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Pls bring Darth Jadus back in KotFE


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he was fairly powerfull,but i doubt the most powerfull...


he striked from the shadows ,so his "Power" was never really outright revealed


but lore wise,he survives.either gets imprisoned OR you join him...either way,alive...so this could be a possibility


In my play-through something different happened with Jadus:


After almost 10 minutes of conversation, blackmailing and arguing Jadus left without a fight, going into exile. Watcher Two showed me great respect after this achievement.


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What a strange thought....whether or not it will be improved it will be different for sure....as Jadus is just too selfish (to the point of throwing his daughter to the wolves absolutely unprepared). But imo Zash was just fine as our mentor as she showed us that sith doesn't have to be like they appear to be:)

I think it's hard to argue that Jadus is more selfish than Zash, given what she pulls at the end of Act 1.


I just think having the Inquisitor trained by a scheming political mastermind rather than a Sith archaeologist would have improved the story because then it would be the tale of Machiavellian plotting and politicking that we were promised in the promotional materials, rather than the series of fetch quests (go fetch magic artifacts! go fetch Force Ghosts! go fetch treatments for your condition!) that it ended up mostly being.


Less of that and more bits like taking over Paladius's cult and subverting the Silencer superweapon would have really hit the spot, is what I'm saying.

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I think it's hard to argue that Jadus is more selfish than Zash, given what she pulls at the end of Act 1.


I just think having the Inquisitor trained by a scheming political mastermind rather than a Sith archaeologist would have improved the story because then it would be the tale of Machiavellian plotting and politicking that we were promised in the promotional materials, rather than the series of fetch quests (go fetch magic artifacts! go fetch Force Ghosts! go fetch treatments for your condition!) that it ended up mostly being.


Less of that and more bits like taking over Paladius's cult and subverting the Silencer superweapon would have really hit the spot, is what I'm saying.


Mmm..maybe you are right, but I still have the feeling that Jadus is the more selfish one, the one that will happily throw us to slowly die if it give him enough advantage compared to our worth.

...the same thing can be argued about Zash too I guess...with her throwing us at a ghost unprepared, but unless we see her...visions?...we could never be sure if she just hoped for the best or it actually showed her that we will survive/there is no danger to us...


As for ''go fetch Force Ghosts! go fetch treatments for your condition!'' I am afraid you can't place these up on Zash...that is/was entirely on us, because we had to find some way to survive Thanaton:)

...which brings me to why I am not sure Jadus would have been better - do you think he would have defended us against Thanaton? Keep in mind that from everything it doesn't appear that our SI was so much more powerful in the force - he/she was most likely good deal above average, but nothing special that will grand us preferred treatment (the special thing comes later with our ability to bind multiple ghosts...)...

...just realized he might not need to in the first place...I think (but I am not 100% sure) that Thanaton had some grudge against Zash so unless few outcomes come to pass and Jadus is labeled a traitor then Thanaton would not come for us...or is Jadus always labeled a traitor?


...anyway I am happy with how the vanilla SI story went, although a less special SI might have been better for KotFE.....

Edited by Saelinne
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I been wondering my self where the madness rageing Revan you face on Yavin 4 got his super powers? When you face him on the Foundry he´s a pushover. He was never super powerful in Kotor or in events pre or when he tried to kill the emperor the first time. In the book "Revan" he has a powerful force reflct that could turn the attack back to the attacker but other then that he was equal to a powerful jedi master. His true strengt (IMO) in Kotor and events pre was his charisma, that made him a natural leader.


I'm pretty sure as soon as Revan regained his mask he became the powerhouse we see in SOR, it's just that the powerhouse does not mean jack shiz against Vitiate. Plus after the foundry, the person we're fighting is simply Revan's rage and passion personified.

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I don´t admire Darth Jadus nor like him.

But given his disappearence in agents storyline and his said informations about Emperors plans, etc. yell out for him to appear again in KOTFE.

Even if I dont like him so much, he should come back. It would be a great addition to our Outlanders problems.


Also, avoiding Jadus in kotfe reminds me a bit of Lord Scourge silence in SoR. It simply shouldnt happen. :/

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cool Sith Lords


Haha I don't know if that is the wording I would use...more like 'a pretty ****ed up individual'', but yes - it would be interesting for our chars to meet him...especially the SI since they are very alike (how they use their powers/having similar powers)...but seeing how KotFE treats the SI/JC that might not be such a good idea:)

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>Second in power to the Emperor


>Possibly beaten with violence by a force blind character at the end of chapter 1 of 3.



Pick one, he totally fails to live up to his hype. He can cut scene teleport all he wants but he still got beaten. Any force user that loses to a non force user is garbage. Especially sith since they can't use religion to hand wave not breaking your bones with their mind.

Edited by dcaleb
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>Second in power to the Emperor


>Possibly beaten with violence by a force blind character at the end of chapter 1 of 3.



Pick one, he totally fails to live up to his hype. He can cut scene teleport all he wants but he still got beaten. Any force user that loses to a non force user is garbage. Especially sith since they can't use religion to hand wave not breaking your bones with their mind.


While I understand it doesn't show him in a strong light. At the same time the agent is feared by the dark council itself, and we've noticed how surprisingly vulnerable the council is. Also they can't have Jadus kill your character, so plot saves him. I think it's safe to say the best agent in the empire who takes down many jedi' only able to outmanuever jadus by his unusual tactics and running around the whole time to trap him in his shield which his companion also serving as distractions. And technically Jadus never lost... he was captured in the shield until Jadus seized the opportunity to escape.


Heck, remember Darth Decimus? He was able to be taken down by any of the republic classes, including the smuggler and Republic soldier elite... which despite being a feared council member, shows that all the classes in some way are all equals. Which, as much as I hate it, means in swtor the forceless warriors can equal or at least be on par with the force masters themselves. If only by skill, intellect, and unpredictability.

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If there's one character I want to come back then it's The Shroud. I thought he was an excellent adversary and a fun rival to Cipher Nine. I know he is still around with the little easter egg, that can be found in the Star Fortresses, where you can spot one of his drones hanging about outside the windows. I'd like for him to have an involved role in the future.
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  • 3 weeks later...
For me/my agent his daughter started as a hated figure to be backstabbed at the first opportunity...to a tragic figure....that should be disposed of if given the chance:)

Darth Jadus....as interesting as his brand of madness made him was still normal sith. If the sith can be called normal that is. It is just that unlike most sith that lose themselves in the dark side and are little more than sadistic monsters, he kept his wits and a very interesting mix of intimidation and charm.


PS: His being only second to the emperor (let's pretend our SI/SW/JC/JK don't exist) is not telling us much. We don't know compared to Revan how strong/weak he will be and we saw how good the super-powered Revan did vs the Emperor....

Tho I am quite interested to know what his 'teleport' was exactly. My theory is that it was some illusion (maybe advanced form of the sin's invisibility?) and not a true teleporting....


lol duh, it was a Phase walk! Obviously! I mean that's an SI ability now, not just a sin skill... soooooo...


>Second in power to the Emperor


>Possibly beaten with violence by a force blind character at the end of chapter 1 of 3.



Pick one, he totally fails to live up to his hype. He can cut scene teleport all he wants but he still got beaten. Any force user that loses to a non force user is garbage. Especially sith since they can't use religion to hand wave not breaking your bones with their mind.


The agent didn't beat him really, just stalled him. That was explicitly stated by Watcher 2 as I recall. If you had fought Jadus you would know that even though he is only an Elite you fight him 3 times back to back, with him "turtling" under a Force Barrier and regenerating health (a skill or talent I'd love to see Sorc's get for FB ;)) between each fight. You basically damaged him enough that he considered you a threat and so stopped to catch his breath before beating on you again. At the end of it you imprison him I believe so he wasn't really beaten, just stopped. Also, he can be 2nd to the emperor, and still be defeated by a force-blind individual for two reasons:


1. Force blindness doesn't make you automatically inferior to force users in combat

2. We don't know exactly how big that power gap between the Emperor and Jadus is...They could be worlds apart and Jadus is just the closest to the Emperor's level out of every other Sith...

Edited by MayhemofChaonus
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