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How come all flashpoints after BT are so dull?

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BT was a lot of fun, I played it 8 times to explore all options, listen to dialogs with different group members etc, very refreshing after other mmos.


And then I played Hammer Station. Almost zero plot and dialogs, linear and boring, basically a typical mmo instance so unlike the SW ToR feeling I got to the point. Ok, I thought, maybe its just unfinished or something. So I played Athiss. And Mandalorians-something... I guess there is no chance the remaining flashpoints are going to be more interesting?

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Foundry was just as dull(don't get me started on the way they handled Revan. And the unprofessional cinematic bugs at release... my god... /sigh)

Every FP is just a long, narrow gauntlet of enemies with a boss at certain checkpoints.

Edited by ruminate
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Foundry was just as dull(don't get me started on the way they handled Revan. And the unprofessional cinematic bugs at release... my god... /sigh)

Every FP is just a long, narrow gauntlet of enemies with a boss at certain checkpoints.


I haven't gotten to foundry yet, I haven't played enough, but I understood that Revan ended up being something of a cop-out...disappointing, to say the least.

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I feel like we've been had.


Showing us BT in the developer vids made us think this was how FPs would be.


Then we got something else.


After BT/esseless, FPs are just hack and slash boring wow instances. Im really disappointed. I run them once to snag a piece of loot and then im done.

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I've enjoyed the ones after BT. I'm very thankful that not all of them have that level of dialog. That would get old quick in a group setting.


1) that's what spacebar is for


2) if there were enough dialogue choices that changed both story and content, it wouldnt get old at all.

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I'm also at the point where I've done Black Talon, Hammer Station and Athiss. My groups for both Hammer Station and Athiss both agreed that those dungeons were quite terrible. If this is a pattern, then, frankly, this reeks of an Age of Conan style bait-and-switch. Fingers crossed for higher levels...
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1) that's what spacebar is for


2) if there were enough dialogue choices that changed both story and content, it wouldnt get old at all.


That is exactly why it would get old. Space bar is not a solution because you have to wait up on other people. There is plenty of story in the current flashpoints. Not everything needs a dialog wheel. Let's also think for a moment. I for one am thankful these don't have all these dialog wheel choices. It gets old. I'm in there to experience the story a couple of times at most. After that I'm there for loot. I don't care about the story and it's annoying if you get that one guy who won't space bar and you have to wait for him.

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Foundry was just as dull(don't get me started on the way they handled Revan. And the unprofessional cinematic bugs at release... my god... /sigh)

Every FP is just a long, narrow gauntlet of enemies with a boss at certain checkpoints.


I have to agree they are designed very "traditionally."

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I don't think that that all Flashpoints should have as much dialogue as BT however they need to have more than what they've got currently. Most WOW dungeons that have come out in the last coulpe years have more story than the average Flashpoint.


Personally I think if the Flashpoints had half as much dialogue as BT and Esseles that would be good. But they should the occasional throw in dialogue heavy or dialogue light Flashpoint to change up the pace.


Having the first be so involving and then having loads of virtually dialogue free ones is definitely not the way it should be.

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I've enjoyed the ones after BT. I'm very thankful that not all of them have that level of dialog. That would get old quick in a group setting.

I understand there is no place for lengthy dialogs in raids and other end game repeatable content, but these are low/mid game dungeons we are talking about - there is no point to replay them more than a couple of times, since you outlevel the rewards very fast. I played BT many times for it is fun and interesting, I played the other 3 I mentioned 1-2 times just to see what they are about, I see no reason to replay them for they are so boring. What's the point, loot - which would become obsolete in a couple of levels?

Edited by Irxyyy
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I don't think that that all Flashpoints should have as much dialogue as BT however they need to have more than what they've got currently. Most WOW dungeons that have come out in the last coulpe years have more story than the average Flashpoint.


Personally I think if the Flashpoints had half as much dialogue as BT and Esseles that would be good. But they should the occasional throw in dialogue heavy or dialogue light Flashpoint to change up the pace.


Having the first be so involving and then having loads of virtually dialogue free ones is definitely not the way it should be.

I agree. They don't need to have as many dialogs and scripted scenes as BT, of course, but a 1-2 option dialog before boss fights, at least, would be nice, to give them a little bit of personality and context to remember them by, currently they feel no better than nameless trash mobs with a lot of hp and additional tactical quirks.


Also, the devs could simply introduce the option to group rules (similar to looting options) to skip interactive dialogs for those grinding an instance for the n-th time. That would be a win/win, I think.

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Every FP is just a long, narrow gauntlet of enemies with a boss at certain checkpoints


Unfortunately i have to highlight this part and agree with it completely. Every single instance i have done so far (last i've done was Maelstrom Prison) is completely dull and too easy.


I mean it is almost impossible to die in those instances. You can leave 2 of your teammates clear everyhting while you and the 4th person go for a cig or make a sandwhich.


Every instance so far was just basically the same with just different settings in some (Athiss, Taral V) but almost the same in others.


The difficulty level of the instances should really go higher, health of mobs higher and add a variety of skills to those mobs especially to bosses because almost every single boss is just a tank and spank with few exceptions.


I hope that higher level flashpoints will be much more interesting.

Edited by Endel
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becasue every flashpoint in the hanger bay was literally made after they realized they needed more flashpoints and were constantly being added in the last month and a half of testing and were most likely rushed

hammer, athiss, mandalorian raiders, cademimu, colicoid war games, and red reaper are all pretty much flashpoint filler until you get to either foundry or maelstrom or directive 7

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Its not just me who got dissapointed after BT/essels then.. I agree that this is a bit like conan were the low level areas were cool with voice dialogs and stuff. But the game died right after leaving the low level areas.


Its kinda like lie to the players becasue what you see in low level areas is what you expect to see during late game :confused:


The game shouldnt get worse anyway, like this seem to get :/


I also agree with the difficulty setting being too easy. everything is just tank and spank. If this aint getting better i suppse, we once again have to return to wow to get some challange..

Even thought that game has been nerfed too much.


Please BW, we dont want to go back to wow, wich we have played for what, 6 years?

Edited by majzter
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becasue every flashpoint in the hanger bay was literally made after they realized they needed more flashpoints and were constantly being added in the last month and a half of testing and were most likely rushed

hammer, athiss, mandalorian raiders, cademimu, colicoid war games, and red reaper are all pretty much flashpoint filler until you get to either foundry or maelstrom or directive 7


Yes, these are more like "minor" flashpoints. There are only a select few full flashpoints that offer decent dialogue on par with the first FP of either faction. The rest are, as you say, basically just filler, added hastily when beta testers started to complain more and more about the lack of group-oriented content in a massively multiplayer game. :rolleyes:



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Unfortunately i have to highlight this part and agree with it completely. Every single instance i have done so far (last i've done was Maelstrom Prison) is completely dull and too easy.


I mean it is almost impossible to die in those instances. You can leave 2 of your teammates clear everyhting while you and the 4th person go for a cig or make a sandwhich.


Every instance so far was just basically the same with just different settings in some (Athiss, Taral V) but almost the same in others.


The difficulty level of the instances should really go higher, health of mobs higher and add a variety of skills to those mobs especially to bosses because almost every single boss is just a tank and spank with few exceptions.


I hope that higher level flashpoints will be much more interesting.


If you want challenging, the trick is to find the challenge. I solo'ed the BT run using just a level 11 Bounty Hunter, mercenary spec with Mako healing, and one self-heal spell. I did die twice, but those were tactical errors on bosses that I corrected the next time.


I'm really, really enjoying the fact that I don't need 5, 10, 25 and 40 people to get something done. I solo play 95% of the time, and the other 5%, I bring my roommate or a guild mate along, just for dialog fun and social points. I didn't even know there was a spacebar option...I love BT's dialog and pace, and don't mind sitting though the dialog, but options are nice, so thanks for the info, people :-)


Anyway, bottom line: If you need challenge - challenge yourself :-)

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There is more story in the higher level ones, as well as multiple paths. They also get a lot harder once you get past boarding party :p


Black Talon isn't even a "real" group flashpoint, it's only a 2 man for a start and not all the bosses are even flagged as boss type npcs.

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I too am also disappointed in the flashpoints after BT/Esseles. After the Esseles I was expecting multiple branching stories. I really hope BioWare includes multiple branching paths (4-8) for new flashpoints. If were going to have to run these over and over they shouldn't always be the same path or bosses every time.


Let's not forget the two unlootable boss chests in Mandalorian Raiders.

Edited by RocNessMonster
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