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Shouldn't you be worried about making a false report? All he talked about was how things are being confirmed by actual bioware releases.


But then again, I guess you don't. The bias here on the official forums is absurd. People who are critical are being banned on the least shred of guilt while the defenders are being given passes.


He also quoted the supposed violation, which is a violation I believe. :p

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Yeah as far as the changes to mechanics goes, that's stuff that they'll explain as they can narrow down what is most likely to change and exactly how. 2 months out from release and given the stuff that shall not be named, it appeared to be smack in the middle of being worked out. Nothing about spoilers, but Im guessing there is a lot of trial and error they need to get through before being able to more definitively be able to say exactly what is changing and how beyond the very basic: Companions for example. Its bad that I have to guess, but that's what I assume to have been the hold up with the information on them and the alliance system we were supposed to be getting leading up to gamescon.


It's funny that you responded this way to my post. Not because it's comedic or anything, but simply because on my drive to the office I had a very similar thought. That article that was posted below about why games are felt to be too secretive popped up in my head, and the whole players really don't understand development, and a lot of times products can't be leaked cause they aren't developed enough to really know for sure what they will be. So great post from you, and i just laugh since I kinda had that moment in the car.


Also I kind of thought well maybe they can't release anything more about companions because it ties to heavily into the story. Which would make really any information released about the alliance system way too close to spoiler territory. I kind of think that's what is going on here especially after seeing Eric say continuously that they're trying to avoid spoilers. And, if that's the case...I'm pretty excited for this new companion system then. Bioware has a long history of removing companions, inserting new ones, and having the new ones become just as loved as the old while also keeping old ones relevant which everyone should try not to forget here. I did some digging and I think...now...that we're definitely reading way too heavily between the lines. Bioware has come out and previously stated they want to make companions more involved in the game, and not just crafting mules. So they are going to make our choices matter with them, and they will react to our decisions in totally different ways, we'll be able to recruit really any of them, and we'll be able to hold their lives in our hands per say. And, after I kind of backtracked into this position, I think we need to calm down. At least in regards to companions, the information I might have been after might have already been out there! Oh the irony.

Edited by Shwarzchild
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No because the way they are designing the expansion is banking on getting people who like single player story games like dragon age and mass effect it's why they invited Ladyinsanity to the E3 closed door deal and none of the other Major community sites because they know they are going to lose subs and they need someone to draw in new subs.


the devs are making the expansion to conform to their "art" and dont really care what we think. they are convinced that once we play it, we will love it, we just dont know it yet. customers have no idea of what they want after all.

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Shamefur dispray by you maybe, unless you just started paying attention.


I'm well aware of the state of affairs and the backlash still looks shameful.Disrespect & belittling another because one is frustrated & angry is never an acceptable means to an end. That kind of thing just further propagates a lack of public relations and makes the cm look like the victimized diplomat trying to offer the olive branch.

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Fact: 12x XP ended before the start of Shadow of Revan, and was not brought back until the summer. 15% net profit increase was from 4Q, 1Q and 2Q. 12x XP had nothing to do with either the profit increase from SOR or the customer feedback regarding what they liked and didn't like.


You can keep making things up if you like and calling them facts, but what you are saying cannot be found in any credible source of information. It is starting to seem like you simply don't want people to be happy with the new expansion and are willing to say whatever you need in order to get your majority of unhappy subscribers.


You also seem to think that relying on datamined information to inform you of how the game is going to be when it goes live is a good thing. However, one thing that the Gamescon Q&A should have told you is that a lot of things, very fundamental things, are still in flux. So the datamined information is at best a guess.


are you trying to tell us that EA released NOTHING else in those quarters? that it was all SWTOR? metrics can be as flawed as "5 people were doing story when we checked!!! they must want story!!". metrics are only as good ask the questions asked and the data collected. they can be straight forward or skewed to point to the answer desired. no one in this thread has any idea as to how they came to their conclusions. a lot of the current kerfluffel could have been avoided by such simple tools like posting that the gamescon data was delayed and will be rescheduled next week. no spoiler there, just letting people in on a revised schedule. It is just common courtesy.

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I'm well aware of the state of affairs and the backlash still looks shameful.Disrespect & belittling another because one is frustrated & angry is never an acceptable means to an end. That kind of thing just further propagates a lack of public relations and makes the cm look like the victimized diplomat trying to offer the olive branch.


I'm referring more to history to-date. You're right in a sense but TBF this isn't a forum for scholarly, cordial debate. It's a video game forum. Every product and service provider has unique or industry "price of doing business" stuff, this one's no different. Make video games for nerds, neckbeards, and nutty people? Get to communicate with nerds, neckbeards, and nutty people.

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I'm referring more to history to-date. You're right in a sense but TBF this isn't a forum for scholarly, cordial debate. It's a video game forum. Every product and service provider has unique or industry "price of doing business" stuff, this one's no different. Make video games for nerds, neckbeards, and nutty people? Get to communicate with nerds, neckbeards, and nutty people.


Hmm to my shame I hadn't thought of it that intricately. Such truisms can not be argued with so I concede to your point.

'neckbeards'... lol'd hard. thx for that. :D

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Hmm to my shame I hadn't thought of it that intricately. Such truisms can not be argued with so I concede to your point.

'neckbeards'... lol'd hard. thx for that. :D


My crude **** posting referred to as intricate, might need to be my new sig! :tran_eek:

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Right because reddit is a huge sub section of the game and not full of people who threaten to quit over this, that and every other reason and never really go through with it. Wonderful metric you use to prove a point though ... "people on reddit said". GG. ;)




Oh right, you work for Bioware now and have access to their metrics to call that a fact? Nice, what do you do for their team?




I have and, taking it with a grain of salt as one should, even what is presented I feel is quite positive though it really is only so far painting 1/4 of a picture. I've certainly seen nothing people should get overly enraged about and if they do well I can't see how they would be any sort of majority or anything.


Also if you read what you quoted ... what on earth does what I said have anything to do with data mining?




Second season? As in the one not announced or do you mean the chapters coming after the first 9?


A "second season", as in after chapter 16, would be a different/new project so would again require a new budget ideally and yes funds generated from this "first season" would contribute to that second season ( or atl east justifying it to EA depending on how BW is run by EA ).


Personally I think if "season 1" as in the first 16 chapters fails you won't see much of anything new from SWToR. I hate to doom n gloom but that's just my opinion. This is an all in sort of expansion.


Now if you mean chapters 10-16 and they might not get released ... lol.




I was being sarcastic above btw, I don't really think you work for BW and what I really think is you have absolutely no clue about what metrics they've got at all.

Instead of talking about these metrics though how about actually presenting them so you can show us how they are wrong and why ... also someone's podcast and thus their opinion doesn't do a thing to back up your "metric" theory.

Unless of course they too came from data mined sources ... DUN DUN DUN!


I won't quote your next reply since it breaks rules and should be reported as such. I would say it's not confirmed though otherwise Eric wouldn't have made posts about talking about such things and people wouldn't be having posts complaining about a lack of communication confirming such things ... think about it. :)


Wow how hard is it for you to see that a mode that gives you fast leveling through story line quests that anyone with half a brain was using to speed level alts would generate a spike in people playing story on their metrics.

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Reported for violation of TOS. I hope you enjoy your break from the game and forums.


Dan Gable was also an undefeated wrestler, until he wasn't.


Honestly changes to comps or crafting don't bother me. They have confirmed through official sources that we will have comps, and that we will be able to craft. They have also said that they aren't going to give "insider information" as to what mats or not we might want to get a jump on collecting.


If the Datamined info let's you know that... well that would, and should be considered an exploit, and hopefully punished accordingly.


So some folks are QQing on Reddit b/c they are worried what might come of their favorite comp or their ability to make creds via crafting. To the first I say get over it. Comp stories come to an end, stop pretending that in this virtual world that all friendships are eternal... They are not. Friends still drift apart.


To the second, well the economy will adjust, again deal with it.


Oh and since they still don't know exactly how they are going to handle the important stuff like OPs or FPs, I'm guessing that how they are going to handle comps or crafting is probably still in a state of flux as well.


Won't get banned for that because I didn't say anything that wasn't confirmed by BW so no vacation for me maybe you need one though.

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are you trying to tell us that EA released NOTHING else in those quarters? that it was all SWTOR? metrics can be as flawed as "5 people were doing story when we checked!!! they must want story!!". metrics are only as good ask the questions asked and the data collected. they can be straight forward or skewed to point to the answer desired. no one in this thread has any idea as to how they came to their conclusions. a lot of the current kerfluffel could have been avoided by such simple tools like posting that the gamescon data was delayed and will be rescheduled next week. no spoiler there, just letting people in on a revised schedule. It is just common courtesy.


No. I'm saying that the investor's reports specifically noted that SWTOR, and SOR in particular, brough EA a 15% net profit increase. Whatever else they released during those quarters and how well it did or not is also there, but really isn't my concern nor is it relevant to the convo.


What is relevant is that EA in a report to their investors, which can be found freely online, specifically cited SOR as bringing them an unexpected 15% profit increase. They also cited what was well received and what was not and told their investors the direction they would be taking in the future and why.


How or why BW/EA determined that the financial success of SOR was down to story and not other things, we probably will never exactly know. That they did, and that 12x XP wasn't a part of that(as it wasn't in game then) is a verifiable fact. I mean, I guess EA could be lying to their investors and committing several SEC violations... But I doubt it.


BTW During first quarter SWTOR netted 139 million for EA, they had a total net profit of 442million, that amounts for 32% of EAs total profits.

Edited by Khiriath
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I'm well aware of the state of affairs and the backlash still looks shameful.Disrespect & belittling another because one is frustrated & angry is never an acceptable means to an end. That kind of thing just further propagates a lack of public relations and makes the cm look like the victimized diplomat trying to offer the olive branch.


Community manager has promised us information on two occasions. Has gone back on those those promises, without either an acknowledgement or an apology. TBF, if he had acknowledged at least, and apologized(best case scenario), I would agree that backlash ect would be totally uncalled for.


I understand that there can be unforeseen delays, but those need to be acknowledged. Don't promise us a constant weekly stream of information, not deliver, and not acknowledge at least that you were incapable of living up to your original expectations.

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Community manager tried to assuage the communities mood and gets attacked? very shameful display. And you guys still wonder why bioware doesn't speak to you as often anymore.


No, the community manager just said that we will get information soon™ for the umpteenth time instead of giving us actual information. So yes, I do wonder why BioWare refuses to give us actual information instead of just continuously putting it off until a later date. I also wonder if you understand the meaning of the word anymore? I ask because their refusal to speak to us has been going on for quite some time now and is not a recent development.

Edited by Exly
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No, the community manager just said that we will get information soon™ for the umpteenth time instead of giving us actual information. So yes, I do wonder why BioWare refuses to give us actual information instead of just continuously putting it off until a later date. I also wonder if you understand the meaning of the word anymore? I ask because their refusal to speak to us has been going on for quite some time now and is not a recent development.


It's okay, just join the rest of us who are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, one of us one of us one of us! Then you won't care anymore either, it will all be rainbows and chemilizard unicorns for everyone :)

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No. I'm saying that the investor's reports specifically noted that SWTOR, and SOR in particular, brough EA a 15% net profit increase. Whatever else they released during those quarters and how well it did or not is also there, but really isn't my concern nor is it relevant to the convo.


What is relevant is that EA in a report to their investors, which can be found freely online, specifically cited SOR as bringing them an unexpected 15% profit increase. They also cited what was well received and what was not and told their investors the direction they would be taking in the future and why.


How or why BW/EA determined that the financial success of SOR was down to story and not other things, we probably will never exactly know. That they did, and that 12x XP wasn't a part of that(as it wasn't in game then) is a verifiable fact. I mean, I guess EA could be lying to their investors and committing several SEC violations... But I doubt it.


BTW During first quarter SWTOR netted 139 million for EA, they had a total net profit of 442million, that amounts for 32% of EAs total profits.



where exactly are you getting these numbers. EA didnt have those numbers in their quarterly or yearly earnings reports. please post a link

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Community manager has promised us information on two occasions. Has gone back on those those promises, without either an acknowledgement or an apology. TBF, if he had acknowledged at least, and apologized(best case scenario), I would agree that backlash ect would be totally uncalled for.


I understand that there can be unforeseen delays, but those need to be acknowledged. Don't promise us a constant weekly stream of information, not deliver, and not acknowledge at least that you were incapable of living up to your original expectations.

I agree with you, but I also tend to think that this is out of Eric's hands. I think Eric does all he can and I bet it's as frustrating for him as it is to us. I believe EA's reigns on him are far tighter than you may think.

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Community manager has promised us information on two occasions. Has gone back on those those promises, without either an acknowledgement or an apology. TBF, if he had acknowledged at least, and apologized(best case scenario), I would agree that backlash ect would be totally uncalled for.


I understand that there can be unforeseen delays, but those need to be acknowledged. Don't promise us a constant weekly stream of information, not deliver, and not acknowledge at least that you were incapable of living up to your original expectations.

I agree with the overall point, and if you were using the idea of a "constant weekly stream of information" as a purely hypothetical example of what an unfulfilled promise might look like, then that's fine. But people shouldn't get confused about what the Community Team actually said they'd be doing - because it did not include any promises of weekly updates.


Weekly updates were suggested / requested by some forum users, but in response to that request Eric said they would not be doing dedicated weekly updates, but that they were planning regular content from the initial announcement through launch - and he specified that such regular content may include simple things like screenshots (which have been coming out pretty frequently on their twitter).

Edited by DarthDymond
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