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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Mercs Need to be able to use Jetpack to Fly...


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i understand the frustation among mercs, i play a merc too almost every day, but is hard make them a valid class with proper def ccd's without completely making them op, their burst and damage output is insane


I still promote my idea everywhere: it would increase survivability a lot while not making them broken.


Signal Jammer:

CD: 2 min (is it long/short enough?)

If activated, you can't be targeted for 10 seconds, but you are still vulnerable to AoE effects. While Signal Jammer is active you are immune to CC effects. Dealing direct damage or direct healing of allies breaks the effect prematurely. (can heal himself) Edit: ofc it prevents objective capping/planting, carrying huttball and such, like any other anti-focus


Heroic Utility: Revitalizing armor:

While Signal Jammer is active, you regenerate 5% health each second. EDIT: Additionally activating Signal Jammer removes all cleansable DoT effects.


This is a merge of sorc bubble and operative stealth. You cant suffer direct dmg like sorcs, but aoe can still hurt you (you will not be invisible, so possible to try to finish you), like ops. You are immune to cc, like sorcs, but you can break this whole buff by doing anything, like both classes, also you dont have any after-effect (like Enduring Bastions for sorcs). Also with utility, you can have some self heals (not h2f, like sorcs, but dont need to put dots on yourself, like ops, if they want healing) and a cleanse just like other 2 classes. Ofc it resets your aggro in pve, like other 2 abilities.

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i understand the frustation among mercs, i play a merc too almost every day, but is hard make them a valid class with proper def ccd's without completely making them op, their burst and damage output is insane


Would you like to find someone else willing to back up your opinion of "insane" damage and burst?


I'm not one of them.

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Arsenal merc's burst is just laughable compared to AP PT or conceal ops' burst. And im not sure they are better than other burst classes, rather weaker. IO has very high possible dps but also has the tighest resource management in the game (maybe i can mention anni mara as a rival :p - but we also have theoretically high dps). Merc dps is fine. Survivability is not.
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  • 2 weeks later...
when I first played this game (at launch) I thought bounty hunters could fly. When I recently started again I noticed they cant. Did they change this or was I just out of my mind. :p


They could never fly but they can use death from above where they are in the air for 5seconds raining missles down. Powertech tanks get jet charge while is probably what you remember (fly in the air towards enemy) this skill use to be available for 2 years before the skill tree's where changed so now only tanks get it :(.


Mercs have never had jet charge :-).

Edited by -Healius-
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