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You mean metrics from almost a year or so that don't list subs or anything important at all?


If you haven't noticed we are kinda taking the piss out of you and what metrics you probably use to form your conclusions. It's sarcasm heh.


Probably because the game runs on a shoe string budget and EA makes way more money from other titles considering in those conference calls they barely talk about SWTOR not even bringing up any figures on how well it is but if you read everything they sure do talk a lot in detail about all the other games making big money.


Dude you really don't seem to enjoy this game much and seem quite full of hate towards BW. You should just quit and go find something more enjoyable and less hateful to do.

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If you haven't noticed we are kinda taking the piss out of you and what metrics you probably use to form your conclusions. It's sarcasm heh.




Dude you really don't seem to enjoy this game much and seem quite full of hate towards BW. You should just quit and go find something more enjoyable and less hateful to do.


Nah it's because I actually care about the game as a whole to question BW on the direction they are taking the game and following in lock step with everything BW decides to do doesn't help make a better game it just helps them reduce the game to what they plan to do in the expansion as in shifting the game to be solo player with little to no multiplayer because people like you praise them while they remove the multiplayer from MMO.

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Nah it's because I actually care about the game as a whole to question BW on the direction they are taking the game and following in lock step with everything BW decides to do doesn't help make a better game it just helps them reduce the game to what they plan to do in the expansion as in shifting the game to be solo player with little to no multiplayer because people like you praise them while they remove the multiplayer from MMO.


Explain your defintion of multiplayer MMO as I believe it may differ somewhat to some people. If you think you can only do things like Flashpoints or Operations in groups then that might be a problem.


I know friends that are constantly grouping up for all the missions, even on Rishi, Yavin and Ziost where they had to do it twice or more. To them that makes it a multiplayer MMO.


As far as it seems they are not removing this from the game, they are just saying you have to do it twice. For people that have constantly group together this will be no big deal.


There are more than just flashpoints and operations to make the game a multiplayer option but if that is all you can see for a multiplayer game then that could be the problem.


Any time people group up for something that makes it multiplayer whether or not it is doing a flashpoint and operation.


No, I am not going to debate with you as I really don't have the time nor the indication to argue over and over with you about this as seems to be your Modus Operandi of doing things.


Good luck and have a great weekend.

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Explain your defintion of multiplayer MMO as I believe it may differ somewhat to some people. If you think you can only do things like Flashpoints or Operations in groups then that might be a problem.


I know friends that are constantly grouping up for all the missions, even on Rishi, Yavin and Ziost where they had to do it twice or more. To them that makes it a multiplayer MMO.


As far as it seems they are not removing this from the game, they are just saying you have to do it twice. For people that have constantly group together this will be no big deal.


There are more than just flashpoints and operations to make the game a multiplayer option but if that is all you can see for a multiplayer game then that could be the problem.


Any time people group up for something that makes it multiplayer whether or not it is doing a flashpoint and operation.


No, I am not going to debate with you as I really don't have the time nor the indication to argue over and over with you about this as seems to be your Modus Operandi of doing things.


Good luck and have a great weekend.


While I could provide proof of what they are doing to make the story pretty much solo mode only but without them announcing what they are going to do i'd get in trouble for saying anything so you can either look around online for it or wait to hear it from them but I am betting it will be one of the last things they go over.

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Nah it's because I actually care about the game as a whole to question BW on the direction they are taking the game and following in lock step with everything BW decides to do doesn't help make a better game it just helps them reduce the game to what they plan to do in the expansion as in shifting the game to be solo player with little to no multiplayer because people like you praise them while they remove the multiplayer from MMO.


You're not questioning, you're not offering up insightful discussion you were just giving what came across as snarky, uneducated commentary.


I'm also glad I don't have to read your posts out loud, I would probably die of lack of oxygen.

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You're not questioning, you're not offering up insightful discussion you were just giving what came across as snarky, uneducated commentary.


I'm also glad I don't have to read your posts out loud, I would probably die of lack of oxygen.


Nah it is perfectly educated the problem is people like you and those that see everything that BW is doing with the expansion as fine and great don't want to hear anything bad because you want to either stay blind to the bad stuff or you just don't care about the player base that isn't into what you are into.

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Nah it is perfectly educated the problem is people like you and those that see everything that BW is doing with the expansion as fine and great don't want to hear anything bad because you want to either stay blind to the bad stuff or you just don't care about the player base that isn't into what you are into.


Maybe list this bad stuff, why and how it's bad to the game and community ( not just you ) and any actual proof that the changes are actually occurring


Remembering of course your first quoted response to me was that you were basically trying to imply that the first release of information by bioware on this expansion caused, and I quote, "a major drop in subs".

Oh and that was in support of someone who thought Bioware are purposely witholding information because it meant they get more money that way ... heh.


Being that you have yet to justify or prove that point ( beyond "go check reddit", that one gave me a giggle ) I wish you all the luck in the world proving any of your strawman arguments you've made since to try steer your argument away from your original point(s).


I'll happily listen to the "bad stuff" you have to say and respond in kind but, if like most of your posts to date, it turns out to be unfounded innuendo and opinion I'll shoot it down like I've done the rest of your arguments also.

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Maybe list this bad stuff, why and how it's bad to the game and community ( not just you ) and any actual proof that the changes are actually occurring


Remembering of course your first quoted response to me was that you were basically trying to imply that the first release of information by bioware on this expansion caused, and I quote, "a major drop in subs".

Oh and that was in support of someone who thought Bioware are purposely witholding information because it meant they get more money that way ... heh.


Being that you have yet to justify or prove that point ( beyond "go check reddit", that one gave me a giggle ) I wish you all the luck in the world proving any of your strawman arguments you've made since to try steer your argument away from your original point(s).


I'll happily listen to the "bad stuff" you have to say and respond in kind but, if like most of your posts to date, it turns out to be unfounded innuendo and opinion I'll shoot it down like I've done the rest of your arguments also.


1.No new ops or flash points till mid next year 2.Possibly no end to KOTFE story depending on how well it does 3.Removal of most of what makes this game a MMO in favor of solo mode 4.Telling you that you can kill X companion when you might not actually get the chance to at all. 5.Promising better than cross server for almost 2 years and running with no actual evidence they are working on it. 6 Promising to never go over a year without a new OPs while breaking that promise without bringing it up. 7. Removing nightmare from the new OP's from the game now on basically killing half of the progression guilds in the game that write the guides to the OP's.

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Informative: You're being "Negative Nancy".


Statement: They did say they'd give us more information closer to expansion, in the meantime we'll get teased. That is exactly what they've done. It's not really close to expansion yet. We have another two months. We'll get our info. If it takes a few weeks when they say in will be in a few days, that's different.


Empathetic Statement: I feel your excitement too. I'm eager for more information myself. The weeks where we get nothing from any developer is grueling. And nobody expects anyone to count the new armor as an announcement.


I'll have to admit that the expression "closer to expansion" might be somewhat subjective, but only 2 months is right around the corner for me and many others I expect. With other games we get a steady trickle of information starting well over a year from launch.

Especially when they hinted at major changes to some of the games elements. Players want to know how those changes will affect them and what they should do to adapt to them. In this case all the people who spend a lot of time and creds in dressing their comps in custom gear and maxing affection have a right to know more by now IMO. Same goes for crafting if there are to be any major changes.


Also BW is doing something radically different by releasing an expansion to a MMO without any new raids and perhaps group content as a whole. If they had any will to retain all the players that enjoy things like OPs, FPs WZs and GSF the most, they'd do well to at least give said players a rough estimate on when new group content can be expected, so they can make an informed choice on whether they want to stay and wait or quit right now.

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I am fairly confident that someone will beat me to it (you folks are crazy quick when it comes to summaries), but after the stream I will do a follow-up in the thread which has some of the key things we cover. Remember that we also archive all of the streams as well so you are welcome to watch them after the fact.




A little bit of communication goes a long way to restore positive feelings. Thanks for talking to us.

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Agreement: Exactly. The main problem isn't BioWare. It's the players themselves. While it would be nice to have more information come from BioWare, the players need to keep a cool head and stop getting their hopes up so high.


Fact: Anybody that gets their expectations up high will always be disappointed.


Statement: I believe that fact of life was best put as *alters voice* "Plans are fragile things and life often dashes expectations to the ground."


Fact: Once that truth is accepted, one is not as affected by hype anymore.


This kind of attitude is what allows inferior products across the board to prosper, not just gaming.


SWTOR is nothing more than a product we pay for, if it does not meet expectations, no matter what they are, vote with your feet and get out.


The silence is essentially a ploy to leave people hoping, until the last minute, that the expac might actually not be as bad as what is mooted so far. People continue to sub and pay cash in the meantime for something they are hoping might happen in two months time, and lets be honest, it will be an absolute miracle if it is released on time with no game breaking bugs anyway.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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A little bit of communication goes a long way to restore positive feelings. Thanks for talking to us.


I would say that information goes a long way to restore... something.


This kind of attitude is what allows inferior products across the board to prosper, not just gaming.


SWTOR is nothing more than a product we pay for, if it does not meet expectations, no matter what they are, vote with your feet and get out.


The silence is essentially a ploy to leave people hoping, until the last minute, that the expac might actually not be as bad as what is mooted so far. People continue to sub and pay cash in the meantime for something they are hoping might happen in two months time, and lets be honest, it will be an absolute miracle if it is released on time with no game breaking bugs anyway.


I'm only continuing to sub because I'm enjoying the game as-is, and have some attachment to my characters.


I have NO hope that KotFE won't be a fundamental change that drivers me to quite subbing and walk away.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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1.No new ops or flash points till mid next year

I was fairly sure that in one of the interviews from E3 that was linked in an earlier thread the devs said that there would be new flashpoints, just not new ops this year(aka 2015). So please provide a source that says otherwise.


LIkewise as far as saying ops won't be until mid next year, please provide a source on timing. Haven't seen anything regarding timing as to when new ops will come out.


2.Possibly no end to KOTFE story depending on how well it does

How is that a bad thing? If KOTFE is wildly popular and brings ppl to the game in droves they continue it. If its not they won't, this is a problem why?

Any time they cede to their player base I count that as a win.


3.Removal of most of what makes this game a MMO in favor of solo mode


This is specifically addressed in the Polygon article:


"We don't think of it as grinding," he said. "We think of it as 'the MMO bits.' But we're not taking it out, either. We're repurposing it for the alliance content. If you level a Jedi knight now, it doesn't take hundreds of hours. It takes a fraction of the time. It could be 50 or even 30 hours now, depending on who you are and how you play. But you're not going to be doing anything that's not your personal story."


Making MMO bits optional is not removing them, it is simply allowing players to play as they desire. Some people like to role play and not get kick voted because they want to watch a cut scene. I have actually never seen the cutscenes from many of the flashpoints for that very reason. Somewhere around Athiss I learned that if I wanted to stay in a group I had better mash the space bar as soon that the talking started.

So in reality they are catering to both sets of folks. If you want MMO, you can still join up with other ppl to do the MMO content. If you want RPG you can do that as well. If you want MMORPG, well try an RP server maybe or go with guildies(which is what I do).


4.Telling you that you can kill X companion when you might not actually get the chance to at all.

They have not made this specific promise about any companion and have only said that it may be an option for companions. Clearly as they haven't released any info on what's going on with comps yet, that is all still in flux. So this is completely a non issue unless you are hanging your hopes on dubious third part information.


5.Promising better than cross server for almost 2 years and running with no actual evidence they are working on it.

1) How is this a problem with KOTFE?

2) What evidence could they actually give? Do you want to see the lines of code that they tried and which didn't work? Do you wan to see minutes of the Dev meetings?


6 Promising to never go over a year without a new OPs while breaking that promise without bringing it up.

Oh but they have brought it up. Same interview that I refrenced above, I believe he talked about it there, as well as the blog post on this forum which I can find and quote at the moment:


We know that many players love our Operations and look forward to the introduction of new challenges, however with Knights of the Fallen Empire there will not be any new Operations. We felt it was important to first address some of the issues with our Elder Game before moving on to new content.



Also there was the bit in the Gamescon Cantina where they admitted and apologized for ops being unbalanced and discussed the ne QA system they were putting in place to fix that(starts around 7:30).

The ops in SOR were simply a flop on so many levels. They had to be nerfed multiple times so that raid groups could start clearing them. Clearly they need to rethink ops, and they are taking the time to do that, while simultaneously giving the player base 9ops with SM & HM that are level current and gear relevant, and 7 with a NiM difficulty.


Honestly I don't see how this is a bad thing. Maybe me and my raid group is unique buy having only 2 ops that are gear and lvl relevant and 7 that can be face rolled has not been a positive ops experience.


7. Removing nightmare from the new OP's from the game now on basically killing half of the progression guilds in the game that write the guides to the OP's.

This is false.

There is one progression guild that quit, <Zorz> . You can listen to why they quit on the Milas' podcast. It wasn't for lack of NiM. It was for lack of new ops content. In fact Milas clearly states he didn't really care for NiM.

Further they aren't removing NiM from anything. They are simply not adding new NiM content. Every op that currently has a NiM will continue to have one. Since the ops are already overtuned, there is no point in adding new NiM. They had to nerf HM so guilds could clear it, so demanding NiM seems kinda of silly.

Edited by Khiriath
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Happen to have a link that verifies what YOU said it said? Because what you linked says nothing at all like you claimed it did. In fact, the only mention of SWTOR was this:

Star Wars: The Old Republic also contributed to this segment with the expansion, Shadows of Raven, attracting many more people into the game with this epic new storyline.


Star Wars fans remain deeply engaged in the Old Republic universe and were more excited to see how that will build as we get closer to the launch of the Star Wars movie this December

And they even called it RAVEN lol.

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I was fairly sure that in one of the interviews from E3 that was linked in an earlier thread the devs said that there would be new flashpoints, just not new ops this year(aka 2015). So please provide a source that says otherwise.


LIkewise as far as saying ops won't be until mid next year, please provide a source on timing. Haven't seen anything regarding timing as to when new ops will come out.



How is that a bad thing? If KOTFE is wildly popular and brings ppl to the game in droves they continue it. If its not they won't, this is a problem why?

Any time they cede to their player base I count that as a win.




This is specifically addressed in the Polygon article:


"We don't think of it as grinding," he said. "We think of it as 'the MMO bits.' But we're not taking it out, either. We're repurposing it for the alliance content. If you level a Jedi knight now, it doesn't take hundreds of hours. It takes a fraction of the time. It could be 50 or even 30 hours now, depending on who you are and how you play. But you're not going to be doing anything that's not your personal story."


Making MMO bits optional is not removing them, it is simply allowing players to play as they desire. Some people like to role play and not get kick voted because they want to watch a cut scene. I have actually never seen the cutscenes from many of the flashpoints for that very reason. Somewhere around Athiss I learned that if I wanted to stay in a group I had better mash the space bar as soon that the talking started.

So in reality they are catering to both sets of folks. If you want MMO, you can still join up with other ppl to do the MMO content. If you want RPG you can do that as well. If you want MMORPG, well try an RP server maybe or go with guildies(which is what I do).



They have not made this specific promise about any companion and have only said that it may be an option for companions. Clearly as they haven't released any info on what's going on with comps yet, that is all still in flux. So this is completely a non issue unless you are hanging your hopes on dubious third part information.



1) How is this a problem with KOTFE?

2) What evidence could they actually give? Do you want to see the lines of code that they tried and which didn't work? Do you wan to see minutes of the Dev meetings?



Oh but they have brought it up. Same interview that I refrenced above, I believe he talked about it there, as well as the blog post on this forum which I can find and quote at the moment:


We know that many players love our Operations and look forward to the introduction of new challenges, however with Knights of the Fallen Empire there will not be any new Operations. We felt it was important to first address some of the issues with our Elder Game before moving on to new content.



Also there was the bit in the Gamescon Cantina where they admitted and apologized for ops being unbalanced and discussed the ne QA system they were putting in place to fix that(starts around 7:30).

The ops in SOR were simply a flop on so many levels. They had to be nerfed multiple times so that raid groups could start clearing them. Clearly they need to rethink ops, and they are taking the time to do that, while simultaneously giving the player base 9ops with SM & HM that are level current and gear relevant, and 7 with a NiM difficulty.


Honestly I don't see how this is a bad thing. Maybe me and my raid group is unique buy having only 2 ops that are gear and lvl relevant and 7 that can be face rolled has not been a positive ops experience.



This is false.

There is one progression guild that quit, <Zorz> . You can listen to why they quit on the Milas' podcast. It wasn't for lack of NiM. It was for lack of new ops content. In fact Milas clearly states he didn't really care for NiM.

Further they aren't removing NiM from anything. They are simply not adding new NiM content. Every op that currently has a NiM will continue to have one. Since the ops are already overtuned, there is no point in adding new NiM. They had to nerf HM so guilds could clear it, so demanding NiM seems kinda of silly.


1. Musco has stated that they won't start work on new ops ore flash points till the expansion has gone live given how often they have major bugs after releasing expansions I doubt they will be able to start work on anything new till mid to late November and it takes them about 3 to 4 months to build a new ops or a flash point then test it on the pts.


2. Because it is a subbed based thing if BW couldn't sell this game on subs alone when it started when it had way more story then KOTFE what makes you think it will work out with much less story?


3. You have the option now to play everything story solo the difference is they are taking out group content from leveling forcing you to either play solo or have to do the same thing over and over and over with each friend in your team as you take turns that is taking away the option from those people.


4.Saying one is sorry and actually being sorry are 2 different things but the fact is that SoR 2 ops weren't so hard because of the way it was intended to be played it was had because the OP's was bugged to hell and they never bothered to fix those bugs before they launched the expansion and they only scaled up all the old ops to buy them time to make new ones as I stated before how long it takes them.


5. If you think Zorz was the only progression guild to leave the game you are sadly mistaken there are plenty of others that aren't being so public about it because they have moved on to other games.


6.With better then cross server they say they have been working on it for about 2 years I think that is long enough to say what the issue is and how you intend to fix it but they still say nothing.

Edited by Kaizersan
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=Kaizersan;8396038]1.3. You have the option now to play everything story solo the difference is they are taking out group content from leveling forcing you to either play solo or have to do the same thing over and over and over with each friend in your team as you take turns that is taking away the option from those people.


My boyfriend and I have talked about this and even though it is not ideal, we have agreed that at least we can still do the missions together. We would have prefer only having to do it once and letting the choices fall where they did but not everyone would want that. We would have settled for an option to do it but for us the main point of it is we can still group and do it together even if we have to do it twice.

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This kind of attitude is what allows inferior products across the board to prosper, not just gaming.


SWTOR is nothing more than a product we pay for, if it does not meet expectations, no matter what they are, vote with your feet and get out.


The silence is essentially a ploy to leave people hoping, until the last minute, that the expac might actually not be as bad as what is mooted so far. People continue to sub and pay cash in the meantime for something they are hoping might happen in two months time, and lets be honest, it will be an absolute miracle if it is released on time with no game breaking bugs anyway.


Very well said.

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Went back and found this thread.


Start at Level 60 in Fallen Empire



Quote: Originally Posted by EricMusco View Post

Hey folks,


I have seen a few questions around how the “Start at Level 60” will work that comes with Fallen Empire. I want to start by saying that we will be releasing a blog when we get a bit closer to launch that describes all of the nitty gritty details and walks you through everything. But for now I wanted to cover a bit about how it works and address some of the things I have been seeing.


As a subscriber, when you get Fallen Empire you will receive one free level 60 character. This character must be a new character, you cannot “boost” an existing character up to 60. Beyond that first one which is included free with KOTFE, you can purchase additional level 60 characters through the Cartel Market at any time. I know that this raised the question of character limits as well. In talking with the development team, the plan is to increase the subscriber maximum character limit per server by 2 for the Fallen Empire launch. Not confirmation it will happen, but it is definitely their goal!


I know you still have many questions, such as how this impacts Class story, etc. We will be revealing all of these details down the line as we get closer to launch.







ten to one, those 2 new character slot don't happen, or they will have a small discount on the slots.

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1.No new ops or flash points till mid next year 2.Possibly no end to KOTFE story depending on how well it does 3.Removal of most of what makes this game a MMO in favor of solo mode 4.Telling you that you can kill X companion when you might not actually get the chance to at all. 5.Promising better than cross server for almost 2 years and running with no actual evidence they are working on it. 6 Promising to never go over a year without a new OPs while breaking that promise without bringing it up. 7. Removing nightmare from the new OP's from the game now on basically killing half of the progression guilds in the game that write the guides to the OP's.


1. Had to be done, the old system needed an overhaul thus using up the teams development time that works on operations and flashpoints. There isn't an unlimited budget for this sort of stuff either so something had to give to give KoTFE the attention it deserves.


2. How is that a bad thing? If it does really well that means it's succeeding and the community on a whole are happy

( else it wouldn't be succeeding because unhappy people tend to stop paying for things ). Sure you might not like it but well who cares, this is meant to be what's best for the community remember since you accused "people like me" of not having the interests of the community at heart.


3. Something is getting removed like that? Name it.


4. You are talking about unconfirmed data again.


5. KoTFE is far better than cross server at this stage of what I know and have seen. That is basing the point that more of the community want story over more Op/PVP stuff.

Cross server doesn't help you do more story it just lets the OP/PVP parts be easier to pug for. It won't really contribute to any growth of the game because it's just catering to an existing community to existing content where as bringing in more story will bring back more players and hopefully introduce newer ones still ( or at least keep them playing longer and subbing longer since there is more content for them to complete.


6. Was it a promise though or was it a "We never want to do that again"? Either way, you can blame Eric for that. ;)


7. How many guilds are 10/10 for the new HM? I happened upon this thread last night infact whilst looking into something else:



Now sure how updated it is but if I'm reading that right an entire server only 1 guild is 10/10? We need new NiM why? Why are progression raid groups quitting because of no new NiM content if they can't even finish HM so long after release? Whilst I understand it's hard and I'm not belittling any guilds in the slightest I am trying to show how your argument here holds no water at all based on that.


Anything else you want to add?

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This kind of attitude is what allows inferior products across the board to prosper, not just gaming.


SWTOR is nothing more than a product we pay for, if it does not meet expectations, no matter what they are, vote with your feet and get out.


The silence is essentially a ploy to leave people hoping, until the last minute, that the expac might actually not be as bad as what is mooted so far. People continue to sub and pay cash in the meantime for something they are hoping might happen in two months time, and lets be honest, it will be an absolute miracle if it is released on time with no game breaking bugs anyway.


I think the expansion is sounding great so far, I'm sorry that it's not living up to your expectations however. As you say though, you can vote with your feet and get out ... so bye I guess?

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2. Because it is a subbed based thing if BW couldn't sell this game on subs alone when it started when it had way more story then KOTFE what makes you think it will work out with much less story?


How is there less story? Did they remove some story and not tell anyone? Did they remove all the MMO aspects already in the game as well? Heh, wake up.


3. You have the option now to play everything story solo the difference is they are taking out group content from leveling forcing you to either play solo or have to do the same thing over and over and over with each friend in your team as you take turns that is taking away the option from those people.


You can still do it all grouped as I understand it however the choices aspect etc. will only apply to one person. It's no different as I see it to having class content we had before where we grouped up to help other people do their class story. You still had to go and do the other class quests that had no beering on your character with the other members of your group.


You could say they are not adding any more class specific content which for the most part is true ( they did say there would be some in there most likely how there was a wee bit in there for SoR ) however that's not surprising considering the timeframe to develop something like this, to do it all seperate class stories you wouldn't see much of any new content at all in the game for a year or more as they tried to develop that so it's understandable.


Hey if KoTFE is a roaring success we may see a return of class stories though I doubt it because if KoTFE works and succeeds why waste development on going back to class stories when you have a formula that works without it.

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How is there less story? Did they remove some story and not tell anyone? Did they remove all the MMO aspects already in the game as well? Heh, wake up.


At the start of the game you had 8 totally different stories that were unique with KOTFE you get one story that has only slight changes based on faction and companion reactions but the overall story is one story line which last time I checked is less then 8 unique story lines.

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1. Had to be done, the old system needed an overhaul thus using up the teams development time that works on operations and flashpoints. There isn't an unlimited budget for this sort of stuff either so something had to give to give KoTFE the attention it deserves.


2. How is that a bad thing? If it does really well that means it's succeeding and the community on a whole are happy

( else it wouldn't be succeeding because unhappy people tend to stop paying for things ). Sure you might not like it but well who cares, this is meant to be what's best for the community remember since you accused "people like me" of not having the interests of the community at heart.


3. Something is getting removed like that? Name it.


4. You are talking about unconfirmed data again.


5. KoTFE is far better than cross server at this stage of what I know and have seen. That is basing the point that more of the community want story over more Op/PVP stuff.

Cross server doesn't help you do more story it just lets the OP/PVP parts be easier to pug for. It won't really contribute to any growth of the game because it's just catering to an existing community to existing content where as bringing in more story will bring back more players and hopefully introduce newer ones still ( or at least keep them playing longer and subbing longer since there is more content for them to complete.


6. Was it a promise though or was it a "We never want to do that again"? Either way, you can blame Eric for that. ;)


7. How many guilds are 10/10 for the new HM? I happened upon this thread last night infact whilst looking into something else:



Now sure how updated it is but if I'm reading that right an entire server only 1 guild is 10/10? We need new NiM why? Why are progression raid groups quitting because of no new NiM content if they can't even finish HM so long after release? Whilst I understand it's hard and I'm not belittling any guilds in the slightest I am trying to show how your argument here holds no water at all based on that.


Anything else you want to add?


1. Didn't have to be done at all but it was done as a excuse to not make a new flashpoint or OP's by raising the levels of both they can use it as a excuse saying you have plenty of new content to play while they take 4 months or so to make a new one and that is if the stuff isn't messed up to the extent that the teams spend months fixing the bugs.


2. it's bad because it is gambling the games future on one section of the player base while possibly alienating the rest of the player base and if you don't find people to replace all those subs the game dies and everyone looses.


3. group content is being removed stuff that you would normally do leveling as a group like group missions heroics are being axed because they want all leveling in the expansion to be done through story line solo quests.


4. considering the track record of said data being 100% so far it's a safe bet.


5.I feel sorry for you saying that because the no cross server is one of the main reasons the game is even in the state that it is right now and it's also the main reason server populations shifted all over the place and continues to do so as server populations continue to die.


6. the way he worded it that it was a promise.


7. many of them never made it to 10/10 because they have been broken and after hearing that there won't be new ops for awhile they lost the reason to even continue.

Edited by Kaizersan
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2. it's bad because it is gambling the games future on one section of the player base while possibly alienating the rest of the player base and if you don't find people to replace all those subs the game dies and everyone looses.


All of game design is a gamble. It would have been a gamble had the new expansion been nothing but new FPs, OPs, and PvP maps. Strongholds and GSF was a gamble. Redesigning how FPs and Ops work to ensure relevancy for all future content on that front is a gamble.


GSF focused on a new Space and a new PvP mechanic

Strongholds focused on an Interior Designer Mechanic

The "Jesus Patch" focused on UI and Legacy updates

All through the last 3+ years the game has kept attention on increasing endgame content

KotFE just happens to focus on the story element of the game with a big update to how endgame content is to be played.

To act like endgame content has been ignored is completely asinine.

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