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No news from the Cantina yet?


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how can they under deliver when they don't promise anything? it is us who over hype and make things to be massive and then when released realized our expectations were sky high compared to reality.

The better question is, how can Bioware be at a game conference, dedicated to gamers(their CORE customer) and not talk about their expansion that's due in 2-months time?


And players hype it because they want to believe in it...Bioware should be thankful their customers are so eager to hear more.

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That WoW, regardless of that graph, is still the most successful western MMORPG in the world? After ten years?




Not by much though, at least not with 5.6 mils. The point is that if you lost 50% of your business it doesn't matter if you are still the most successful. There are repercussions beyond the absolute numbers.



On another note, WoW needs to die so it will stop being viewed as the "winning formula", the MMO world needs some innovation and that won't happen as long as this theme park MMORPG is still alive.

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Not by much though, at least not with 5.6 mils. The point is that if you lost 50% of your business it doesn't matter if you are still the most successful. There are repercussions beyond the absolute numbers.



On another note, WoW needs to die so it will stop being viewed as the "winning formula", the MMO world needs some innovation and that won't happen as long as this theme park MMORPG is still alive.


Ha! Now we're getting to the heart of it. :D


On another note...

I wanted this game to be as successful as WoW and care little for the fact it was WoW in space, with the Bioware treatment on the side.


I just wanted it to be huge, with millions of subs... and at the end of the day, it wasn't.


WoW, dead or dying, after ten years, still manages the amazing feat of having millions of people subbing to the game, on a monthly basis. I find it enviable really.


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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The better question is, how can Bioware be at a game conference, dedicated to gamers(their CORE customer) and not talk about their expansion that's due in 2-months time?


And players hype it because they want to believe in it...Bioware should be thankful their customers are so eager to hear more.


You're right, but since they tend to do everything at the last minute, they probably aren't answering questions because they are still working out the details.


Yes, I know that since they are only a little more than two months away from launch that they should have a pretty good idea what they are doing, but I think they are afraid that they will not be able to deliver some of what they want to do, and they want to avoid another "better than cross server" type of comment where they announce something that they will never deliver on.


I also believe that they are afraid that if they let us know things like how the new crafting system will work, or which (if any) of our current companions we will be able to keep, there will be people upset by what they say, and will unsub as a result. So, since they want everyone who is a sub to remain subbed, they are holding off on giving us details on things that they are changing in order to minimize the risk of more people unsubbing.


So, in my opinion, they lack confidence in what they are doing, and as a result they are letting fear guide their decisions on what they should tell us, and that is why we will have to keep waiting to hear more about what is to come.

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Check this: http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/5063-WoW-Down-to-5-6-Million-Subscribers


The graph is very telling to what I am trying to say.

Perfect graph that I also have been explaining to people. Overall, it is on the decline. Yes spikes here and there for expansions, but ever since they took the "magic" away after wrath of lich king and screwed over the world with Cataclysm and ruined lots of untouched places especially for rping, that ticked A LOT of people off. WoW ended in my eyes at WotLK. :) I let in R.I.P in my mind. The good memories.


We will get news as time goes on about the expansion. Don't worry guys.

Edited by Sarfux
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On another note, WoW needs to die so it will stop being viewed as the "winning formula", the MMO world needs some innovation and that won't happen as long as this theme park MMORPG is still alive.


That's not how it would work or play out.


The MMO genre as a whole needs to die down before there can be any sort of proper refresh. WoW going away still leaves an over saturated market, an over saturated market that keeps becoming less and less viable.


It doesn't matter what type of MMO someone releases at this point even if WoW was dead because it would still run into all the exact same problems of retaining players. Perpetual large scale MMOs don't work anymore, especially when people have so much entertainment out there constantly vying for their attention that aren't 100 hour plus experiences.


With or without WoW you're not going to see large scale MMOs like WoW, SWTOR, ESO, Wildstar, etc, going forward in the years to come. If anything we're going to see more Multiplayer RPGs. Games that are more along the lines of Marvel Heroes or Phantasy Star Online.


Giant open worlds with massive landscapes with hundreds of people running around at the same time are a thing of the past now. Nobody wants to make those games any more. They take too long, and cost too much for what they are. Companies are instead are looking for alternatives or whatever the next big thing is which is why we saw such a rise in MOBAs, but just like with MMOs only 2 or 3 prominent ones really stuck around or made an impact while all the others died out quickly.

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That's not how it would work or play out.


The MMO genre as a whole needs to die down before there can be any sort of proper refresh. WoW going away still leaves an over saturated market, an over saturated market that keeps becoming less and less viable.


It doesn't matter what type of MMO someone releases at this point even if WoW was dead because it would still run into all the exact same problems of retaining players. Perpetual large scale MMOs don't work anymore, especially when people have so much entertainment out there constantly vying for their attention that aren't 100 hour plus experiences.


With or without WoW you're not going to see large scale MMOs like WoW, SWTOR, ESO, Wildstar, etc, going forward in the years to come. If anything we're going to see more Multiplayer RPGs. Games that are more along the lines of Marvel Heroes or Phantasy Star Online.


Giant open worlds with massive landscapes with hundreds of people running around at the same time are a thing of the past now. Nobody wants to make those games any more. They take too long, and cost too much for what they are. Companies are instead are looking for alternatives or whatever the next big thing is which is why we saw such a rise in MOBAs, but just like with MMOs only 2 or 3 prominent ones really stuck around or made an impact while all the others died out quickly.


I agree with you on several of these points. There was a time when you could go on MMORPG.com and see at least one major IP MMO on the horizon. These days it is all Asian based mass produced games. The market is beyond flooded but due to the lower cost of production overseas, I really don't see this changing anytime soon. Micro transactions seem to keep many of these MMOs making a profit large enough to continue.


The only ones who seem to be hurting are the western located studios. Trying to produce a game that is at the level of previous major MMOs takes years and a massive investment. I'm just going off of memory, but this game alone I believe took 5 years and over $100 million to bring online.


As for WoW, it was a game that came at the right time to a market that wasn't nearly so inundated with options. Sure their numbers are dropping. And yes, I think we have seen the end of the 10 million subscribers for them. But even if they have just 1 million subscribers they will still be pushing over $200 million in revenue for the year when services and micro transactions are taken into consideration. This game is in the decline but it isn't going to F2P any time soon.

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RA_Rashia recorded the QA from the Cantina Tour.






I transcribed some of it as well but for full experience watch the videos as I skipped over some stuff/rephased some. http://dulfy.net/2015/08/06/swtor-gamescom-cantina-tour-qa/

Thank you for transcribing it. Decent read, but so little that's new...I just get the feeling that they're not really sure how much they'll actually be able to finish.

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