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This game won't make it and it really isn't its fault.


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The OP is right, but only that MMO's are no longer innovative, pre WoW MMO's where innovative, after WoW all MMO's try to be WoW. Eventually companies will learn that the "classic" MMO design...WoW model is not enough for MMO's and innovation will occur...get some designers and executives that can see past WoW.


note: I do not mean F2P models, there is a misconception that F2P saves games, they do not, the cash shops do. The only reason cash shops are needed (though they are probably here to stay now) is poor long term design in the first place.


I agree with the innovative part. Not much has changed. Interestingly, KOTFE does seem to be a change to the standard MMO formula some.


I do not agree with the statement about poor design is the reason for cash shops. If you consider MMO prices are basically the same as it was 10 years ago (less depending on inflation factor of some currency) and the demands of the MMO audiences are for for "more, bigger, better" It's clear there needed to be a way to increase revenue. (staff salaries like most expenses have not been static, but core audiences balk at paying more than traditional $15USD a month.) Thus the cash shops. The good part of this model is folks have a choice whether to buy or not. But clearly Bioware hopes you buy. As do most other MMO's.

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The conventional AAA subscription MMO model? Yes, its pretty much dying, too many studios have fallen on their swords trying to reproduce WoW and failing on various levels, after watching this game, TESO and Wildstar "flop" (IE not hit WoW sub levels) one after the other, production houses are going to be very cautious about handing out the giant sacks of money required to make something similar, and this is shown in the number of MMO titles rumored/in development from the big hitters (pretty much nothing)


MMO's as a whole will continue to exist, but they will be smaller, lower risk affairs funded mostly by cash shops.


This game however, is still making money for EA for relatively modest cotinued investment, so its not going anywhere until the last pennies have been wrung out of the CM whales.

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This term is stupid. These "whales" hardly exist, one MMO cannot live off these "whales".


According to some data 0.15 percent of the playerbase for mobile games account for 50% of all transactions (citation ) I realise this is for mobile games, but this suggests that the 'Whale' does in fact exist.


Anecdotally, I know very few people who regularly buy CM packs, but the ones I do know buy them in extremely large quantities.


Come at me bro.

Edited by jedip_enguin
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According to some data 0.15 percent of the playerbase for mobile games account for 50% of all transactions (citation ) I realise this is for mobile games, but this suggests that the 'Whale' does in fact exist.


Anecdotally, I know very few people who regularly buy CM packs, but the ones I do know but them in extremely large quantities.


Come at me bro.


Words aren't enough nor are the few friends you have. MMO's require so much money to stay up, especially one of this caliber.


I'm not convinced.

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MMORPG's in generally are starting to go down in popularity since nothing changes with them. A lot of ideas have been used and hardly anyone comes up with new ones.


Seeing less and less people on MMO"s these days, even the behemoth WoW and the ever lasting FF11/FF14 are dying down severely.




Oh Lord oh Lord have mercy! The mmo world is ending! You heard it here first massah! Go, run! Do your bestest to warn Everquest to. Surely he's dying still after 15 years as well! Oh praise be to Jesus, spare us alllllll.

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You'd think eventually people would learn from those who doomed and gloomed before them. People have predicted the end of SWTOR since it came out in 2011.


Pretty much. Not sure why these "doom posts" keep coming back. New MMORPGS are being made every other day so I doubt the industry is going anywhere soon. Even WoW, who has "suffered" is still over seven million strong.

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MMORPG's in generally are starting to go down in popularity since nothing changes with them. A lot of ideas have been used and hardly anyone comes up with new ones.


Seeing less and less people on MMO"s these days, even the behemoth WoW and the ever lasting FF11/FF14 are dying down severely.




Perhaps maybe you meant to say "dead to you" since your are projecting your own feelings and creating a dramatic statement to stand upon as you shout doom.


MMOs won't die. They just won't be the gamer center of the universe (if they ever were to begin with).


This MMO won't die an early death. They have already dodged that bullet several times in the last three years. It also won't be the biggest and most popular MMO.... but that's fine.

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Perhaps maybe you meant to say "dead to you" since your are projecting your own feelings and creating a dramatic statement to stand upon as you shout doom.


MMOs won't die. They just won't be the gamer center of the universe (if they ever were to begin with).


This MMO won't die an early death. They have already dodged that bullet several times in the last three years. It also won't be the biggest and most popular MMO.... but that's fine.


Heh. We have heard that mantra about every quarter since the game launched and (let me check again... yup!) it is still here.


OP, seriously, don't be so melodramatic, the popularity of games and game styles come and go. MMOs were never the center of the gaming universe, but neither were platformers or first person shooters or RTS. It is all one big mash with ebbs and flows in between. MMOs won't die.

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Welcome to SWTOR, dying a little more every day for nearly 4 years now.


Personally, I've been dying ever since the day I was born. Each and every day is closer to my final moment of life.

Woe is me, all life is hollow and fleeting. Toss it in folks, why get outta bed when it will all end in death eventually.


Glad to finally see an immortal make contact. Well done OP!

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In 2016 they are each scheduled to die on a monthly basis. There will be a big party with a "deathday" cake and everyone will watch the epic death scene from buffy the vampire slayer. a good time will be had by all. then they will reboot and be ready for another month.



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I'm hoping for 10 years. I'm betting on 8.


We've gone 3 years and 8 months (roughly) so far.


Think we can make it another 6 years before shutdown?


I'll be honest. No.


BioWare seem intent on making too many mistakes and alienating specific portions of the player base due to lengthy content cycles that do not encompass the entire community. There seems to be an intrinsic lack of thought process involved from the hierarchy.


I'll give it 2-3 years, and the only thing that will keep it going is the fact Disney is producing new films.

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I'll be honest. No.


BioWare seem intent on making too many mistakes and alienating specific portions of the player base due to lengthy content cycles that do not encompass the entire community. There seems to be an intrinsic lack of thought process involved from the hierarchy.


I'll give it 2-3 years, and the only thing that will keep it going is the fact Disney is producing new films.


I disagree. I think we can make it 8 years and here is why.


IF BW, keeps the story content episodic and continues and catches up Ops and group content, the game will be solid in terms of subs and continuing new players. Especially if the movies are keeping SW in people's minds.


But mostly, the game will continue a good long while when it goes into sustaining mode. There will plenty of people still playing this game despite the fact that it will not have much to offer that is new. The stories and the fact that it is SW will sustain this game for a good while after they have stopped active development.


All that being said, I suspect we will see a SWTOR 2 in the distant future. If that does become a reality all bets are off.

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Sure, it will shut down. But afer three years seems highly unlikely.


City of lasted 8 years.

Tabula Rasa lasted 2 years

Earth and Beyond lasted 2 years.

Star Wars Galaxies lasted 8 years.

Vanguard lastes 7 years.


It looks like eight years is as far as most MMO's can go before pulling the plug.

Star Wars will eventually shut down, but it should not be for another four to five years. When they push the cash shop further into gameplay and updates are spaced a year or two apart...time to worry a bit.


Champions Online is still around and it hasn't had a major update in a year or so, Mechanon was the last big thing?

Edited by NeuroniaSW
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Star Wars Galaxies lasted 8 years.


It could have actually lasted longer, were it not for the release of this game.


Unless EA decides to fund a SWTOR 2 -- which I seriously doubt -- or Disney decides to fund its own MMO set around the time of the movies, it's a given TOR will eclipse SWG in that regard.

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It could have actually lasted longer, were it not for the release of this game.


Unless EA decides to fund a SWTOR 2 -- which I seriously doubt -- or Disney decides to fund its own MMO set around the time of the movies, it's a given TOR will eclipse SWG in that regard.


can we start complaining about swtor emu? next MMO that isn't story driven go on and make requests to replace the engine and make it a story driven MMO? every feature that next game doesn't have we'll compare to SWTOR and ask for that same feature.

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MMORPG's in generally are starting to go down in popularity since nothing changes with them. A lot of ideas have been used and hardly anyone comes up with new ones.


Seeing less and less people on MMO"s these days, even the behemoth WoW and the ever lasting FF11/FF14 are dying down severely.




Problem is a lot of people here don't want MMORPGs they want Single player RPGs with a chat window. It is sad really.

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