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So why are YOU glad you didnt get in today?


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With a totally clean house (guess what I did most of today) I won't have to worry about more than moderate cleanup the rest of the week...


And I actually practiced some guitar. TOR would have sucked me in and made me ignore everything else today!

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I preordered in October so i dont know when I will get in. I admit i am champing at the bit but its no biggy and i can wait. lots of years hopefully ahead to play- a fews days dont matter. Also as I am purely a PvE and storyline player it makes no difference to me that some obsessive ganker has levelled to 50 before i start to play, it just means less clutter in the starting area.....also I enjoy a good savour of anticipation, sometimes it can be better than the act!
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bahahaha. Interesting trend. most of the people who don't care or are rather indifferent to the 'wave' method of releasing EGA have jobs. Strrrrannnge coincidence. It's like there's this developed list of priorities people get as a they grow up... I can't-figure-it-out. Anyway.. back to work :D
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bahahaha. Interesting trend. most of the people who don't care or are rather indifferent to the 'wave' method of releasing EGA have jobs. Strrrrannnge coincidence. It's like there's this developed list of priorities people get as a they grow up... I can't-figure-it-out. Anyway.. back to work :D


I'm the exception to your rule... mwahahahahhahahahaha

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bahahaha. Interesting trend. most of the people who don't care or are rather indifferent to the 'wave' method of releasing EGA have jobs. Strrrrannnge coincidence. It's like there's this developed list of priorities people get as a they grow up... I can't-figure-it-out. Anyway.. back to work :D


I'm the thread starter, and I am also an exception. Muahahaha!

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I'm not glad I didn't get in, but I'm glad for the people who would have had to deal with my exploiting *** come launch. I would have queued Warzones for the next 2 days to get to 50 fast, got the best pvp gear I could get before launch, and then run around ganking every single low level player I could. I would gank my own side if I could. But thank god they didn't let me in. Edited by Bezit
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I am relieved I didnt get in today because this past week I've been writing my last home exam for this semester which is due tomorrow at 14:00, one hour before wednesdays first wave starts in my part of the world :) And since I entered my code july 28th I hope I will be among the first that day to get in.


I am, however, not pleased with the timing of release as I will be going home to my parents for the holiday and my dads old computer probably wont be able to run the game, which means I get 3 days of EGA and then I cant play again till january 4th..


But then, I'ma pve carebear, I'm never server first of anything and my guild decided to go empire while I really really wanna be a smuggler so I guess I'll be lvling all alone and it doesnt really matter that I get a slow start ^^,

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I am relieved I didnt get in today because this past week I've been writing my last home exam for this semester which is due tomorrow at 14:00, one hour before wednesdays first wave starts in my part of the world :) And since I entered my code july 28th I hope I will be among the first that day to get in.


I am, however, not pleased with the timing of release as I will be going home to my parents for the holiday and my dads old computer probably wont be able to run the game, which means I get 3 days of EGA and then I cant play again till january 4th..


But then, I'ma pve carebear, I'm never server first of anything and my guild decided to go empire while I really really wanna be a smuggler so I guess I'll be lvling all alone and it doesnt really matter that I get a slow start ^^,


...are you my clone? Im pretty sure you are. July 28th code date, pve care bear, going home for a long time to the parents for the holidays and might not have the computer to play it, and guild wants to go Empire when i wanna be a consular.




also, same avatar lols

Edited by Clova
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I'm glad I didn't get in today, so I could focus on job hunting and guess what got a interview set up for later this week, also tomorrow is my birthday, so it would be nice to get in tomorrow instead since it would be like a extra little birthday gift to me.


From the looks and sounds of things they are breaking things up by the month you pre ordered so if they let the August people in tomorrow that's awesome. If not I will keep looking for a full time job instead of this part time BS. :)

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