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PvP Power Leveling Bug? Rumor?


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Wouldn't there be a way to track the amount of warzone commendations earned by a specific account?




Thats how I would do it. If someone is like level 30 plus and has received over 50 warzone commendations and has not received the typical quest line rewards then BANHAMMER.


If someone is level 20 plus and has received over 20 warzone commendations and has not received the typical quest line rewards then END OF EGA and character removed.


I am sure they have a better way though. I just hope that the person who decides the punishments is having a bad day or is a sith.

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How is it an exploit to queue for warzones?



Its entirely biowares fault for underpopulating the servers so much at launch.



And it gives an even bigger advantage to those who won the preorder lotto.


People like you make my head hurt.


There was no lotto. Lotto suggests a game of chance that anyone could have a chance of winning at random.


From Day 1 of pre-orders it was said you would be granted early access based on when you entered your code. There is no guessing there. There is no random luck of the draw. There is no lotto. You get into the game based on when you entered your pre-order code. What is hard to grasp about that?

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The exploiters are already at level 40-50. We need rollbacks at this point or like many are calling for outright bans.


Still have yet to see any proof of that. Not a single screenshot or vid on the forums showing a level 50 current character.


"My friend is level 50" is not proof.

Edited by stealthrider
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The way I feel about this, is that the people abusing the system does need to be punished, and I read a few good ideas for such.


Those being this..


#1 Roll back effected characters to level 1, put them right back at the start


#2 Hit the account with a 7 day ban, knocking said person out of early access for exploiting, and making them have to restart on the 20th when everyone can get in.


If they exploit again after the 20th or try to use the same exploit (with it hopefully being fixed before hand) then boom, major banhammer and they are gone for good.


Agree *golf clap*

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Agreed on all counts, but I think that is more idealistic than realistic.


I agree that most game developers probably don't want to have to outright ban people on the first day of a new game, but I think it can certainly be done. The example I brought up in an early post was a recent incident in WoW; players exploited a bug as soon as a brand new patch went live (some of them were even players who work directly with Blizzard to test out new raid content) and they were all given eight day suspensions for having exploited it.

Edited by mountains
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The way I feel about this, is that the people abusing the system does need to be punished, and I read a few good ideas for such.


Those being this..


#1 Roll back effected characters to level 1, put them right back at the start


#2 Hit the account with a 7 day ban, knocking said person out of early access for exploiting, and making them have to restart on the 20th when everyone can get in.


If they exploit again after the 20th or try to use the same exploit (with it hopefully being fixed before hand) then boom, major banhammer and they are gone for good.


Yes. I think this is the thing to do.


It's a punishment, but it is not too hard of a punishment.

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I agree that most game developers probably don't want to have to outright ban people on the first day of a new game, but I think it can certainly be done. The example I brought up in an early post was a recent incident in WoW; players exploited a bug as soon as a brand new patch went live (some of them were even players who work directly with Blizzard to test out new raid content) and they were all given eight day suspensions for having exploited it. No matter how "famous" they are or how closely they had worked with Blizzard in the past.


most game companies don't usually have to ban people on the first day. But due to the absolute genius of BW, there may be an exception

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Reroll every character regardless if they queued for PvP.


That's the only "fair" thing to do.


sad but true.


If you do not roll back the server you'll impact that servers economy for months to come until everyone else hits 50.


This isn't officially release, so people should expect roll backs. The longer they wait the greater impact a rollback will have on the general population.

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Reroll every character regardless if they queued for PvP.


That's the only "fair" thing to do.


Any character that queued for PvP should take an arrow to the knee. Reset them to level 1 but let them keep playing with a nerf buff on that makes them walk at 10% normal speed until the buff wears off (7 days). Let them experience the game in slowmode.

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I have a question to BW about this (no, i don't expect an answer).


Were the people involved Beta testers? If so, they could easily have known this all along and chose to not have it corrected until after they had their use of it. I'd expect a harsher penalty to apply if so.

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It is possible that some might not even know that they're using an exploit.


Whether or not it's intentional, the very least that should be done is removal of all exp gained using the exploit, or if that can't be done, then reset character level to 1.


It's the only fair thing to do. The devs have got to keep things fair or many lose faith in the fairness of the game.

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Don't forget to delete ALL level 1 toons that are name holders while your at it!


Ban the exploiters for the duration of EGA, roll their toon back to level 10, take away all credits, gear, etc. Just leave them naked, its the best course of action. If they are a dedicated player, they will drive on or re-roll, they knew better anyhow.




Give everyone who didnt get in on the first wave of EAG an iWIN box. Click it and you get a full set of level specific gear and +15 levels, and 100k credits. Also includes a free character rename, which will force anyone who also has that name to rename their toon, or cause deletion if the taken name is held by a level 1.


Seems fair to me...but its my opinion. :cool:

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Reroll all chars even remotely connected to this stupid pvp abuse. If it ever happens again after that Ban without remorse even if it means thousands of people. ZERO TOLERANCE.
Easy for you to say since you're:

1. Not one of the people in question

2. Not directly affected by said action either in-game or out of pocket

3. Not a member of Bioware or EA that has to worry about the flak from that type of response.


There's absolutely no reason for an outright ban. Just fix the problem and revert the xp from it. A game this advanced is definitely going to have a log for that. Banning people for an oversight on the first day of release is ridiculous. Especially when it's something as completely pointless as your level.


You can hit max level in less than two days without exploiting. It's not a big deal. There's still a great deal of work involved in setting your character up than just your level and there's certainly a crapload more to the game than leveling up or I wouldn't have bothered joining it.

Edited by Hordequester
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most game companies don't usually have to ban people on the first day. But due to the absolute genius of BW, there may be an exception

There's no way any game developer can release a piece of software as large as this MMO (I bet it's nearly the biggest game launch in terms of code written, ever) and expect to have squashed every bug. This is a particularly bad bug because it's absolutely game-breaking, but it's still nothing we should blame Bioware for.


It is possible that some might not even know that they're using an exploit.

Given the nature of the exploit it's not something you can easily do solo.

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sad but true.


If you do not roll back the server you'll impact that servers economy for months to come until everyone else hits 50.


This isn't officially release, so people should expect roll backs. The longer they wait the greater impact a rollback will have on the general population.


I was thinking this as well. Without rolling back I don't see them getting back control anytime soon, if ever. :eek:

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I have a question to BW about this (no, i don't expect an answer).


Were the people involved Beta testers? If so, they could easily have known this all along and chose to not have it corrected until after they had their use of it. I'd expect a harsher penalty to apply if so.


Safe to assume the answer is yes. I did overhear someone saying that the "PvP exp was awesome but they out levelled quest lines". I did wonder about that for a while until this came to light. It can safely be assumed that many people knew about this but I suspect the development team did too.

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Any character that queued for PvP should take an arrow to the knee. Reset them to level 1 but let them keep playing with a nerf buff on that makes them walk at 10% normal speed until the buff wears off (7 days). Let them experience the game in slowmode.


And any character that did not queue for PvP should be level locked until the PvP characters can match their level, regardless of how long that takes (and it'll take a while, seeing as PvP characters wouldnt be able to PvP).

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So your kid was cheating I take it? Maybe you should try supervising your child when playing or at least give them some moral compass to be able to realize when they are breaking the rules?


lol, the point is the kid doesn't know how fast BW intends for him to level, and that can't be expected of anyone. The poor kid just wants to pvp - why shouldn't he be allowed to keep trying? I really think that everyone here who thinks these people are all cheaters are just angry they aren't in early access. chill out


And no, I don't have a kid. Just explaining a large population of the market

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