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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Titles, spelling and grammar


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"queueing" is correct, "queing" is not


"waiting for," is correct "waiting on" is not


Marshall Cavarat is her title, so it should be "Marshal," capitalized, with one "l," not 2.


Darth Baras' = Darth Baras's, both mean something belongs to Darth Baras, both are correct, but the first one looks cooler.

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"queueing" is correct, "queing" is not


"waiting for," is correct "waiting on" is not


Marshall Cavarat is her title, so it should be "Marshal," capitalized, with one "l," not 2.


Darth Baras' = Darth Baras's, both mean something belongs to Darth Baras, both are correct, but the first one looks cooler.


this, has got to be a first....consider these so far down on the 'fix list" that if they fell off the edge of the page i dont think anyone would care.

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It's kind of funny that you'd push for the American spelling of Marshal, but the more commonly British/Northeastern US/Eastern Canada "waiting for" against the Southeastern US/Pacific Northwest/Western Canada "waiting on". As well, if you want consistency, many Americans also drop the "e" in "queuing".
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It's kind of funny that you'd push for the American spelling of Marshal, but the more commonly British/Northeastern US/Eastern Canada "waiting for" against the Southeastern US/Pacific Northwest/Western Canada "waiting on". As well, if you want consistency, many Americans also drop the "e" in "queuing".


i just can't stand a grammar nazi.

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"queueing" is correct, "queing" is not


"waiting for," is correct "waiting on" is not


Marshall Cavarat is her title, so it should be "Marshal," capitalized, with one "l," not 2.


Darth Baras' = Darth Baras's, both mean something belongs to Darth Baras, both are correct, but the first one looks cooler.


I think if you played Batman See n' Spell on the Leapster instead of Swtor you would get a more satisfying experience out of your game time and it could help you with your grammar which you appear to desperately need.


Also, more than half of your 'corrections' are regional differences, you did know people speak English in more places than just your hometown right?

Edited by Monumenta
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There is one title that ANNOYS ME TO DEATH.


Jedi Guardian: "Name" Knight of the Republic.




Seriously though, it irritates me... i.e. "Steve Knight of the Republic" should be "Steve, Knight of the Republic."


PLEASE fix this.

Edited by TitusOfTides
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There is one title that ANNOYS ME TO DEATH.


Jedi Guardian: "Name" Knight of the Republic.




Seriously though, it irritates me... i.e. "Steve Knight of the Republic" should be "Steve, Knight of the Republic."


PLEASE fix this.



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You have never been in the military obviously... they don't comma between rank and name. Your rank is part of your name when you are military.

You know what the G.I. stands for in G.I.Joe right? It is the best explanation to ever give. It means Government Issued, it means that person belongs to the government for as long as they are in the military. So yes, you may be a Marshal and may be proud of your name, but you don't get a comma, as it is your rank...not a "title" and those under you are to use your rank as your name and frankly those above you are going to do it too.

"Yes Sargent." "No Marshal." "Right away Captain." "Orders accepted General." "Hello Gunny" (Gunny being the shorthand for gunnery master) Get the idea?

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G.I.Joe is unknown here in Germany. And *all* ranks should be translated into French & German SWTOR language as well ... But it almost never isn't. What does a French or a German kid think of a "Private Thorn", for example ? A private person who is just on a private vacation on that planet ? French & German kids just don't know the rank of "Private" - yet it almost never gets translated into other languages ... Ensign Temple is a person with the first name being "Ensign" (no French or German kid knows what this means apart from a "sign" being there, maybe), and "Temple" being the second name ... Written wrong of course, because it's "Tempel" in German language ... Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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What about them having Lord for the Title of a Female character when It should be Lady sO and so?:rak_03:


I would like a "Lady of the Raklings" or the "Lord of the Raklings" depending if female or male.

Edited by Icestar
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"Yes Sargent." "No Marshal." "Right away Captain." "Orders accepted General." "Hello Gunny" (Gunny being the shorthand for gunnery master) Get the idea?

Commas are still good for disambiguation in these types of situations.


Consider "Let's eat, Grandma!" versus "Let's eat Grandma!" :eek:

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What about them having Lord for the Title of a Female character when It should be Lady sO and so?:rak_03:


They technically mean different things. Common usage throughout Star Wars, however, is using "Lord" for any gender. Particularly among the Sith.


Strangely, though, none of it here seems to have anything to do with bread either...

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G.I.Joe is unknown here in Germany. And *all* ranks should be translated into French & German SWTOR language as well ... But it almost never isn't. What does a French or a German kid think of a "Private Thorn", for example ? A private person who is just on a private vacation on that planet ? French & German kids just don't know the rank of "Private" - yet it almost never gets translated into other languages ... Ensign Temple is a person with the first name being "Ensign" (no French or German kid knows what this means apart from a "sign" being there, maybe), and "Temple" being the second name ... Written wrong of course, because it's "Tempel" in German language ...


Well, you could entertain yourself with German and French games.


Or you can play a US game and deal with the intricacies of our American English dialect and our rich history of 2 centuries of translating it into other peoples languages badly.

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Well, you could entertain yourself with German and French games.


Or you can play a US game and deal with the intricacies of our American English dialect and our rich history of 2 centuries of translating it into other peoples languages badly.


Rather not translating at all. Most PC games in early gaming never got any kind of translation.


By the way, language is indeed my hobby. But I would never act like a Grammar Nazi. As a German, I dislike Nazis in any shape or form.

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Rather not translating at all. Most PC games in early gaming never got any kind of translation.


By the way, language is indeed my hobby. But I would never act like a Grammar Nazi. As a German, I dislike Nazis in any shape or form.

I second this,
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Or you can play a US game and deal with the intricacies of our American English dialect and our rich history of 2 centuries of translating it into other peoples languages badly.


Rather not translating at all. Most PC games in early gaming never got any kind of translation.


I had no idea PC games from the 1800s weren't translated to other languages...

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G.I.Joe is unknown here in Germany. And *all* ranks should be translated into French & German SWTOR language as well ... But it almost never isn't. What does a French or a German kid think of a "Private Thorn", for example ? A private person who is just on a private vacation on that planet ? French & German kids just don't know the rank of "Private" - yet it almost never gets translated into other languages ... Ensign Temple is a person with the first name being "Ensign" (no French or German kid knows what this means apart from a "sign" being there, maybe), and "Temple" being the second name ... Written wrong of course, because it's "Tempel" in German language ...


You sir and/or madam, lie so badly here. American movies are the most watched worldwide, our military movies being top of those charts. Having gamed alongside MANY individuals from outside the U.S. not a single one had a hard time with our ranking structure as half of American games just use our military ranking structure. The whole military shooter thing that has become insanely popular (CoD, Halo, Battlefield, etc...) all use our ranking structure...


Either you've never played American/British/Canadian games before (all tend to use American military designations, especially in the past 10 years) which is virtually every major game made today...or you are just arguing for the sake of arguing.

"Kids" tend to be quicker on the uptake than people think. Heck when you get promoted in the Trooper storyline it immediately ends any confusion. Making this a rather nitpicky thing to even bother with.

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You sir and/or madam, lie so badly here. American movies are the most watched worldwide, our military movies being top of those charts. Having gamed alongside MANY individuals from outside the U.S. not a single one had a hard time with our ranking structure as half of American games just use our military ranking structure. The whole military shooter thing that has become insanely popular (CoD, Halo, Battlefield, etc...) all use our ranking structure...


Either you've never played American/British/Canadian games before (all tend to use American military designations, especially in the past 10 years) which is virtually every major game made today...or you are just arguing for the sake of arguing.

"Kids" tend to be quicker on the uptake than people think. Heck when you get promoted in the Trooper storyline it immediately ends any confusion. Making this a rather nitpicky thing to even bother with.


A list movies and games are all translated for foreign audiences, you just keep making yourself look more and more foolish with these uninformed and not well thought out posts you're making today.


I could care less about what ranks the game uses in what language but to address your above chain of misinformed nonsense let me quote you 'You sir and/or madam, lie so badly here.'

Edited by Monumenta
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A list movies and games are all translated for foreign audiences, you just keep making yourself look more and more foolish with these uninformed and not well thought out posts you're making today.


I could care less about what ranks the game uses in what language but to address your above chain of misinformed nonsense let me quote you 'You sir and/or madam, lie so badly here.'


Actually I don't have much misinformation. Those games and movies, don't translate the ranks. I WATCH them in other languages myself. So you make yourself look foolish by assuming they are if you don't personally watch them. You are assuming.


You know what they say about assumptions right?

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