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Is it possible for people to enjoy SWTOR without liking Star Wars?


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Yes. Some of the non-force user classes are really not Star Wars like at all in comparison to the movies. The story is still good for all classes though and they explain things like you never seen Star Wars in the description during character creation.
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Is it possible for people here to enjoy this game without even liking the Star Wars lore or even know about it?

Well of course it is, in the end it is just a game that happens to have a licensed name attached to it. To the people you are talking about it would be no different than playing any original concept game.

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Is it possible for people here to enjoy this game without even liking the Star Wars lore or even know about it?


I am sure that a player that has not seen the movies can be entertained with this game, it can even spark a interest to watch the movies :tran_smile:

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I'd say the game does a very good job helping people who haven't seen the movies before. There lots of conversations choices asking about certain species or planets that are obvious to a lot of people but can help players who never watched the movies plus the codex helps.



Too bad a lot of players on this game probably only came from only being Star Wars fans.

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I was a Trekkie before I liked Star Wars aside from 'oh look, I remember the Ewok heavy movie and they tried to eat Han Solo and Chewy!' when I was like 10. I had a stuffed Ewok teddy bear like stuffy growing up and I saw the original three movies and when I was growing up in the 80s alot of cartoons would have the obligatory dress up like SW characters episode. I started playing this game first cause oh look voiced quests! Wow ain't got that to this extent! Then cause one word: Chiss! Then cause it's science fiction like star trek and it went both up and downhill from there for me. lol :p
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Indeed yes. We persuaded a friend of ours to try swtor. They played PSU with us for 7 years or so and that was closing down. Funnily enough she even downloaded the beta without telling us lol. She still plays today and she doesn't like or have a clue about Star Wars , well she does now a little obviously.





Edited by BadOrb
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Sure it is possible. However, if you completely hate the very idea of the franchise (ie, it not being a true sci-fi, having magic etc), it might be difficult.

In fact, it is this game that got me to like Star Wars much more. I guess I always watched more Trek than I ever did Star Wars before I learned about this game back in 08. I certainly would never watch TCW or Rebels if not for this game

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Is it possible for people here to enjoy this game without even liking the Star Wars lore or even know about it?


The KOTOR franchise was tailor made to fit perfectly as a Video Game setting, so if you like RPGs and MMOs, it's a good game.


When Bioware announced SWTOR I really didn't care about the setting, I said I would have prefered if they did a Mass Effect or Dragon Age MMO, but after playing SWTOR I ended up liking the setting a lot.

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I played SWTOR and the KOTOR games because I'm a fan of Bioware not because of the movies. I have seen all 6 movies and think they are alright but nothing amazing, except for attack of the clones which is amazingly bad. My only other experience with Star Wars are the only Jedi Knight games with Kyle Katarn. So yeah I enjoy SWTOR without being a big Star Wars fan.
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Sure it is possible. However, if you completely hate the very idea of the franchise (ie, it not being a true sci-fi, having magic etc), it might be difficult.

In fact, it is this game that got me to like Star Wars much more. I guess I always watched more Trek than I ever did Star Wars before I learned about this game back in 08. I certainly would never watch TCW or Rebels if not for this game




Anyone can enjoy the game just because of the game. They like trying to optimize characters and overcome challenges, playing with friends and the conversations they have, and all that good stuff. No problem with that.


If, however, you actively hate Star Wars then you have to overcome a whole lot of roadblocks. Jedi and Sith along with their light sabers, iconic aliens, conversations that mention the force or or other Star Wars concepts... Lots of problems.


Merely not being a fan, though? None of that should bother you if you just enjoy the game as a game.

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sure it is, but if you are a SW fan you'll likely get more out of it just with all the little throwbacks and callouts. likewise, you can play this game without having played KOTOR, but yet again, you appreciate some things more if you've played both
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I'm sure it's possible for people to enjoy SWTOR without liking Star Wars. Before I even knew exactly what Star Wars was I played Star Wars Battlefront 2 (not the same thing but still) and enjoyed it, in fact it was what got me into Star Wars a couple months later. I'm sure you can enjoy the game without knowing what Star Wars is.
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Growing up I hated Star Wars, almost entirely cause my name can be cut short to Luke and all throughout my childhood I heard a constant stream of "Luke Skywalker" and "Luke, I am your father" which drove me to resent the movies.


It's kind of a dumb reason, but whatever, it was my reason.


Frankly I'm still not particularly invested in/a fan of the SW universe. I started playing because people from my old game (City of Heroes/Villains, which I miss so damned much) moved here, so I followed them. I certainly don't concern myself with it's lore (beyond what is presented within the game), but I enjoy the unique class storylines and playstyles, and that character appearance is/can be largely divorced from character effectiveness via modifiable armors.






Also, the Star Trek MMO is a disappointing game and laughable money grab, and the Stargate MMO never saw the light of day. :(

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Also, the Star Trek MMO is a disappointing game and laughable money grab, and the Stargate MMO never saw the light of day. :(



Yes, shame about Stargate Worlds, their concepts of story evolving alongside the shows was very interesting.

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Well I only like three of the Star Wars movies and I utterly despise the other three, so that kind of counts I suppose. Might seem like I am 50/50 there but I am more negative than positive about the series overall (the badness of the bad ones by far outweighs the goodness of the good ones, in my opinion).


Never been interested in all that Expanded Universe stuff, cartoons and such either.

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