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So NOT a gameplay trailer...


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I never claimed to be one? I was just pointing out that you are playing the game by interacting with the dialogue wheel in cut scenes to dictate how the conversation plays out in-game. The cut scenes shown were rendered using in-game graphics and are cut scenes we will more than likely ourselves. So it is a gameplay trailer.


I was wondering about some ppl, because for me, i'm a GPU Junkie, and of course I have to know about my CPU maker Intel, Memory makers and how good they are.


When it comes to the difference between Cutscenes in This game.


All Cutscenes are laced with enough data on ur Computers Hard-drive, so that when a Cutscene happens. It already knows what settings to use, so that any Cutscene............ Which Is Not Gameplay. The Cutscene should always Play flawlessly. Of course rare server problems can cause only minor motion problems, or if there is a lot of ppl playing in the exact place where ur having a Cutscene can sometimes cause rare problems.


Other than that, Cutscenes are not in any way a Problem, and do Not represent in any way, how the Live-play of the game is. It has nothing to do with how well developed Real Gameplay is, nor can cutscenes really represent any of Real-Live-gameplay issues because of the Fact that usually any MMO companies like to fully develop Cutscenes first, so that they can show-off what their Engine can do.


However, like I said Cutscenes are Not Real Representation of how real live-Gameplay is in any way as they are 2 separate Instances and Parts of a game. Been up over 24hrs, so the best wording isn't with me right now. But i know smart ppl know the difference.


Live Gameplay is a lot different in being that other ppl are either always around you along the movement of creatures and NPCs that may attack you, or you will have to attack them. In Real-Gameplay there is thousands of different Variables that can happen that take up more of ur Computers resources than Cutscenes do. Where Cutscenes only have 3 or less Options. I could go on and on. But dammit my chest hurts like hell.


And i at least know that ppl with good intelligence know that in any MMOs only Few Cutscenes have ever crashed a Computer rather than normal Live Gameplay.


EDIT: I don't mean to attack you. I'm only presenting facts.


This Expansion is really redoing the whole game. So it is good to see Real Live-Gameplay without Spoilers being shown, thanx.

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I was wondering about some ppl, because for me, i'm a GPU Junkie, and of course I have to know about my CPU maker Intel, Memory makers and how good they are.


When it comes to the difference between Cutscenes in This game.


All Cutscenes are laced with enough data on ur Computers Hard-drive, so that when a Cutscene happens. It already knows what settings to use, so that any Cutscene............ Which Is Not Gameplay. The Cutscene should always Play flawlessly. Of course rare server problems can cause only minor motion problems, or if there is a lot of ppl playing in the exact place where ur having a Cutscene can sometimes cause rare problems.


Other than that, Cutscenes are not in any way a Problem, and do Not represent in any way, how the Live-play of the game is. It has nothing to do with how well developed Real Gameplay is, nor can cutscenes really represent any of Real-Live-gameplay issues because of the Fact that usually any MMO companies like to fully develop Cutscenes first, so that they can show-off what their Engine can do.


However, like I said Cutscenes are Not Real Representation of how real live-Gameplay is in any way as they are 2 separate Instances and Parts of a game. Been up over 24hrs, so the best wording isn't with me right now. But i know smart ppl know the difference.


Live Gameplay is a lot different in being that other ppl are either always around you along the movement of creatures and NPCs that may attack you, or you will have to attack them. In Real-Gameplay there is thousands of different Variables that can happen that take up more of ur Computers resources than Cutscenes do. Where Cutscenes only have 3 or less Options. I could go on and on. But dammit my chest hurts like hell.


And i at least know that ppl with good intelligence know that in any MMOs only Few Cutscenes have ever crashed a Computer rather than normal Live Gameplay.


EDIT: I don't mean to attack you. I'm only presenting facts.


This Expansion is really redoing the whole game. So it is good to see Real Live-Gameplay without Spoilers being shown, thanx.



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Hell even a boring crafting trailer, remember those from pre-release, highlighting changes to those systems.

lol, it's not Bioware but you having marketing skills at zero points. "Look, with have a new and awesome crafting system that is definitely worth spending your money on". Flying as Han Solo in Battlefront? That's lame. Better craft those awesome relics.


The target of such conferences is the casual playerbase. You are supposed to present them what you are good at and since Bioware is the best at storytelling, they advertise cutscenes and the story.

Edited by PavSalco
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I always find it hilarious how people define gameplay.


Apparently the only REAL gameplay is running around killing things. Weird, I consider everything I do playing a video game to be gameplay.


Your character is going to be in the cutscenes, you're going to make the decisions to lead to those cutscenes, thus, gameplay.


The first cinematic trailer was NOT gameplay however since it's not something actually in game that is part of your story decisions. So the title is accurate, like it or not.



PLUS, remember this trailer was not really for existing TOR fans so much as trying to get new players. It was presented among The Sims, Need For Speed, Battlefront, etc... big name franchises that are not MMOs. Therefore a trailer highlighting all the stuff long time TOR players are interested in such as crafting changes, etc, would be nonsensical. It's about marketing.

Edited by Beltane
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I always find it hilarious how people define gameplay.


Apparently the only REAL gameplay is running around killing things. Weird, I consider everything I do playing a video game to be gameplay.


Your character is going to be in the cutscenes, you're going to make the decisions to lead to those cutscenes, thus, gameplay.

Nobody defined it as that...we're just saying that "gameplay" is certainly not a prescripted video. That's like suggesting that loading screens are part of "gameplay". They're a part of the game, not play.

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PLUS, remember this trailer was not really for existing TOR fans so much as trying to get new players. It was presented among The Sims, Need For Speed, Battlefront, etc...

Yeah lol, and of those games, which one do you honestly think got the most attention from non-playing Star Wars fans and new players? (hint...I marked it in yellow)


Battlefront showed something NEW...Bioware didn't.

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Nobody defined it as that...we're just saying that "gameplay" is certainly not a prescripted video. That's like suggesting that loading screens are part of "gameplay". They're a part of the game, not play.


Okay, and yet people love 12X and the class stories, and those are 80% watching cutscenes and 20% killing things. Are people not playing the game when they watch the Jedi Knight, Agent, etc stories unfold? You make the choices in dialogue which means it's an interactive story.


It's gameplay, because those graphics and scenes are actually in the game and part of your story. If they just showed fights, people would be complaining that it was more of the same. They are not overhauling combat, they're overhauling the way they do stories.

Edited by Beltane
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Yeah lol, and of those games, which one do you honestly think got the most attention from non-playing Star Wars fans and new players? (hint...I marked it in yellow)


Battlefront showed something NEW...Bioware didn't.


It doesn't matter which was more popular. But the fact remains that it was a PRESS conference meant to drum up hype about upcoming games. And Bioware did show something new, since I've yet to see an MMO that has cutscenes that look that polished.

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Because EA decided to focus on mainstream games such as Need For Speed, Battlefield reskin, that other Fifa garbage, etc.


When the SWTOR logo appeared on screen nobody cared among those that were sitting in the audience and Twitch chat was full of morons asking for Fifa instead. When they showed Battlefield reskin, everybody went wild because the trailer had Vader, Luke, Solo's ship and Fett's ship. Both SWTOR and Battlefield reskin have a SW logo in them, yet only the latter got people entertained because unlike SWTOR it's a mainstream game which received better marketing and advertising since its reveal.


It's battleFRONT not battleFIELD noob. Battlefield is another series entirely.

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Okay, and yet people love 12X and the class stories, and those are 80% watching cutscenes and 20% killing things. Are people not playing the game when they watch the Jedi Knight, Agent, etc stories unfold? You make the choices in dialogue which means it's an interactive story.

spacebar spacebar spacebar spacebar spacebar 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 spacebar spacebar spacebar 1 1 1 spacebar spacebar spacebar spacebar


Watching cutscenes and making a scripted choice is playing the game as much as a "choose your own adventure" book is you writing the book.

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spacebar spacebar spacebar spacebar spacebar 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 spacebar spacebar spacebar 1 1 1 spacebar spacebar spacebar spacebar


Watching cutscenes and making a scripted choice is playing the game as much as a "choose your own adventure" book is you writing the book.


No, but reading a choose your own adventure book IS in fact reading a book.


Totally illogical analogy there but it's alright, you keep dwelling in that negativity. I'm looking forward to the story and was quite excited about the trailer. It looks awesome, and I can assure you it feels like playing the game when I play through my stories. To each his own. :)

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No, but reading a choose your own adventure book IS in fact reading a book.


Totally illogical analogy there but it's alright, you keep dwelling in that negativity. I'm looking forward to the story and was quite excited about the trailer. It looks awesome, and I can assure you it feels like playing the game when I play through my stories. To each his own. :)


Negative? I'm not negative at all...I'm being logical. Just because I can see it for what it really is, doesn't mean I'm being negative.

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spacebar spacebar spacebar spacebar spacebar 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 spacebar spacebar spacebar 1 1 1 spacebar spacebar spacebar spacebar


Watching cutscenes and making a scripted choice is playing the game as much as a "choose your own adventure" book is you writing the book.


Some would disagree that auto racing and golf are sports.

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I always find it hilarious how people define gameplay.


Apparently the only REAL gameplay is running around killing things. Weird, I consider everything I do playing a video game to be gameplay.


Your character is going to be in the cutscenes, you're going to make the decisions to lead to those cutscenes, thus, gameplay.


The first cinematic trailer was NOT gameplay however since it's not something actually in game that is part of your story decisions. So the title is accurate, like it or not.



PLUS, remember this trailer was not really for existing TOR fans so much as trying to get new players. It was presented among The Sims, Need For Speed, Battlefront, etc... big name franchises that are not MMOs. Therefore a trailer highlighting all the stuff long time TOR players are interested in such as crafting changes, etc, would be nonsensical. It's about marketing.


This is like the people that refer to GSF as PvP. It's not the GSF isn't player versus player, it's that PvP in MMOs was used to denote ground based PvP as this game always had prior to the creation of GSF. In that same way, gameplay has always meant controlling your character, not watching them in cutscenes. Even if you wanted to argue that choosing your dialogue options is gameplay, that is not shown in the video either. You can call this video in game footage, but certainly not gameplay as there is nothing shown where a player is controlling a character.

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Some would disagree that auto racing and golf are sports.

Huh...I've never heard anyone argue that they aren't sports...but I have heard people question using the word "athletes" to describe those who participate in them. But that's completely off topic.

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This is like the people that refer to GSF as PvP. It's not the GSF isn't player versus player, it's that PvP in MMOs was used to denote ground based PvP as this game always had prior to the creation of GSF. In that same way, gameplay has always meant controlling your character, not watching them in cutscenes. Even if you wanted to argue that choosing your dialogue options is gameplay, that is not shown in the video either. You can call this video in game footage, but certainly not gameplay as there is nothing shown where a player is controlling a character.

Well said Jade.

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Negative? I'm not negative at all...I'm being logical. Just because I can see it for what it really is, doesn't mean I'm being negative.


You aren't privy to "the truth", you just have an opinion. You clearly don't consider story to be gameplay but a great many of the subscribers to this game only play it for the story. People have different interests, neither is wrong.


I personally would be complaining that there was nothing of interest for me if the trailer had shown a bunch of new raids, for example, since I'll never see that content. Can't please everyone.


This is like the people that refer to GSF as PvP. It's not the GSF isn't player versus player, it's that PvP in MMOs was used to denote ground based PvP as this game always had prior to the creation of GSF. In that same way, gameplay has always meant controlling your character, not watching them in cutscenes. Even if you wanted to argue that choosing your dialogue options is gameplay, that is not shown in the video either. You can call this video in game footage, but certainly not gameplay as there is nothing shown where a player is controlling a character.


While I get your point, I do disagree that gameplay has never referred to cutscenes. This game's main draw has always been the class stories. I can guarantee you the fans of 12X feel like they're playing the game when watching class story.


But beyond that I am pretty sure it's just PR speak for "look, these graphics are actually IN the game" as opposed to the cinematic trailer which does not use the game engine.

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You aren't privy to "the truth", you just have an opinion. You clearly don't consider story to be gameplay but a great many of the subscribers to this game only play it for the story. People have different interests, neither is wrong.

I never said my statements were "truth"...just logical. The story, imo (since you seem confused on what is or isn't my opinion), is a HUGE part of some players enjoyment of the game, and I don't fault them at all for feeling that way. If the story makes them feel connected and keeps the subbed, GREAT! But watching a video isn't playing the game, or "gameplay"...imo of course.

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You aren't privy to "the truth", you just have an opinion. You clearly don't consider story to be gameplay but a great many of the subscribers to this game only play it for the story. People have different interests, neither is wrong.


Tsk tsk, the debate isn't about story writ large. It's about cut scenes.

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I wish Bioware would just be more careful what they term something, so that way people wouldn't be ************ whether or not it is or isn't something. Teaser trailer maybe a better term. Honestly don't see how it really matter that much to be entertaining an argument about it though.


I wasn't aware they were doing a combat overhaul aside from giving them more mobile abilities. I can't say I would have been happy at them catching angles of Sith warriors and Jedi Knights charging at the emperor or a bounty hunter or smuggler shoving a blaster in his face. I can see my abilities anytime to nauseum everytime I play the game.

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While I get your point, I do disagree that gameplay has never referred to cutscenes. This game's main draw has always been the class stories. I can guarantee you the fans of 12X feel like they're playing the game when watching class story.


But beyond that I am pretty sure it's just PR speak for "look, these graphics are actually IN the game" as opposed to the cinematic trailer which does not use the game engine.


You feel like you are playing the game when watching story because you are making choices. The opening cinematics to the game aren't gameplay and wouldn't be gameplay even if they were created with the game engine. Creating my character is gameplay because I control it and it has nothing to do with running around and killing things. Simply showing non-player controlled actions isn't gameplay as it's not a part of me playing the game.


It's why they separate trailers into different categories in the first place. You have the trailers like the CGI one, in game trailers that show cutscenes without gameplay, and then active gameplay where they show a player interacting with the game.

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I never said my statements were "truth"...just logical. The story, imo (since you seem confused on what is or isn't my opinion), is a HUGE part of some players enjoyment of the game, and I don't fault them at all for feeling that way. If the story makes them feel connected and keeps the subbed, GREAT! But watching a video isn't playing the game, or "gameplay"...imo of course.


Yes, in your opinion. In my opinion when I spend an hour leveling a character, it's the cutscenes I look forward to, not the monotonous killing and traveling.


I mean, there's a ton of genres of video games. The Sims is just as much a game as Call of Duty is. If you're making choices in a video game that have an effect on the cutscenes, I'd call that gameplay.

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You feel like you are playing the game when watching story because you are making choices. The opening cinematics to the game aren't gameplay and wouldn't be gameplay even if they were created with the game engine. Creating my character is gameplay because I control it and it has nothing to do with running around and killing things. Simply showing non-player controlled actions isn't gameplay as it's not a part of me playing the game.


It's why they separate trailers into different categories in the first place. You have the trailers like the CGI one, in game trailers that show cutscenes without gameplay, and then active gameplay where they show a player interacting with the game.


And the trailer has cutscenes taken from choices you can make. Therefore, gameplay.

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