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Aliens in the Sith Academy?


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The Academy was exclusive to humans and Purebloods for most of its history in this Sith Empire, but towards the end of the Cold War, the Sith started accepting anyone with Force sensitivity, regardless of species, to help bulk-up the numbers.


Then, after Malgus' betrayal, the Empire started reforming its policies, allowing non-Imperial-native species become full citizens of the Empire, recruiting them into both the Sith and the military as equals, seeing it as the most pragmatic approach to help improve their fighting numbers, as mentioned in both Explosive Conflict and Imperial-side Rise of the Hutt Cartel.


There are a few codex entries about these events on Korriban and Makeb.

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The lore "alien initiatives". <lore entry> speaks about aliens in the imperial military <not the Sith Academy> - after the rebellion of Malgus -

"against the protests of its more conservative leaders, -including heated objections from Grand Moff Regus - the Empire began a concerted effort to integrate its most devoted alien subjects into the military".


However, there have been aliens going to Korriban from a little before that time <depending on how long before the rebellion of Malgus the start of our own inquisitor and warrior are admitted to the Academy> - as the lore entry "Admission to the Sith Academy" takes place at the beginning of the story - but still states it to be a recent initiative.


"Until recently, only purebloods and humans from the Empire were allowed entrance. ....... Since the loss of so many Sith in the war, however, a swell of less traditional thinking has opened the Academy to anyone displaying Force sensitivity." - and this entry goes on to state the objections of the conservative traditionalists against this innovation.

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However, there have been aliens going to Korriban from a little before that time <depending on how long before the rebellion of Malgus the start of our own inquisitor and warrior are admitted to the Academy> - as the lore entry "Admission to the Sith Academy" takes place at the beginning of the story - but still states it to be a recent initiative.



But the AC trainer on the fleet is alien (he comments about it since you are apparently startled by it(can't remember if it was dialogue or the game just assumes)) so there were always some aliens but they were just treated horribly?

...and how do the game explain alien SW (since the SW comes from noble family afaik)?

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But the AC trainer on the fleet is alien (he comments about it since you are apparently startled by it(can't remember if it was dialogue or the game just assumes)) so there were always some aliens but they were just treated horribly?

...and how do the game explain alien SW (since the SW comes from noble family afaik)?

Yeah, for the most part, anyone in the Empire that wasn't a human or Pureblood before around the time of the game itself was typically a slave, or a poorly-treated second-class citizen (Chiss are sort of an exception, since they're allies/vassals of the Empire, so they had more freedoms, but prejudices did slip in now-and-then). Some exceptions are made, though, like those in Intelligence.


The game doesn't really justify the an alien Warrior, really. During pre-release, only humans and Purebloods were able to be Warriors, but BioWare changed that shortly before launch to allow Zabraks (which is odd, since it's established that Zabraks are one of the two main slave species, along with Twi'lek, in the Empire) to be allowed at base, probably because they felt just two playable species for one class was too little (Purebloods were a last-minute add-on to Inquisitors as well, since normally a Pureblood that does something worth being enslaved is executed to avoid shaming the species). And then, of course, the Legacy system allowed you to play anything as a Warrior.


I've only played human Warriors, myself, so I don't know if the dialogue changes on Korriban at all if you're not a human or Pureblood, particularly given (as you pointed out) the Warrior's nobility background, as well as the whole purpose behind Overseer Tremel accelerating your trials is so that you can win-over Baras before that "mixed-blood" initiate is able to. I assume the game ignores it.

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There is slightly different dialogue in some of the story-line of Korriban for pureblood sith - for instance, you have a few different options for the npc that gives the <planet> quest for which you get the "Sith pureblood" codex entry. In the story sequence, I've seen some dialogue that assumes you're human, even if you're a Sith pureblood.


For my inquisitor, to explain a sith being in slavery - I have the backstory of it being caused by a Rival sith of my father, who wanted my mother for himself., and managed to put false info out there that incriminated "dad"...

"mom" chose "dad", Sith X had "dad" assassinated, and "mom" too since she wouldn't go along with "X", and the kids end up being sold into slavery, because of "X's influence. As the oldest, once my sith became a lord, he managed to get his younger brother into the academy <who I have as an alternate SW>. thus, creating my own "influencial" sith family background. However - his younger sister - while still a slave <not on korriban itself, on a hutt owned world - was purchased by a Jedi who observed her using the force while still a very young girl. <she, however, has serious anger issues stemming from that time - and thus is dark side using guardian> <also an alt>.


So, we can inject a little bit of our own creativity into the story and still have it "conform" to what we are told. :-)

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...and how do the game explain alien SW (since the SW comes from noble family afaik)?


The same way a lot of other ridiculous race/body/age builds are. Goofy player choices are ignored.


The Sith Warrior is a Body 2/3 Pureblood or Human.

Edited by Canareth
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Why 2/3 I am pretty sure I have one that is average hight meaning not 2 meters maybe like 1.70 at most.


Body 2 is average.


The Warrior has been trained from birth to be a piece of martial perfection in a society where training casualties are encouraged. They are going to be fit and physical, as are Malgus and all the other Sith Warriors we see in the trailer and game, including Baras when he was young.


Scrawny or blimpy are as out of place as aliens are.

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Body 2 is average.


The Warrior has been trained from birth to be a piece of martial perfection in a society where training casualties are encouraged. They are going to be fit and physical, as are Malgus and all the other Sith Warriors we see in the trailer and game, including Baras when he was young.


Scrawny or blimpy are as out of place as aliens are.


3 is the fat one?

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4 is the fat one. 3 is the super burly one. 2 is average. And 1 is small.

Depends on male/female...


Male: 1 = short and scrawny, 2 = average height and good shape, 3 = tall Mr Universe candidate, 4 = ridiculously chunky.


Female: 1 = short and anorexic, 2 = average height and slim but good shape, 3 = tall Miss Universe candidate, 4 = full figured but not stupidly fat like BT4 male.


I recently started a Vanguard trooper using BT3 male with the Tactical Infantry armour set and the VG-18 blaster rifle (the closest thing I've seen to a Honking Big Gun for a Vanguard), which is an excellent combination. My one beef is that speeders don't scale with the difference between T2 and T3, so a lot of the smaller speeders are like the spoof ones back in April, but the Landslide Assault Speeder is just fine for him.

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Depends on male/female...


Male: 1 = short and scrawny, 2 = average height and good shape, 3 = tall Mr Universe candidate, 4 = ridiculously chunky.


Female: 1 = short and anorexic, 2 = average height and slim but good shape, 3 = tall Miss Universe candidate, 4 = full figured but not stupidly fat like BT4 male.


I recently started a Vanguard trooper using BT3 male with the Tactical Infantry armour set and the VG-18 blaster rifle (the closest thing I've seen to a Honking Big Gun for a Vanguard), which is an excellent combination. My one beef is that speeders don't scale with the difference between T2 and T3, so a lot of the smaller speeders are like the spoof ones back in April, but the Landslide Assault Speeder is just fine for him.


BT1 is not anorexic. The fact that people think that, leads me to believe they don't know what anorexic looks like or they're a fat american.

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BT1 is not anorexic. The fact that people think that, leads me to believe they don't know what anorexic looks like or they're a fat american.

OK, I see here a mild failure on my part to make it clear I was not being 100% serious. And perhaps a mild failure on your part to see it anyway...


I do know what anorexic looks like - there's a woman I see sometimes in my local Carrefour (French hypermarket chain) who is almost certainly anorexic: thin beyond just "bony", bouts of yellowish skin, etc.

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Funnily enough upon rewatching the boot camp parts of Full Metal Jacket, I see more similarities between Harkun and Hartman. Both are absolutely devoted to their group, both are incredibly hard on their students, and both (can) die from one of their students.
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The original sith lords were human dark jedi. Thus PBS idea doesn't make sense. The sith cant afford to be racist. They need canon fodder for their ranks.


"There is no bigotry here, here u are all equally worthless. "-full metal jacket


The Empire was only bigoted towards non-humans and non-Purebloods, reason being that they were the dominant species during their time in exile, and the Sith are typically not known for making compromise. "Alien" is a relative term. It also likely doesn't help that during this time of reclusion, when they were conquering worlds in the Unknown Regions and Wild Space, nearly every culture they encountered resisted their offer of peaceful annexation and instead chose to fight to the death (the Chiss being the only culture that was actually willing to listen to what the Empire had to say).


That probably led to a bit of a holier-than-thou stance among Imperials, who began to see aliens as barbarians, since they almost constantly refused to join their glorious paradise, and instead preferred to die, which then gave birth to the state-sponsored xenophobia.

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As stated by others before, non-human and non-Pureblood force sensitives were not allowed into the Academy until shortly before the main storylines of SWTOR take place. Maybe a year or two. They only did this because so many of their Sith had been killed in the war, however, and many did not approve of letting ordinary citizens or slaves into the hallowed halls of the Academy. My Quizzie was a Pureblood but still looked down on because she was a slave, so maybe it's just that they don't like people who aren't born in the right spheres to be there.


It later becomes clear (especially in the Imperial Agent and Sith Inquisitor classes) that a great many Sith are also killed by each other in infighting, so that doesn't help the situation any.

Edited by Yermog
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Body 2 is average.


The Warrior has been trained from birth to be a piece of martial perfection in a society where training casualties are encouraged. They are going to be fit and physical, as are Malgus and all the other Sith Warriors we see in the trailer and game, including Baras when he was young.


Scrawny or blimpy are as out of place as aliens are.


Ha, I find this rather amusing.


Just because someone doesn't fit the stereotyped mold of correct height and bulging muscles doesn't mean they are not fit and physical. As a (significantly) below average weight martial artist, I can tell you the stereotype is laughably stupid. You simply rely on speed, agility and tactics rather than just brute strength. Somewhat ironically, in some cases someone like me can actually deliver more power in a strike because we can execute the more powerful attacks (like back kick for example) at a practical speed, making it viable in a fight. Most of the hulking brute types you see might be able to deliver a devastating back kick, but can't execute it fast enough to actually hit something more than a dummy.

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