkes
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But for those that like them it really ought to simply be a permanent feature on Nar Shaddaa, not an event that goes away. You mean to tell me the Hutts only open their casinos for a couple of months of the year?


My thoughts exactly.


In fact, I've been hoping Bioware would do the community a favor and simply make the 'Nightlife Event' a permanent feature on Nar Shaddaa. Granted, at least these slots are open for a few months each summer - enough time to aim for that elusive Rancor Mount I suppose.


With that being said, I still came-up short this time when trying for the Rancor Jackpot, and now I'm forced to wait another 9-10 months before the casino re-opens (so-to-speak). Besides, I highly doubt I'll ever accrue enough in-game credits to snag one of these bad boys off GTN.


Furthermore, if Bioware did choose to make this a year-round fixture, it would provide more incentive to visit Nar Shaddaa on a frequent basis, while also fully utilizing the Casino area. Like others have previously mentioned, without the slots up-and-running, there's not much activity happening unless it's 'Bounty Contract Week.'

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In fact, getting told "lol save your credits" in response to a post specifically saying I had 60M right this moment was quite patronizing.


Wait, I didn't mean to come across like that at all. That post wasn't "telling you what to do". It was more... that particular line was a jumping off point for my line of thought, which could be worth hearing for other people.




Anyway, I mentioned previously that I haven't participated in this year's Nightlife event either. That's because I've also been running a bunch of other characters around to level up. Although that's been more about 12x time in general than expansion prep time specifically for me personally. I've run a bunch of new (or previously lingering in their 20s) characters to 55+ these past few months (especially on a couple different servers from my usual server) but I still have a ton of characters in that 55-59 range instead of actually having them all at 60. (And to a lesser extent I also haven't done Nightlife this year since, as I mentioned, I got all the prizes already last year and there's nothing new so I don't really care as much this time around anyway. But if I did care to do it I'd want to cover it with dailies again, and lately that would have been time taken out of leveling characters up.)


But for those that like them it really ought to simply be a permanent feature on Nar Shaddaa, not an event that goes away. You mean to tell me the Hutts only open their casinos for a couple of months of the year?


I had some thoughts along those lines too. I forget what I posted... I think the idea would have required introducing a third machine with mid-tier prizes compared to the Smuggler (low-tier) and Kingpin (high-tier) machines? Build the year-round game around the mid-tier machine and the low-tier machine. Maybe the mid-tier machine also takes Kingpin chips and benefits from the Feeling Lucky buff? But replace the low-tier machine's gold cert drop with a new bronze certificate, and put a silver certificate drop on the mid-tier machine. Add bronze and silver prize vendors with appropriate prize options (and add newer fancier prizes to the gold prize vendor). And then we've got a standard game year-round with high-tier machines included seasonally to award the gold certificates and the rare prizes during the summer festival.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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