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full server, yet feels empty


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maybe some one can help me understand:

how come servers are full or very heavy yet there's only 50-100 people on the planets I have been to?

so if there's 17 planets, max 100 people on each planet, then a full server only holds 1700?


what I am trying to say is it feels rather empty in the game yet the server is full. what am I not understanding about this? anyone know the # of people that constitute a 'full' server?


please see this thread, it's written much better with the same point:



Edited by DigitalDigital
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Easy...they made the planets too damn big. These monster zones the size of WoW continents sounded amazing pre-launch, and the words do look amazing, but the size just doesn't work in an MMO setting. They don't even do sharding anymore (that I've seen) and the zones still feel completely empty because of how large the planets are.
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You may notice if you read guild chat that you will see people labeled [for example] Tatooine (1),(2), (3). Also that when you group with people you get an odd transport to their version of the zone. This may be why we are not seeing as many people because of the instancing of worlds. Its a mechanic I approve of to combat over crowding but it might need a little tweaking.
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You may notice if you read guild chat that you will see people labeled [for example] Tatooine (1),(2), (3). Also that when you group with people you get an odd transport to their version of the zone. This may be why we are not seeing as many people because of the instancing of worlds. Its a mechanic I approve of to combat over crowding but it might need a little tweaking.


They aren't doing sharding anymore on most planets so that's not the case.

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so basically the game is bigger than the servers, if that makes sense.

makes the game feel old, FFXI feels more alive... sucks!

In a sense, yes. The worlds are too large for the population that can fit on a server.

Edited by SDCowboy
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I'm on Belgoth's Beacon which is almost always full or very heavy and there are some planets where no one is on. Quesh had 3 people last night and Hoth has like 12. Seems like 95% of the population is either under lvl 20 or is playing empire characters.
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your just talkin planets from what u said, not counting pvp, fps, ops, story areas, ect ect. then multiply that by 2.


They already said they wont be opening servers up all at one time, but over a period of time. it will come

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really that's too bad ;;

maybe when everyone is 50 we will populate a single planet or 2 and it will feel alive, idk but it does make me sad.


When everyone is 50, it will just fill up the Fleet. The worlds will still feel dead but they'll actually BE dead then.

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I completely agree here. This was also REPEATEDLY brought up during the beta testing.


Im level 17 now.. and I have seen (I Kept count here.) 9 total people. NINE fuggin people?! For a launch MMO.. It makes me feel like I just wasted 60 dollars because nobody else is playing.


At least in RIFT and WoW.. if I go to a main city, I'll see dozens (if not hundreds) of players.. here.. I go to a main city.. and Im lucky to see ONE other person standing around looking as bored and clueless as me.

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maybe some one can help me understand:

how come servers are full or very heavy yet there's only 50-100 people on the planets I have been to?

so if there's 17 planets, max 100 people on each planet, then a full server only holds 1700?


what I am trying to say is it feels rather empty in the game yet the server is full. what am I not understanding about this? anyone know the # of people that constitute a 'full' server?


Hero engine is based heavly around instanceing and phaseing. Wile a fue select areas are not effected by this. Most of the game however is so you will almost never see more than 30 players at once on a planet. In alot of cases if the game determins that a area is near cap it clones the area into a diffrent phase/instance. So a large number of players could be at the exact same spot and never see one another.

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I completely agree here. This was also REPEATEDLY brought up during the beta testing.


Im level 17 now.. and I have seen (I Kept count here.) 9 total people. NINE fuggin people?! For a launch MMO.. It makes me feel like I just wasted 60 dollars because nobody else is playing.


At least in RIFT and WoW.. if I go to a main city, I'll see dozens (if not hundreds) of players.. here.. I go to a main city.. and Im lucky to see ONE other person standing around looking as bored and clueless as me.


that's exactly what I am saying, when you go into town in FFXI it's full of activity, even FFXIV is WAY more alive with activity in town than TOR and that's REALLY bad...

feels like a bunch of GIANT empty airports...


and I 160$ ;; I was expecting a bustling community...

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Hero engine is based heavly around instanceing and phaseing. Wile a fue select areas are not effected by this. Most of the game however is so you will almost never see more than 30 players at once on a planet. In alot of cases if the game determins that a area is near cap it clones the area into a diffrent phase/instance. So a large number of players could be at the exact same spot and never see one another.


30 lol

this really sucks! definitely not massive, this game type should be called tmorpg

Tiny Multiplayer Online RPG (in massive worlds)... /Gosh! ~napolian dynamite


and what's worst is people are waiting in queues to enter into dead worlds... fail!

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Yeah Swtor uses the shard system that Champions Online uses, that is why there aren't overcrowded areas/cities, its a Pro and a Con at the same time for obvious reasons. I honestly wouldn't mind so much if the searching for members for Flashpoints or Heroics didn't feel like a chore like it does now.


I just have a feeling there are a lot of players that are more interested in the solo content (story missions) then group content atm...

Edited by ggthnx
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I completely agree here. This was also REPEATEDLY brought up during the beta testing.


Im level 17 now.. and I have seen (I Kept count here.) 9 total people. NINE fuggin people?! For a launch MMO.. It makes me feel like I just wasted 60 dollars because nobody else is playing.


At least in RIFT and WoW.. if I go to a main city, I'll see dozens (if not hundreds) of players.. here.. I go to a main city.. and Im lucky to see ONE other person standing around looking as bored and clueless as me.


I don't know what server half of you guys are playing on, but any starter area I goto I see countless people. More than I can count. I goto cities, and I will see a ton. The fleet station is packed constantly on my server as well. I have not been to any planet without a ton of people (unless you want to count higher level zones, in which they have few because there isn't as many at that point yet.) I got to 50 pretty fast, so I didn't level with the vast majority... possibly your same issue.

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A big city, with lots of other people makes me feel like I am in a MMO, seeing one other person in a city does not.


I have decided to play this game like a single player game, because then it is enjoyable. It sure wont get my subscription dollars though.

Edited by chefk
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I completely agree here. This was also REPEATEDLY brought up during the beta testing.


Im level 17 now.. and I have seen (I Kept count here.) 9 total people. NINE fuggin people?! For a launch MMO.. It makes me feel like I just wasted 60 dollars because nobody else is playing.


At least in RIFT and WoW.. if I go to a main city, I'll see dozens (if not hundreds) of players.. here.. I go to a main city.. and Im lucky to see ONE other person standing around looking as bored and clueless as me.


I see about 5 - 10 people in every questing area I go to, with many more in the hubs/quest giver ares. Your game must be broken or you're playing on your own if you can't see anyone else.

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