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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Any visual updates planned?


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Well even with updates.. the main issue is poor optimisation.


I have a decent system i think, i7 5820k, 16gb ddr4, 1x gtx980 and well windows 10 nowadays but on w8.1 it ran exactly the same imho.


In warzones the very steady 60fps will drop to 40fps. (Vsync on)


Ridiculous tbh.

I cant even imagine how people with lesser or older systems manage.

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It's a pity, the game sure could use an update. I'm using Series 808 armor on my character and while it looks awesome, the textures on the chest are so blurry that I'd rather not look at them.


It seems fishy that you are having issues with your system. Is that on 2k or 4k resolution?

I have a 3770k @ 4.4ghz, 16gb ram and oced 980Ti and the game is almost all the time at 60 fps (v-sync), all that with everything maxed and 4k resolution and Windows 10.

I don't remember how much FPS I had in Warzones but I ran a few and I noticed no difference.


Maybe they will at least put some more effort in how gear looks.

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The game looks kinda dated in my opinion. It's much newer than WoW but does look worse.

I love the game, but really would like it to test my 980Ti on 4k. It has to make me want to buy a second card :D


Your 980 Ti won't even be fully utilized. SWTOR with a 970 is good up to 5K, maybe slightly more. GPU wise, your 980 Ti would be good for even higher than 5 K.


Well even with updates.. the main issue is poor optimisation.


I have a decent system i think, i7 5820k, 16gb ddr4, 1x gtx980 and well windows 10 nowadays but on w8.1 it ran exactly the same imho.


In warzones the very steady 60fps will drop to 40fps. (Vsync on)


Ridiculous tbh.

I cant even imagine how people with lesser or older systems manage.


I'd turn v-sync off for SWTOR. Yes, above 60 FPS it stops screen tearing (or above whatever your refresh rate is) at the expense of slight input lag, but more importantly in a game like this where the FPS will rapidly fluctuate it will not display the actual FPS that your system is capable of rendering under your refresh rate.


For example, if you have vsync on and your refresh rate is 60Hz:


Above 60 FPS: 60 FPS

30-59 FPS: 30 FPS

16-29 FPS: 15 FPS


So if your FPS dips to even 59 FPS, you'll actually be running 30 FPS with vsync on.


This game already performs like crap at times, that is all we need, more demanding graphics.


Higher resolution textures won't hurt performance probably because this game is still CPU bound.

Edited by SuspectDown
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Some of the armors, even those from the CM packs, could seriously use texture update. With the new content being visually on a higher level, the older stuff is going to clash painfully. And... I hope they give Marr's armor some better texturing in KotFE - it looks absolutely atrocious in SoR, more like a blurry vomit than actual armor.
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