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New player loving SWTOR


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The game is loads of fun, and I personally keep coming back to it. Started out around release, just after christmas 2011.

Nice to read about a new player who is enjoying the game, on my home server even.

Joining a guild would be a smart choice, and it does not matter how 'good' you are, in many guilds you will find friendly players who are always willing to help and/or answer questions, me included.

Red Eclipse is a fun server, loads of friendly folks there.

Edited by ImMaxa
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I don't have the game open in front of me at the moment, but from memory...open up your Character screen (default "C"), and somewhere off on the top Left area near your name, you should see some sort of button that will enable you to access your naming choices. You will see some sort of drop-down for all the titles you've unlocked, as well as a checkbox to display your Legacy surname or not.


Hi Evil Whiskey, cheers for that advice, it's one of those buttons that you see but never really take in, that me anyway. Again thanks

Cheers K


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Hi Guys,

I'm still on Tatooine at the moment and been having a good look around and I think I've found a huge mistake. I've even put on Star War A New Hope to have a proper look. Tatooine has two Suns in the movie but I can only see one. Don't get me wrong, it's a very nice one, but only one. I thought that was why Tatooine was a desert planet, due to the two Suns. Before someone says, yeh but were 10,000 years before A New Hope, one of the imperial soldiers mention the lack of water due to the heat.

If you do agree with me please send all complaints to Mr G Lucas of The Skywalker Ranch, California. LOL

Cheers K


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Hi Guys,

Just want to say that I got my son enrolled into swtor. He became a member when the game first came out, then he played the heck out of it, got his Bounty Hunter to level 50 and that was the end, all his mates at the time went on to PS3 or Xbox 360 titles, so he left. So after watching and listening to me go on and on about how I'm really enjoying the game, he has come back. He's started a new toon as he's been awol for such a long time, he's gone with a Sith Inquisitor to run tandem with my Sith Warrior. We did a flashpoint together and it has opened up even more of the game. Got a few social points too, not sure what they do yet, but I did get an awesome looking speeder. Sweet. So if any one see's two Sith's running around blindly, it only my son and I. God help the republic, there going to need it now.

Cheers K


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Hi Guys,

Still going strong, the game is still breathing taking. Been telling a close friend about SWTOR but his PC is playing up and there's a lack of funds for a new one. His wife said he should join us after Christmas.

I'm up to lvl 43 Sith warrior. Just need a little more advice if you guys don't mind. I bought a hyper crate and found an inheritance box thing, it's say go to Dromund Kaas or Coruscant and find the inheritance vendor, who'll exchange my voucher for an item. It seem I can't get the blighter to give me the time of day. What am I doing wrong? The second question guys is my skills, artifice is 435. Archeology is 450 and Treasure Hunting is 450,as well. I'm getting hilts No 25 for lvl 50 and enhancements for lvl 49, but my artifice seem bloody stuck at 435. Does it just take a lot more items for artifice change to a higher skill level. I've got the credits to get the next skill level' 50,000 credits per skill so that's not a worry, but when I try to buy the next upgraded skill it say 451 to 500. Do I have to lvl all three up at the same time.

Thanks for reading and for any advice.

Cheers k


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys,

I just got to level 50 with my Sith Warrior. Still got a bit of the story to go yet, which is incredible by the way. But the thing is I don't know what half the mission are , like dallies , where you get valor from and what are war zones. This is my first mmorpg so it might sound dumb, but I just don't understand the workings off it yet. Only found out about there being two types of space missions yesterday. Still trying to figure out which flashpoint goes from where. So hell knows what a dallie is.

Thanks for helping me out in the past, but I need some more help.

Cheers K


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Sooooo many questions....


Let's see if I know some answers ^^


1) the 'Inheritance vendor' is actually called a legacy vendor. And it isn't 1 vendor, there are 4 (one for each class). Make sure you got the one that's right for your class. Also, the inheritance kit you got matches a specific item in one of those vendors' inventories. When you hover your cursor over one of these items you will see the 'cost' for these items (mostly displayed in red text). Find the item which has a 'cost' in green text. That should be the one you can exchange your Inheritance kit for (or just match the name of your kit to the corresponding item in the vendor's list).


2) You can level crafting and gathering skills independently from each other. To buy the expert crafting skill for artifice, you do need to actually have it at skill level 450. Make sure you are crafting items that have a colored number in front of their name (can be either orange, yellow, or green). Your artifice skill won't go up from crafting items with a gray number in front of their name. (Also, as your archaeology and treasure hunting are each at 450, you can buy the expert crafting skill from their respective trainers to be able to gather up to level 500.)


3) Daily missions are exactly what the name implies: Missions you can do daily. When you have completed a certain daily, it gets reset sometime during the night, and you can go back the following day (or just stay up and wait for the reset to happen) and repeat that mission again. Daily missions tend to give a good deal of commendations, are often tied to achievements, and (mostly at level 50+) gains you reputation with various factions in the game.


4) You get Valor from engaging in PvP content.


5) Warzones are PvP instances in which teams of 8 players face off against each other while trying to complete an objective. (You can earn Valor here.) There are also Arena's (4 vs.4 - no objective, just a death match). And if you decide to try out PvP I would recommend you start doing so with a sub-level-60 character (the lower, the better - minimum level: 10) to save up PvP commendations to buy PvP gear at level 60 (provided it turns out that PvP is something you enjoy and want to continue doing).


Hope these answers were helpful & have fun playing

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BTW I'm only 45 so I'm not that old really. I retired because of an accident I had, broke my back and damaged my neck a few years back, But it's all good now. That's why I'm getting into swtor now.


I feel for you have had those injuries as well, i have come over from another MMo world of warships....lovin' it so far and it is more fun than WoW, I started gaming at around your age and find it relaxing...and a great way to get over aches and pains...the only learning curve set backs I've had are the GTN and mining the datacrons, the crafting part is a little difficult to master for now, but I'll get the hang of it, err, I hope, LoL.


You will. Just takes time. Crafting is good to learn. Have fun. Tanks are our friend:eek:

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Hi Guys,

Thanks for the advice, I'm pretty dumb when it's comes to mmorpg's.

The problem with the crafting was I was at 450 and couldn't buy the next level off the trainer. You have to buy the expansion The Shadow Revan to open up the next skill level to 500. At the time I was at 450 and the new skill level says 451, until I bought the Expansion when it went back down to 440 - 500. So I got that sorted out.

I've been looking at this SWTOR Database App on the iPad. It cost me £1.49, It's pretty good to someone like me who's still new to the whole mmo thing. I know all the information is out there on the Internet and in the forums but it's nice to have all the info at your finger tips when I need it. It's doesn't spoil any of the main stories but it does go into great detail about the flashpoints. Which is a good and bad thing I think. There's still things in the app that's gone right over my head. I don't think I did this much reading and studying since I left school. Lol, was in the wrong era for the whole college thing. Left school got a job.

So if anyone needs any info at all please DON'T ask me. Hahaha.

Again cheers K


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Hi Guys

I don't think my last post sounded like I appreciated all the time and help you guys have given to myself. So I'm writing this just to say GUYS YOU ARE AMAZING. I have never spoken to more honest and friendly people in my whole life. You are there with help, advice or just some info and I didn't want you guys to think I just took it for granted. I appreciated all the time and effort that goes into each post.




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  • 1 month later...

.........Spoiler Alert.......

Hi Guys.

I really enjoyed the Sith Warrior story line it was really good, some people might disagree. Then I get a message to go to the Black Hole and then on to Ilum, where you take control of the crystal cave only to have Darth Melgus betray the Empire and bogs off with the loot. My question is it finishes with a flashpoint. The false emperor. I've just read in a chat room that The Shadow of Revan Sw class story, you need you have finished the story on Ilum, does that mean the FP as well.

When I finished the story I carried on with The Rise of the Hutt Cartel but like I said do I need to go back and do the FP on Ilum. Don't think I could manage doing that FP on my own.

Btw, I was dead proud of myself, I killed the The Archon on my second try, just me and poor old Quinn.



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