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ToFN solo ranked. It's time to give up and go TRE


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Everyone knows this stuff already, trash guild sync queues, ruins solo ranked on server for everyone, bioware does nothing, bla bla bla. Please do not talk about trash guild here or name them, I don't want this to be closed. Trash guild members, please do not post here, I am not interested in anything you have to say.


My point is that transfers are 90cc and the monthly grant just came in. Come try TRE. I've been playing there for a few weeks now, as have Lacoste, Imba and a few others. I'm mostly playing on rep side atm since you get better pops there but some transfers from ToFN would result in a nice, balanced server to play solo ranked on, on either faction, without trash guild. There are plenty of 3 dps 1 heal games here which are generally more fun than all dps, and less people playing fotm all the time. The skill level is a little lower but there are good players and bad players just like ToFN.


The muricans already pretty much did this, Harb is a big solo ranked server now and from watching streams where they are playing different people all the time and ELO actually appears to work, it looks alot better than the sh*tfest that is ToFN solo ranked right now, and I would be playing there already if I didn't get 300ms+ on west coast US. If we combined the ranked population of ToFN and TRE, we maybe could have this on EU servers.


Anyway, basically, just bring a char to TRE for 90cc and try it. It could be really good here with a few more people queuing. atm pops don't really start until around 5pm GMT, was playing until 1am yesterday. I am willing to set up ToFN guild over there so u can easily log in and ask how pops are, anything with Lip in name is me



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Is the internet, be nice, does not exists.


To OP : i like your try to help tofn ppl but


1) i have my legacy ion tofn with buff and all

2) i play all classes so, transefrring one, will force me to transer all others

3) i refuse to pay in CC for a server trasfer becase of bioware's lazy development

4) its a pve server, i know me, i will miss open world duels too much :D.


And for all i care inba and others ****** ppl can remain where they are ( im not offend anyone, but imba has shows many times how much toxic he is) absolutely very good player, but poor person, my opinion

legacy perks transfer. I think you have to rewrite the geneology and stuff but you're still 50 legacy and all the buffs

Edited by foxmob
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Okay guys, first of all it's summer. Unless you're living in the Southern Hemisphere maybe go out and have bar brawls instead of fighting in a game. :p


Second of all, I saw someone mention how stronk his rating was on imp side to counter the statement that he wouldn't get more than 1300 rating legit which makes him an awesome guy of course! Too bad he queues on imp side with said guild when everyone is queuing rep side and nobody imp side except his guildies so they have to switch sides :D


I won't go to TRE because the server puked me out, have fun till their "community" does the same to you.


Also lip m10, get your mic ffs and stop keyboard turning! :cool:

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Okay guys, first of all it's summer. Unless you're living in the Southern Hemisphere maybe go out and have bar brawls instead of fighting in a game. :p


Second of all, I saw someone mention how stronk his rating was on imp side to counter the statement that he wouldn't get more than 1300 rating legit which makes him an awesome guy of course! Too bad he queues on imp side with said guild when everyone is queuing rep side and nobody imp side except his guildies so they have to switch sides :D


I won't go to TRE because the server puked me out, have fun till their "community" does the same to you.


Also lip m10, get your mic ffs and stop keyboard turning! :cool:


What the hell man, now we just moved over to TRE to farm some rating, and you aren't even coming...?

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Solo ranked ratinK srs bsnz, awmigawd, y u do dis?!! Stahp cheating/synchqing/haxing/win trading/trash talking/transfering to RP or PvE servers/selling ur own moms/drown kittens/etc. just to be a tier 1 stronk yolo hero, get some sh** mount (same one that u would probably get anyway even without doing a single arena, just like it was with nexu) and see ur name on a bugged scoreboard of game mode, where ur result is 80% luck and 20% playing fotm.


Seriously now, it's popcorn time...

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Tanvir does ppl know u r 16 years old kiddo ? uhm what was your imp characters ratings were again (where u cant sync) ?


To be honest, I don't think people really care about neither, but I was apparently wrong, since you do...

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Solo ranked ratinK srs bsnz, awmigawd, y u do dis?!! Stahp cheating/synchqing/haxing/win trading/trash talking/transfering to RP or PvE servers/selling ur own moms/drown kittens/etc. just to be a tier 1 stronk yolo hero, get some sh** mount (same one that u would probably get anyway even without doing a single arena, just like it was with nexu) and see ur name on a bugged scoreboard of game mode, where ur result is 80% luck and 20% playing fotm.


Seriously now, it's popcorn time...


10/10 for you good sir and everything ppl need to know about solo ranked, on any server....



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What the hell man, now we just moved over to TRE to farm some rating, and you aren't even coming...?


Nah man, only reason I would come if there was a 2v2 tournament *hinthint snave* so we could show people how to play vanguard mando and I can show how to carry a kid :D


Also maybe to ruin a certain guild which whines about my team playing fotm while they are playing pt/sniper, I love Japanese celebrities :rolleyes:

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Nah man, only reason I would come if there was a 2v2 tournament *hinthint snave* so we could show people how to play vanguard mando and I can show how to carry a kid :D


Also maybe to ruin a certain guild which whines about my team playing fotm while they are playing pt/sniper, I love Japanese celebrities :rolleyes:


I realise you are most likely talking about group ranked but snipers are by no means fotm, and even if there is a case to call them form for group alone you are only talking about one spec not the whole class....

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