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Lost opportunities - why i wont extend sub..


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So preferring the casual PvE gameplay automatically makes me a carebear?


Thanks, but I tend to ignore people who try labeling me as something I'm not

The ones that call PVE'ers in this game "caerbears" are usually:

1. empire side (which outnumber Republic by like 4 to 1 on PVP servers).

2. complain about NPC guards being to strong (how is that PVP? thats PVE)

3. need to outlevel there opponents by 30 levels to be "proper" pvp.

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sorry bro, but i've pvp'd in every game from UO to SWTOR


It doesn't need to have consequences to make PVP fun, which is the point of PVP.

the only thing wrong with PVP in SWTOR is the amount of *********** stuns/slows and knockbacks which have a slow built in and only 1 CCbreak which has no imminuty after casting it.

once pvp is tweaked and open world pvp actually has some form of a reward it will be great


This pretty much! Consequences up the stakes but ultimately would just stop people wanting to pvp or cry more when things go wrong. The amount of stuns and knockbacks are what currently ruins pvp in this game.

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He's a self proclaimed "proper" pvp player (unlike most of us) so this must be accurate.


Yep. I printed a copy of the OP, stamped it "Certified", and laminated it. I will study it intently. It's always been my dream that, one day, I too could be a real "proper" ******bag.


Also, his main gripe seems to be that PvP doesn't have enough consequences. Uh, what? Who cares? What does it matter to you?


I would think a "true" "proper" PvP player would simply enjoy the thrill of playing PvP, without the need for rewards or consequences. I don't dislike Starcraft 2 over the fact that my wins and losses don't have consequences. The only reward or consequence I need is the satisfaction of playing against another human being.

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You're buying an apple and complaining that it's not an orange.


Spot on, this sums up a vast majority of the ever so vocal MINORITY of haters towards TOR. Some have reasonable suggestions and show some good constructive points. Others are just hateing for the sake of hateing and that quote right there sums them up spot on.


The game has issues... indeed, game needs tweaks... of course, some things need changing/implemented... yes. However with over 1 million subscribers and only hundred or so of the same group of haters, I think it's safe to say TOR is in a good position.


TOR was never advertised as some ground breaking PvP monster, infact the complete opposite. Do yourself and the rest of us a favour and move on if you are dissapointed.

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Honestly I think Bioware took more from Dragonage and Mass Effect then they did from an MMO. I'll go out as far as to say they used FF 13 for reference as well.



This really doesn't feel like an MMO at all. Leveling on tatooine I encounter like 1 person, with 4 people on the planet total. So much for having group quests when there isn't anyone on the planet to do them.

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Spot on, this sums up a vast majority of the ever so vocal MINORITY of haters towards TOR. Some have reasonable suggestions and show some good constructive points. Others are just hateing for the sake of hateing and that quote right there sums them up spot on.


The game has issues... indeed, game needs tweaks... of course, some things need changing/implemented... yes. However with over 1 million subscribers and only hundred or so of the same group of haters, I think it's safe to say TOR is in a good position.


TOR was never advertised as some ground breaking PvP monster, infact the complete opposite. Do yourself and the rest of us a favour and move on if you are dissapointed.


They were trying to appeal to those that would want to star in their own Star Wars adventure, sure it has a lot of the usual MMO trappings but we all already had been following the game for years, pulling in not just previous mmo gamers was the feeling I got from some of their marketing.

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Honestly I think Bioware took more from Dragonage and Mass Effect then they did from an MMO. I'll go out as far as to say they used FF 13 for reference as well.



This really doesn't feel like an MMO at all. Leveling on tatooine I encounter like 1 person, with 4 people on the planet total. So much for having group quests when there isn't anyone on the planet to do them.


Honestly after playing MMO's for the past 7 years, I'm glad they went this direction as I was about to take a break and go back to SP games and some Co-op's on Steam

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While there are far more carebears than PvPers, the latter crowd is still a large one

and i firmly believe that the game to reconcile the two crowds will draw great benefit

we generally don`t like each other, but games that have both of us instantly get

deeper, more engaging and alot more interesting.



When I grow up, I wanna be just like you.

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I don't care why you are not extending your subscription.


I don't care if you watch tv either.


I don't care what school you went to, what job you have, or if you have a sick relative.


Although the other subjects are more interesting to me and perhaps with some information I could care about them.


Quit ffs and shut up.

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You must be waiting for the same game to be developed as me.


-A game that includes the old school sandbox feel of Ultima Online, and a true non-instanced persistent world

-Siege mechanics similar to Shadowbane which featured the ability to build your own city and lay siege to opposing cities

-On going world PVP featured in games such as Asheron's Call & Darkfall Online.

-Strategic PVP combat mechanics featured in the Conan MMO


When it comes to PVP you really have three types of players.

-The eSport enthusiasts who embrace instanced PVP arenas, battlegrounds, and enjoy ladder ranking type systems (WoW/WoW Clone PVP enthusiasts)

-The politically motivated PVPers who fight for control, domination, and bragging rights (loyal players bases only found lurking in the Shadowbane EMU forums or Darkfall forums)

-The ePeen griefers who prey on less developed players (Respawn point campers and lowbie zone griefers)


The moral of the story here is that although SWTOR features some PVP elements they are focused on emulating what WoW has done with PVP. Many of us old school MMO players who enjoy PVP were spoiled with a true Risk vs. Reward experience which to this day has not been matched with the emergence of theme park MMO's.


I must tip my hat to Bioware for taking the grind out of their MMO, and building rich stories for each class. At the end of the day I feel like this game still carries value for casual gamers while not quite hitting the mark on the persistent world/PVP aspects.


I still recommend this game to all my gamer buddy's but not for the PVP elements. Take the entertainment SWTOR offers at face value and if at the end of your characters journey there is little to nothing to do then re-roll or unsub until new content hits or another game launches with the features you are looking for.



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You must be waiting for the same game to be developed as me.


-A game that includes the old school sandbox feel of Ultima Online, and a true non-instanced persistent world

-Siege mechanics similar to Shadowbane which featured the ability to build your own city and lay siege to opposing cities

-On going world PVP featured in games such as Asheron's Call & Darkfall Online.

-Strategic PVP combat mechanics featured in the Conan MMO


When it comes to PVP you really have three types of players.

-The eSport enthusiasts who embrace instanced PVP arenas, battlegrounds, and enjoy ladder ranking type systems (WoW/WoW Clone PVP enthusiasts)

-The politically motivated PVPers who fight for control, domination, and bragging rights (loyal players bases only found lurking in the Shadowbane EMU forums or Darkfall forums)

-The ePeen griefers who prey on less developed players (Respawn point campers and lowbie zone griefers)


The moral of the story here is that although SWTOR features some PVP elements they are focused on emulating what WoW has done with PVP. Many of us old school MMO players who enjoy PVP were spoiled with a true Risk vs. Reward experience which to this day has not been matched with the emergence of theme park MMO's.


I must tip my hat to Bioware for taking the grind out of their MMO, and building rich stories for each class. At the end of the day I feel like this game still carries value for casual gamers while not quite hitting the mark on the persistent world/PVP aspects.


I still recommend this game to all my gamer buddy's but not for the PVP elements. Take the entertainment SWTOR offers at face value and if at the end of your characters journey there is little to nothing to do then re-roll or unsub until new content hits or another game launches with the features you are looking for.




My interest in PvP is almost non-existent but I always applaud a more mature and well written post that gives credit where credit is due, while making your own points.


Well done and sorry the style of pvp you enjoyed in the past isn't here.

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Arenas, Warzones, Duels and consensual PvP without any penalties or consequences is NOT PvP. I was hoping for war declarations on other guilds, piracy and harassment and a sense of danger when traversing this dangerous universe..


So you're a "true PvPer" and you play on a PvE server? :confused:

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Actually, I think the OP will find that what he considers "Proper PVP" is "carebear" in the eyes of everyone who played the OLD MMO's, back in the days of PK's (Player Killers) and losing ALL of your gear if you died.


Ironically there was less of a problem back in those days, because rather than the developers pandering to all the kids that just wanna kill **** without any consquences (I mean, who cares really if you ruin some newbies game by repeatedly one hitting him huh?), back in those days if you died as a PK you actually suffered consquences. Oh, and not only that, a group of newbies could actually gang up on a tosspot back in those days. God forbid a newbie could actually do damage to a max-level nowerdays, there'd be outcry!

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You must be waiting for the same game to be developed as me.


-A game that includes the old school sandbox feel of Ultima Online, and a true non-instanced persistent world

-Siege mechanics similar to Shadowbane which featured the ability to build your own city and lay siege to opposing cities

-On going world PVP featured in games such as Asheron's Call & Darkfall Online.

-Strategic PVP combat mechanics featured in the Conan MMO


When it comes to PVP you really have three types of players.

-The eSport enthusiasts who embrace instanced PVP arenas, battlegrounds, and enjoy ladder ranking type systems (WoW/WoW Clone PVP enthusiasts)

-The politically motivated PVPers who fight for control, domination, and bragging rights (loyal players bases only found lurking in the Shadowbane EMU forums or Darkfall forums)

-The ePeen griefers who prey on less developed players (Respawn point campers and lowbie zone griefers)


The moral of the story here is that although SWTOR features some PVP elements they are focused on emulating what WoW has done with PVP. Many of us old school MMO players who enjoy PVP were spoiled with a true Risk vs. Reward experience which to this day has not been matched with the emergence of theme park MMO's.


I must tip my hat to Bioware for taking the grind out of their MMO, and building rich stories for each class. At the end of the day I feel like this game still carries value for casual gamers while not quite hitting the mark on the persistent world/PVP aspects.


I still recommend this game to all my gamer buddy's but not for the PVP elements. Take the entertainment SWTOR offers at face value and if at the end of your characters journey there is little to nothing to do then re-roll or unsub until new content hits or another game launches with the features you are looking for.




How dare you show common sense and a lack of understanding of what TOR is actually trying to do, this is blasphemy :eek:.


Good post, one day maybe we can hope for the PvP to be devolped into what you speak of. For now ill enjoy what I expected and have found TOR to be.

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