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What is your favorite mara/sentinel spec and why?


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Carnage, because its very fast paced unlike the other 2. Carnage isn't as fun as 2.x though. I miss long gore window, rupture, deathly throw, retaliate, and i rather use force scream than devastating blast..., but i still play carnage in PvP and in OPs.:rak_09:
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Carnage/Combat for PvE because you can safely land your gore/precision->ravage/master strike without huge possibility interruptions like on PvP, and it's the easiest spec of all three to execute procs.


Fury/Concentration for PvP because the the spec utilize instant burst damage without (or with little) any setups, and 6 seconds immunity window from force crush.

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I personally LOVE burst specs so by default Combat/Carnage has always been my favorite for PvE. Your ability to turn to a target and hit it like a freight train when YOU decide is my favorite thing about the spec. With 3.0 being able to out AoE pretty much any class in the game is really another bonus as well. Constant, fast paced, extremely devastating burst. Love me some Combat/Carnage spec :D
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Watchman and Annihilation. I fell in love pre3.0 and I really hope we will get the same experience back (and im loyal to it until then too). It just feels like you arent just defeating your enemy, you devastate it and bring utter destruction. Also Juyo is the only saber form without any kind of defense lore-wise, it's the only one which fully focus on offense.
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Concentration is definitely the most fun to play, because .... fun! :D


Love animations for Concentrated burst and Concentrated Slice, always loved the sound of Force Exhaustion and when that last tick lands during Master Strike, it's just insane. Plus I always loved Blade Storm and Concentration is the only spec where it still has its use.


Sadly, I never get to use it in (HM) PvE though, coz Watchman moar deepz...

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Combat/Carnage because it feels fast-paced and rewarding, even though not nearly as fun as the late 2.x version. Anni/Watchmen feels slow and clunky and Fury/Concentration just feels like it suffers from ability bloat. Doesn't help that I am just bad at both Watchmen and Concentration either so naturally I will pick what I find the easiest and most fun :rak_03:
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why do u say anni is to hard?

Just curious.


I cannot for the life of me get the rotation. To me, it is very long, awkward, confusing and hard to put into muscle memory.


Carnage, on the other hand, is very intuitive and is a much shorter rotation.

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I've only done PvP as a sentinel. Concentration is kind of easy mode with positioning, but that makes the spec infinitely more fun for me. It never really feels like there is much downtime in a fight and it is far more forgiving than combat or watchman.


I really wanted to be more competitive with watchman, but after specing to concentration, I don't think I can ever go back. The spike and mobility in pvp is just lovely and the spec translates well into YOLO Q as well.

Edited by Ashbrewster
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Always loved Carnage first and foremost for PvE. Speed and burst are great. For PvP since 3.0 I've gone Fury which I have grown to love almost as much as Carnage. Fury has good heavy hitters, cc immunity, and great animations. I did a lot of progression in 2.x in Annihilation but haven't been good enough or patient enough with it to get my head around the discipline since 3.0... Way more fun to dot spread as a madness sorc as I've learned since 3.3
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Played Annihilation since the game came out up until they ruined it in 3.0.


Now the only time my Mara leaves the guild ship to do PVE or PVP he's Fury Spec'd.


Fury for PVP is preferred due to the 6 seconds of cc immunity and for PVE because Carnage rotation is pretty simple and a touch dull (IMHO)



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