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Everything posted by mmartina

  1. Yeah I stayed at the top of the stairs and it still reset, I see no reason why it resets her health.
  2. So i'm trying to start Shadow of Reven but needs to run forged alliances first and on the assault on tython the kreshin boss I had to down to like 10% health and she totally respawns with full health kept happening yesterday as well. This has to be bugged how am I even suppose to beat the boss to move on to shadow of reven?
  3. thanks, the find a findsman was in my mission log the whole time
  4. I can't find Nico Okarr at the companion options and I was sub during the time frame that we got him as a reward any help would be great thanks.
  5. Ok thanks for all of the replies, guess i'll also work on the main story my highest character is 18 .
  6. I have a level 60 Character with the Knights of the Fallen Empire and is there a way i could play the Shadows of Revan and the Hutts Cartel expansion?
  7. Totally agreed, ever since I got Windows 10 on release i been playing non stop and already made like 6 characters to bad the max for subs is only 12.
  8. same here no friends of mine play and I hope to get some help on Blood Legacy this week.
  9. Bought a new Dell PC Windows 10 on Wednesday, first thing I downloaded SWTOR. Man this game is awesome I always wanted to play it on my old PC but no way I could run it.
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