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Returning Companions: Which do you expect?


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Personally, I want Torian back. BH is the only class that I have gotten to lvl 65 and Torian is my BH love interest. I see Mako more as a kid sister then a love interest. Im slowly working on the other classes, but so far, BH is my fave. BRING BACK TORIAN!!!!!!!!!!! * super sad face*
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I just hope Scourge gets some love. Story wise he is the most powerful and important companion. The fact he is silent during all of the Revan storyline drives me up the wall.


this struggle against the Emperor though is what defines him, really hope he has a big part to play


Out of the Knight's companions, I think both Scourge and Kira Carsen should make a return. Both had back stories that tied them to the Emperor.

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Personally, I want Torian back. BH is the only class that I have gotten to lvl 65 and Torian is my BH love interest. I see Mako more as a kid sister then a love interest. Im slowly working on the other classes, but so far, BH is my fave. BRING BACK TORIAN!!!!!!!!!!! * super sad face*


Thats why i wont start the 4.0 content on my merc.. don't want to lose Torian, he's my Mando soulmate and favorite companion ever <3

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really want to see how Kira Carson reacts to the player in KOTFE.



Specifically I want to see how a Child of the Emperor, having been forcibly under his control, reacts to the player having Volkarion in his/her head. I hope the writers play up that dynamic.



And for that matter, Lord Scourge...



Who, after all turned, against the Emperor. How will he react to having that nemesis harboring in the player's mind. How will Vitiate/Volkarion react to Scourge and Kira? :rak_02:


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  • 4 months later...
Malavai Quinn as a bi love interest

Jaesa Willsaam Light side

Lord Scourge



Ashara Zavros

Nadia Grell


I think Jaesa Willsaam should be the light or the dark whichever they choose during the class mission if there playing as a Sith Warrior because as a Sith Warrior you can make her your wife which I have in my class story.

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I think the current way they are doing it makes sense. It is very similar to Final Fantasy VI, when you lose all your companions during the World of Ruin. You get them all back, if you so choose.


I think the original companion for each story class must return. They are a forced interaction and often one that lasts a while, you are most likely to become attached to them. These are the status of those so far:


Jedi Knight - Kira Carsen - No word. We eventually need to get the Jedi Order involved, right? Kira is the most logical choice,


Jedi Consular - Qyzen Fess - We have him back.


Smuggler - Corso Riggs - No word yet.


Trooper - Aric Joragan - We have him back.


Sith Warrior - Vette - She is in the next chapter


Sith Inquisitor - Khem Val - No word yet. I miss him a great deal. Usar is nice, but I want my loyal savage back! >:o


Imperial Agent - Kaliyo - We have her back.


Bounty Hunter - Mako - No word. Hacking computers sounds like a useful skill. I would like to see her back, she is a favorite of mine.

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I think we're getting them all back, just at different times. This coming chapter will be Gault and Vette, and I've heard rumors that the one after that will have Torian and Akaavi. Chapters 15 and 16 are still up in the air.
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I think we're getting them all back, just at different times. This coming chapter will be Gault and Vette, and I've heard rumors that the one after that will have Torian and Akaavi. Chapters 15 and 16 are still up in the air.


I want everyone back. I'm still hoping I'll get a chance to rerecruit Tanno Vik sometime in the future or something since I never killed him once, but with this one, I won't hold my breath.


I have SOME idea of who will be INSIDE the story itself and who will be alliance alerts.




Inside story itself:


Jedi Knight: Kira, Doc, Scourge (T7-O1)

Jedi Consular: Tharan C, Nadia, Iresso

Smuggler: Corso, Akaavai, Rishaa

Trooper: Jorgan, Dorne (not sure about Vik...meaning to recruit)

Sith Warrior: Quinn, Vette, Jaesa

Sith Inquisitor: Andronikos, Ashara

Agent: Kaliyo, Temple, Vector (I know we have Scorpio, but she's a droid)

Bounty Hunter: Torian, Mako, Gault


Inside an Alliance Alert only:


Jedi Knight: Rusk

Jedi Consular: Qyzen, Zenith

Smuggler: Bowdaar, Guss

Trooper: M1-4X, Yuun

Sith Warrior: Pierce, Broonmark

Sith Inquisitor: Talos, Xalek, Khem Val

Agent: Lokin

Bounty Hunter: Skadge, Blizz




I KNOW things can change, but from what I read, at the moment, the above is how they'll do it. As you can see, it's mostly Love Interests/Spouses who are INSIDE the story.

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I want everyone back. I'm still hoping I'll get a chance to rerecruit Tanno Vik sometime in the future or something since I never killed him once, but with this one, I won't hold my breath.


I have SOME idea of who will be INSIDE the story itself and who will be alliance alerts.




Inside story itself:


Jedi Knight: Kira, Doc, Scourge (T7-O1)

Jedi Consular: Tharan C, Nadia, Iresso

Smuggler: Corso, Akaavai, Rishaa

Trooper: Jorgan, Dorne (not sure about Vik...meaning to recruit)

Sith Warrior: Quinn, Vette, Jaesa

Sith Inquisitor: Andronikos, Ashara

Agent: Kaliyo, Temple, Vector (I know we have Scorpio, but she's a droid)

Bounty Hunter: Torian, Mako, Gault


Inside an Alliance Alert only:


Jedi Knight: Rusk

Jedi Consular: Qyzen, Zenith

Smuggler: Bowdaar, Guss

Trooper: M1-4X, Yuun

Sith Warrior: Pierce, Broonmark

Sith Inquisitor: Talos, Xalek, Khem Val

Agent: Lokin

Bounty Hunter: Skadge, Blizz




I KNOW things can change, but from what I read, at the moment, the above is how they'll do it. As you can see, it's mostly Love Interests/Spouses who are INSIDE the story.

Well, we already have Qyzen, M1-4X, Taloxz, Xalek, Lokin, Yuun, Pierce, and Blizz as alerts, and we know we're getting Bowdaar back next chapter, and also probably Guss, so you're right for those.


I'm willing to bet money that all the romances will return as main characters in chapters. Otherwise everyone who has done a romance (me included) will be up in arms.

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I think the current way they are doing it makes sense. It is very similar to Final Fantasy VI, when you lose all your companions during the World of Ruin. You get them all back, if you so choose.


I think the original companion for each story class must return. They are a forced interaction and often one that lasts a while, you are most likely to become attached to them. These are the status of those so far:


Jedi Knight - Kira Carsen - No word. We eventually need to get the Jedi Order involved, right? Kira is the most logical choice,


Jedi Consular - Qyzen Fess - We have him back.


Smuggler - Corso Riggs - No word yet.


Trooper - Aric Joragan - We have him back.


Sith Warrior - Vette - She is in the next chapter


Sith Inquisitor - Khem Val - No word yet. I miss him a great deal. Usar is nice, but I want my loyal savage back! >:o


Imperial Agent - Kaliyo - We have her back.


Bounty Hunter - Mako - No word. Hacking computers sounds like a useful skill. I would like to see her back, she is a favorite of mine.


I am not sure what you understand in the "original" companion, but T7-O1 is the Jedi Knight's first companion.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Last Chapter is around the corner and yet still no Jaesa, Kira, Elara, Mako, Nadia, and a whole bunch of others are still missing. Annoying thing is (Spoiler for those who haven't done the Mandalorian Chapter and romanced Mako) You find out the planet she was last spotted from Torian seeing as he left her there, but you can't retrieve her. This crap is starting to get on my nerves. Either let us have our companions back or just flat out tell us that it's not happening.
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Last Chapter is around the corner and yet still no Jaesa, Kira, Elara, Mako, Nadia, and a whole bunch of others are still missing. Annoying thing is (Spoiler for those who haven't done the Mandalorian Chapter and romanced Mako) You find out the planet she was last spotted from Torian seeing as he left her there, but you can't retrieve her. This crap is starting to get on my nerves. Either let us have our companions back or just flat out tell us that it's not happening.

They've already said we're getting them all back; now it's just a matter of waiting for the chapter in which they show up. I'm sure BW knows that we want our LI's back and we want them back soon. I can't imagine that they would possibly be silly enough to keep us waiting until Season 3 to get them back. We'll probably get them back in combinations going forward, such as they did with Gault and Vette.

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Given how the handled Koth and his potential absence, I almost wonder if they might do some kind of thing were we encounter Kira battling Jaesa and we have to pick one to join our alliance and kill the other. If Jaesa is Lightside, then maybe you can pick them both and they share lines.
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  • 3 weeks later...

You will laugh now, but the only companion i really want back is Zenith. Loved everything about him, his voice,attitude,combat skills,appearance. Feels like *beep* to do the NS heroics without him tanking.. i have a lot of new companions, but no one says "battlefield is the best teacher" :(

Sorry, i'm just very very sad now.

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I can't imagine that they would possibly be silly enough to keep us waiting until Season 3 to get them back.


Has it been said anywhere that there will be a Season 3? Mostly wondering because when talking with guildies, there's been some heated debate as to whether there would be or not just to cover all the possibilities that could happen with how they've been running the storyline.

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