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Datacrons Are For Legacies


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I have been one of the vocal people in many threads on this issue and cannot express how happy this makes me. This would be a very positive thing for most players. All I ask is that the Legacy Unlock is retroactive based on achievements (so we don't have to get them all over again on one toon to unlock the ability) and that you have to wait until vl 50 - 60 to unlock them on a toon. A Legacy 50 requirement would also be nice. For example: I would gladly pay 200cc on each toon to unlock them at lvl 60.


We can't have lvl 1 toons unlocking it and then jumping into PVP at lvl 10 with a clear advantage from the stat and endurance boost though. That is why I suggest at least a lvl 50 requirement, 60 is even better.


Oh we can, and we will. :cool:

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I am ambivalent about the idea of Legacy Datacrons, depending on the final implementation should it come about. I don't have much of an issue with hunting them down on each of my characters, as I have been doing while leveling them. However, one of the issues here, besides the tedium of acquiring them on multiple characters, is that the reward that is not commensurate for the effort required for some of them and the platforming aspects required for them are wholly dependent on factors not entirely within the players control.


Having Legacy Datacrons is not very useful if one is unable to acquire some of those datacrons because the platforming required is adversely affected by things like the game engine, latency, and hardware lag and other issues. Some effort should be required to obtain them at least once, but that effort should be a reward for exploring off the beaten track and not on one having a good internet connection and keyboard.


The leveling game is being streamlined to make it quicker and easier to get through the storyline. I don't think it too extraordinary to continue that process with other things in the game, such as the datacrons, and allow the option to skip the platforming aspects whether it is the first time going for the 'cron or the 50th. Hence my Legacy Skills suggestion in my sig.

Edited by TravelersWay
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There is really no other way. With the changes coming to stats and the effect it will have on the current datacrons the only two options without this would be to have to hunt every datacron, on every planet, with every toon, or to have a toon with stats that are well below other player's. Edited by Frybert
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Hey folks!


I wanted to pass on a little tidbit that I heard this morning. We are very actively looking to put Legacy-wide Datacrons into Knights of the Fallen Empire! We know this has been widely requested for many years and so the Design team is working as we speak to get it in.


As always, this is not a guarantee that it will make it in, but the team is hard at work to make it happen :rak_03:.




Trying to appease the playerbase with crumbs?

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Trying to appease the playerbase with crumbs?


Damned if the do damned if they don't...


Why can't you just accept this as an anwser to quite often asked question recently? The alternative is giving us absolutely no info and that makes people loose their senses and make things up on their own.


I for one am grateful for even the smalles of anwsers, cheers :)

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Damned if the do damned if they don't...


Why can't you just accept this as an anwser to quite often asked question recently? The alternative is giving us absolutely no info and that makes people loose their senses and make things up on their own.


I for one am grateful for even the smalles of anwsers, cheers :)


"The crumb" in question isn't the information, it's the change itself.

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"The crumb" in question isn't the information, it's the change itself.


So they decided to change something the players wanted for ages now AND gave info right off the bat, it's great!


(Come on, at least pretend to be happy and enjoy yourself :p ).

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Funny how the hint that it's happening comes right after leaks of information about KOTFE that have a lot of skepticism and criticism stirred up.


Give them a break, they enjoyed themselves in Germany and during that time dataminers stole their show and killed of their future presentation/blog entry - let them save their good name with this :p

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Give them a break, they enjoyed themselves in Germany and during that time dataminers stole their show and killed of their future presentation/blog entry - let them save their good name with this :p


Some people will look for a silver lining in things, while others will try to find something negative no matter what. I stopped trying to argue with those that look for the negative in things. For me I rather look for the positive and my guild is happy about this.

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Hey folks!


I wanted to pass on a little tidbit that I heard this morning. We are very actively looking to put Legacy-wide Datacrons into Knights of the Fallen Empire! We know this has been widely requested for many years and so the Design team is working as we speak to get it in.


As always, this is not a guarantee that it will make it in, but the team is hard at work to make it happen :rak_03:.





As long as they get made into lore objects only who care, which since they are changing all the stats should be the way they work from now on

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I seriously suspect it will need to be tied to the achievements (On both Sides for the primary one).


So.. if you don't already have Dark and Light Side Datacron Tables... go get 'em.. :)


Again.. that would make the most sense and all the original Codex Entries are worth ZERO points with that achievement adding XYZ Points to mainstat and endurance.

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I would much rather see them do something more interesting with them. [eg once u have collected all datacoms it triggers a side quest story line, where someone who made the datacoms can now make contact or blah blah. or is hunting you because of a dream he has about datacoms and how ur spesial for getting them.


Additionally do something bout matrix shards, let us trade them for perm stats,

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I'm all for this. If i do fancy doing them again there is always other servers. Playing off Fairfox's idea, I'd be happy if getting the legacy achievement unlocked a level 50/60/65 quest(line) that, at the end, unlocked the stat bonuses, as opposed to having it all at level 1 just so people can't walk into the bonus.


I certainly don't agree that having legacy wide datacrons is comparable to "I'm level 60 on one character so all future characters should be!". There are multiple ways to get to max level, if you're happy doing the same thing over and over, good for you, but I don't think it ever improves the quality of a game.

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Hopefully it requires you've at least gotten them twice, once on each side at least.


I don't know ... not only does this sound to be annoying to track (since achievement is legacy wide once, and after that, sure you get codex entries, but those seem to be bugged)


but also, just having datacron master, one would think shows that the person who has it, made some serious effort as it is - on both factions (since you need republic specific datacrons for it).


but yes, I would so love legacy datacron stat bonuses. I don't mind if they only become available for max level characters, just as long as I never have to do those again.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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This I think is a good idea, and no I do not believe this should require a person to get it all once on each side lol.

This game has never and will never run smoothly like most other games. In guild wars 2 you do not suffer the lag and instant telaportaion when you go after view points, that are similar to datacrons in swtor. In swtor however you get hit with unexpected lag, bugs, and in general the game not running well when hunting datacrons down. On correllia alone I was continually telaported back to the beginning, when stepping on the wrong location, when hunting datacrons. On some of those jumps on moving platforms it is not uncommon for a player to fall off even though he landed correctly, for for that matter fall threw the platform. My point is with all the extra mechanic problems in this game when hunting datacrons. I truly believe this is one smart move the developers are making by making it legacy wise. If anyone says this is giving the moaners and complainers what they want, they obviously have never done all the datacrons in the game.

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This I think is a good idea, and no I do not believe this should require a person to get it all once on each side lol.

This game has never and will never run smoothly like most other games. In guild wars 2 you do not suffer the lag and instant telaportaion when you go after view points, that are similar to datacrons in swtor. In swtor however you get hit with unexpected lag, bugs, and in general the game not running well when hunting datacrons down. On correllia alone I was continually telaported back to the beginning, when stepping on the wrong location, when hunting datacrons. On some of those jumps on moving platforms it is not uncommon for a player to fall off even though he landed correctly, for for that matter fall threw the platform. My point is with all the extra mechanic problems in this game when hunting datacrons. I truly believe this is one smart move the developers are making by making it legacy wise. If anyone says this is giving the moaners and complainers what they want, they obviously have never done all the datacrons in the game.


A few datacrons are on differtent locations depending on the side. so yes, one requirement should be to have it done at least one time on the side you want to unlock it. And i hope the price will be a couple of thousand CC per character. this gives you ingame advantages.

Edited by Neglience
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[...]And i hope the price will be a couple of thousand CC per character. this gives you ingame advantages.


"CC to unlock = ingame advantages" screams pay2win. And in this case it would actually give advantages in PvP, unlike some other non-cosmetic items like Treek, the XP bonuses, or mounting while moving.


Granted, it wouldn't be pure pay2win, because people would still have the non-pay option of obtaining them, but making something that requires several days to complete per character an instant option with CC comes very close to it. (HK falls into the same category, but since he's only available in solo-play, it's not such a big deal. And he is only an alternative to existing companions, not a bonus per se.)

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"CC to unlock = ingame advantages" screams pay2win. And in this case it would actually give advantages in PvP, unlike some other non-cosmetic items like Treek, the XP bonuses, or mounting while moving.


Granted, it wouldn't be pure pay2win, because people would still have the non-pay option of obtaining them, but making something that requires several days to complete per character an instant option with CC comes very close to it. (HK falls into the same category, but since he's only available in solo-play, it's not such a big deal. And he is only an alternative to existing companions, not a bonus per se.)


Days? i think you are doing it wrong...

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