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Is the imperial agent like James Bond?


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I'm doing the agent story right now as everyone said how great it is, but thus far I'm not seeing it. Just left tat and at this point the story is not impressing me, much prefer the Knight and warrior stories.


Which bit are you at? Because it really picks up after Act 1, and the story goes down very different paths depending on your choice. My favorite bit was the drugs trip, and working out why that happened.

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Well, the IA is a spy/secret agent sort too, which is something I guess. Personally, I never really got the comparison beyond that. The IA is clever and cunning with neat spy tricks and sex appeal, but doesn't have that untouchable coolness and glamorous missions I'd expect from James Bond. Like Keeper says, sanitation worker, y'know? Then again, I have only watched the older James Bond movies so maybe he has a different vibe later on.


Female agent totally reminds me of one those femme fatale "Bond girls", though. :p

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Which bit are you at? Because it really picks up after Act 1, and the story goes down very different paths depending on your choice. My favorite bit was the drugs trip, and working out why that happened.

I'd say it really hits at the end of Chapter 1.


I enjoyed Tatooine, though. The romance there was almost tearful.

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Do you have a oportunity to kill a sith who wronged you in terrible, terrible torture as revenge.


Not directly, no unfortunately. You can use your imagination what happens to traitors of the Dark Council who are get trapped if you so chose such options though.

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Not like James Bond, no real glamour missions with fancy vehicles etc.


But the story is amazing!

If u like spy stories, undercover stories and twists, IA is the best.


I actually like the Darth who is annoying.

She is funny in a way.


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With awesome gadgets and well the women but mostly the gadget?
My IA is the women, and the gadgets!


Though by the end of it all, i'm a bit surprised she doesn't smoke, drink and do spice.


Maybe she'll finally cozy up to Vector, because i don't think a normal guy would be able to handle her, at that point.

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