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Is SW:TOR canon?


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You really cherry-picked my comment to talk about something in a way to make it seem like I am against this new movie.


My point goes beyond Force Awakens and towards Disney's attitude towards the Star Wars brand. Prior to Disney, the Star Wars brand covered everything from the Dawn of the Jedi era of 25,000 years ago to a century or so after ROTJ. Now under Disney, they are compressing things to make everyone only fit around the OT.


If that is okay with you, then congrats. But many other SW fans enjoyed content that was more separated in terms of using the timeline and nothing thus far indicates that Disney wants to explore the brand beyond OT related business.


If you really think that they're only going to do Original Trilogy timeline material, I have a bridge on Mars to sell you. They've owned the IP for a fairly scant amount of time, they're very clearly consolidating the brand and then going to begin working out again.


They wouldn't be releasing Dark Design. They wouldn't be releasing a large number of books in their first year that are set in the Dark Times era between ROTS and ANH. Hell, if they only wanted Original Trilogy material, Rebels would more likely have been set after ANH. They wouldn't be having Marvel repackage and republish the Dark Horse series.

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I think they said all dark choices for empire and all light choices for pubs are canon and they same for game (light is canon). But as said, the consular reading about the chosen one or someone having a vision of the republic coming over kass and saving the galaxy then an age of peace followed by a dark presence (Vader) that consumes the Galaxy for 20 years.


Any way to connect us would be better. But our chars are based on characters from the films:


Smuggler= Han Solo

Trooper= any clone / stormtrooper

Consular= Yoda

Knight= Obi-wan / Anakin

Bounty hunter= Boba / Jango Fett

Inquisitor= Sidious / Dooku

Warrior= Vader

Agent= Tarkin (non sith who can make a difference in the empire)


One could argue this connects us to the films but as I said- an actual connection would be great.


The classes are only inspired by some characters and their mixed in some elements between them, Jango/Boba are more light sided than what most BH play as (and the darkside cannon empire as you said), Darth Maul was an assassin but he would be a marauder with double bladed light saber, strong in martial skills not so much in the force.


The game and the stories stand on their own, knight feels nothing like Obi wan (knight doesn't even feel like a jedi), ignoring game mechanics he is more of a consular, a wise teacher and diplomat, also consular is more like Luke Skywalker in terms of power youth and prodigy of the force and good and all that.. as I said they are mixed/matched from several elements taken from the OT and EU, no one class is one character even if you play it as one (light/dark) side.


imo cramming anything from the "main" storylines just for the sake of it would feel weird, why do we need references to a time we will most likely never play, so if they added the consular seeing a vision of the chosen one or w/e, will bioware carbonize our heroes 3k years for it? :rolleyes:


And who cares what Disney says is cannon, GL said it himself EU wasn't cannon but that didn't/doesn't make it obsolete, enjoy the story that you want.. basically


TOR is NOT canon.

does it matter?
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I think they said all dark choices for empire and all light choices for pubs are canon and they same for game (light is canon).


Nop. What was said was this:

Just an honest oversight! The text will be updated to correct the issue in a future update.


It is possible that someday far from now, a future product may depend on setting canon versions of some events, as happened with KOTOR and KOTOR II. Nobody can say for sure. But we do not have any plans to ever declare the "canon" version of any decision your character makes while the game is live. That's up to you.

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People, just because it's "it is until we say it isn't" or it is it's own thing DOES NOT MEAN it's irrelevant of things that happened in Star Wars!


Disney may VERY MUCH decide later it wants to do a movie about Revan or the Mandalorians. It may want to dip into this thousands of years back on stuff.


Don't get so worked up over it :) Just because it's not 100 percent officially canon, does NOT mean The Old Republic era never had anything to do with Star Wars.


I'll make a longer reply later what I mean :) settle this once and for all

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Interestingly enough SWTOR still has a credit from said story group.....


SWTOR is currently non-canon because it isn't relevant to anything. If SWTOR is still alive when LSG & Disney decide to start going backwards on the timeline, I would not even be remotely surprised if SWTOR was then canonized in the same way that TCW was canonized.


There is absolutely that possibility and honestly it is a possibility that I hope for. I love this story and that I have lived in it, but as it stands the facts are that the story that our beloved MMO is wrapped around is not-canon no matter how anyone tries to say otherwise.


And to be clear, TCW was canon from the minute that it was released.

Edited by TheBBP
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TCW was canon from the minute that it was released.


Pre Disney canon doesn't count since that was a entirely different system. Post Disney canon rules demand a LSG credit. (obviously the six saga films are except) TCW did not get one of those since LSG didn't even exist until almost the end. TCW just got grandfathered in.

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Pre Disney canon doesn't count since that was a entirely different system. Post Disney canon rules demand a LSG credit. (obviously the six saga films are except) TCW did not get one of those since LSG didn't even exist until almost the end. TCW just got grandfathered in.


It was canon before the sale and it was canon through and after the sale. How is that being grandfathered in? It has never not been canon.


Either way, we may not agree. Not trying to fight you, bud.

Edited by TheBBP
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and you guys JUST SAID exactly what I said -_-


Also, don't verbally attack me saying I'm "delusional". I said exactly what you two said. Drop it now. It's in the open. I'm also surprised at you bbp for calling me that.



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and you guys JUST SAID exactly what I said -_-


Also, don't verbally attack me saying I'm "delusional". I said exactly what you two said. Drop it now. It's in the open. I'm also surprised at you bbp for calling me that.




You have been trying to turn "could" and "maybe" into "it's canon". You even declared that nobody official had declared it to be non-canon, which was an outright lie. The fact that it can someday canon does not make it canon. Not even a little bit. For you to carry on trying to say otherwise is indeed delusional. At the very least it is base dishonesty.

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So from what I've read from various articles clearly SWTOR isn't canon. However, doesn't the fact that the current canon includes everything created after 25th April 2014 mean that maybe SOR and more importantly KOTFE are canon? If not then this new canon 'policy' is very confusing. If KOTFE isn't canon then why are you saying everything after that date is canon? Please help me here... thee contradictions are too strong with this one :p Edited by Esbia
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You have been trying to turn "could" and "maybe" into "it's canon". You even declared that nobody official had declared it to be non-canon, which was an outright lie. The fact that it can someday canon does not make it canon. Not even a little bit. For you to carry on trying to say otherwise is indeed delusional. At the very least it is base dishonesty.

I'm not trying to turn anything into anything. Disney decides what is best for Star Wars and what other stories go with it. There is canon, there is Legends.


I don't care what falls into what. It's all Star Wars. So if you think i have a certain mentality and think something the way I want it to be, you're sorely mistaken bbp.


But, like I said, whatever.

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