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So NOT a gameplay trailer...


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After watching the trailer, my hope is Bioware releases something more within a few months to give us more actual gameplay over the cut scenes. I am curious to see how regular gameplay is going to exist like the fleet, OPS, and PVP. Will we have phasing? The fleet torn asunder? I hope the writers and designers take the end game play this time around. I don't want to go through ALL the epic trails in the galaxy without seeing some consequences on both Pub and Empire side.
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God... all these years. Why do you play this game? I've always thought you were just always cautiously pesimistic, but you don't even care for the story in this game? What has kept you going if it wasn't that?

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God... all these years. Why do you play this game? I've always thought you were just always cautiously pesimistic, but you don't even care for the story in this game? What has kept you going if it wasn't that?

Ive been here since launch (beta actually) and I've only played ONE class story from start to finish - Trooper. I enjoy the gameplay and the people I play with, as well as those I meet. The best story in ANY MMO, isn't the generic scripted one that everyone gets, it's the story "I" create as I play. That's what I like about MMOs. What we do, always matters.

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God... all these years. Why do you play this game? I've always thought you were just always cautiously pesimistic, but you don't even care for the story in this game? What has kept you going if it wasn't that?


This post is funny. It implies that critique must be driven by emotions and why other people play a game is any of your business.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Ive been here since launch (beta actually) and I've only played ONE class story from start to finish - Trooper. I enjoy the gameplay and the people I play with, as well as those I meet. The best story in ANY MMO, isn't the generic scripted one that everyone gets, it's the story "I" create as I play. That's what I like about MMOs. What we do, always matters.


You haven't played any of the other classes? I don't have a quote from you but aren't you unhappy with them only going forward with 1 story? How does that affect you if you only play 1 character and thus only play 1 story anyway?


How...why-- why don't you play the other class stories? There is... 100(ish) hours of story you haven't experienced as well as a whole other faction with even more hours of planetary / side quests. Free to game however you want but... I hope you aren't against no more class story quests 'cause that would make you quite the hypocrite.

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Simple both the republic and empire have fallen. satele shan and darth marr are in hiding or injured. why would valkorion share his new empire with darth marr it doesn't make any sense. plus it called become the outlander. it would make sense to share it with the sith warrior or jedi knight class as they are from the two fallen groups ie republic and empire.



Uhh boy, someone didn't check Reddit lately then or heard the

actual conversation between Marr, Valkorion and SI where Marr refuses to kneel in front of Emperor/Valkorion

.... very sad. But anyways, it's Marr.

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You haven't played any of the other classes? I don't have a quote from you but aren't you unhappy with them only going forward with 1 story? How does that affect you if you only play 1 character and thus only play 1 story anyway?


How...why-- why don't you play the other class stories? There is... 100(ish) hours of story you haven't experienced as well as a whole other faction with even more hours of planetary / side quests. Free to game however you want but... I hope you aren't against no more class story quests 'cause that would make you quite the hypocrite.

Why don't you PvP? Why don't you do GSF? Why don't you craft? Why do you care that I haven't?


I have maintained from the very start of this game that I'm not a story person...I know others enjoy them, I simply don't...it's not at all my main draw.


I've played Knight, Agent, Consular and BH through Chap 2 for buffs, but none of the stories, other than Agent, captured my attention...I stopped my Agent only because I stopped enjoying the class much. I've got several 60's, they just haven't finished their class stories because I lost interest in the stories.


I don't believe I've ever complained about one story going forward, but I know it bothers some people...but it'll have (obviously) little impact on me.

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Dial it back Joesixxpack this is a gaming forum, I can ask other users questions.


If anyone needs to dial it back, it's you. You're attacking me for not playing the way YOU do and not enjoying what YOU enjoy. I'm answering you, but you're the one attacking people, not Joe.

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- no glimpses of returning, or new companions.

- no glimpse of revamped 1-50 content .

- no snippets of new Bioware Story Telling - their main selling point.


While several of your complaints have merit, the above do not, based on the new trailer.


We certainly did get a glimpse of Lana Beniko possibly being a companion.


Revamped 1-50 content? My understanding with the new expansion is that people will be able to auto-level to 60. Why in the world would they revamp the 1-50 content? What gave you this idea? Don't even know why you expected this.


The trailer was a solid introduction to the story, and that it will be quite different from the story we are experiencing now. No more Empire. No more Republic. We will be playing an independent faction, and I really like the idea of being an Outlander on the outside of things, even if the title is meh.

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Revamped 1-50 content? My understanding with the new expansion is that people will be able to auto-level to 60. Why in the world would they revamp the 1-50 content? What gave you this idea? Don't even know why you expected this.


I believe the term Bioware used was "streamlined"...which people think meant "revamp".

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It's battleFRONT not battleFIELD noob. Battlefield is another series entirely.


Yeah, keep saying that to yourself. Just because it has SW stuff in it, it's stil just a, bad, reskin of Battlefield 3/4. Just like Hardline is.


For a 2015 game with very big budget, it has less than half the content Battlefront 1/2 had back in 2005. And 2005 was 10 years ago. And the original developers had way less money back then.


This Battlefield reskin has more dlc than features. And those dlc aren't even new things, but features that should have been in the base game already.

Just a random comparison if you're too lazy to click the link: The original Battlefronts have hypotetically unlimited content due to modding support and there are literally tons upon tons of mods still being released every day for both games. A lot are for the movies time period, but there are also a lot of mods for SWTOR time period, or KOTOR period, for exmple. Does this Battlefield reskin support modding? Even just for new skins? No.

Edited by JeKoCZ
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Yeah, keep saying that to yourself. Just because it has SW stuff in it, it's stil just a, bad, reskin of Battlefield 3/4. Just like Hardline is.


Battlefront 1 and 2 were a reskin of a Battlefield game, and yet I never hear anyone complaining those...


Will be able to shoot a blaster? Yep

Can i get into a tank, aircrafter or speeder? Yep


The only thing I will miss is space combat and that was mainly because I liked to board their ships and kill the people on board, not because of the star-fighters for it.


Edit: Didn't even notice they added a starfighter mode in the trailer today.

Edited by Nickious
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Battlefront 1 and 2 were a reskin of a Battlefield game, and yet I never hear anyone complaining those...


Because they were good games? And I may be too old to remember, but I don't recall them having less features than the game they were based on, on the countrary.

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Battlefront 1 and 2 were a reskin of a Battlefield game, and yet I never hear anyone complaining those...


Battlefield 4 is an epic game, especially on the maps with Levolution. SWBF3 is going to be equally bad ***, if not better. The actual gameplay footage I saw at the Star Wars Convention in Anaheim was awesome. Already pre-ordered, can't wait for the game to release.

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An over-reliance on cutscenes would certainly be a bummer, remember it was one of many criticisms leveled at Mass Effect 3. But remember that combat isn't changing, so there's no particular need to show it, not least at a major event when hype is the goal.


all the me games had tons of cutscenes, people complaining just to complain.

Edited by maxetius
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If anyone needs to dial it back, it's you. You're attacking me for not playing the way YOU do and not enjoying what YOU enjoy. I'm answering you, but you're the one attacking people, not Joe.


Attacking? No, I haven't attacked anyone.


Why don't you PvP? Why don't you do GSF? Why don't you craft? Why do you care that I haven't?


I do do all those things but I know that wasn't a question.


I have maintained from the very start of this game that I'm not a story person...I know others enjoy them, I simply don't...it's not at all my main draw.


I've played Knight, Agent, Consular and BH through Chap 2 for buffs, but none of the stories, other than Agent, captured my attention...I stopped my Agent only because I stopped enjoying the class much. I've got several 60's, they just haven't finished their class stories because I lost interest in the stories.


I don't believe I've ever complained about one story going forward, but I know it bothers some people...but it'll have (obviously) little impact on me.


It just seems odd to me that someone who doesn't enjoy the story of this game would continue to play this game. I feel like it's subjectively wrong to play the game otherwise, but that's because that's just how I personally feel about the game, and obviously like... just my opinion man.


But there are so many other MMOs that eschew story for better PVP, PVE and all the other 'MMO bits' and it shows in games like that. Seems only natural that you'd enjoy a game that didn't focus on story, and instead focused on all of the above.


Don't always think I'm attacking you, I'm not telling people to play the game like I do. But just like someone who buys Mass Effect for the compelling shooting mechanics and not the story... I'd tell them the same thing... there are way better shooters out there with a lot less cutscenes to skip.

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Battlefield 4 is an epic game, especially on the maps with Levolution. SWBF3 is going to be equally bad ***, if not better. The actual gameplay footage I saw at the Star Wars Convention in Anaheim was awesome. Already pre-ordered, can't wait for the game to release.


Stopped playing at BF3 but I'll take a BF with Star Wars skin any day, sounds great.


Pre-order is out? Damn I'm behind the times thanks for heads up.

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Until EaWare actually does something instead of following around WoW like a lost puppy all it is going to do is recycle players. It might pull in new players, but most don't want to pay monthly for a single player experience. When all this is said and done likely they will a handful of new people, but it highly unlikely they will stay beyond the story. It will be returning players that want new story or a bored of whatever they left TOR for. After the single all there is to do is the same stuff people have been doing til now. Well at least some of it, the rest is likely going away.
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Attacking? No, I haven't attacked anyone.


It just seems odd to me that someone who doesn't enjoy the story of this game would continue to play this game. I feel like it's subjectively wrong to play the game otherwise, but that's because that's just how I personally feel about the game, and obviously like... just my opinion man.


But there are so many other MMOs that eschew story for better PVP, PVE and all the other 'MMO bits' and it shows in games like that. Seems only natural that you'd enjoy a game that didn't focus on story, and instead focused on all of the above.


Don't always think I'm attacking you, I'm not telling people to play the game like I do. But just like someone who buys Mass Effect for the compelling shooting mechanics and not the story... I'd tell them the same thing... there are way better shooters out there with a lot less cutscenes to skip.

But you are attacking me. You're belittling my enjoyment of the game because I don't care for the stories. You're suggesting that simply because I don't like the stories, I should go play something else. To me, that's rude and offensive because it's none of your business why I play the game to begin with, but I've been kind enough to tell you.


Here's my advice to you...mind your own business! Thank me for supporting your story expansion and move along.

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If they showed a single dialog choice all you saying cut scenes are game play would have a tiny shriveled leg to stand on as clicking a response is playing the game, but since they didn't all of you saying it counts as game play are full of it. Edited by CommunityDroidEU
Insulting provocativ part removed
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The problem is that everyone has their own version of what consists of game play to each of us and arguing over what makes it game play is a bit ridiculous considering each person has their own version of game play.


For some people they like the trailer.


For some people they didn't like it.


Maybe we all should stop arguing with each other regarding what each of us considers game play and accept that each person may see things differently and then move on.


Have a good day.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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What else did people expect from this trailer? This isn't some new IP or brand new game where we've never seen the game in action. I know where definition battles go on these forums so I'm not going to get into the definition of gameplay, but what were they going to show us that we haven't been able to do the last 3 years in terms of actually playing the game?
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While several of your complaints have merit, the above do not, based on the new trailer.


We certainly did get a glimpse of Lana Beniko possibly being a companion.


Revamped 1-50 content? My understanding with the new expansion is that people will be able to auto-level to 60. Why in the world would they revamp the 1-50 content? What gave you this idea? Don't even know why you expected this.


The trailer was a solid introduction to the story, and that it will be quite different from the story we are experiencing now. No more Empire. No more Republic. We will be playing an independent faction, and I really like the idea of being an Outlander on the outside of things, even if the title is meh.


1)Uhh Lana Beniko might possibly be a companion. (witch btw the trailer did not suggest) Color me exited. One potential character. How does that not beat showing several familiar squadies, Nico, or Malgus, in the span of what, like 5 seconds.


"meet new companions and reunite with existing companions ready to offer you their loyalty. " Show, dont tell. Trailers are useful.


2)Why did i expect this? I dont know, might have something to do with the press release on day 1. You know " streamlining the release content " Still curious, what that "streamlining" means...


Ah there we go. "http://www.swtor.com/fallen-empire/features" Look under "Your Personal Saga". Next time, dont bite people's head off prematurely.


3)Guess its an opinion thing. I like continuity. People, characters, places are established, evolve and grow. The Story flows nice. KOTOR- KOTOR2-TOR-TOR Expansions- Disconnected Plot Twist! Still, its Bioware. They could properly handle such a sharp turn, but boy was the, i should really call it teaser, weak.

Edited by SimplyCooL
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