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[Harbinger] [R] <Aequitas Vox> Revival, Rebuilding, and Seeking New Members


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I am a PvPer from JC and I started a toon here recently. He is low lvl, but I've been looking for a guild to join and keep me company, pvp, etc. Are you guys strictly PvE? Love the guild model btw!!


Phret (Vanguard- Harb)


Hey :)


We are not strictly PvE - we do have some pvp players and some guys who do starfighter as well :)


Thanks for the compliment :D And we do always accept new people into our guild :)


- tara

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Hmm, I'm interested in joining you. :rak_03:


I personally steered clear of most guilds because of the atmosphere surrounding most of them. But after reading about what kind of guild you're trying to run, It peeked my interest and ill be glad to try and contribute. I'll also shoot you in message in-game when i get the chance.


I too am intrigued- I have sworn of guild after the last fiasco of exploiting and dishonesty, I'm interested in joining too

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hello again, so updates



- so for raiding, we have several spots open in all of our raid groups - i will post on the new website what role(s) are open and such


- also we have moved the voip to gamevox, so if you are applying and have teamspeak/mumble/vent - you will need to download gamevox for when our guild raids


- and also I am looking for positions in the guild to be applied too - you will need to apply for the guild on the new website and then when you are accepted, to talk to me in game for more details



- tara

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okay so as a followup post to the above which i'll copy paste from reddit


hey :D


so we have raid spots for group a and c that are just waiting to be filled :D


group a will mainly focus on ravagers/temple of sacrifice progression with the occasional highlighted hard mode


group c will run on saturdays only for now


so this is what we are looking for


Although we do rotate people in group a we are mainly looking for 1-2 new tanks, and 1-2 heals - dps spots are full


but like i said we do rotate people around


group a runs friday/sunday at 10pm central time


Group C needs everything - they will be lead by the nabs (beauxnab with his alts bronab, beaunab, nabhot and nabtank and cohnab with his alts dualnab, nabarcin, nabpop and nabshank)


and like i said group c will run on saturdays for now at 8pm central time


now, in order to apply..you need to have the following


- being a skillful player (i can train people, but ultimately its up to you to improve and be a skilled player)


- knowledge of class and more (yeppy yep)


- doesn't stand in junk (we are very patient so maybe not, but if we don't see improvement..yeah this will apply)


- must be able to make 2/3 raids a week (THIS IS A MUST - now i stress that because in the past this has not been fulfilled, and if you can't do that, we're not the guild for ya)


- must have a microphone (definitely required)


- must have Gamevox (ya..this is a must, absolutely required, now if you don't have it, you better download it if you do apply for our guild cause if you don't, like i said we probably aren't going to be a good fit and we use gamevox a lot for communication)


Okay, so if you think you fit all of the above :D apply here at http://Aequitasvox.shivtr.com :)


Why should you consider us, well for now we offer,



- Laid back atmosphere while at the same time being a raid guild



- Materials to craft endgame gear



- Stims/Adrenals for operations



- oh and we are also a famous guild for having several world firsts in other games which are including swtor....



- World of Warcraft - "Chosen" Top 50 PvE Guild - World Wide 2006-2009



- TERA - "Acumen" Top GvG Guild - North America Summer 2011



- Secret World - "Elysians" Top PvE/PvP Guild - World Wide Fall/Winter 2011



- Neverwinter - "Know" Top 10 PvE/PvP Guild - World Wide Summer 2012



- SWTOR - "AequitasVox" Top PvE Guild - Server "The Bastion" Winter 2014



- and last but not least..



- Life-long friendships :)



How do I join?



Like i said, apply on the website that is above



Then when accepted...



Find either me (guardiantara/sagetara/taralaire)



Or one of the nabs



and you shall have a warm welcome into our guild :)


- tara

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The guild's numbers may be shrinking but I am a happy gm right now with just even 1 person sending in an application, i appreciate the support :D keep them coming please :)


now with the above i am gonna clarify when i say you have to have gamevox that is for raiding, mandatory so that will clear up any confusion some of you may have


also like before it doesn't matter if you're a pvp player, a pve person not necessarily ops, raiders of course, a person who likes doing story, other causal players, maybe even rpers too, whatever you might be, i always accept new people into our guild. we may be small with the recent announcements but I have faith in my guild, our life-long friendships are key to the process :)


- tara

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guild social chat was great, and welcomed some more people


we're not really just a pve guild we're also a social guild as well, you get to meet new friends and form new ones too, at your own pace, so whether you're in for group content or just want to hang out, its a fun guild to be in.


okay so for the raiding part umm well every group is still functioning except for group a which is taking a hiatus until spots are filled so if you are a raider you can send in an application too

- tara

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I am currently a 40 watchman working on leveling this toon the working something else. I have a 55 sorcerer and really only pve. Would like a casual group and raid guild. Let me know if I can be useful.



i think you will definitely be useful....you can either talk to me, celes-highwind/terra-rone or varokh/barry-stinger in game and we can discuss more details or send in an application at aequitasvox.shivtr.com


Also for those of you raiders who are in apac timezone, we do have spots open for it... you will need to talk to f'lair/safrex (a key is alt+0225) as he is the raid lead for the apac raid group if interested.



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okay i updated application so we still accept people :D


if applying for raid few raid groups closed or on hiatus so if you apply for them it is not being considered


but yes we are still here in game so low member period activity but still active


- tara

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