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full server, yet feels empty


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Where are my 'arguments' about loyalty etc etc? I expect quotes please.


On a side note, if you dislike developer/game, stop visiting the forums/playing said game. Problem solved.


One could say for you "If you like the game as it is, stop visiting threads with concerns and post BS. You really like it. Go and play and leave the concerns for the... concerned. ok?". We will be both happy.

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So correct me if I'm wrong, but this would seem to be a combination of a few factors:


  • The servers arent yet fully uncapped. Devs are limiting pops to ensure that players are equally spread out across all servers.
    Some people are powerlevelling and so naturally ending up in areas that no one else is in yet.
    The game hasnt got to the stage where people feel the need to fill their time hanging round social areas doing nothing, so cantinas and fleet seem empty.
    More people are rolling emp than rep at the moment, so rep areas feel lighter.


These are all issues that will rectify themselves in time. You cant expect a game that has literally been out days to feel like a mature MMO.

Edited by Mr_Jonse
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Yeah because having to compete with people for quest objectives is the best thing ever right?




This is 2-3 days after European Lineage launch a couple weeks ago. I was lucky to get ahead of this crowd cause haha all those people standing in the line.


Thank god SWTOR has instances and phases, since I'm taking my time and enjoying the content while leveling, or I'd be waiting in lines like that one every 5 minutes. At least in Lineage, you can kill everyone and get it over with, here it's impossible to attack your own faction for some reason.

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Just tonight, was running around tat. had three instances going. And I saw at least three dozen people through out the whole map. As for wow, out side of the so called capital cities. I would see maybe a dozen if lucky in zones as I leveled, outside of new zones with the expansions. As for space ports being big, they are space ports, they are suppose to seem big. but its for coming and going. Besides, what is the point in standing around in a city? I have heard its about a community, being a community. But you dont have to stand around in a city to be a community.
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I'm gonna try to break down some numbers to help this discussion.


I'm not sure of server sizes, but the average that everyone is saying is probably around 3 thousand. Now for the math part.


3000 players

lets say at any time only half are on at the same time. That brings the total players playing down to 1500.


Now split that up for each faction.

1500/2=750(remember you will only see your sides pop)


Now someone said there are 17 planets

750/17 roughly equals 44 per planet


Now take into account flashpoints, space battles, the fleets, people just sitting in their ships. That number could easily be 30 per zone.


Now that doesn't seem too off for me. Also, many people might be leveling to a certain level and then rolling alts. That would also make upper level zones be unpopulated.

I'd say closer to an average of 5k per server, which probably means variance between 3k & 8k, but thank god someone else can do the maths.

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maybe some one can help me understand:

how come servers are full or very heavy yet there's only 50-100 people on the planets I have been to?

so if there's 17 planets, max 100 people on each planet, then a full server only holds 1700?


what I am trying to say is it feels rather empty in the game yet the server is full. what am I not understanding about this? anyone know the # of people that constitute a 'full' server?


please see this thread, it's written much better with the same point:





It's because of the phasing Bioware uses on the planets. I understand how you feel completely. It's definitely a slap in the face to mmorpg'ers.

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I don't know what to say. On my server there are plenty of people all the time. No matter where I'm at I run into people. And there are normally 2-3 Shards of a planet running. I however have noticed the level 18-29 planets a little less full atm. The key thing is to rember that everyone is leveling at many different paces.
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I've got the same issue on Fatman, one of the more crowded servers. Last night, for the first time, I ran into opposing faction players. A total of three over a period of a couple hours, on Alderaan. I think I also ran into three members of my own faction. Pretty bad. World felt dead.
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