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The Best View in SWTOR contest has returned! ×

2 year + Fanboy of Swtor sadly cancels his account.


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People dislike this game because they expect it to start off where WoW is, when WoW took a decade to get there (development stage + time since release). And also depended on the community to build most of the features so they could rip them off.


Or, they simply don't understand how MMORPGs are supposed to be. They're going to have money sinks, profession grinds and travel time. That's what keeps you playing. The true reason for playing an MMO at all is the community. So far TOR is in good shape.


I have faith in Bioware to continue to add content like mad once the launch growing pains are dealt with. Personally, I don't find TOR to be a great game. Skyrim is more immersive and feature packed at the moment. However, I have friends that play. And it's backed by a perfectionist game deisgn studio, not unlike Blizzard. This game will be amazing as long as people can understand that any MMO launch is packed with bugs, server queues and missing features. You can't keep an mmo in development long enough to fix and add everything before launch. You'll run out of money.


Basically, you'll be back. It plays well, it has a great story and universe and a pristine design company backing it up. It's going to be a contender. It's just a baby right now. It needs to eat it's vegetables and grow up.

Edited by Jezzirok
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I have to say, I am actually surprised that this has not been closed yet by moderators.


Although I feel exactly the same way as you do. My highest lvl character is 28 and I havent seen anything to make me want to keep playing.


To address what someone else said about all the "in depth" planets being endgame. This makes no sense, why would you purposely place all the good stuff at the end and not put anything interesting in the beginning to keep one playing.


Playing a video game is like reading a book. The author creates a concept or idea, that one is fascinated by and thus sucks them in to to keep them reading (or playing).


Out of the classes I have played (6/8) only two have really made me want to keep going (Trooper, Sith Inquisitor) and that eventually died.


PVP, lets face it cause we all know it, is a complete CLUSTERF*&^!

Many times in matches a sudden lag will appear and spaz enemy players behind me or further away. Sometimes when both teams are fighting in one area (a la Huttball) it becomes confusing to figure out who is on your team and who is not. Warzone and Breach (or whatever u call it) are boring and confusing as well.


Lightsaber combat is a complete joke; Its like two statues flailing their arms at each other.


Your character has no sense of individuality. Often times I see a heap of other players running around and they look exactly like me!


Companions are boring. I havent found a single companion that makes me feel like I have a team of people who actually like me. Unlike Mass Effect where most of the companions follow you for one reason or another, In SWTOR they only follow you because they were written to. Not because they want to help you save the galaxy, but because they are thrown on you.


Crappy Community. This is whats probably going to turn most new players away from this game. People who are "vets" feel inclined to be snooty and obnoxious about everything. General chat is not filled with people who want to help noobs. Instead General chat puts noobs down and intimidates them into "returning to WOW." This is the only MMO I have ever played on PC, but if this is what PC communities are like I see why everyone turns elsewhere.


Why did I pay 59.99 for this? 19 Gigs of the 24 I downloaded is nothing more than "Voice Data". Thats right the repeated lines and convos you hear are more than half of what you payed for, they might as well thrown that 130 mil budget into another star wars movie. After Coruscant I havent seen my character use new body language either he is holding his hands on his waist like a really happy guy, or he is pointing at someone.


I bet in three months they will patch it and a lot will get fixed. However three months from that this game will be F2P trust me.

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I cancelled aswell. I thought it might be fun until Guild Wars 2 comes out, but this game really failed. Will probably play it a little more until my 30 days runs out.

It's a dead world. Even more so than in the other mmo's.


thanks for giving it eight solid days of your attention to establish a comprehensive review!




...oh wait.

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I love how many post on these forums vs playing the game, I really didnt expect the fanboys to still be out in such force. ( yes i use to be one) but I guess it shows many of you are here just to be forum fan boys vs actually play this game, why would you be playing though. we all know the game isnt very good. It is good validation really. if the game were better people would be in game, not on the forums with snide pointless comments that don't actually counter any points brought up. I have not see one person explain away the massive MASSIVE amount of zones with all static mobs that don't move until attacked where maybe 3-4 mobs in an entire zone path. Its like dodging little mines as you run around to do your objectives. But seems some of you love dead worlds where mobs that see you 10 feet away just stand there, as stupid looking as the forum fanboys until you attack them. =)


So you make a pointless thread spewing your sad inner dialouge about how you hate this game. A game that most people on this forum are enjoying. You give your opinion and are surprised when you are confronted with opinions that differ?


I just want to point out a few things to you:


1. Noone cares you are quitting. You are not the center of the universe and people have other opinions. Saying **** like " we all know the game isnt very good" is laughable. No matter now much you say things like this OTHER PEOPLE THINK THE GAME IS GOOD.


2. Noone cares about your disappointment or that you don't like this game. People who seek validation of their opinions are contemptable.

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I have played WoW for 7 years. Loved the game but it evolved into something I find boring.


I am a mere lvl 14 Sith Assassin but boy am I having fun. Leveling is slow, which I like, and I too am taking the time to enjoy the scenery. I find myself going off the beaten path just to explore things... I have never done this.


The voice acting on each quest makes this game so immersive, that I find myself actually caring about the choices I make.


For a game that was JUST released, I am truly fascinated. Good job Bioware!


The great thing about this is, there is MORE to come. Fixes, additions, etc. It makes it very exciting.

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I see your point and yes I do agree communication is key, however as I work in a technical field myself I know the general population when given a "we are working on it" answer they immidiatley follow it with "when where why how"


Most of the population is not content unless they hear a On this concrete date XXX at this specific timezone XXX we will have XXXX and XXX fixed"


And to be honest not one single DEV will be able to give you concrete answers. Take the patch release Tuesday, they gave us a timeframe and it was delayed by a margin and people SCREAMED


I think giving exact dates is the wrong way to go. Giving us an idea what they are going to do about it is much more important than when. :o

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thanks for giving it eight solid days of your attention to establish a comprehensive review!


...oh wait.


I'm saying I dislike the game. I do not intend to continue paying for a game which I have not enjoyed up until that point. I haven't heard of some drastical change later in the game. Atleast not positive.

The worlds I've encountered so far have been dead. You know like the npc's that look like they're doing something, with some movements, although they don't give off a sound, and it's just the same movement repeated over and over again. Please tell me if they come to life later in the game, although I doubt it.

The core gameplay is boring.

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I'm saying I dislike the game. I do not intend to continue paying for a game which I have not enjoyed up until that point. I haven't heard of some drastical change later in the game. Atleast not positive.

The worlds I've encountered so far have been dead. You know like the npc's that look like they're doing something, with some movements, although they don't give off a sound, and it's just the same movement repeated over and over again. Please tell me if they come to life later in the game, although I doubt it.

The core gameplay is boring.


Why are you still here complaining then? Move on.

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I think giving exact dates is the wrong way to go. Giving us an idea what they are going to do about it is much more important than when. :o


Maybe so but answer me this, When bioware says "we are fixing it" do you mean to say you want them to say "well we plan on instituting a number of scripts inserted in the game at the base level of strand A wherein then it will allow for X Y and Z to happen"


Or are you saying you want BW to say "we are working on it"


Has anybody actually thought that BW doesn't post on here specifically because rather then post "we are fixing it" is because they are actually fixing it?


Or for that matter, how many times do people expect the Dev's to post "we are fixing it"

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I think the game is very polished. As polished as any game to come out at launch.


But I'd rather suffer through some issues with a less polished game at the start where I can see long-term potential than play a very shallow, but very polished game. SWTOR's big things were voice acting and story. Those are fantastic for a single player RPG, but not so much a big deal for an MMO, at least in my humble opinion. The story will keep us around for a short while, but eventually you get bored by the lack of great gameplay elements and reactive/quick/enjoyable combat and PVP.


I enjoyed SWG a lot more than SWTOR and the combat in SWG wasn't that great. The PVP was awesome. The community felt much more like a world - you saw a lot of Rebel/Imperial interaction. You could build bases that FELT Imperial or Republic. You didn't run into "exhaustion" zones (worst idea ever). You weren't guided down linear paths everywhere you went playing out the game the devs had pathed you on.


This game just feels very restrictive. It's fun, don't get me wrong. But not long-term fun. It's like single player RPG play through once or twice fun. EQ, with as many issues as it had, was WAY more fun for me and a lot of the folks I'm playing SWTOR with. Same with SWG - as buggy as it was, you still had that great sense of community that a MMO needs. In SWTOR, there is just very little community. Chat stinks. Grouping is okay, but not necessary (you don't get any better gear than you can get from basic crafting, and you already xp at such a quick rate that you're well ahead of the planet suggested level curve). There is no guild house, no guild bank, no guild levels, no guild functionality. There is also no Imperial v. Rebel interaction other than in the silly PVP constructs.


And then there's the interface. Targeting is a nightmare, especially in PVP. And the game is just non-stop CC in multiplayer - I go 80% of a match either slowed/stunned/frozen as a DPS class.

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After 2 years of being a dedicated fan I did not want to quit over a few beta weekends. I cancel my ce and de I had ordered and just go regular. I still dont regret supporting bioware and giving them $60 and trying the game up to 25. I would have wondered If I just didn't give it enough of a chance. By the time I got there it was clear to me this just wasnt the game for me. I see a lot of the same opinions from a large group of players, but then there is another group that feels the opposite. I am very glad there are those who love this game, I am glad it wont be going anywhere. I just wish after all my time and dedication to the game I was one of those people. I wish everyone the best. I shared again, not to hate, but I felt after all my time here I should at least post why I move on, maybe it will help in some way. Maybe it wont. Thank you!


Your a big supporter, but you quit after 2 weeks, didn't you pkay the beta at all? Most Theme parks are all the same , they have to follow the same formula as the others, because investors would not give them money and thats a fact, I have my degree nearly in game design and this is something we talk about alot, If you want something different play an Indie or a sandbox.


Maybe MMO's are not your thing? If you noticed all AAA's are the same or close , and thats the reason why, but its all about if there polished and fun for the player, which the story is something different and exciting, the combat is smooth , unlike WOW's combat, the animations are clean.


I think the issue is and I do agree with the OP some what, the fact is some players are sick of the same forumla, we need some new and exciting but it will never happen until a company takes a chance on there own.


If you think GW2 is gonna be any different your mistaken, don't bother. Its all about graphics, with so so combat etc. So don't get your hopes up for that game. The Secret World is gonna be the closet to something a little different . But all these MMo'S WILL NOT be different until someone takes a chance out of there own pocket.




@ Amdarius You hit the nail on the head with everything pretty much there, but remember MMo's grow and are in beta all the time, so its all about what they add to the game in the coming months and even first year. I like the game and I hate theme parks with a passion.

Edited by mustangmandark
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I wish the mods would close these threads as nothing good comes from them. Most people that come to the forums to post "I am quitting" threads are just trolling for attention. In fact a good portion do not “quit" but rather start these threads hoping to start a forum war.


Even if you were quitting it is pointless to come and complain that this game is not exactly catered to your every liking knowing for fact that they are not going to change the game specifically for you.


My main point is don't feed Trolls

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I think the game is very polished. As polished as any game to come out at launch.


Haha. It's funny because the more I play the more I feel the game is only half done. Almost literally. They got the basic blocks in and done, but there is zero rhyme or reason to any of it yet.

Edited by Wazooty
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I think the game is very polished. As polished as any game to come out at launch.


Granted "polished" is subjective, but if you're looking for a scarcity of bugs, stable servers, features, and content, Rift's release trump's SWTOR's. That being said, after leveling 3 characters to the cap, I haven't played for more than an hour total in the past 2 months.


Haha. It's funny because the more I play the more I feel the game is only half done. Almost literally. They got the basic blocks in and done, but there is zero rhyme or reason to any of it yet.


Yeah, SWTOR feels very much like a "ZOMG! Must release for X-mas! Cut features! GO GO GO!" sort of game. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying it very much, I'm just looking forward to the release of all the "comfort" features I've come to expect from an MMO.

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Adios man, too bad you did not enjoy it. The rest of us will enjoy it and watch it grow in your absence....


if they fix the FPS issues or optimize it in general, I'm not going to bother resubing once my free month is up its just not worth paying for in its current state.

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Haha. It's funny because the more I play the more I feel the game is only half done. Almost literally. They got the basic blocks in and done, but there is zero rhyme or reason to any of it yet.


I completely understand what you're saying. I think you and I are saying the same thing, just in a different way. What I mean to say is that they've put a very nice sheen on a very shallow game. So they have the basic blocks in, but no depth beyond that. So what you see out of the game is very polished (at least I ran into almost no bugs through the first 30 levels). I've only played EQ1/2 and SWG before this, though, so perhaps open world games just tend to be way more buggy because of their scope.

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