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there hasnt been a yellow post for 6 days


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You can't expect a Community Team that has no long term strategy to post stuff. This isn't like every other MMO out there, where their community team are active and involved.


Didn't they just spend the last 3-4 days in Germany doing just that? Communicating and being on the floor with the players? I mean, yeah... I want some dev blogs on the info they mentioned there, but to say they aren't communicating because they were actually interacting with the players in-person seems a tad unjustified. Not to say there haven't and aren't some communication details, particularly leading up to KotFE, but impatience and unjustified bitterness do nothing to actually improve things...

Edited by azudelphi
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There were plenty of yellow posts at the Cantina event!

Well, err... yellow speech? :p


And of course they take the weekend. When is the last time you've actually seen a yellow post on a weekend? Baring the occasional droid that walks away from his recharge station and does something weird like posting. :D

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You can't expect a Community Team that has no long term strategy to post stuff. This isn't like every other MMO out there, where their community team are active and involved.


Yeah they should be more super involved like the teams for Star Trek Online, Age of Conan, Defiance, and basically every other MMO out there that people complain about having a lack communication.


Oh wait, lack of communication is pretty standard across the whole genre and not just specific to SWTOR. Go figure.

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Yeah they should be more super involved like the teams for Star Trek Online, Age of Conan, Defiance, and basically every other MMO out there that people complain about having a lack communication.


Oh wait, lack of communication is pretty standard across the whole genre and not just specific to SWTOR. Go figure.


Don't get why that isn't understood.


Seriously, if you were a dev, would you want to communicate with people who prowl the forums?

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Man, 6 whole days.


You'd think they were doing something like travelling to Germany, holding a press conference and a two day cantina event, travelling back to the US, and having their normal weekend off.


No, it couldn't possibly be that.


Clearly, the game is dead. Server shutdown 2016 confirmed.

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Man, 6 whole days.


You'd think they were doing something like travelling to Germany, holding a press conference and a two day cantina event, travelling back to the US, and having their normal weekend off.


No, it couldn't possibly be that.


Clearly, the game is dead. Server shutdown 2016 confirmed.


With whats being released out of Gamescon? I wouldn't be shocked to see a Server shutdown notice between 2017 to 2018. Apparently Bioware has forgotten the multiplayer aspect of Massive MULTIPLAYER ONLINE Role Playing Game.

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With whats being released out of Gamescon? I wouldn't be shocked to see a Server shutdown notice between 2017 to 2018. Apparently Bioware has forgotten the multiplayer aspect of Massive MULTIPLAYER ONLINE Role Playing Game.


Even before Gamescon, they had said that their focus for this year was story, something that many players had been asking for a focus on pretty much since launch.


Also, they aren't "forgetting" the multiplayer aspect at all. They're taking steps to ensure that more people get to engage in more multiplayer content at endgame, rather than 2 relevant operations, now all of the old operations will be relevant again. This is also something people have been asking for since 2.0.


Sure, they aren't releasing any new operations with 4.0, but we already knew that. Hell, we had pretty much figured that out well before the announcement made it official.


They may not be releasing any "new" multiplayer content, but what they are doing is fixing their baseline, so that existing content becomes relevant again, and stays that way, so that they have a better end-game structure to build upon.


I'm as disappointed by the lack of new operations, flashpoints, and PVP maps as anyone, but to say they are completely ignoring the multiplayer aspect of the game is absurd. Sure, they're focusing on story, but the changes they are making to the existing multiplayer content is going to pay off in the long run by having more people at end-game actively involved in running content beyond just the two newest operations, which honestly intimidate many newer players, because they never got the chance to do the other ops before jumping into the hardest ones.

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Even before Gamescon, they had said that their focus for this year was story, something that many players had been asking for a focus on pretty much since launch.


Also, they aren't "forgetting" the multiplayer aspect at all. They're taking steps to ensure that more people get to engage in more multiplayer content at endgame, rather than 2 relevant operations, now all of the old operations will be relevant again. This is also something people have been asking for since 2.0.


Sure, they aren't releasing any new operations with 4.0, but we already knew that. Hell, we had pretty much figured that out well before the announcement made it official.


They may not be releasing any "new" multiplayer content, but what they are doing is fixing their baseline, so that existing content becomes relevant again, and stays that way, so that they have a better end-game structure to build upon.


I'm as disappointed by the lack of new operations, flashpoints, and PVP maps as anyone, but to say they are completely ignoring the multiplayer aspect of the game is absurd. Sure, they're focusing on story, but the changes they are making to the existing multiplayer content is going to pay off in the long run by having more people at end-game actively involved in running content beyond just the two newest operations, which honestly intimidate many newer players, because they never got the chance to do the other ops before jumping into the hardest ones.


How DARE you attempt to counter my antagonistic rant with a well thought out, logical and well written paragraph! How dare you!

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Man, 6 whole days.


You'd think they were doing something like travelling to Germany, holding a press conference and a two day cantina event, travelling back to the US, and having their normal weekend off.


No, it couldn't possibly be that.


Clearly, the game is dead. Server shutdown 2016 confirmed.


They could have had materials ready to go beforehand and had some poor intern post it.

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