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isn't it about time for the dev team to come clean with some more news?


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Because BW didn't make separate client for closed testers, it is possible to use some sort of exploit to gain access to the files...


I don't think it should be called an expoilt...programmers have their tools to open certain files and put two and two toghether - if Bioware put it there it's their own fault - nobody is breaking into their servers or anything.

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I don't think it should be called an expoilt...programmers have their tools to open certain files and put two and two toghether - if Bioware put it there it's their own fault - nobody is breaking into their servers or anything.


You are getting access to something you are not supposed to. So technically it is an exploit. Specifically of some part of the launcher that let's you access third hidden option in "shard selection".

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programmers have their tools to open certain files and put two and two toghether


Whatever they do I do not think it is right that information gathered by some external programmer gets posted here so some players even think it is the truth.

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Whatever they do I do not think it is right that information gathered by some external programmer gets posted here so some players even think it is the truth.


To be fair swtor_miner did that in the past and will probably do it again - often getting us pretty accurate information, even if slightly changed due to a development cycle.

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Dumb question: How do you know there's a closed beta atm? Didn't read anything about it anywhere:confused:


Because stuff in development needs testing, so it is pretty obvious there is one.

And also because miners managed to trick the launcher into letting them download the files (not play them, of course, as the server will be locked to them, but they can use tool to read them)

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I think Bioware have just given up on trying to Police it. And lets face it, the datamining is yielding so much more information than Biowares failed marketing team.


So to sum up, BW isn't currently policing this particular violation of TOS and cheat, so that makes it partially OK. Further since you personally are benefitting from this one, as opposed to Dashrood, Nefra, Ravagers, Ziost, Temple Chair, or the current GF exploit... So you are willing to give it a pass.


Interesting, a tad hypocritical, but interesting.

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I don't think it should be called an expoilt...programmers have their tools to open certain files and put two and two toghether - if Bioware put it there it's their own fault - nobody is breaking into their servers or anything.

emphasis added


Again another common exploiter excuse. BW put it there, so its their own fault.

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I would welcome any non-spoiler details on the expansion. All the speculation threads are tiring and the dead horse has been beaten relentlessly. We were supposed to get more details about the alliance system leading up to Gamescom, but there must be some problems with the system they still have to work out. On the bright side, we only have 9 more weeks until early access. Whether that will be 9 more weeks of speculation or details, who knows.
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emphasis added


Again another common exploiter excuse. BW put it there, so its their own fault.


They control what files they put forward - they don't control glitches.

Nobody is gaining anything from datamining except for some insight that for some reason Bioware decided not to share with us.


I don't know the next thing about programming or datamining but nothing in it sounds bad to me.

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I don't think it's right that we have so little information from the developers on a major expansion with major changes at just over two months out, nor any sign of a public test phase coming for all the changes being made (excluding story) to the base game.


We are still a few months away from the expansion, I would be very surprised if they even have decided yet how everything will work. So the information might not even be there to begin with.


I certainly don't think it's right that we have to rely on other players to find game files and analyze them to get basic information when EA has (or should have) staff on the payroll to provide such communication and information.


Then do not, relax like the rest of us and read the official information when it gets here. Listening to rumours and reading "leaks" that might even be accurate is not they way I want to do it.


Compare this to Blizzard and WoW - they have already released more details about their next expansion which is not scheduled for release until sometime next year.


Each company has its own market strategy I guess, but I have not touched WoW for over five years, I simply can not stand the game on any level.



Not only that, they always put their expansions up for beta six months or more before launch, host an open to view sub-forum for the beta on their website (all can read, must be in beta to post), allow beta players to live stream, post videos and share information on blogs and fan sites openly.


Different companies, different strategies. I would not appreciate beta livestream footage of a upcomming expansion, I want to experience the story for myself.



They also host a public test phase two months or more before launch that includes all the changes sans the new leveling (story) content, and even go so far as to implement base changes into the game weeks before the new content itself is released in order to correct any bugs.


Players can hate WoW all they want,


How they test this game I will not comment since I do not know how they test the game other then the short period of test server.


I do not hate WoW, I simply see it as a game that is no way near the playstyle I want. This is the game for me and I have enjoyed it since launch.

Edited by Icestar
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We are still a few months away from the expansion, I would be very surprised if they even have decided yet how everything will work. So the information might not even be there to begin with.


That would actually be pretty bad. It should now be in final stages of development and/or testing. 2 months is not that much time.

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That would actually be pretty bad. It should now be in final stages of development and/or testing. 2 months is not that much time.


If they are not testing right now that would classify them as one of the most incompetent developers I have ever knew, and yes that comes as a person who have a lot of experience developing software. YOU DO NOT keep working on features so close to a set release, specially not when whatever you are deploying is huge.

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I feel like everything that doesn't have anything to do directly with the story should be touched on by a dev blog or something like that. The amount of stuff mined is massive and with what we've seen from that so far, this 4.0 is in dire need of an open PTS to test out new abilities with the changes to the old ops and FPs and PvP. They don't have to open the story up at all. We don't need the same buggy launch of this that we had with 3.0. They need to run an open PTS with the story locked like they did with 2.0.
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Same old sad Bioware. I wish I didn't have to make a post like this, because I actually believed them when they told me they were going to be more forthcoming with information the week after the initial announcement.


And now, they can't even hold on to what they said regarding information around gamescom. How is a pain subscriber that's supposed to feel lied to?

remember the new system that was "better than x-server" announcement?


bw is understaffed and the game is unsupported. this new kotfe quest is being paraded as an expansion and the lemmings are eating it up.


everytime bw announces something, manage your expectations by saying the following out loud "these are the guys that took 8 weeks to fix the ravagers exploit" and then think about what they actually can deliver as opposed to what they promise to deliver.

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That would actually be pretty bad. It should now be in final stages of development and/or testing. 2 months is not that much time.


QFT - but I swear some of the posters on this forum live in fantasy land where the developers sit around for months just thinking stuff up, then wave their magic wand the week before a major release and have everything work out.

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remember the new system that was "better than x-server" announcement?


bw is understaffed and the game is unsupported. this new kotfe quest is being paraded as an expansion and the lemmings are eating it up.


everytime bw announces something, manage your expectations by saying the following out loud "these are the guys that took 8 weeks to fix the ravagers exploit" and then think about what they actually can deliver as opposed to what they promise to deliver.


No, they are not understaffed and the game is supported. Stop spouting bs wherever you go, Blizzard schill

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What exactly do you think is in Legion if not quests?


New class? Whoop Dee Doo

Class Order halls? We have those, they are called Strongholds

meanwhile we've had 3 "expansions" that don't even add up to the size of any wow expansion. it's embarassing how incompetent the bw dev team is.
No, they are not understaffed and the game is supported. Stop spouting bs wherever you go, Blizzard schill
8 weeks to fix ravagers. no ops content in kotfe. ops are still bugged. this game is the definition of unsupported. we dont get updates on the forums.


also i dont play any blizzard games...?

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